Secret to a Long & Happy Marriage


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As the intense orgasm subsided and her breathing slowed back down, she fell back onto the bed, listening to her heart beat and appreciating the slow rhythm with which her new husband was filling her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the box her grandmother had given her; for a moment, she thought, it looked as though the engravings in the sides of the box were glowing a soft whitish color.

She blinked and turned her head to look at the box straight on, but it had stopped glowing. She looked back up at Larry. "Did you see that, Lar?"

"See what?"

"That, that box!"

"What about --"

He couldn't finish his sentence because she screamed with delight as she was overwhelmed with a second orgasm, completely unexpected, hitting her without any buildup. She dug her fingers into Larry's back, arched her own back, and rolled her eyes into her head.

As she started to come down from the intense pleasure, she clenched her muscles and slowed her breathing. "Wow!" was all she could think to say.

He wasn't sure if he should ask her what she was saying before the pleasure took over her body, so he decided to leave well enough alone. If it was important, she could mention it when they were done.

As she relaxed her arms and legs, she thought about how amazing it would be if her next orgasm came at the same time as when he would have his.

She smiled and looked up into his eyes, noting the look of absolute lust and passion in his face. Nothing else matters. It was just the two of them, their love, their lust, and the pleasure the two of them shared. She nodded her head and mused, about how she had picked the right guy, wondering why it had taken so long for the two of them to meet, start dating, and decide to get married.

He slowed his motions down and ran his hand down to massage her between her legs, right around where he was driving into her.

She lifted her head slightly and started to kiss and suck on whatever she could find. His earlobes were tantalizingly close. She must've hit on something that triggered something in him, because he began to thrust with enormous energy, speed, and intensity.

Her muscles clenched once more as she could feel the pleasure welling up inside of her once more. Seizing this opportunity, he hunched forward and started to suck on one of her breasts.

As the feeling built inside of her, she asked him quietly, almost tearfully, "Please. Please cum inside of me."

He took a deep breath and paused, as she gasped for air. "That's ... that's it. Go ... wild. Aaaaaaah!"

He let out a low grunt and groan as the two of them climaxed in wave after wave of intense pleasure, before he collapsed, exhausted and spent, on top of her.

He nuzzled into the side of her head as she stroked his hair, flush with excitement and the last vestiges of the passion that had been mounting since he slid the ring onto her finger, if not longer.

Knowing that he couldn't stay on top of her much longer, he rolled over. She turned her head to look him straight in the eyes. The looks on both of their faces were pure contentment. He mouthed the words "thank you" to her. She just sighed.

There was a long, comfortable silence, that was broken when he sat forward. Leaning on one hand, he pointed to the heirloom that contained both of their hair and which now stood on the nightstand by the bed. "About midway through," he started, "you mentioned something about that box. Do you remember?"

"Um," she strained to remember. There was something, she knew it. Something about the box caught her eye, what was it? "Oh, um, I think, I thought, it's silly really, but I thought the box, um, it kind of, well, glowed."

"It glowed?"

"Well, not the whole box, really. Just the engravings on the side."

"No, I didn't really see that."

"I only saw it out of the corner of my eye."

"That's, um, I don't know..."



"I think my grandmother'll be here for breakfast in the morning. We can ask her about it then."

"Let's do that," he answered with a sigh. Stroking her hair, he lay back down beside her.

They spent the next couple of hours looking at each other, recounting moments from both the ceremony and the reception that each thought memorable, always coming back to the box her grandmother had given them.

"She didn't really say how it works, did she?" he mused.

"No, I guess she didn't."

"Do you mind if I take a look at it?"

She sat forward and picked it up, handing it over to him.

He started to run his fingers along the outside of the box. "It's really kind of plain, isn't it?"

"Well, it's been around for at least five generations. I'm sure that woodworking tools have changed ...."

She lost her train of thought as he continued his examination of the box.

"Is everything all right?" he stopped examining the box for a moment, startled by her sudden silence.

"Um, yeah. I'm sorry. What were you saying?"

He ran his fingers along the engravings around the sides of the heirloom. "Just that it's kind of plain and...." His words were interrupted when she leaned forward and kissed him, stopping him from saying any more.

He quickly put the box down and returned the kiss, increasing the passion of this shared moment.

As she drew her lips away from his, he asked, "Where did that come from?"

She pointed to her own heart and then at his. "From here." She then pointed between her legs and then between his and continued, "And here."

He admitted that he was starting to get aroused before she kissed him, but now that they had kissed, he was fully ready to go, and they both knew it.

She held him down and positioned herself over him, not wasting any more time on foreplay. In a matter of moments, he was inside of her and she was in control of the situation this time. The intensity of this moment rivaled that of the previous time.

She had more than one orgasm, which had come without any buildup or forewarning. As before, when she was ready to feel him leave his seed inside of her, she thought it and her next climax was punctuated by his.

When it was over, she snuggled into his chest and they both fell into a deep, restful sleep.

She woke up in the early morning and gazed down at her groom, still sleeping soundly next to her, with a silly grin planted on his face. She pulled the sheets off of him and gazed at his naked body.

Wouldn't that be something, she thought, if she could get him hard without waking him up, and only waking him up when that cock was inside of my pussy? When he woke up, she kept thinking, he'd be a complete madman, powerful and uncontrollable.

Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw the box glowing again, but again, by the time she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, the glow had stopped. She looked back at Larry's sleeping body and watched in amazement as he started to stiffen.

"That can't be," she whispered into the air. "He's just, um, having a really good dream. Maybe he's remembering last night."

He let out a short snore and confirmed that, in spite of his turgid member, he was sleeping soundly.

She asked herself if she should be naughty and take advantage of him in this state. After a moment of deliberation, she realized that she was aroused as well. She wasn't sure if the arousal was because she had thought of him getting hard, or if it was the result of seeing him become aroused, but it didn't matter.

Careful not to wake him, she extended one leg to straddle her new husband and calmly, deliberately, guided him inside of her.

As she pressed down over and around his member, he smacked his lips and started to open his eyes. Squinting in the light, he rubbed his eyes and his hands went a little lower in what he expected to be a simple, casual scratching, but was shocked when his hands made contact with her body, her navel.

"C-Claire? What's -- what're you --" he groggily started to ask.

"Just seeing how far I could go before I woke you up," she interrupted, teasingly. "At any rate, good morning, sleepyhe-e-ead!" Her sing-songy voice started to crack as she felt the first wave of pleasure attack her. He placed his hands on her hips and thrust upwards, lifting her off the bed completely.

She leaned forward and clutched his shoulders tightly, careful not to fall over. As her head came closer to his, he whispered in her ear, "I'm up and ready to go. You seem wide ... awake yourself."

She tightened her grip around his hips with her thighs as he pulled her closer to him and clutched her back strongly. He took a deep breath and, without falling out of her, he rolled her onto her back and started pounding into her from above.

She smiled as he told her, "I want you to completely let go. All that you have now, is you, me, and the pleasure. Nothing else matters. No restraint. No boundaries. No limits. Just let go."

She hadn't thought she'd been restraining herself or her passions since they first checked into the room, but with him now pounding into her, she lost all sense of inhibition and sense of self. Her moans and screams echoed around the room for what felt like an eternity. He finally looked into her eyes, and told her that it was his turn for release.

As he released himself inside of her, all she could repeat was "Yes!" For the briefest of moments, she wondered if anyone outside of their room could hear them, but then she decided that she didn't particularly care.

As they collapsed together in a tangle of arms, legs, and sheets, she stood up quickly. "Sorry," she explained. "I've got to use the bathroom."

She stood up, paused for a moment as the blood rushed back to her head, and calmly walked -- skipped would be a more accurate representation of how she moved -- into the bathroom.

As she was washing her hands, she looked up into the bathroom mirror and saw Larry standing behind her. He placed his hands on her shoulders, leaned forward and whispered into her ear. "Shall we take a shower and meet everyone down at breakfast?"

"S-sure." A chill went up her spine as she thought of the sensuality of a nice long, hot shower. He turned the water in the shower on and the bathroom quickly filled with steam. He took her hand and gently guided her into the tub as a cascade of warm water started pouring down her back. He stepped in right next to her, facing her.

She looked up at him and smiled. She wanted to thank him, tell him she hoped that they could have half has happy a marriage as her grandparents had had, tell him she felt like the luckiest girl alive right now, but the words just simply weren't there.

At a loss for words, she simply stepped forward, put her hand behind his head, and kissed him, letting the hot water stream over both of their bodies. They both ran their hands over each other's bodies. Although she was aroused, she felt as though she had had enough sex for now. As her hand massaged, groped, and generally fondled him in his most sensitive spots, she started to think that maybe he could have one final orgasm before they had breakfast.

She knelt down in the shower and the cascade of water splashed off of his chest and into her face. She looked up at him, his face obscured slightly by the water, leaned forward and took his cock in her mouth.

He wasn't sure what to say or do. It wasn't that she didn't usually do this, but the problem was that he had thought a blowjob would be good right now. Could she read his mind? He looked down at her and saw nothing in her face to give the impression that it was anyone's ideas other than her own.

He took a bottle of shampoo and started to wash her hair. As he massaged it into her scalp she leaned back and away from him for a moment. She said, with a lilt in her voice, "Just keep that stuff out of my mouth. I want to swallow something else."

Before he could respond, she was back with her mouth over his prick, bobbing her head slightly, licking, sucking, nibbling, making "mmm" noises to indicate both happiness and, he assumed, that she liked how he tasted.

As he washed the last vestiges of the shampoo out of her hair, he pulled her away from him for a moment. She smiled and said, "I want you to cum in my mouth when I'm back on it, OK?"

"Um, I guess so."


She leaned forward and took his dick in her mouth one final time. Taking a deep breath, he penetrated deeper into her mouth than he had previously. With a giant slurping sound, she knew that she had drawn the first drops of his semen. She reached around his body and pinched his ass, pushing him further into her mouth.

He let out a yell of pleasure that got partially drowned by the sound of the cascading water. Before he knew it, he was spurting into her mouth and she was licking every last drop off of him. Breathing heavily, she stood up slowly and hugged him.

He picked up a bar of soap and started to lather all over her body, paying close attention to her breasts and her pussy. Stealing the soap out of his hands, she giggled and said, "We'll never get out of here at this rate. And I'd really like to talk to my Nana. Turn around."

He did as she requested; she lathered up his back and stepped out of the way of the stream of water in order to clear the soap from him.

After they got out of the shower, they got dressed and packed their belongings. Claire placed the box her grandmother had given her in her purse, as the two of them did one final sweep of the room before going downstairs to the lobby to enjoy the breakfast the hotel would provide.

When they reached the lobby, they saw Claire's grandmother sitting alone at a table, talking with some other relatives who were standing close by.

Claire waited for a pause in the conversation and asked, "Do you mind if we join you?"

Her grandmother looked at the people she was talking to, and, without saying a word, they all knew they should leave. "Of course, dear! Did you put my gift to good use last night?"

Claire was a bit flustered and unsure of what to say. She looked over at Larry and said, "Would you mind getting me some waffles?"

"Sure." Larry placed their luggage in a corner near the table and walked off.

"Actually, Nana, I wanted to ask you about that, if you don't mind."

"I had a feeling you might."

"When you said that Larry and I would agree on the ... about the important things, did you mean..."

"Sex, dearie."

Claire sat in front of her grandmothermother, mouth agape, not expecting to hear this word coming from her grandmother's mouth.

"Stanley and I were married for 56 years. We had our ups and downs, just like all married couples. And, of course, we fought about the usual things: the kids, money, work, even dinner more than once. But all one of us had to do, when we went to bed, was to remember that box, and then suddenly we were both reminded of the passion that brought us together in the first place. It didn't matter what we had fought over. The passion made it all seem ... unimportant compared to what we felt for each other."

"So are you saying..."

"If you want Larry to get a rise out of something, all you have to do is think about him and the box I gave you, and he'll be ready. LIkewise, if he wants something from you, you'll be ready."

She started to mumble to herself. "So that explains how he got hard while he was sleeping!"

"What was that, Claire?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Of course, as we got older, our bodies slowed down, but your grandfather kept me laughing the whole time. I remember when they first came out with Viagra. He leaned over my chair, whispered in my ear, and said, 'I guess they don't have heirlooms like we do.'"

Claire's grandmother wiped a tear away from her eye. Instinctively, Claire reached forward and started to caress her grandmother's hand.

"After we got the news that you were getting engaged, Stanley and I talked about whether we should give this box to you. It didn't take us long to agree that you should receive this item, a family heirloom if there ever was one. That box has been in the family for more than 200 years, you know. Our time is nearly over; it's your time now."

Claire let out a gasp. She hadn't really thought much about this, but her grandfather died less than a month after she announced her engagement. Did he die because it was her turn to have this box? She couldn't ask this question.

Her grandmother, hearing the gasp and seeing the tears in Claire's eyes, nodded in a sort-of acknowledgment of what she was thinking. "He wanted you to use it well, and to have a long, happy, and, well, passionate marriage. I think you're already off to a good start, by the look in your eyes."

Claire choked back tears as she said, "Thank you."

"Thank you, dearie!" Her grandmother stood up and walked away.

Larry returned to the table a few minutes later. "Sorry I took so long. I got flagged down by one of my cousins."

Claire sobbed, "It's ... all right."

"Did you find out what you needed from your grandmother?"

"Yes. I'll tell you once we get to the honeymoon suite."

"Um. Okay."

They finished their breakfast, grabbed a waiting taxi, and went to the airport, where they caught their flight to the Bahamas.

Upon arrival in the honeymoon suite, Larry carried Claire across the threshold. Once inside, she said, "I want to make love to you in the hot tub over there."

"That's a great idea." He said, without thinking. They turned on the sprays of the hot tub, stripped naked and enjoyed both their own movements and the powerful sprays of water inside the tub.

When they were spent, once again, Claire explained what her grandmother had said to her at the table. This time, she couldn't help but cry. He started stroking her hair and said, "We're tired. We had a long flight. Let's go to bed."


Over the course of the next two weeks, they each tried all sorts of positions and lustful thoughts on the other, testing the limits of the family heirloom. Each time the heirloom -- and by extension the newlywed couple -- performed up to and beyond all reasonable expectations.

The honeymoon, although two weeks long, wasn't long enough and soon Larry and Claire knew they had to return home. Her mother met them at the airport.

Even though they expected to see her, there was something in her face that betrayed the notion that something was wrong. "What is it, mom?"

"It's ... it's your grandmother."

"Nana?!? What is it?"

"She called me last night to say that she wanted me to tell you to use your gift well. Enjoy it, and enjoy your marriage. She said you'd understand."

"I do, mom, but, what --"

"She passed away this morning. She'd planned to meet her neighbor for coffee, but apparently she ... she ... it looks like she had a heart attack in her sleep."

Claire started to cry. "That's ... that's awful."

"I think ... I think she just wanted to see you get married."

Claire didn't respond to this comment.

A few days later, Claire and Larry attended the funeral. Claire asked to read a eulogy she had written, and she praised her grandmother for her virtues and down-to-earth sensibilities. "She taught me a great deal about life, love, passion, and how to be a good wife and daughter. Someday, I hope to be as good a mother and grandmother as she was.

"She was a great woman. A strong, passionate woman. She wasn't meant to be on this earth long without her husband, my grandfather. They're together again now. Although I will miss them, and am saddened by being here today, I think the best way of honoring their memory, is to live well, appreciate their lives, and seek to emulate them in the best way possible."

Looking down over the coffin, she kissed her hand and then touched her hand to the closed coffin. "I love you, Nana. Be at peace."

By the time she had finished her eulogy, there wasn't a dry eye in the church. The church where, ironically, she had been married three weeks earlier.