Shadow of a Doubt

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Can best friends become something more?
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Emily was tired of the club scene, the same desperate people searching for some sort of connection. When her friend Patrick had called and told her he had a special treat for her, a new club he had found, she almost said no. Then he said something that piqued her interest.

"Wear that black lace cat suit you've got, with a black thong underneath it." There was a strange tone in his voice that sent shivers through her body. She tried to shake it off. This was Patrick, her best friend. You weren't supposed to get turned on by your best friends.

"Anything else, Master?" Emily joked. There was a long silence on the other end of the line. "Patrick?"

"Put on the cat suit and the thong." Patrick said his voice huskier than usual. "Nothing else. I am bringing something for you to wear with it."

"Why the mystery?"

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course." Emily didn't hesitate to answer.

"Then do as I say, pet. No more questions. I will be there in half an hour. Be ready, don't make me wait. "

Emily stared at the phone for a moment after Patrick had hung up. Something was different. His tone was firmer, more commanding and confident. There was a tingling warmth low in her belly, but she knew there was no time to do anything about it. She had to hurry.

When the doorbell rang exactly half an hour later she was just putting the finishing touches on her make up. Standing in front of her mirror she looked at herself in the nearly transparent bodysuit, the creaminess of her skin shining through and felt sexier than she ever had in her life. She had left her hair natural, the curls falling wildly around her shoulders. The high neck of the bodysuit covered her all the way up to her throat, but the material was so thin her breasts were clearly outlined. The nipples were straining against the fabric, hard and aching. She slipped her feet into a pair of black heels as she quickly moved to open the door. Emily's jaw dropped as she saw Patrick standing there.

Patrick was dressed all in black leather. A long black coat covered a vest and tight leather pants, shiny boots with silver tips peeked from under the bottoms. He carried a bag in one hand. Patrick's eyes traveled slowly over her thinly clad body, the heat from his gaze lingering on her breasts. He nodded once as he entered her apartment.

"Very nice." Patrick said. "Well done. I've brought you a few things to complete your ensemble though."

Patrick walked over and sat in the one high backed chair in the room and beckoned her over. Emily went without thinking standing in front of this stranger who was her best friend. Patrick reached into the bag he carried and brought out a strange looking collection of delicate chains and leather straps. As he held it up and jiggled it to let the chains fall into place Emily realized it was some sort of harness.

"Kneel." Patrick directed. Emily automatically knelt at his feet, her knees slightly apart. He secured a strap around her throat, arranging the others so that they wrapped around her chest and hips, with one running between her legs. The chains hung in inverted arcs down the front and back of her body, and jingled softly when she moved. Patrick reached into the bag again and pulled out a pair of tall boots with very high heels. He had Emily stand and slip her feet into the boots, holding her hips to steady her. "Now walk for me."

Emily turned and walked away from him, her feet getting used to the stiletto heels and the feel of the leather harness. She could feel Patrick's eyes on her as she made a circuit of the room and stopped in front of him again.

"One last thing." Patrick reached into the bag again and drew out a long length of leather. There was a loop at one end and a metal clasp at the other. Emily looked at him questioningly. This was a leash. He pointed to the floor in front of him and Emily sank gracefully to her knees. Patrick attached the clasp to the metal ring at the front of the neck band and gave it a gentle tug. Emily stifled a gasp of pleasure that took her by surprise. Patrick smiled knowingly.

"Tonight I am going to take you into a part of my world I've never shared with you before." He said leaning forward to look into her eyes. "From this moment you are my pet, you will call me Master. Keep your eyes lowered, and do exactly as I say. Trust me...I'll take care of you...I won't let anything bad happen to you."

Emily looked deeply into Patrick's eyes and he regarded her calmly, waiting for her to make her decision. The trust she had in him and this new feeling she was so curious to feel more of settled the matter for her. Emily dropped her eyes and bowed her head slightly. She didn't see the gleam in Patrick's eye or the smile that spread across his face, his plan was coming together nicely.

Emily was silent on the way to the club but her mind was full of questions. Patrick glanced at her from time to time, wondering if she had any idea how sexy she was dressed this way. He was taking a big risk bringing her here this way. He knew that Emily had an interest in the D/s lifestyle, but that she was too afraid take it any farther. That was one reason he had kept this side of his life from her until now...when he had her complete trust. He pulled the car into a parking space and turned to look at the woman beside him. Tonight he would either lose his best friend or gain something much more.

"We'll be meeting a few of my friends." Patrick said putting a finger under Emily's chin and lifting her face so she looked at him. "If you are spoken to look to me before answering, speak respectfully and keep your answers short. You can look around, but be discrete, try not to make eye contact with anyone other than those like yourself. If you do look down quickly."

Patrick watched these instructions sink in and he smiled at Emily. There was a glow about her, a flushed sort of excitement that enhanced the wildness of her appearance. Patrick leaned closer and placed a hard kiss on her lips, feeling her tense up in surprise. He slid his hand behind her head and held her still while his tongue danced across her lips teasing and pressing until they opened. As soon as he felt this small measure of surrender he drew back and looked at her seriously. Emily knew without Patrick saying so that she could expect a lot more than this simple kiss before the night was over.

They left the car and walked toward what looked like some sort of warehouse. There were few windows and those were dark. It looked abandoned, except for the numerous cars parked around it. As they drew closer Emily could feel vibrations though the soles of her feet, the thumping of a heavy bass line. Her blood picked up the rhythm, pounding through her veins. When they rounded the corner of the building Emily saw a long line of people waiting to get inside. Patrick ignored the line and walked up to one of the huge men standing at the door. They were well over six feet tall and extremely muscular, and they were both dressed as mid-evil executioners, masks and all. Walking slightly behind Patrick she noticed that as they approached his walk became a slow saunter, he held himself straighter, and his shoulders suddenly seemed broader. He walked right up to the nearest man and clapped him on one bare shoulder. The man unfolded his arms from across his chest and turned to look at them. His menacing demeanor immediately changed and if he had not been wearing the mask Emily was sure he would have been smiling.

"Good evening Sir." The large man said and turned to open the door for them. Emily glanced at Patrick wondering just how long he had been coming to this club and why he had never said anything to her before.

The music met them like a physical force. Emily was instantly entranced with what she saw. The interior was dark and smoky, people were everywhere on the dance floor, at tables and in booths. She could feel eyes moving hungrily over her and suddenly felt like a rabbit in a den of wolves. She lowered her eyes and moved closer to Patrick. He sensed her movement and smiled to himself. He seemed to know exactly where he was going and soon led her into a small alcove where a few other people were seated on large regal looking chairs. They greeted Patrick enthusiastically. Emily observed them through lowered lashes.

There were three other men dressed similarly to Patrick and a woman. The woman's attire caught Emily's attention immediately. She was dressed all in shiny red vinyl. The sides of her tight pants were laced from ankle to waist leaving at least an inch of skin showing in the spaces between. Her top was a halter type creation that barely contained her large breasts. Her lips and long fingernails were painted the same red as her clothes. Her hair was jet black and fell in a straight sheet down her back. She was exotically gorgeous. The woman walked over and slid her arms around Patrick's neck, pressed herself against him and pulled his head down to hers kissing him deeply. Then she stepped back and looked over at Emily.

"So..." Red's voice was a low purr. "This is the new toy you've been coveting. Do you honestly think she's worthy of you?"

Emily felt her body tense up in agitation, then she suddenly had a flash of insight. This was some sort of test. The woman reached out and took Emily's chin in her hand and tilted her face up. Emily kept her eyes cast down, not meeting the woman's gaze. The woman made a sound of approval.

"Pretty." She said and moved back to her chair. That was when Emily noticed that there were other's in the alcove as well. Seated on low stools near each chair were four other women. Their attire varied from sweet innocence to high class slutty. They sat in silence, eyes cast down, yet they seemed to be observing everything that was going on. The one sitting beside Red's chair raised her head a bit and looked Emily in the eye, hostility flashing across her face before she looked away. Holding Emily's leash, Patrick walked over to a vacant chair and sat down. Emily looked for one of the low stools the others had but there was none there. Patrick tugged gently at her leash and patted his lap.

Emily's mind worked quickly and she lowered herself onto Patrick's lap knowing immediate obedience was expected by those watching. His arm came around her tugging her closer and turning her sideways so that her thighs were across his. She slipped an arm around his shoulders and curled cat like against him. If these people wanted a show they were going to get one. She wasn't going to let Patrick down in front of his friends.

Conversation floated around different subjects and Emily began to relax in Patrick's arms. There didn't seem to really be that much difference in this club and any others, aside from how people were dressed. People danced and they drank and they talked, they checked out other people for a more intimate connection. She felt Patrick nudge her hip with his hand and glanced at him quickly. His eyes darted to the dance floor then he looked back at her. She understood what he was saying and gracefully stood waiting for him to lead her out into the dancing throng.

They had danced together before, many times. Tonight, however, was different. The music was vibrating at the backs of Emily's ears. She could feel it like a heartbeat against her skin. He body moved with Patrick's in writhing sensual motions. They touched and moved away, drew back together and pressed close, their lips hovered near each others and they breathed each other in. Patrick looked deeply into her eyes pulling her body close against his, all pretense of dancing abandoned. Emily gasped, feeling heat explode inside her. Patrick held her tight, their bodies barely swaying.

"Kiss me, pet." Patrick said in a low tone. Emily could think of nothing she would rather do. Her arms slid up around Patrick's neck and she rose on tiptoe to press her lips softly against his. Patrick's hands crept down over her ass, lifting her against him, the heat from his hands burning through the lacey material. Emily kissed him deeper, her tongue dancing with his. Her hands twined in his hair and the intensity of her kisses increased.

Emily was so lost in the taste and feel of kissing Patrick that she didn't feel him ease her back to the floor, or his hands on her upper arms. Patrick pushed her gently away from him enjoying the bemused expression on her face.

"Stop." He took the leash that he had removed from her while they danced and attached it to her collar again leading her back to the alcove where his friends were seated. Emily followed him wondering what she had done wrong, why he had stopped her.

While they had been dancing someone had produced one of the small stools that the others were sitting on and placed it beside Patrick's chair. Patrick looked slightly amused, his gaze resting on the woman who had glared so fiercely at Emily when they arrived.

"Kitten thought that perhaps your new pet might like her own seat." Red said. Her voice held the lilt of laughter. Emily glanced at the one called Kitten from under her lashes and saw a gloating smile on her face. An idea bloomed in Emily's mind, this woman was jealous. She wanted Patrick. Emily felt a strange tightening in her stomach, and found that her hands had curled into fists at her sides. Patrick resumed his seat and looked up at Emily for a moment. Then he tugged her leash and gently pulled her toward him.

"That's very thoughtful, kitten, but I want my pet where I can enjoy her." Patrick reached out and put his hands on Emily's hips guiding her to sit across his lap facing him. The vulnerability of her position seemed to intensify the sensations Emily was experiencing. Patrick rubbed his hands along her thighs watching her intently. Emily's face was flushed, her eyes dark, her breathing was quick and shallow. She glanced into Patrick's eyes her arousal and confusion clear. Things were moving so fast and she wasn't sure exactly where they were going.

Patrick was torn. He wanted to keep Emily reeling from the onslaught of erotic stimulus he was supplying, but on the other hand he didn't want to scare her. It was time to give her a chance to back out if she wanted to. He reached up suddenly and gripped the back of Emily's head pulling her down to kiss her fiercely, wanting one last taste in case she backed out. A tremor passed through Emily and she moaned into his mouth. It was almost his undoing. Patrick wanted her and he knew that at this moment she was his. He could take her wherever and however he wanted. It was very important to him that she knew exactly what she was getting into though. He wanted her 100%, her body yes, but also her heart, her hopes, her dreams. Patrick broke their connection, resting his forehead against hers. "Pet," He whispered. "I want you to go to the ladies room, splash some cool water on your face and take a few deep breaths."

Emily moved on his lap, her body pressing against his in a fevered motion as she tried to kiss him again. Patrick slid his hands into Emily's hair and pulled her away with gentle force.

"No." His voice was low but firm. Emily dropped her eyes trying to hide the hurt she was suddenly feeling. Patrick smiled and kissed her softly. "When you come back I want you to have decided if we go on with this or if I take you home and say good night."

Patrick looked deeply into her eyes waiting for what he had said to penetrate the haze of desire fogging Emily's mind. She returned his gaze understanding beginning to grow. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

"Know this...if your answer is yes, you are mine. I will take your body in any way that pleases me. You will learn the depths and heights of submission." His words caused gooseflesh to rise visibly on Emily's arms. Patrick trailed a fingertip slowly along her forearm then reached over suddenly and grasped one firm nipple pinching it hard between his thumb and finger. Emily gasped and arched against his hand. Patrick released her and pushed her knees until she had to stand or fall to the floor. "Go. Now."

Emily backed away from him on shaky legs then turned and walked away in search of the ladies room. As she walked her mind began to work more clearly. This was a side of Patrick that she had never known existed, and yet she felt as if she had always known. She thought about all the times they had sat talking late into the night when neither of them had dates. How she had told him her deepest fantasies and he had shared none of this. Had he been into this scene then, had he been playing her all along? Did it matter?

Standing at the mirror in the ladies room she let cool water run over her wrists, cooling her blood. She looked at her reflection seeing herself as if she had never looked into her own eyes before. It came down to one question. Could she sleep with her best friend? No, it was more than that. Could she give herself wholly to Patrick, surrender all control to him as she had never surrendered to anyone else?

The door opened behind her and Kitten entered the room. She stood with her hands on her hips her eyes traveling over Emily slowly. Emily watched her in the mirror for a moment before turning to face her.

"Is there something you want?" Emily asked.

"I don't see it." Kitten said. Her voice was higher than Emily expected. There was a barely detectable whine to her tone. "You just aren't Patrick's type."

Emily felt a second of self doubt before a strong urge to rip Kitten's hair out by the roots gripped her. She was shocked at her own jealous feelings, so surprised that she couldn't help but laugh. Kitten was taken aback for a moment by Emily's laughter. Then her eyes narrowed to feral slits.

"You do know you're just a cover?" She said in a vicious tone.

"A cover for what?"

"So that Mistress doesn't get suspicious. When I've proven myself to Patrick he will take me from her and I will belong to him."

Emily considered for a moment the possibility of this mean spirited woman with Patrick and knew she was lying. There was no way he would be interested in her. She was just trying to cause trouble. Emily smiled and shook her head, knowing just how to really get to Kitten.

"Perhaps." She said. "But I will be the one in his bed tonight, not you."

Emily brushed past the woman and left the ladies room. She stood for a moment gazing around the club, watching the people. An idea began to form in her mind and she suddenly knew what she was going to do to show Patrick her answer. She slipped through the crowd and mounted the steps to the DJs loft. The man eyed her appreciatively while she presented her idea. He smiled when she was done and said he had just the thing she needed. He called an assistant over and they worked out some quick details. Emily dashed down the steps and worked her way out to the middle of the dance floor and took her position, waiting. She raised her arms above her head, wrists crossed, fingers splayed gracefully. Her head was bowed forward letting her hair hide her face from view. Suddenly, with the abrupt end of the song that was playing, the flashing and swirling lights on the dance floor went out. There were startled exclamations from those around her. A bright spotlight temporarily blinded Emily as it isolated her from the crowd. She could sense the confused dancers stepping back leaving her alone in the center of the floor.

A song began to play, the music starting off with a slow deep beat. Emily began to move, her body undulating like waves in water. Years of dance lessons were finally having their day. From the corner of her eye she saw Patrick come and stand at the edge of the crowd of onlookers, his friends on either side of him. Kitten stood with her arms across her chest, glaring. The speed of the music increased and Emily twirled and danced her hair flying around her face. Her hands beckoned to Patrick, her hips swaying seductively. He stepped out into circle of light, his hands on his hips, an appreciative smile on his lips. Emily danced around him, caressing his arms and shoulders lightly then moving away. Her body moved in ways that caused the audience to applaud wildly.