Sharing the MILF List Ch. 01


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I paused. "Women, I think, are surprisingly easily to get along with. To read about the past, women had lots of sex, got pregnant a lot with the craziest ideas many of which excluded their pleasure, their orgasm, their reaction or their involvement in any meaningful way. Today, women have the just expectation that they get theirs from time to time. I suggest that the method we agree to use to get our MILFs airtight, is to give them what they want first."

"And to do that, we have to figure out what they want." Brent said, looking around.

I thought this was good time to clear the air a little. "Just so you all know, Brent has already had my mother." I looked at Chris, "and your mother, Chris."

Everyone looked at Brent and his face turned beet red.

"Not his doing, not his fault. I did it. I had the right situation to introduce the idea of sharing the wealth to Laura and mom and I did it. Now, here is the good thing, at least for you lazy fucks. I have had the MILFs. Discovering their fantasies, discovering their sexual shopping list is going to fall to me. I am not saying you can't, I just think I have the best avenue to discovering it. I am not going to lie to your mothers. If they ask what is going on, I will tell them. I will tell them we want them and how we want them, naked and airtight. But I want that idea to come off my tongue when they are most liable to think it is a sexy, good and reasonable idea. If you let me, I think I can share the MILF list with each of you."

Brent, bless his heart, nodded vigorously. "I can vouch for that. Sonny shares. Geez, you have no idea!"

The other guys stared at him. Brent looked up at them and grinned, then sobered. "Sorry, Sonny."

I shook my head. "My point here, is that we need to be smart about this. This is like having a girl friend . . . "

"Like you would know." Sammy muttered.

". . . you do not just tear off her clothes and try to fuck her. Usually. The best sex is when they are into it. The best sex is when everyone has a good time." I looked around the room, meeting everyone's eyes till they looked away.

Brent spoke up. "In the nineteenth century, people thought a woman's orgasm made a happier baby. They thought depression or 'melancholia' as they called it in a person, was caused by boring, normal, mechanical and unfulfilling sex before the baby even saw the light of day. Of course, not everyone thought this but some did."

"Thanks, Brent. You are so full of helpful information." Landon said drily but with a smile.

"Orgasms make for happy babies?" Chris said wonderingly, his eyes wide. "That makes a lot of sense."

"No, Chris . . . forget it!" Landon said, shooting Brent a glare who smirked and shrugged.

The mood had lightened. I breathed deep relief. "My idea is simple. We investigate if we can give our mother's mind blowing sex. In the process, we get a safe place to get in contact with our inner perv and figure out what actually makes us tick. Sexually, I mean. I think the rest is a hopeless cause."

"We are not getting existential." Brent said by way of elucidation.

"Shut up, Brent." Landon said. Only he could have said it the way he said it such that Brent looked proud of the attention AND shut up.

"I thought about Brent and how he would put everything into a spreadsheet and schedule Chris with Kyla's ass on Thursday and Landon with Laura's pussy on Saturday."

"What about me? I get your mom's tits on Sunday, Sonny!" Sammy chortled. No one ever told Sammy to shut up. It would be like telling the rest of us to stop breathing.

I continued. "I thought about that but how would you feel if bunch of girls decided to schedule you for pussy diving three times a week and passed you around like a . . . like a . . . "

"Dildo, I think is the word you are looking for, Sonny." Landon said drily.

In that moment, I got the feeling that Landon had already thought of this and was waiting to agree with me. It made me nervous at the same time I felt proud that he let me carry the ball. So far, I was the one with the balls after all so it made sense. "I think we need to let things happen organically. If you all agree, I will work to get things arranged. Until we know what is what with the MILFs, we should not figure they are open for business and declare open season on them."

Everyone nodded and Landon said, "I agree completely. I have thought about what we would do if you came back with a positive outcome. I did not consider the possibility that you would do everybody's mother for us but now that you have, I understand. You would be sort of exposed if you announced you fucked your mom and the rest of us were still dick dry. At least now no one can go shooting their mouth off without some consequences threatening to come home to roost." Landon looked around at each of us. "Sonny has done the heavy lifting here. He took the big risk for all of us. We should let him take us the rest of the way." He turned to me and extended his hand. "Sonny, you tell us how things go and we'll follow."

I shook Landon's hand. The guy just had a way about him that made you want to please him. He really did have nothing to worry about in life, he would always find a place and it would be easy to find because it would always be at the front, closest to the action.

"But guys, I think we need to do something formal to seal the commitment, so we all know that we are committed to this. No backing out. No giving up. No falling in love! Not till the MILFs are airtight or we know that is not their thing. Right?" Landon looked around the group, his chin out and his eyes fierce.

No one spoke but we all nodded.

I felt so fucking smart. After a perfect pause, I said, "well, I have just thing up in the car. I have to get it ready. Play some pool, get some beer. I'll be back in a while."

Brent looked at me with genuine curiosity, wondering what I had up my sleeves at the moment. I gave him a little smile and a nod and stood up. It was time. I walked up the stairs and out to the car. Annie lay on the seat, awkwardly curled under the blanket. The evening had turned chilly.

"Its time, Annie." I said. I pulled the blanket off of her and tossed it onto the back seat. She turned to look at me, her eyes sleepy, dull. I helped her out of the car and she slipped from my hands and scampered up the drive and up the walk to the door and was inside before I got the car door closed. The sight of this woman with her hands bound behind her back and her tits bare dashing to the house was so surreal I chuckled. I thought of some neighbor glancing out the window and seeing that. The guy would swear off whatever his latest vice was because of that hallucination. No one would believe it.

I walked into the house. Annie stood inside the door shivering. I could not tell if she was cold or aroused by looking at her. Her eyes were intense, fierce but focused. I turned her around and checked her arms, they were not cold so the binding had not cinched up on her. I closed the door and turned her back around. I bent to her nipples and kissed each in turn. They grew erect under my lips. I kissed her on the mouth and found her aroused and moaning as she kissed me back, pressing against me, her arms straining with the instinct to clasp me and pull herself against me. That need added to the latent need humming in her body.

Right by the door, the Rossini's had a couch table setting against the wall by the entryway where they dropped stuff. It was clear that day but for a shallow bowl where they dumped keys and change and stuff. I moved that to floor and hoisted Annie onto the table. Then I kissed her again while I pulled her dress up her legs and tucked it behind her back. I fumbled with my pants. She leaned back against the wall and spread her knees. The table was narrow with barely enough room for her slim butt. When my cock came free, I leaned against the table, grasped her by the ass and pulled her toward me till her pussy was crushed against my cock. With one hand I fingered her pussy, finding her still damp but not gushing. I opened her a little and pressed my thumb into her. She tried to wiggle or hunch but without her hands free she made more noise than actual progress. I fingered her for a while till she stopped staring down at my cock and arched her back and threw her head back with soft bump on the wall.

I grasped my cock and pressed the head against her pussy lips. They parted and I entered her, just slightly. Annie sighed and her body twitched, some inner motion which occurred without leverage. I grasped her hips and pulled her body onto my cock.

"Oh yesssss, Sonny! Your cock go in me! Fit perfect!" Annie hissed.

Her stocking-clad legs gripped me in a weak embrace. I pulled back and pressed at her again, sinking into her pliant body further this time. I pulled her ass harder against me and I felt her inner release and I sunk home, pining us together, our pubic bones colliding with a sweet pain as I clinched us together. Annie grunted and struggled against the bonds. Her head came forward, her lips seeking mine, eyes closed as I ground my hips against hers while pulling her ass hard with my hands. Her inner flesh rippled along the length of my shaft and the sensation took my breath away. My god but I love pussy!

"Oh fuck, Annie. You feel great, pierced with my cock."

"Your big cock." Annie said. "Your big friend here?"

Her cunt squeezed me hard then. I pulled back, jerking free of her clasping cunt. Then I thrust deep into her again. She moaned as I slid home. I could smell her arousal. The eroticism of the moment struck me like lightening and for a moment I thought I would come but that would have been antisocial. I ignored her question. She could fucking wonder.

I pulled free of her pussy and pulled her dress down. I helped her off the table, banging it against the wall. "Come with me." I said it again and this time I had to chuckle. I turned to her. Her eyes were intense, narrow slits. "Are you sure, Annie?"

"No panties." She panted, huffing as she spoke. "I got wet. You fuck me. Promised me something. I do my part. You keep agreement."

I nodded, the idea of staging a rape for her benefit thrilled through me like a cold wind would feel on a hot August night, like stepping into a walk-in freezer after unloading a truck by hand. I led her to the door of the basement. We made our way down the stairs, Annie tottered awkwardly so that I steadied her since she had little help from her hands. The way was dim and unfamiliar to her. Finally I slipped an arm around her bare back and half carried her down. I heard the TV and the crack of the cue ball connecting. I took her by the shoulder and pulled her around the half wall and into the light of the basement.

"There you are, Sonny. I thought you had gotten . . . holy shit, Sonny, what the fuck is this?" Sammy said.

I pulled Annie to the table and pushed the pool balls out of the way, ruining the game. "This is Annie Kingston. She has agreed to fuck us all tonight."

"Goddamn, Sonny, she is tied up! What the fuck!" Landon looked angry, his bushy brow knit together like the bark of an elm tree. "What happened to doing what they want?"

"It is not how it looks. This is what she wants. Annie had a fantasy. I have added a few things."

"What things?" Landon asked.

"Well, you guys for starters. She always wanted to be fucked while she was bound like this." I touched the scarves wound around her arms. "This was her idea but I added you guys, all five of us. And airtight which is our end of the bargain. It is like training, preparation for what is coming." Annie stood bent forward so her arms were high behind her with her head down. Her hair fell about her face in a jumbled, sexy mess. I reached around her and cupped a breast. She moaned and her hands fluttered against my crotch. "Tell them, Annie."

Annie lifted her head. "He right. I am wet. I want you to fuck me. All of you. Come in me, let me suck you all off. I want you all." Her voice was hoarse, raspy but distinct. She spoke slowly and carefully.

Silence. No one said a word.

I waited, maybe a couple minutes. Annie began to shift her hips forwards and backwards in the classic fucking motion. Her head was bowed. Finally she looked back at me. "Take my skirt." She muttered.

Such a good idea! I found the hook and zippers on both sides and unfastened the skirt. She sighed as I pulled at the skirt and it dropped down her legs, making a slight hissing sound on her hose as it fell. I heard everyone exhale at once. The only real sound was the announcer on the TV calling another kickoff on the Steelers-Patriots game. She stood in her weave shoes, the hose and garters with her hands bound tightly behind her. Her conical breasts quivered and her nipples swelled.

Annie squatted and got to her knees, balancing precariously without the use of her arms. She turned to me, closed her eyes and opened her mouth. I opened my pants and presented my cock to her lips, touching the head against her lower lip. She kissed the end, sucked it between her red lips and then bobbed her head down as far as she could, back and forth till my cock was fully down her throat. Her breath blew through her nostrils and she swallowed.

I closed my eyes and groaned. Gawd, what a feeling!

"Holy fuck!" Sammy muttered.

"No shit." Chris said.

"She is not a MILF." Landon said. I opened my eyes, Landon was staring at the woman sucking on my cock and then looked up at me. "She is not one of the MILFs on the list!"

Annie pulled her head back, wobbling but regaining equilibrium. Then she sucked hard and my cock disappeared again, sliding through her full lips, along the cushion of her tongue into the confines of her tight throat. She massaged my cock with her lips, mouth, tongue and throat.

"Is that a problem?" I croaked.

Landon looked back down at Annie as she completed another cycle. Since her hands were bound, she had to be very careful, making each and every motion deliberately and slowly while squatting before me, her knees to each side of my calves. Her hands were behind her, bound with the black, red, blue and green color, counter-balancing her head as she took my cock down her throat again and again. Landon shook his head. "No. No problem." He whispered. "When is it my turn?"

Annie sucked me again into her mouth. I could not answer.

The sound of football and Annie's slurping on my cock was the only sound for a while. I sensed my orgasm in the distance and pulled away from her. The sucking mouth followed the moving cock nearly unbalancing her. I steadied her then helped her to her feet. I pushed her to the pool table. There was method to my madness, this was the picture that inspired the suggestion to play some pool.

Annie immediately bent down over the table and widened her stance, presenting me with her pussy lips appearing between her slender ass cheeks. The garter belt framed her pussy and the stockings shimmered on her slim legs. The high heels made her tall enough to bend comfortably over the table.

I grasped her hips over the garter belt, positioned my cock at her nether lips and entered her. She was so wet I slid complete down into her channel without resistance or hesitation. Annie wheezed as I entered her and grunted as I hit bottom. I held her bound arms with one hand and her hips with the other. Her hands and fingers caressed me with little butterfly kisses. I pulled back and slammed into her. The extended period of arousal must have left her teetering on the brink because as I bottomed out she shrieked and bucked, slamming her sopping pussy back against me with a wet splash. I bounced into her a few more times then pulled a sopping cock out of her convulsing pussy.

I looked around the room. "Who's next?" Now, standing in a room full of guys with my erection bare to the open air, dripping with eau d'female was a new experience for me. I moved back to Annie and entered her again. She shrieked at the invasion and then shook through a small orgasm again.

I pulled free and looked around at each guy, everyone but Brent. He had been there before. "Well? This is the confirmation of commitment. Fuck Annie. Then our pact is completed and I will share the rest of the List with you and you with them. She is our pact. She is ours. Now, everyone fucks her. Don't come in her just yet. Then she wants to suck us all, one after the other, cock after cock. Then, then we fuck her till we fill her up. After that, airtight." I looked at Landon and saw something I had rarely seen on his face. Respect. He nodded, understanding the role this interloper played in the MILF list. It was a test for all of us, individually but really together. Could we share a woman? Better to know that before one of our mothers was bent over the table. That was the intuition the morning's mediation on pussy gave me. The MILF list had been made but were we ready, really ready to share it? This was the moment when we would answer that question.

Behind me Annie was gasping and trying to catch her breath. Sammy stood up, shucked pants and briefs and walked over with his pole running before him. I turned to watch him mount the bound woman bent over the pool table. He did not have to crouch. He found her entrance and sliced into her. She arched her back and shoved back, rooting him into her pussy. He pounded at her several times. And he pulled out.

"Everyone gets in clean then we'll get messy!" He chortled.

Chris went next. He stripped down his pants, standing at the end of the pool table. Annie's eyes remained fixed on him. Chris moved around behind her and grasped her hips. He stroked her legs and snapped one of the garter straps; not hard but enough to make her jump. He caressed her back, then reached under her and cupped both breasts, then apparently he pinched her nipples because Annie grunted and tried to lift up. Chris directed his cock with one hand to her pussy and pressed into her. Annie panted as the cock slid into her, grunting each time Chris stopped and sighing as he started deeper again. Once he was sealed against her cheeks, he moved his pale white ass around, stirring her pussy with his rigid dick. Then he pulled out and plunged in again. He repeated the stroke several times and then pulled free.

Annie grunted, her ass wagging as the cock left her. "No." She whispered, pleading, begging, dreaming—intoxicated with the fantasy being presented to her and with the pleasure +enveloping her enraptured body.

I looked at Landon. "Landon, your turn unless you want to follow fat boy over there." I said, indicating Brent with a jerk of my head. Brent was anything but fat and I hoped he did not take exception to being pushed to the back of the line. I thought it would be okay since he had been in her already.

Landon pulled down his pants, showing us his cock. Annie was twisted on the table, watching. Landon kicked off shoes and pants and, naked, he walked up behind Annie. She straightened her back, settling onto the table, laying her cheek on the green felt. Her fingers waved behind her ass till she felt the hair at his crotch. He felt along her arms. "Hey, her arms are getting cold. Maybe we should release her?"

"Annie, are you okay?" I asked.

"Now arms ok. Fuck now!" Annie said in a tight voice.

Landon shrugged but tapped her ass with one hand. "Please. Say please."

Annie twisted to look at him, staring in his eyes then lowering her burning gaze to his hard prick. "Please. Please. Please put cock in me." She said. Her eyes rose to stare into Landon's fevered eyes again.

Landon nodded and plugged into her pussy. Annie flattened and grunted as Landon fed her his hard, red cock. He had a huge blue vein which wrapped around the girth of his cock standing out starkly against the ferocious scarlet of its skin. Standing behind them and to the left, I could see his cock sluice into her. Annie shivered and then screamed with orgasm as he pushed into her the third time. Liquid bubbled around her pussy lips and dribbled down her thighs. Her knees buckled and Landon was holding her on the table. He pressed into her and held still while she spasmed through the orgasm, stirring her seething cunt with his cock. It seemed to go on forever. Once she calmed, he resumed stroking into her. He was gritting his teeth when he pulled back and backed away, staggering.