The Cursed House of Crow


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Nadine sauntered forward towards the kitchen area, looking for Tony and Timmy. Her eyes scanned the room, noting the shelves and the cast iron stove. But what she didn't see was Tony and Timmy. She scrunched her eyes in confusion. Where the hell did they go? They didn't puss out, did they?

Nadine was about to walk towards the front door and see if they had chickened out and went outside. She was stopped when she heard a noise. It was faint and muffled, but she could hear it. It sounded like... sucking. Vigorous, wet sucking.

She followed the noise till she found herself in front of a door leading off from the kitchen. It looked like a pantry or something. Even though she thought this whole ghost thing was bullshit, she would admit she was a bit nervous by what she had seen so far. That face she saw in the window. This almost animal like sucking she was hearing. Something just felt... off.

So, with trembling fingers, Nadine grabbed the door and pulled it open.

She heard the sucking first. Now that the door was open, the sound was clear. But the room was still pitch-black, so she couldn't see the source of the noise. Flicking on her flashlight, she pointed it into the room.

The light traveled along the dusty wooden floor, seeing nothing of note. That was until she saw a pair of shoes. She followed these shoes and used the light to travel up the legs of the shoe's owners. She saw a pair of bunched up jeans around his ankles, leaving his black legs bare. Nadine shined her light upward, to realize that on the floor was Timmy, his large dick out in the open, throbbing as he vigorously stroked it. His eyes were closed and he seemed blind to the world, lost in his own pleasure.

Nadine was beyond confused. What the hell was he doing? Why was he stroking his impressively large cock, and in here of all places?

"Timmy." Nadine called out. "What are you doing?"

Timmy's eyes flashed open, revealing that they were glowing, in an inhuman red glow. Before she could really take this in, Nadine heard movement from the other end of the room. On instinct, she flashed her light towards the other side of the room, and what she saw stunned her.

She saw a person, draped in a dusty black cloak, facing the wall, slightly bent over. This figure was moving slightly, shifting in place. The cloak was bulky, but judging by the figure's seemingly trim figure and long black hair, it appeared to be a woman. And that wet, sucking noise was coming from her direction.

Nadine let the light trail to the ground, and it was only then she realized that this woman was standing over the large seated figure of Tony. Tony was seated against the wall, but everything above his waist was obscured by the woman in front of him and her bulky black cloak. The woman was bent over in front of him and pressed in close, her chest near his face, as if forcing something upon him. Tony was not fighting this invasion of his personal space. In fact, he was barely moving at all.

And continuously, unstopping, was that same, sucking noise. It seemed to get louder, as if reverberating in Nadine's ears. In her head. In her mind.

"Tony!?" Nadine called out. At this noise, the woman came to life, like a cockroach when the lights turned on. As quick as a flash, she ran to the side, disappearing behind some shelves, never once looking back.

"Jesus!" Nadine screamed out, startled by her sudden motion. She was gone from sight in an instant, and Nadine watched as Tony, eyes glowing red, fell over onto his side. As if exhausted, his eyes lidded over as he fell into an instantaneous deep rest, his chest slowly rising and falling, creamy milk leaking from his open mouth.

"Uh, jeez, uh..." Nadine gasped, backing away. She wanted to help, but she didn't want to go in there, with whoever that woman was. It couldn't be... no, it wasn't possible. Ghosts aren't real. But Nadine had to admit, that didn't look like a ghost. She looked very real. Then, who was she?

Nadine didn't care to ask. She needed to get help. She needed to find Dom. He would know what to do.

Leave it to an intrepid slut like Nadine to use even this attack on her friends as a way to get close to the man she wanted.


Sally ran her finger along the spine of a book she pulled from the bookshelf. She opened the first page and saw it was titled "The Mirror" in handwritten ink. She fanned through the pages until one page seemed to appear as the book fell open. The words on the page caught her eyes and she read through them.

"You are not enough for him. You've always known that. You always knew his eyes would wander. You acted as if that weren't true, but deep down, you know you're not good enough. And you are not. The world will evolve, society will exist and grow whether you're a part of it or not. And he will move on, to someone more capable. And you will be forgotten. A faded memory, trapped within the sins of others. "

Sally scrunched her eyebrows. It must be a diary or journal or something. Well, she would have more time for that later. She added this book to her stack of books next to her backpack.

"What are you doing with all of these?" Alex asked, sauntering over next to her, eyeing the stack of books. He grabbed "The Mirror" from the top and fanned through it.

"I'm uh, I'll take them home for a bit of light reading." Sally replied coyly.

"You're taking them?" Alex asked.

"Well, no one is gonna be looking for them." Sally justified.

"Man, you're a bit more lawless than I thought." Alex said with a wry smile. "You're lucky I love you, or I'd call the cops on you." he added with a laugh. She giggled in response.

The book he was holding slipped from his grasp as he only maintained a grip on one side of the book. The book was peeled open, one page pried apart. Alex regained his grip and he was to shut it when the words caught his eyes. He couldn't help but read them over.

"All the wild women, the whores of the world, are yours for the taking. They will welcome you gladly, with open legs, ready rear ends, and magnificent breasts. The dark pleasures they can provide are the only things that can quench your desires. Your betrothed isn't enough. You know that. You say you love her. She's who you want, not what you need. You will betray her trust, in a manner vicious and true, and you will revel in her heartbreak. Her heart shattering will bring you pleasure. Cause your heart belongs to another. It's already too late. Your love has already began to fade from her and grow towards another. As you read these words, they invade your soul, making you mine. As I say your desire fades, your desire fades. As I say it rises, it rises. Your thirst for more grows as I put it to words, but the truth is these desires have always been there. Below the skin. All it required was for one as magnificent as myself to bring them to the surface. And I'm about to. I'll see you soon, my love, my future mate.

M. C. October 3, 2012"

"Hey, uh, Sally..." Alex began. She looked up at him, expectantly. Before he could finish...

"Hey guys." Dom said, "Have you seen Nadine?"

"What did you do, Dom?" Sally asked.

"We, uh, we had a bit of a disagreement." Dom said.

"Dom, I told you man, I told you to be nice to her." Alex said, distracted from his latest findings.

"Yeah, dude, I know. She was just... you know how she gets. She was just pushing at me." Dom said, stepping inside.

"Well, you'd better apologize." Sally said. "Don't bad mouth my best friend. Trust me, she'll make you regret it."

"I know, I'll just let her cool off, then I'll talk to her." Dom said. "You guys find anything in here?"

"Oh, yeah, lots of stuff." Sally began. "Lots of books. I don't have the chance to look at all of them now, but it looks like there's lots of good stuff here."

"Hey, Sal, I was just gonna tell you..." Alex began, holding up "The Mirror."

"DOM!" Nadine screamed out, running up the stairs. All of them turned their heads in confusion. They turned to look through the doorway, just in time for...

"DOM!" Nadine screamed out again. Nadine ran past the study, not even taking a moment to look inside the room as she ran past. Sally, Alex and Dom watched her run past, and started to follow her.

"Dom!" Nadine called out as she entered the bedroom. She stopped when she realized Dom wasn't in the room. She turned to exit the room, only for the door to slam shut in her face. Nadine grabbed the nob and tried to pull the door open, but it wasn't budging. She started pounding on the door.

"Hey! Dom! Sally! Alex! Can you hear me?" she called out.

Dom, Alex and Sally heard Nadine pounding on the stuck door.

"Hey! Nadine! Can you hear me?" Alex called out.

"Nadine!" Sally called out. Dom moved to grab the doorknob. He tried to pull it open, but it was stuck good. It wasn't moving.

"Nadine!" Dom called out. "Are you okay? Can you hear us?" He didn't particularly like Nadine, but he didn't want her hurt.

Unfortunately for Nadine, she couldn't hear them, even though they were about a foot away. Cause sound had a way of dying in the Cursed House of Crow, especially at the worst possible times.

But even though Nadine couldn't hear her friends on the other side of the door, she did hear another noise. A very ominous noise. The long, whining groan of wood creaking from across the room. Nadine's eyes widened as she heard this. The door was stuck, and she had no choice but to turn around and face the source of this noise head on. Slowly, she spun to meet her fate.

On the opposite corner of the room, seated in a chair, was the same cloaked figure as before. The top of her was bathed in shadow, but her legs and waist were visible. Nadine stared, wide-eyed at this cloaked figure.

"Who are you?" Nadine asked, her voice shaking with fear. The seated woman didn't answer. For a few moments, she didn't even move. Then, without any words, she responded.

The seated woman's legs began to spread. Nadine watched as the woman's ghostly white hand pulled up the bottom of her black covering, exposing her bare, pale white legs. She exposed more and more pale flesh, and finally, she pulled the cloak over her waist, exposing herself to Nadine. Nadine stared at her, wide-eyed. She should be horrified, but she couldn't look away. She just kept staring at the seated woman, and the flesh she was exposing. She was the last girl who would ever be into chicks, but something about the sight of this exposed woman was mesmerizing. Something about this sight made her lick her lips. Something about this sight made her drool with lust.

"Why isn't this door opening?" Alex grunted out, pushing at the door with all of his strength, but it wasn't budging at all. He pulled away and let Dom try, but he didn't have any luck.

"Nadine, if you're okay, let me know!" Sally called out through the door, but there was no response.

"Hey..." Alex began, "Let's go get Tony and Timmy. They can get this door open, I bet." he suggested.

"Yeah, good thinking." Sally replied, "Dom, you keep trying, we'll get the guys." Sally grabbed Alex's arm as she led him downstairs. Dom watched them walk away, and as soon as they were out of sight, he turned to focus on the door. He stretched out his arms, cracked his knuckles, and readied himself to use all of his strength to get the door open.

He put his hand on the nob, turned the handle, and reared back to drive his shoulder into the door.

The door popped right open.

He wasn't expecting this outcome, so he kinda fell through the doorway as his driving shoulder missed the now open door. He stumbled in to the bedroom but regained his bearings quickly.

"Nadine." he called out, looking around the room. The doorknob slipped from his fingers and the door slowly slid back into place, closing itself. Dom looked around, searching the dark room for Nadine. But he didn't see her, at first.

What caught his attention at first were the whispers. He heard whispers carry through the darkness, audible enough to be noticed, but just quiet enough to be unintelligible. His ears followed the noise, and his eyes were drawn into the corner. It was there that he saw her.

The light from outside shone through the dusky window, illuminating Nadine. She was on her hands and knees, facing the corner. She was locked in place, not moving from her position, but she was moving a bit. Her butt was swaying , and her head was moving around actively. Dom looked into the corner, and it was then he realized there was someone else in this room.

She blended into the shadows. The corner itself in front of Nadine was black, as the light from the window didn't reach that far. It was there that this figure sat, in a chair in front of Nadine. This figure was dressed in a dusty black coat, which helped her blend into the darkness. And it became clear to Dom that that this figure was a woman when he realized what Nadine was up to.

Nadine was on all fours, between the woman's legs. And this woman had lifted up her cloak, so even though her legs were bathed in shadow, their ghostly paleness allowed the trim, clearly feminine legs to be seen in the darkness. And Nadine, she was between the woman's spread legs, her face nestled in this mystery woman's crotch, her tongue lapping at the vagina in front of her.

"Nadine!" Dom called out, in shock. What was she doing? Why was she licking this woman's vagina? What the fuck was going on?

But Nadine was undeterred. She ignored Dom, for the first time ever. She just kept on lovingly licking the plump, bare mature pussy in front of her. She lapped at it like a cat, giving the full length of the cunt the pleasure of her wet tongue. Nadine nibbled, licked, and sucked at the cunt, completely enthralled by the act. Which was strange for a girl who always used the word lesbo or dyke as a vicious insult when girls showed even the slightest bit of affection towards each other. But now there she was, lapping at a woman's pussy and seemingly loving every minute of it.

"What are you doing?" Dom called out. But again, Nadine ignored him. Dom watched, frozen to the spot, as a hand emerged from the shadows, equally pale as her legs. Her fingers curled out and patted Nadine's head appreciatively.

And the whispering persisted. Dom tried to listen, but he couldn't make out the words. And the whispers got louder, like waves crashing into his ears. He could hear the noise but he just couldn't make out the words. He looked at Nadine, and the woman she was pleasuring. Nadine was looking up at the woman, worshipfully, and it seemed like something was being shared between them. That maybe these whispers were meant for Nadine to hear and not Dom. Nadine went on, pleasuring the woman in front of her. And the whispers got louder... and louder.

And then they stopped.

Nadine pulled away from the woman with a warm pop. Saliva and sexual juices connected Nadine's open mouth to the pussy of the woman in front of her. Nadine's body moved for the first time, rising into a kneeling position. Then, in one smooth motion, like a serpent, she turned to stare at Dom.

And her eyes glowed a burning red.

"Nadine?" Dom asked. She was staring at him hungrily. It was a look he had gotten more than once from her. But something about this was different. It was more confident. Not that she wasn't confident normally, but as she got to her feet, something about her seemed more... self-assured.

She got to her feet, and slowly, confidently, she began to walk forward, towards him. Like a hunter circling her prey. It was as if she knew she had him wrapped around her finger. He couldn't rip his eyes from her growing gaze.

"What are you doing? Are you okay?" Dom asked, stepping back. Something was wrong with her. Dom looked over her shoulder at the woman in the corner, and she just sat in place, as if watching the proceedings in front of her. What was up with her? Was she possessed or something? Was the woman in the corner controlling her? Wait, this was ridiculous!

"I'm fine, Dom." she said assuredly.

"Who is that?" Dom asked, nodding at the woman, still unable to break her eyeline.

"Don't worry about her. Focus on me." Nadine said, glancing at her own body, guiding his eyes down to the only thing that could pull his eyes away from her otherworldly gaze. His eyes fell to her giant tits, which is where she obviously wanted him to look. Despite his dislike of her, he had to admit her body was spectacular. She had curves where they mattered. Nice, firm legs. A juicy rear-end. And perfectly ripe, succulent big tits.

Typically, these things didn't matter to him. He wasn't that type of guy. He wasn't that shallow. To him, it was a point of pride that his girlfriend wasn't conventionally beautiful. He was the type of guy who kind of liked the fact that his girl-friend had a flat-chest and no ass to speak of. He liked the fact that she dressed down, and downplayed her looks. She was a pretty girl, but she had such character and personality. He thought about her. All the good times they had. And how much he loved her.

But why was he suddenly having trouble remembering her name?

And had Nadine's tits always been that big?

Dom couldn't look away. They just looked huge in that top, which clung to her chest. Her hard nipples were apparent from under it, and they looked like they were positively throbbing. Dom tried to look away, but all he could think was... were those DD's?

Dom shook his head, meeting her gaze again. Her glowing, red gaze. He had to not let himself be taken in by her abundant charms. He had to fight for what's-her-name.

"What's wrong, baby? Having trouble focusing?" Nadine asked, her voice filled with lust.

"What are you doing?" Dom asked. Something was wrong. In his head. She was doing something to him. He never thought like this? He never thought of girl's cup sizes? He never wondered about just how nasty Nadine was in the sack. He never wondered if she could take all of his thick cock down her throat. He never wondered if she would let him fuck her massive tits. He never wondered if she had one of those extra tight cunts he had heard so much about. He never wondered how much of his cock Nadine would take up her extra-tight asshole. Probably the whole thing. She would probably spread her cheeks like an eager slut and beg for the whole fucking length. Then suck it right after like a nasty whore would. And she would swallow his creamy load and beg for more. And she would get it. She would fucking get it... wait, what?

Dom shook his head. What the fuck was happening? He had to get out of here. He turned for the door and attempted to escape. But, of course, the door wouldn't budge. He turned to face Nadine, who was slowly approaching. She seemed to be dripping with darkness. Dom was starting to think she truly was possessed.

"What happened to you? What are you doing?" Dom asked. "What did you do to her?" Dom called out to the woman in the corner. This couldn't be happening. There was no way the myths could be true. But what other explanation could there be.

"I told you to focus on me." Nadine said, drawing his attention to her. As he looked, she produced an old looking knife from her pocket. Dom stepped back. Nadine, her confident smile never wavering, took the knife and brought it to her neck.

"No!" Dom called out, afraid she was gonna hurt herself. But before he could do anything, she brought the knife to the neck of her top and proceeded to cut at her shirt. The shirt peeled apart like the knife was cutting through butter. She slid the knife down her front, and as she did, her massive breasts began to try to force their way out. As she reached the hem of her top, her bra-covered breasts practically exploded out of them, forcing the ruined shirt to fall to the floor in tatters.

Nadine's upper half was now only covered in a lacy black bra, and her tits were so ripe and juicy they were practically falling out of it. The smooth, caramel flesh was literally pouring from her bra, yearning to be free.