The Human Condition Ch. 05


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I'd always liked putting my cock in some guy's tight hole. Liked it a lot. In fact, it was my favorite thing in the whole wide world.

"So what's the verdict?" He pressed.

"I don't know," I said honestly. "This is not an issue I've ever faced before."

"You mean you're a top too?" He watched me nod solemnly, and then grinned. "Well shit. It appears we do have a dilemma then don't we?"

We might have stood there forever, if the hot water hadn't taken that moment to give out. Both of us yelped and scrambled to get out without slipping and falling on our twin virgin asses.

We swore and laughed and shivered as we grabbed towels and tried to dry each other off. Cam suddenly stopped, grabbed both ends of his towel, looped it around my neck and pulled me into him.

"Well for today, stud, let's agree to a Mexican standoff, and let me repay you for that blowjob that almost ended my life."

He led me out of the bathroom and pulled me all the way to the bed, where he pushed me down and literally gobbled me up. I moaned in surprise and lust and threw a boner that would have put his eye out, if he hadn't already had my rod halfway down his throat.

For the next thirty minutes, he took me to the gates of Heaven and then refused to let me in. I begged, I pleaded, but Cam would not be deterred from his obvious goal of turning me into mindless idiot, who could deny him nothing.

I barely even processed the fact that he had a finger up my ass, until he found my magic button and made me see stars. By then, I'd lost the power of speech and could only cry out as finally, finally, he let me slip over the edge and shoot my load into his hungry mouth.

It was minutes before I returned to some semblance of rational thought, and even longer until I regained the ability to form those thoughts into words. It didn't help that Cam had raised himself up to kiss me and share the remains of my load. It wasn't until I felt him slip his finger out of my ass, that I really thought about how he'd manipulated me, both literally and figuratively.

"You don't play fair," I murmured, too satisfied to pretend I cared.

"Hey, I'm a lawyer, we're supposed to use dirty tricks to get what we want."


I wasn't being exactly honest, myself. I'd had other hands explore my back door before and I'd enjoyed it well enough. Now, I continued the deception, because I had the idea that Cam liked the idea that he was exploring completely uncharted territory.

Also, I had a feeling that if I gave in too easily, I was going to find myself, all too soon, flat on my back with my legs over his shoulders and his cock up my ass. And I still wasn't sure that was a position I was prepared for, yet.

We snuggled, then dozed, then woke and explored each other's bodies until they held no secrets. Well almost none, Cam still wasn't letting me anywhere near his tunnel, though he seemed to like the rest of the attention I paid to his ass.

Inevitably, we ended up in a sixty-nine. Cam left my butt alone while he brought me to another shattering climax. When it was his turn, he shot cautiously, this time letting me control the depths his cock reached.

After we'd recovered he stood and dressed. He had a date for handball at 4 with one of the partners, and a dinner at a client's house after that. I forced myself to get out of bed, and walked him to the door. He kissed me and said he'd pick me up the next day at 9. Then he was gone.

I thought about taking another shower, doing laundry or cracking the books for a test I had the following week. I crawled back into bed and took a nap.

When I woke, it was dark. I looked at the clock, 6:30. I swallowed cautiously, but Cam's monster apparently hadn't done any permanent damage. My stomach growled. I realized, that except for the bacon and eggs I'd made that morning, I'd had nothing to eat all day. I mentally reviewed the contents of my refrigerator. Unless I wanted to repeat that meal or call in for a pizza, I'd have to go out for a bite.

I took one more shower and got dressed. I headed to a nearby Mexican place, and stuffed my face with chili rellanos and enchiladas in Verde sauce. I finished my second Carta Blanca and paid the tab and left. But I wasn't ready to go home. I decided to take a walk.

Up until that time I had managed to avoid thinking about Cam. It wasn't that I wasn't happy with our surprise nooner. God no, it had been wonderful, almost too good. Which really was the crux of the problem. Joe was right; I was a goner. Head over heels, stars in your eyes, over the top in lust, maybe even more, though love wasn't a word I was prepared to use yet. But even without that ultimate commitment, this whole thing scared the shit out of me.

I knew this was going to be a totally different type of relationship. Cam was older, more mature and definitely used to taking the lead. Expected it even. Keeping him happy would mean letting him call most of the shots. That was not going to be easy for me. But I wanted him, and that overrode any misgivings I had about his need to take the lead. At least, I rationalized, for a while anyway.

I finally got back to my place at about 1 AM. I still wasn't sleepy, but then, I had taken a four-hour nap. I was restless and prowled my one room home like a tiger in a cage.

I needed to talk to somebody. I wished that every damn friend I had hadn't decided to pick this weekend to be out of town. I wanted to tell somebody, anybody, that I may have found the one. Even Lucy was gone. She'd left that afternoon with Richard who'd talked her into accompanying him to a seminar back east.

The phone rang. I went over to my nightstand and reached for it wondering who'd be calling so late. Even though I'd just gotten done wishing for human contact, a phone ringing this late made me nervous.

I come from a family that firmly believes any call that comes in after eleven o'clock, has to be bad news. As I picked up the receiver, I was mentally reviewing the health of all of my relatives.

"Hello?" I said cautiously.

"You've been gone. I've been trying all night to get you," a deep voice growled quietly in my ear.

My heart still raced, but now it wasn't from fear. "Cam?"

"Hi baby."

"Hi yourself," I plopped down on my bed, leaned back and crossed one leg lazily over the other. I wanted to get comfortable because I was hoping this was going to be a long, long conversation.

"How come you don't have an answering machine?"

"Hell Cam," I laughed softly. "I'm a poverty stricken college student. I'm lucky I have a phone."

"So where were you? I've been trying since 9 to get hold of you."

"I went out for a bite and then walked. I was lonely." I winced as I blurted that last sentence out. Shit, the last thing I wanted to do was make myself sound so pathetic.

"So was I; that's why I called."

My heart did an odd two-step in my chest at his words. So Cam had been thinking about me too. When I didn't respond, still too absorbed in this latest revelation, he continued.

"Too bad I couldn't have gotten hold of you earlier Mike; we could have been lonely together."

"I don't think lonely is ever how I'd feel, if I was with you."

"Jesus, you do have a sweet tongue on you," he changed the subject abruptly. "What are you wearing?"

"Clothes," I grinned and slid my hand under and up my shirt and stroked my abs.

"You're not ready for bed yet?"

"I just got home. I was about to strip when you called."

"Do it now, Mike," his voice had taken on purring quality. "Get naked, and tell me how it feels."

Jesus Christ! The guy was making my balls melt and I hadn't even touched myself yet. But I took too long to answer. Cam mistook my lust-induced silence for reluctance.

"A little too much for you big guy?" He chuckled. "That's okay, I like the idea of expanding your horizons."

I shut my mouth and didn't make the protest I'd been ready to utter. If Cam wanted to play teacher, then who was I to argue, especially when the lessons were going to be so much fun.

"You know what I was thinking about tonight?" This time, he didn't wait for my answer. "I was thinking about you in those jeans this morning. I was seeing you open your front door in those tight pants; how the zipper was only half closed. Your hair was still wet from your shower, little drops spilled down on your shoulders and dripped down your chest. I remembered that little treasure trail of yours was all shiny and damp and how I couldn't keep my eyes off it, because I knew where it was leading to, under those tight jeans. And then, I thought about later; how wet they got, those jeans of yours. Wet through, soaked with your cum."

He laughed softly. I was so turned on I could barely breath.

"There I was, right in the middle of some boring client dinner, listening to some bullshit about personal computers being the wave of the future; and all I could think of was those damn jeans."

"Oh shit," I moaned. "Swear to God, I'll put them back on right now, if you promise to come over and take them off me again."

"Sorry baby," he laughed again. "Tempting as that offer is, it's late, and I want you to get a good night's sleep. You've got a busy day ahead of you tomorrow."

"God, you are a heartless bastard!" I half snarled into the phone.

"Yeah, I am, but isn't that one of the things that turns you on?"
Before I could deny it, I heard the click of his phone as he hung it up.

It took me a long time to fall asleep. I set the alarm for 8 AM but it didn't register in my conscious brain until a quarter to 9. I shot out of bed. I managed to shower, shave and dress in 11 minutes.

Cam was right on time. We were dressed alike again: this time the uniform of the day was jeans and sweatshirts, and it was okay, because what else were you going to wear on a boat.

We broke up the hour and half trip with a breakfast stop at Denny's, where we each got the Grand Slam and split an extra order of pancakes.

On the road again, he told me about his boat, the Jenny Elise, named after his ex-wife and daughter. It was a cigarette boat purchased, he laughed, when he was going through a Miami Vice phase. He moored it in a little town in Michigan's thumb and he took it out onto Lake Huron every chance he got as long as the weather cooperated. After today it would be pulled and dry docked for the winter.

We reached the harbor about eleven. He pulled into a reserved parking space and motioned for me to follow him. He stopped and talked to a couple of workmen, and I watched him work his magic on them, as he had so many at Croft. Then we made our way down the pier until we came to a silver and white beauty that made me feel a lot happier than the symphony had the week before.

Cam was a skilled captain. He explained quietly and efficiently how we were going to set sail and what he expected my part would be in the process. We accomplished it all with a minimum of fuss, and soon we were out of the no wake zone and heading for open water.

I'd put in some time in speedboats before; had even learned to sail a little at camp. But the small lakes of Pennsylvania had never prepared me for the feel of the Great Lakes of the northern Midwest.

The chop was small today, Cam told me, but I had no reference to measure it by. It felt huge to me, the swells ground beneath my feet and I staggered as I tried to find my sea legs.

It was warm for October; the sun beat down on us from a cloudless sky. But the water was already cooling preparing for winter, and I was glad the windbreaker I'd brought was lined.

We headed north for about an hour, then Cam turned towards shore looking for something. He found it a few minutes later. A small cove; deserted but relatively sheltered. It was state land he told me, part of Michigan's huge park preserves. It was forbidden to put down a permanent mooring, but nobody minded if you dropped anchor for the day or even a week.

We secured the boat. Cam went downstairs and got the picnic he'd had made up for us at a local cafe. We stuffed ourselves on ham sandwiches, cole slaw and pickles. Then we packed everything back up, grabbed a couple more beers and sat down across from each other, relaxing in the rays of the warm autumn sun.

Cam slipped off his docksider, and put his bare foot on my thigh. He stoked up and down on the worn smooth material of my jeans. I leaned back and rested my head on the chair cushion and closed my eyes.

His foot moved lazily to the inside of my leg, and I widened my knees to give him more room. He slid his foot further up until it rested lightly on my zipper.

"Are you ready for some football?" He sang the ditty softly.

I laughed until his long toes found my cock where it lay under the material. My laugh changed to a gasp, as he captured it and squeezed lightly. He let go, only to slid his heel up to rub the length of my rod. Then his foot slid back down and repeated the whole business again.

I don't know how long we stayed that way. I only know that when he finally let go and brought his foot down to the floor, I was so swollen I thought I'd have permanent marks on my cock from my zipper.

"Come on," Cam said in a husky voice. "Let's go down below while we can both still walk."

I wasn't at all sure I hadn't already passed that point, but I managed to stand and followed him through the cabin door. I'd just barely glanced below decks before we'd gotten underway. I looked around curiously now.

There was one main salon that took up about half the available floor space. It held the galley and a combination living eating area. Behind it was a tiny head and behind that were the two staterooms that took up the remaining space.

One was so small it only held a narrow captain's bed with a trundle tucked under it. If the cot were pulled out, I realized, there would be no floor space left in the room at all. A built in cupboard over the bed was the only storage.

"For the kid's," was Cam's only comment.

The other room was larger, but not by much. It was empty except for built in drawers and closets along one wall. I looked at Cam questioningly.

"Watch this."

He leaned into the room and hit a switch, there was a hum, and then the wall opposite us broke free and lowered slowly to the floor. It was a king sized bed and it fit in that room like wall-to-wall carpet. At it's head was a double shelf unit. I swallowed when I realized what was on those shelves. Cam ignored my expression.

"I had it specially made. The standard bed was too small for me to be comfortable in."

I just nodded. Cam laughed softly, and nodded towards the collection of lubes and the butt plug that lay on its side by the reading lamp. He pulled me to him and spoke softly.

"Don't worry Mike, this will be the time of your life."

"What happened to our Mexican standoff?"

He laughed softly. "Didn't I mention that was a one day deal?"

"Yeah, but..."

Cam kissed me hard and slipped his hands around my back and slid them under my shirt. Automatically, I raised my arms and he broke off the kiss only long enough to guide the material up and off. We didn't stop until we both broke away gasping for air.

Then he stripped his own shirt and undid his jeans. His cock sprang out as far as it could, only stopping because it was trapped in the stretched confines of his red briefs. It throbbed. I could swear I could feel its heat and power even though I wasn't touching it.

He reached for my jeans and snapped them open. He slowly slid the zipper down and I whimpered and leaned back against the wall, overwhelmed by the relief I felt at finally escaping my confinement.

"Kick off your shoes," Cam whispered.

I obeyed and he knelt on the floor before me. He slid my pants and boxers down in one motion and left them in pile around my ankles. Then his head came forward and he licked the head of my cock.

"Oh God, that feels great," I murmured.

He teased me, always promising but never quite taking my tool into his mouth. Instead, he blew hot puffs of air on my tender skin and swirled his tongue around my knob while he kept his lips wide and away from the shaft. As my knees started to buckle, he stood and pushed me gently back on the bed where I fell, my legs still trapped by the pants around my ankles. I swore and called him a bastard.

I was starting to get a little pissed. It was one thing to go along with his daddy act on the phone, or out to dinner. But the game was turning serious, and I realized that the penalties might out weigh the scores.

"Don't think I'm a pushover," I warned him. "Maybe you should worry about your own ass a little."

"So," he whispered. "Is this going to be a contest?" He was amused, but serious and it showed in his voice.

"What's the game?"

"Whoever cums first loses."

"And the prize is?"

Cam grinned lazily before he spoke. "Everything."

My head shot up, and I looked at him for a long moment.

Wordlessly, we both considered the stakes. As I'd already realized, Cam's and my affair was not going to be a naturally, equal partnership. He was an alpha dog, a natural leader. He would not give in easily to any demand that he be treated otherwise.
I had never had that kind of competitive spirit, but at the same time, I had no intention of always playing follow the leader.

Maybe this game was a way of letting him know this. If I won, I'd win a hell of a prize, but more importantly, I'd gain some control. If I lost, well I'd already figured out that it was inevitable that someday Cam was going to fuck me, and I was just as sure that I was going to let him.

He cocked an eyebrow and waited for his answer. I slowly nodded and he smiled.

He finished undressing as I kicked off my jeans and socks and scooted back onto the mattress. I lay there, watching him come to me across that big bed, my heart pounding, my cock steel, my belly tied in knots of anticipation. And then he touched me.

I can't describe the next half hour. Between the two of us, I think we used every trick we could think of to make the other go over the edge first, while trying to prevent the same from happening to our own bodies.

There were hard kisses and sharp bites from both of us; neither of us came out of that bed unmarked. The arena may have been small, but the stakes were huge and for a long time it seemed that neither of us would capitulate. But bodies can only take so much. And ours tightened and swelled; an explosion was inevitable.

The game was almost over, but to cross the goal line first was no victory. Control was the prize. Gratification, while a relief, would not matter in the long run.

I lost of course. I lay there panting, a pool of cum congealing on my belly, every muscle in my body exhausted, all my defenses broken. Cam knelt above me. His cock so dark and hard with blood, it looked like a medieval weapon.

"Oh baby," he whispered. "You are so beautiful."

Cam reached and softly stroked my hair. He would be generous in his success. But there was no doubt in my mind that he'd take what he'd won.

Now that he knew he was going to get my ass, Cam was in no hurry. He left the room and returned with a damp towel and tenderly washed away the evidence of my defeat. Then he lay down beside me and started a new game.

He kissed me softly, teasing my mouth open, gently stealing my breath. He stroked my back and murmured low words of encouragement. He knew all the moves, and he used every one of them.

He pushed my arms high about my head and held them there while his mouth drove me crazy. He nuzzled my armpits and fucked them with his tongue, first one then the other, over and over again till I rolled my hips in an agony of pleasure.

He sank lower.

He never touched my cock. I pleaded for his mouth and I bargained for relief, but he just laughed and kept on slowly driving me insane.