The Monkey's Penis Ch. 9


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Daddy stood and removed his pants, which I took. Both Lizzie and I stood there in awe, our jaws hanging open. Daddy had a BULGE in his undershorts! A HUGE bulge. My brain wouldn't even work out what it MEANT, that he was standing here with his two daughters in ... THAT condition!

"If you two ladies stare any harder, you're going to have to kiss it."

Both Lizzie and I immediately cast our eyes away. "I ... uhm ... ehr ... I need to get these pants soaking."

"Hold on," Daddy said, taking the pants back from me. He pulled what looked like a stick with a knob at one end out of the pocket, then handed them back to me.

I walked the pants back to the washing machine, unable to get Daddy's ... erection out of my mind! That ... bulge! That BIG ... bulge! I poured some detergent on the spot, accidentally spilling too much on it. Rubbing the soap into the stain, I realized I was close to panting! That ... protrusion!

Could we be getting daddy ... hard? No! I couldn't even think of that!

I walked back to the kitchen and saw that Lizzie had removed her blouse and was in just her panties and bra now. "Lizzie!" I frowned.

"Well, I'm hot," she stuck her lip out. "Reeeeeaaally hot! Sizzling, even. Steaming. And if you can do it, so can I."

She was right, I guessed. I was in my bra and panties too. Still ... it just didn't seem right. Especially with Daddy so ... bulged like that!

I checked the potatoes, then sat and listened to Daddy talk about ethical virtues that they taught at the retreat. While he did, I studied his crotch. That bulge was ... enormous! It was just so ....

Daddy was staring at me, and I realized I had been licking my lips..

"Having trouble paying attention, Carol?" he smirked.

"N-no. I was just ... you were saying something about ethics."

"Well," he yawned before continuing. "I'm finally home. I'm going to get comfortable." He stood and removed his shirt.

Lizzie and I both sat there, mesmerized, slack-jawed, unable to tear our eyes away from that flagpole poking out in front of him.

"Well," Daddy said, shifting his hips from side to side, and smiling as our eyes automatically followed his crotch, "That feels a lot better. How about you, Lizzie? Wouldn't you feel better ... unfettered ... by that bra?"

Lizzie shook her head and focused on what he had just said to her. "Oh, no, I ... couldn't."

"Oh, come on. You would feel so much freer."

"No, Daddy. Certainly not! Stripping to just my panties and bra is one thing, but to just let my boobs hang out like so much meat -- that just wouldn't be appropriate, Daddy!"

Daddy reached for the stick he had taken from his pants pocket and set on the table. "Hmmm ... I said, Lizzie, wouldn't you feel better unfettered by that tight, constricting bra?" He opened his eyes and smiled.

The relief that showed on Lizzie's face was like that of a patient whose "six months left to live" turns out to be a misdiagnosis. It was okay! What Daddy was saying was okay! She reached behind, smiling softly, unsnapped her bra and let it fall to the floor.

"Lizzie?" I shrieked. "What are you DOING?!"

"What bout you?" Daddy smiled at me. "Wouldn't you feel better without that tight ... binding ... bra?"

"No! Certainly NOT! And Lizzie has to put hers back on NOW!"

"It's okay, Carol," Lizzie smiled sweetly. "It DOES feel MUCH better." She looked to Daddy and made eyes. "Much better!"


Daddy was holding that stick out again. "Think about it again, Carol. Wouldn't it feel much nicer without that binding chest strap?"

Was he CRAZY?! I opened my mouth and ....

... and ....

... and it really wasn't all THAT bad to walk around bare-breasted. Especially if Daddy was running around without a shirt. And with that magnificent bulge. "O ... kay." I reached behind and unsnapped my bra, then let it fall to the floor.

Wow! It really DID feel freer! My boobs could BREATHE now!

"Better?" Daddy asked.

"Better!" I agreed, smiling. The freedom was a relief.

Daddy held his stick and shut his eyes again. He was DOING something with that stick, I realized. He had held it and made it okay for my tits to hang out, even though it hadn't been okay before. It was like he was using the stick to reach in and CHANGE Lizzie and me, to FIX us! Like we had no choice, that he could just MAKE us--

Daddy opened his eyes and smiled.

"Carol!" Lizzie pointed. "Your panties are stained all WET in front!" she smirked. "You're EXCITED! You NASTY girl!"

I looked down, and she was right. The crotch of my panties was soaked. And she was right about me being excited, too. Thinking about ... daddy ... MAKING us ... LIKE things ... just ... shit! I just juiced myself again!

"Well," Daddy clapped his hands. "I think it's time for dinner. And Carol?"

"Yes, Daddy?"

"During dinner, you need to keep your mind on the meal and not on Daddy's pecker. Understood?"

I swallowed hard. "Y-Yes, sir."

We set the food on the table, and Lizzie and I both had the experience of having our boobs bare-naked at the dinner table for the first time in our lives. I was worried that my nipples were so perked up that it was obvious to the other two how sexually excited I was, but then I noticed that Lizzie's were even more perked up than mine! They were SO perked up that I was surprised her eyes weren't glazed over with lust.

While I was busy ... musing ... about ... places ... that I could put the carrots if I were only alone, Daddy reached for the stick and concentrated.

The table rose on his end.

"Sorry, girls," he smiled, then wriggled his hips, and the table slipped back down. "There doesn't seem to be enough room under the table for Daddy's hard-on." He stood then to carry his plate to the sink, and the head of his erection was in front of his knee, held there where it had burst out of the leg hole of his underwear.

Lizzie looked ready to crawl over the table after it, voraciously.

When he came back and sat, it had repositioned and stood up straight now, six inches above the table top, like some flesh-colored periscope, eyeballing Lizzie and me.

"Daddy ...," I breathed. "You're ... doing ... things, aren't you?"

"Why, what do you mean, snookums?"

"Daddy ... you're doing things ... TO us ... Lizzie and I ... we're sitting here, having dinner with you ... with our boobs exposed ... and the crotches of our panties soaked ... and these things didn't used to be okay ... but now they ARE okay. Every time you hold that stick and shut your eyes, more things become ... okay."

"Don't they though?" he grinned. "Why don't you wash the dishes, Carol, while Lizzie and I go make a few more things okay."

"Daddy, we can't DO these things! You can't make us ... okay ... with things like this!"

Her father, though, was holding the stick out again.

"Let me ... just ... get the dishes for you ...."

"That's my sweetie. C'mon, Lizzie." She giggled as he led her by the hand to the other room.

I finished the dishes, then swallowed hard. Should I ... join them ... in the other room? I shuddered to think what my father might make me do next ... but then what was he making Lizzie do right now ...?

I had to see ....

Stepping quietly into the other room, I gazed upon ....

Lizzie was hunched over, on her knees, face pressed to the floor, ass bouncing high in the air while Daddy grunted behind her, thrusting into her pelvis to the same rhythm as her grunts and moans.

"Ohgod!" I gasped.

"Hi, candy twat," Daddy grinned between grunts.

Lizzie was too lost in ecstasy to respond. I felt ... something ... but refused to believe that it was envy.

"Daddy ... you can't DO these things! They're not right! Here I am, standing here in just my panties, my boobs exposed for you," a shiver ran through me, "For your PLEASURE! Daddy! I can't even think straight enough to CHASTISE you! What have you DONE to us?!"

"Oh, angel, you're Daddy's two little fuck-toys now."

"Noooooo ...." I fled from the room.

Daddy finished riding Lizzie, then left her on the floor in an orgasmic coma, twitching occasionally with an ecstatic ripple. He stepped into the kitchen.

I had stripped out of my soaked panties and was laying, spread, on the table, fingers moving in my cunt.

"Ogod, Daddy ... I NEED you!" I moaned.

"You need me to what?" he taunted me.

I pulled my two fingers out of my pussy. "I need you in here, Daddy," I whined.

"Sugar pie, all of Daddy won't fit in there."

"Your COCK, Daddy!" I snapped, the yearning unbearable. "I need your COCK in here!"

"Sweetie, I don't know. That just wouldn't be right."

"FUCK right, Daddy! I NEED you! Now!"

"Are you sure?"


My thighs spasmed, and I gasped as I felt him part my pussy lips with his cock. As he began stroking in and out, lust hammered at my brain, and I made little nonsense mewling sounds. Well before he came, I lost consciousness in an orgasmic abyss.

When I awoke, I was still spread out upon the table, Daddy's cum leaking out my pussy.

What had he done ...?!

Standing, not giving a second thought to my nakedness, I went looking for Daddy.

He was in the den, leaning back in a chair while Lizzie's head bobbed on his erection.

"Daddy ... you've sprayed seed ... all inside my womb."

"It's okay, sugar boobs," Daddy sighed. "You forgot about the penis."

"The penis?" I frowned, not understanding.

Daddy waved toward the stick he had been using earlier to make Lizzie and me more ... compliant. "It'll fix any of your pregnancy problems."

I picked the stick -- the penis, I guessed -- up off the coffee table and pointed it at Daddy. "How does this thing work, Daddy?"

Daddy quickly pulled Lizzie's head from his crotch and stood. "Hand that thing to Daddy, sweetie."

Lizzie whined and tried to impale her face on his rod again, but Daddy pushed her away.

"You use this to ... change ... things, don't you, Daddy?"

"Sweetie, give the penis to Daddy. Before you do something you'll regret."

I pointed the penis at him. "I wish you'd tell me how this thing works."

"I ... I can't, honey."

I pointed it again. "I wish you HAD to tell me how it works!"

"Grrrkh!" Daddy clenched his fists as his erection shrank down to nothing, then a small hole appeared at his crotch.

"Please ... Carol ...." Daddy gasped through clenched teeth. He was in obvious agony.

"What?! What IS it, Daddy?! What happened?!"

"Oooooowww-ow-ooww! ... my erection ... you've turned it ... inside out ...!"

"Inside out?"

"Ooh! Ow! Yeah! Instead of sticking out ... it's sticking in .. and it hurts ... a LOT!"

"Oooh, poor Daddy. So you mean, if I do this and turn you on," I stuck two fingers up my pussy, "That will ...."

"OOWW! Oh! Ow! OW!"

"... get a little harder and get a little longer ... on the inside ... and hurt a little more?"

"Ohgod, yes! DON'T! Don't excite me! Please!"

"Oh," I smiled like a cat that no longer hungers for a canary. "Then I guess I really shouldn't do ..." I turned around and cocked out my ass, "this." Smiling, I let the tip of my index finger slip inside my sphincter.

"Oh! OW! Please! It hurts! You're tearing me up inside! I just felt a kidney move out of the way!"

I turned around, puzzled. I left the tip of my index finger in my ass, as it really didn't feel too bad there. "A kidney move?"

"Ohgod, yes! It really is poking up inside me now! If it hits my diaphragm or my heart, it may kill me!"

"Oh, Daddy, I'm sorry. What c-- "

"Ow! Oh! Ow!"


"Hush! I need to tell you about the penis! You made that wish!"

I was quiet and Daddy spoke of monkeys and penises and yogis and temples ....


"Whoa! Cool!" I told my mother. "Is this for real?!"


"Wow! Amazing!" I told Paul. "What possibilities!"


"Awesome!" David told Katie. "What power! No wonder you turned into such a bitch about it!"


"Daddy, this is incredible!"

"It's all true, Carol. That's the story of the mummified monkey's penis." Having told me the truth and completed the wish, the hole in Daddy's crotch filled in, then his inverted penis reverted and started inflating like those balloons magicians shape into dachshunds until he was normal again. Or oversized normal again.

"But there are ... so many ...."

"Give the penis back to Daddy, honey."

"But you'll just use it to make Lizzie and me loose and horny. And soft in the head."

"You can trust me, honey," Daddy put on a sincere smile.

"But you'll just ... make us walk around ... naked! And let you put ... things ... places!" I gasped. My mind was just filled with things too unbelievable to speak of.

"Are those really such bad things, honey? Trust Daddy."

I swallowed hard, finding my mouth very dry. "If you ... if you promise to be a good boy, Daddy."

"Of course I do, Carol." A flash glinted off his front tooth.

"And to behave yourself, Daddy."

"I ALWAYS behave myself, sugar dumpling."

"O..." I handed Daddy the penis, "...kay."

"Thanks, dollbaby." Daddy pointed the penis at me and shut his eyes.

I soon had my face pressed to the floor, my ass high in the air as Daddy pumped me.

"DO her, Daddy! DO the little bitch!" Lizzie said from the sidelines.

"Enjoying yourself, punkin?" Daddy asked me.

"Ohgod, yeah!" I gasped in between pumps.

"Daddy LOVES his two little girls."


"Oh, SHIT, Paul!" a sudden glob of juice fell from Mom's pussy and splashed on the floor. Her leg twitched, and she brought her fingers to her cunt. "Ohgod! I am sooooo hooo-oo-orny!"


Her eyes opened, and she leered at me, eyes filled with lust. "Yes ... baby?" she breathed.

"What just happened, Mom?"

"My brain just slipped partway down my spine, honey. And now my body's free to juice up, thinking about Daddy ... thinking about you ... do you want to come touch Mommy's fur, sweetie? Her wet fur? Come pet me ... please ...."

"Maybe you'd better let her finish her story, Paul." This was Grandpa, who had just stepped into the kitchen. "If her brain leaks all the way out, her spine, she'll be nothing more than an empty-headed lusty sex doll forever. And you'd probably prefer for her to cook and clean occasionally for you."

I was staring at Mom opening frigging herself. "Wh-whatever you say, Grandpa."

"Finish your story, snookums," he told her.


O ... kay.

Well, things were heavenly for a while. With the help of the penis, the three of us coupled with each other one or two dozen times a day. We were in a horny little paradise.

After a year, though, Daddy decided that it wasn't good for us to continue as we had been. He thought that Lizzie and I should continue with our own lives and just use the penis occasionally. He said that the penis should be a brief detour for our lives and not a derailment. He started sending Lizzie and I out each day, looking for suitable husbands. It took me a month to find James. Lizzie took six weeks to choose Stanley.

Daddy used the penis and both our men fell head over heels in love with us. Soon we were married.

I ... I ... ohgod! I am SO horny! What? Yes, you're right, Daddy. I need to finish my story before my brain slips out and I'm permanently horny.

Well, then Daddy wants us to NOT FUCK HIM! Can you believe THAT?! We'd all three pleasured each other for over a year, and then he actually wanted us to stop and only fuck our husbands! Let me tell you, Lizzie and I had a row with him over that!

So he uses the penis to make us forget about the penis. That worked for about six months. But then I'm sitting there, running through some memories, and I recall that Daddy used to make things ... okay. I don't remember how he did it, but he used to make all kinds of things okay. I called Lizzie and she started remembering too. We both drove to Daddy's house to confront him about it and he just sighed.

Well-- Oh, SHIT! Ohgod! Oh! YEAH! Yeah, there's more water on the floor. Yeah, you're right, Daddy. I think more of my brain did just slip out. OhGOD, I'm hooo-oo-oorny! No, I don't know if I CAN continue.

Okay. So then Daddy makes us afraid of the penis. Horribly afraid so that if we started getting memories near it, we'd be too afraid to finish remembering. And then I had you, Paul, and I never remembered that wonderful penis. And even if I started to, I was too afraid to finish remembering.


When she got to that point in her story, Mom kept fingering herself, but she stopped leaking -- or at least she slowed down leaking enough that you could tell it was normal sex juices and not spinal fluid.

I asked Grandpa, to be sure that Mom wouldn't be just a lust-crazed sex whore for the rest of her life, and he said he was sure, that the penis didn't work like that.

He told me some more about the penis -- ways to use it, things to watch out for, wishes to avoid because they wind up going wrong and being more trouble than they're worth. Then he told me that he wasn't leaving the penis with me yet. He was going to keep it a while longer, but I would inherit it when he passed away, and he wanted to make sure that I would and could use it wisely.

I asked why he didn't' just wish to not die, and he said that was another of those wishes that can't help but to go wrong. He'd had a full life, he said, and I'd be getting the penis in the next couple years.

We went to bed then, though it was hard to sleep that night.

The next morning we got up and got dressed. What happened last night didn't seem to fit in with the rest of reality -- it seemed more like a dream than like something that had really happened last night.

I hugged Grandpa and thanked him for everything.

Mom hugged him and told him she was going to miss him.

Grandpa opened the closet door, and Dad stopped pumping that nasty-smelling shoe in and out his ass long enough to wish Grandpa well.

"One last thing you might want to pay attention to, lad," Grandpa told me, then unzipped and whipped out his schlong.

Mom whimpered, dropped to her knees and sucked him off vigorously for a couple minutes until he squirted her in the face.

Then Mom used her fingers to wipe and eat all the cream.

"You always were the best suck I ever had, Carol," he said, zipping. "Live well, you two."

Then he was gone. Mom fixed a cup of coffee, then she and I sat at the kitchen table in silence a couple minutes. Finally she spoke, "Paul, some ... things ... happened last night and this morning."

"I know," I sighed. I had known this would be coming. "These were special circumstances. And nothing like this can ever happen again. I understand."

"It certainly can NOT, young man! Not ever again." After a moment, she swallowed hard. "And ... and you had BETTER not MAKE me, young man."

I looked at her. She licked her lips. As she reached for her coffee cup, I saw that her hand was trembling slightly. After her sip, she set the cup down and breathed in deeply. "I said ... you had BETTER not MAKE me, young man."

"Make you?" What was she talking about?

"Mm-hmm. You had just BETTER not. Don't even THINK about doing that!"

My brow furrowed. How ... how would I make her?

Mom sighed. "You'd BETTER not whip out your penis and expect to command me to suck it like I did for your grandfather."

"Whip ... out ...?"

Mom rolled her eyes. "C'mon, Paul! You're a bright boy. It's a hunger he left in me! If you whip out your cock, I'll do ANYTHING for you! ANYTHING! Now you had just BETTER not think you can pull that on me, young man!" She wagged her index finger at me, warning.

I raised my brows. Then I stood and unzipped.

"Oh ... baby ... noooo ...," Mom sighed sweetly. "Don't ... MAKE ... me ... DO ... things ...."