The Phillips Family Curse Ch. 01


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I lied back and tried to relax, but my mind was racing. I replayed the events of the day, trying to figure what the hell was happening. Why were the women of my family flirting with me? Why were they being so brazen? Why were all of them acting so much different, so out of character, than I had ever seen them act before? I could only hope that when I woke up I would escape this bad dream and things would go back to normal.

Unable to relax, I reached over to grab my phone. Finding a text from Sandy waiting for me, I eagerly opened it up, eager for a taste of normalcy.

"I bet u miss me" it said.

"Things are so crazy here. I can't wait to be back with you." I texted back. I knew I sounded like a lovesick puppy, but I was so on edge I needed that affirmation.

"Do u miss me or do u miss this?" she texted back pretty quickly. A few seconds later, a picture hit my inbox. When I saw its contents, a shiver of lust passed through me.

It was a picture of Sandy with her back to a mirror, and she was naked. Her cute, round, bare ass was exposed to me, as was the expanse of her sexy back. She had her face turned to the mirror, her lips curled in a lusty smirk.

My semi-stiff cock quickly became as hard as a rock. After a whole day of this weirdness, my cock was confused to say the least. It clearly enjoyed the stimulation and attention I had been on the receiving end of all day, not caring that all the boobs and butts I had been exposed to were from women I was related to. Despite the discomfort I had felt, that didn't stop my dick from drooling all over itself all day long at the sight of all this familial skin.

I rubbed myself through the bed sheets, being careful to not let Dana notice. I was looking at this picture of Sandy, letting it work me up, only to be interrupted, my phone buzzing in my hand. My eyes widened as a new photo took Sandy's place, a down-blouse picture of a big pair of smooth, fleshy mature tits.

Aunt Karen was calling. And this was the picture she had put in my phone.

I silenced the phone, not wanting to talk to her, clearing my head of the picture I had just seen, wanting to forget it. I tried to focus on Sandy... Her huge boobs rippling as she walked, feeling heavier than ever. Helen swore she had gone up an entire cup size, but that was to be expected with the baby on the way.

So as I went back and forth with my girlfriend with these flirty texts, the pressure I was feeling in my balls started to become a pressing issue. This texting session had gone from calming me down to stirring me up. I had been able to keep my mind busy and ignore that need for release. But now, lying back, with little to distract me, my stiff dick became all I could think about. Stiff due to Sandy, and not the picture of my aunt's huge tits.

I weighed my options. I could slip into the bathroom and take care of myself there, but I knew there wasn't a lock on the door, and the last thing I needed at this point was to be caught stroking my meat by one of my horned up female relatives. Or... I could wait till Dana fell asleep and take care of myself right here as silently as I could under the sheets. But obviously, that presented many dangers, namely being caught by my sister, and that would be something she would never let me forget. Plus, it would be a bit messy, and being that stealthy wouldn't exactly be satisfying. It seemed like the smartest thing would be to do nothing, as boring as that was.

Also, I kinda knew that deep down part of my hardness was due to the games the women of my family were playing with me, and it would feel kinda icky to jack off knowing my current state was partially caused by them. I would just have to wait till I got back to Sandy and take care of my current condition in the most enjoyable way possible.

The conversation with Sandy died out as my eyelids began to feel the weight of the day. I set the phone down and closed my eyes.

"Don't be too loud." I told Dana wearily as the sounds of her nails clicking on the keyboard rang through my ears. "I need to be up early in the morning. I set the alarm."

"And I'm not lying," she began. "My top is probably coming off, so don't be surprised if you end up seeing my boobs tonight," she said casually. Then, the clicking stopped. "You know, you might as well get it over with," she added as I heard her moving around, before hearing the soft noise of her top hitting the floor. I simply rolled onto my side, facing away from her, keeping my eyes screwed shut.

"Whatever." she muttered, the clicking resuming.

The weight of my eyes started to overwhelm the pressure coming from my groin. The hard spike between my legs was the only thing keeping me grounded among the land of the conscious. I kept affirming that it was the right call to not take care of myself, but the need was clouding my judgment, trying to change my mind, but once sleep overcame me, I knew I made the right call.

Besides, who would want to masturbate next to their own sibling anyway?


I was clearly love-sick, cause I dreamt of Sandy. I was following her through a bright pasture. The sky was blue, the grass was green and the flowers were bright. And Sandy was ahead of me, just out of reach. I followed her as she teased me, shaking her butt, looking back at me with a teasing smile. And just as I got close to her, when I was close enough to touch her...

"Fuck!" I heard a moan ring softly in the dark. My eyes were pulled open hours after falling asleep, confronting the darkness, lit solely by the moonlight.

"God yes!"


"Mmmmmm... yes!"

My eyes opened wide, realizing that what I was hearing was really happening. Dreading the truth, I turned my head to look towards my sister.

She was very much awake.

I could only see her in silhouette. She was on her back, the round shape of her bare breasts exposed to the darkness for anyone who was looking. Her hand was jammed between her legs, under her tight shorts, and her fingers were very busy.

"Oh shit!" she called out softly, her arm moving steadily.

My sister was masturbating. My sister was rubbing herself off five feet from me. Holy shit! Was I dreaming? Was this a nightmare?

"I need it. I need it!"

The beads of sweat were apparent on her skin, as was the soft squishing of the moistness between her legs.

"Guuuhhhh. Yes!"

This was, like, traumatizing. The last thing I wanted to listen to was my sister moaning in sexual pleasure. I moved slightly and realized my cock was as hard as a brick again, loving this filth.

"Oh God. Oh God! Yes!"

The squishing coming from her fingers working her soaked pussy rang through the room.

I was now wide awake, and there was nothing I could do to escape what I was experiencing. I couldn't move, I couldn't stop listening, not without alerting her. The only thing I could do was shut my eyes.

"I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!" she whispered harshly. "Uh, uh, uh, UH! Yes! YES! FUCK! YES!"

I pinched myself, trying to wake from this nightmare.

"Uhhh! Uhhhh! YES! YES! YES! FUCK! Gonna cum! GONNA CUM! OHHHHHH SHIIIITTTTT YEAHHHHH! FUUUUUCCCKKKKKKK!" she whispered harshly, talking to herself as an orgasm hit her. "OH FUCK YES!" she moaned out, her hands slapping against her skin as she worked herself through the orgasm, the sounds of moisture squishing between her fingers hitting my ears. This went on, my sister's orgasm drawn out, her moans just loud enough to hit my ears. Finally, I heard a relaxed sigh, as her arched back collapsed onto the mattress.

"Oh my God," she said to herself. "I can't believe I just squirted!"

Those were the last words I heard from her. The sounds of rhythmic breathing came from her as sleep overcame her. But not me.

My eyes were wide open. I didn't know how I could just go to sleep after that. I didn't know how I could ever forget that. How could I look at her again after that?

I was wide awake with a hard dick and unable to do a thing about it.


I don't know how long I was awake before I fell back asleep, but I eventually did. And I didn't know at first how long I was asleep before I woke up again. My eyes opened again, noting the beams of sunlight coming through the window. I jerked awake and looked at the alarm clock.


I had missed it. The fishing and golfing trip. Did I sleep through it? I could have sworn I had set my alarm. Shit! Maybe... did Dana turn the alarm off?

The memories of last night hit me like a flood. Did she... did she really do all that? Did she really masturbate with me in the room? Could she have seriously been that brazen? I had heard the words, the moans, the sounds of my older sister in heated sexual pleasure. No little brother should have to hear that? Even if it had been a dream, the images, sounds and thoughts that had been conjured would never be forgotten.

It was then that I looked down at myself. I noticed that I was unusually exposed. I had slept on my back, and it looked like my sheets had been pulled down, exposing my bare chest, stomach, and my shorts-covered crotch. My morning wood was making a very evident bulge, my shaft pointing towards my hip. I turned and looked towards my sister's bed.

She was on her side, turned away from me. Thank God she was, cause she was topless. From my angle, I could see was the expanse of her bare, fit back. Her hair was strewn out against her pillow as she rested, her upper torso rising and falling with her rhythmic breathing. The sheet had fallen from her as well, so she was completely exposed to the air. Luckily, she was still wearing her shorts, and I tried not to notice how immaculate my sister's ass was. How the tight shorts molded to her juicy rear end, highlighting each firm, round cheek. I tried not to notice how each of her cheeks just peeked out from the bottom of the tight shorts. And I tried not to notice the thong straps running noticeably around her prominent hip bones. That was not a position her thong could end up in naturally. It was a deliberate act.

I rolled out of bed and quickly threw some clothes on. Slipping out of the room quietly, I made my way downstairs to find Mom, Grandma and Aunt Karen sipping coffee.

"Hey there." Mom called out.

"Morning." Grandma said.

"Did, uh... did Dad and all them already leave?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah. They all left a few hours ago." Mom said. "Dad said something about the fact that he told you not to sleep in, so he didn't have time to get you going." I rubbed my forehead in frustration.

"I... I set the alarm, but something..." I trailed off.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Grandma said apologetically.

"Well," Aunt Karen began with a wicked smile. "I guess that means you're stuck with us today."

"Lovely." I said to myself, leaving the room.


I worked out all my stored up tension, the tightly wound energy, the annoyance and frustration by running at a pretty hard pace around the lake. There was a decent trail through the edge of the woods, so at least I wasn't running on the sand.

It was still relatively early, so there was still some fog hovering above the water. The morning was already sticky, so I had discarded my shirt before hitting the trails, leaving me clad only in my loose shorts. I hoofed it along the trails.

I was pissed at Dana for clearly being the one responsible for turning off the alarm clock. I was angry at her for keeping me awake for hours in the middle of the night thanks to her loud self-pleasure session. I was mad at all these women for making me feel so uncomfortable with the games they've been playing on me. Or the game they've been running on me.

And most importantly, I was angry at myself, for letting myself be pulled away from Sandy for so long.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear the approaching sounds of another pair of feet, hitting the trail at a pace equal to mine. From around a bend emerged Kendra.

She was in her workout gear, a light-blue, heavy duty sports bra, needing some extra reinforcement to contain her mammoth rack. She paired it with some stretchy black running shorts, similar to the ones Dana wore. On her feet were some fancy looking running shoes, the type for serious runners. She slowed down when she saw me, an amused smile gracing her lips.

This was the first time we had seen each other in workout mode. She looked good, and despite her excessive curves, she had an athlete's frame. It was clear, judging by her firm legs, lean arms, and taut belly that she worked out a lot. And she was clearly built for it, cause she looked good even with a coating of sweat.

And this was her first look at me in workout mode, and more importantly, this was her first look at me shirtless. She could see my newly earned muscles. She could see my even, tanned skin. She could even see the beads of sweat running down my firm pecs, between my abs, down towards my crotch.

Whereas before, during our earlier interactions, her tone with me was one of amusement and good natured joking, the expression now on her face seemed nothing but serious. Her eyes were wide, and... there was no other way to put it, she was drinking me in. Her eyes were drinking in my exposed body. I tried to resume our good natured ribbing.

"Eyes up here, Kendra." I said, pointing up at my face.

"Jesus, Jesse!" she said with an impressed laugh, unable to pull her eyes away from me. "I can see why all the women are drooling over you."

I rolled my eyes, wishing I had a shirt to cover myself with. Despite the good humor she was trying to project, her eyes were blazing as she gawked at me. She kept trying to meet my eye line, but her eyes kept falling back onto my exposed torso. She bit her lower lip lightly as she stared.

"Not you too." I said, partly in jest, but partly in complete seriousness. The way she was looking at me was not a joke.

"Jesse, I can try not to notice, but if you were my boyfriend, I'd be on my knees, licking the sweat off your abs right now." she said. I gulped as I heard this, a shiver running up my spine. Then she shook her head, as if clearing the fog. She noticed my apprehension.

"C'mon, that can't be the worst thing you've heard this weekend." Kendra said, the smile returning to her face.

"It's up there." I replied. She bounced on one foot slightly before replying.

"I'm sorry... it's just, you couldn't be pushing any more of my buttons if you tried," she said, not bothering to hide the lust in her eyes. "And besides, I've heard much worse about me. Like, this one time, I had a guy at the gym tell me he wanted to lick the sweat out of my ass-crack." Kendra said.

"Did it work?" I asked, unable to stop myself. She suddenly looked coy.

"I, uh... we don't need to talk about that," she replied, scratching the back of her head. I smiled slightly. A heavy pause fell between us, and her eyes returned to my abs, as if unable to resist the temptation.

"So..." she began. "Me and you, alone in the woods..." she said, taking a step towards me, looking up at me. I was frozen in place... was she really doing this? Or was this going to be one of her dirty jokes? I jumped when I felt one of her fingers slide along my stomach, in between my abs, gathering my sweat on the pad of her finger. With me watching, she brought to her mouth and licked the sweat with her tongue. She stepped in close and whispered. "Maybe I wasn't kidding about what me and you could do together in the woods," she said, her voice husky. In a flash, I remembered what she had said before, and an image flashed into my head intrusively. The image of me and her, alone in the woods... her bent over in front of me, leaning against a tree... her shorts at her knees and her top pulled up over her boobs... her screaming moans in my ears as I drilled my throbbing cock into her tight, needy ass, my hands squeezing her massive, hanging breasts...

She gave me a teasing smile, as if to let me know she knew exactly what I was thinking, and that she was thinking the same exact same thing. With a light laugh, she began to resume her jog, running away, back towards the house.

I looked at her as she left, trying to notice the way her tight running shorts molded to her ass. Trying not to imagine what they would look like stretched between her knees.


As if a switch had been turned, it felt like the heat rose ten degrees as I continued my run. I tried not to let my thoughts drift back to the charged conversation between me and Kendra. Our conversations yesterday had been done in good humor, only tinged with a bit of darkness. This one though, this was a conversation so clearly tinged with illicit lust, only containing a bit of that good humor. I tried to stamp out those memories, and the dark thoughts it conjured. It was wrong, so wrong. I shouldn't let myself think like that.

I guess the heat was good, in that sense, cause it was so overwhelming and oppressive that it was impossible to think about anything else. Sweat was dripping off of me, dripping into my eyes, causing them to burn. I kept having to wipe my sweaty brow with my sweaty arm, which was only marginally effective. Finally, I just had to stop and cool down.

I put my hands on my knees, sucking in some air, the beads of sweat hitting the trail below me. The twinkling of the lake water on the beach drew my attention, so I stepped off the trail, walking slowly towards the sandy waterline. The water looked crisp and clear, as if beckoning to me.

I had done about ¾ of the loop around this small lake, running along the trail and over small bridges traversing both the inlet and outlet rivers. A little ways down was a small wooden dock, so I moved my way towards that. The water looked crisp and cool. So cool. It was drawing me in. I wanted to just dive in completely, and wash all this sweat away. I looked towards the lake house. There was still some light fog along the shoreline, but other than that, I didn't see anybody outside or anything really. It didn't seem like any of the action for day two of the reunion had begun yet.

That would come later.

The house was decently far away, but not too bad. I was a pretty avid swimmer, so the distance looked pretty doable. And that water looked so nice and cool. Even though my shorts weren't really swimming shorts, the siren's song of the water was too much to resist. With a small dash, I dove smoothly into the water.

The water felt so good as I smoothly swam towards the shore near the lake house. It would take a little bit of time, but I was in no rush. And besides, it felt like the water was washing all my stress away. I was refreshed. Reborn almost.

I kept one eye on the shore as I swam, but I wasn't too concerned with it really. It was more about making sure I was still on course than anything else. As I got closer to the shore, the fog began to lift. As it did, I began to see figures on the shoreline. As I got even closer, the fog began to clear completely, and the figures on the shore came into focus. I could see them more clearly. They were women.

Bikini-clad women.

I could see two along the shoreline, sitting in beach chairs. There was a third approaching, but I couldn't distinguish any of them at the moment. It was only as I got close and felt my feet beginning to graze the lake-bed that I could distinguish them.

On the shore, in the beach-chairs, sat Aunt Karen and Dana, chatting amicably. Dana was in a slim black bikini, her thin top barely containing her large breasts, the top slinging them together and holding them in place, barely. The bottoms were thin and stringy, like the ones I had seen the twins in the day before, a small triangle covering her nether-regions. But it left the rest of her firm body exposed. I was seeing a lot of my sister's bare skin.

Aunt Karen was in a flashy, hot-pink bikini, and it was just as skimpy as my sister's, if not smaller, probably inappropriately so for a woman her age. Her large, mature breasts were barely contained by her top, as it struggled to contain her large bust, the thin patches stretched around them. I guess I didn't know how in shape she was. Sure, her older age meant she wasn't as taut and lithe as her niece, but she still definitely had a body built for bikinis. Her creamy skin was exposed, her tiny bikini showing off the goods. Her firm legs, her fit belly, her small navel, her trim arms, she was showing it all off. And her bikini bottoms molded to her nether-regions, almost indecently low-cut, barely covering her.
