The Prefect


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"Oh baby," Jessica cooed in satisfaction, reveling in her post climax bliss. "You are actually pretty good at it. Have you been holding out on us? Have you been going down on all the girls at your high school? Have you?"

"No." Tammie said, her cheeks blooming a bright red. "I..I only date boys."

"Well, you are a natural, only-dates-boys. As a matter of fact, I think I'll come up with a good little nickname to incorporate your quickly learned oral skills." Jessica said, putting her index finger beneath her chin as she mimed thinking. "I think we'll call you Lickie-Lou."

"Please no." Tammie begged.

Jessica's eyes never softened. "Now finish cleaning my shoes, the last one to come, cleans both shoes."

It took a moment for the words to sink in as Tammie had forgotten that she'd been grinding on the foot between her thighs. What did she mean, clean both shoes. Then she heard the grunts from Cathy. Saw as the sweating girl's hips humped like some sort of sick rabbit. Those wet sloppy sounds.

The loser would have to clean both shoes. Well, that wasn't so bad. She'd do it that night with a towel.

"With her tongue." Jessica finished with a laugh.

Oh dear Lord. It wasn't possible, but she knew it was. She began to hump, desperate to catch up to Cathy's pace. No wonder her former friend was so eager to finish.

"Look me in the eyes Lickie-Lou." Jessica warned. "Or no more footsie for you."

Tammie wasn't going to do it, well, she wasn't going to do it if Cathy wasn't doing it. She cast a glance next to her and her former friend was gazing up at the Prefect's eyes while she humped. Poor Tammie didn't want to be the one cleaning both shoes with her tongue, so she followed suit.

It was harder than she reckoned. Looking up into that confident and superior stare. It made her feel, somehow less than what she was. As if she didn't deserve to gaze into those bright blue eyes.

She was mortified and yet at the same time, a hot warm feeling saturated her loins.

"Please Prefect, may the Scunt come?" Cathy moaned.

"Yes you may."

Cathy quivered as she hugged tightly to the lean leg of the Prefect, fingers digging into the fabric of the wool skirt. "Oh God..oh God...Oh God..."

Oh no. She'd lost. And yet, she'd been so close. So very close. Too close to stop her hips from grinding, to quench the hunger in her loins.

"Ask for permission...just like Scunt." Jessica said. "Or I'll get pissed off, and trust me. You don't want me pissed off."

She wished she had the will to resist. She didn't. "Please Prefect, may I come?"

"Not I, Lickie-Lou," the prefect said, pinching Tammie's nose to drive home the point. "Try again."

"Please Prefect...may ahh...Lickie-Lou come?" Tammie was mortified at the nasal sound of her voice because Jessica her nose pinched cruelly between forefinger and thumb.

"Yes dummy, you may come."

The orgasm struck like a tornado. Taking possession of the slim dark-haired girl. Her slim legs bucking as she road out her orgasm atop the cruel leather shoe. Till finally her ordeal was over.

"Yuck," Jessica said as she looked down at her slimy shoes. "Lickie-Lou, you are a filthy little slut, aren't you?"

Tammie blushed furiously as she looked at the ruined leather, and the evidence of her copious secretions.

"What are you waiting for Lickie-Lou," Jessica said. "Now that they've been slimed, they need to be polished. "Jesus, what a mess. I should call you...slimy squirt...but it's too big a mouthful."

Tammie couldn't bear to suffer this further indignation, but she didn't have the will to resist.

"Speaking of mouthfulls, lick them dummy," Jessica demanded.

Tammie's eyes showed her anger and rebellion, her former embarrassment momentarily forgotten.

"Come closer, looks like dummy needs another trip to the headmaster's office," Jessica said to Cathy.

Cathy turned the cheek that hadn't been slapped to Jessica and the prefect drew back her hand.

"Wait." Tammie squeaked. "Just give me a second to think."

"You can think while you lick," Jessica said. "Start there on the sides if you want."

Tammie quickly examined the black mary janes. They sides were still dry. The earlier punishment was still fresh. She blushed and began to lick...but only the sides.

"That's a good girl," Jessica cooed, as Tammie licked diligently while she considered her situation. She could not handle further punishment at the hands of the headmaster, but the front of the prefect's shoes were awful. They weren't just wet, but in some places there was thick discharge that was an opaque white color. There was no way she could...lick that, even if it came from her. But she could lick the wet parts and so she did.

Tammie could hear giggling from the door. For a brief moment, she wanted to risk a look, but caught herself just in time. It was bad enough to be seen thus, it would be worse to see the expressions on their face. She licked faster, swallowing what was left of her pride as she lapped up the pearly white excretions and attempted to turn her body to the side so that whoever was at the door couldn't see her privates.

"No dummy. You keep at it." Jessica said. To Cathy: "Put her in position."

Tammie's legs were pushed apart, which was bad enough. There was worse yet to come. Her bottom was raised high, displaying both the welts on her bottom and her privates were exhibited shamelessly. She licked faster, to complete her awful task before someone else could see how low she'd fallen.

"That's enough Lickie-Lou," Jessica said. "Now get the fuck out of here."

With her blush spreading from her cheeks to her chest, Tammie grabbed her nightgown, but Jessica merely moved her foot over and stood on it.

Tammie had no choice now. She hurried to the door to escape this awful girl, only the girls gathered in the doorway with laughing eyes wouldn't let her pass.

"Go around." One said.

There wasn't an around.

"I said get out, Lickie-Lou." Jessica said.

Tammie was forced to go back on her hands and knees and crawl between the legs of the cruel girl in the doorway, and then though another and another. She suffered further indignation from spanks, inappropriate touches, and the catcalls, till finally she could stand again. From there she dashed back to her room and locked the door.

"Are you okay?"

It was the first kind words she'd heard in hours. Tammie shook her head and blinked back tears as returned the hug from her roommate.

"You poor thing," Gwen said. "I told you to leave those two alone, didn't I?"

"Yes." Tammie breathed. She'd been warned to keep away from Cathy and Jessica. Tammie assumed..well she assumed that Gwen said that because she was jealous. She'd ignored her roommate. Avoided the girl to the point of not talking to her. She'd been a little too friendly. Looked at her a little too long sometimes. Her touches, though they were casual, they tended to linger. Those same touches were welcome now.

"Come here," Gwen said. "Let me see what we can do, otherwise these stripes could scar. A little ointment will ease the pain so you can sleep. Lie down here. That's a girl."

Only a day ago, Tammie would have told her roommate to go fuck herself. But tonight had been rough. Tonight had turned the former rebel into someone much meeker.

The ointment felt ice cold and Tammie jumped. Then it felt cooling to her hot skin. It was not so bad.

"Isn't that better?" Gwen asked, her nipples growing hard beneath her night shirt.

"Yes." Tammie nodded. The shock of cold wore off and soon the pain began to subside.

But. There was a pretty big but. The gentle application of ointment grew more sensual, and soon Tammie was being stroked - down there where another girl ought not be stroking her. She was going to tell Gwen to stop. Well, to plead with her to stop. However, just having someone not being cruel to her like the headmaster or the prefect was enough to silence any protests. Maybe she was making something out of nothing.

Okay, now she should clearly say something. Because by now she wasn't just being stroked - she was being fingered. In and out. Her clit was being stroked at the same time.

Thanks, I'm feeling better now. You can stop. Was what Tammie meant to say, but instead she all she could do was sharply inhale. Her...oh God..her..

"Relax baby." Gwen purred, as she twisted her finger around, slowing pushing it into Tammie's tight bottom. "That's my sweet girl. Just relax."

"ummphh...oh...god.." Tammie grunted as a finger was pushed in to where nothing had been pushed in before.

"Now tighten." Gwen breathed.

Tammie didn't try to obey,but just hearing those words was enough to make her body clench obediently on its own accord.

"Good girl." Gwen said. "You are so hot. You have one fine little ass. So, do you want my help with Jessica?"

"Yes." Tammie whispered, her heart leaping with renewed hope.

"Turn over then."

Tammie hesitated. She was pretty sure where this was heading and she was reluctant. She wasn't that sort of girl. After all, she liked boys, not girls. But there were no boys here. A big strong boy could help her..protect here.

A girl? Gwen wasn't strong, but she'd been here longer. She knew the ropes. The decision was made. Tammie rolled over, and she began to grow fearful as she watched Gwen strip down until she was naked. Then positively terrified as the lithe girl climbed on top of her in a 69 position.

She had of course performed cunninglis for Jessica, and if this was the price to pay for help, she would of course pay it. However, the last had been by threat of the cane. This was...oh God...the sensations of the girl's tongue was getting to her. The girl gave a wriggle on top. Tammie began to lick.

"Mmm..." Gwen purred. "Tell me you love it."

"I love it." Came Tammie's muffled reply. Frankly, to be honest she wasn't a big fan of the smell of a girl. That said, she had to admit, a girl really knew what she was doing when she went down on another girl. If felt great.

"Tell me you want that pussy." Gwen urged, flicking her tongue over Tammie's clit.

"I...I want that pussy." Tammie felt her cheeks grow hot. Thankfully, there was no one else to hear her admission. Worse, it wasn't just a collection of four words. Gwen had raised her hips a few inches and Tammie had to really work at it to be able to reach her mouth to Gwen's sex.

"Tell me you need that pussy."

"I need that pussy." Tammie grabbed the plump girl's bottom and pulled her in tight to keep her from making more embarrassing demands. Fluttering her tongue over the girl's clit as she'd been taught by a cruel prefect.

" are the best...shit..shit.." Gwen panted as her hips humped, driving her sex into her roommates mouth. Both girls clenched each other tightly as they were overtaken by climax.

They lay with each other and kissed for a few more minutes. More kissing..more stroking...more gently fondling. It felt good. It was hard to imagine that she'd been avoiding this girl since she'd moved into the dorm. It wasn't a boy, but it wasn't bad.

"Stay there. Just like that." Gwen said, pulling her nightshirt back on. "I'll be right back."

Tammie reached down to cover herself up with a blanket.

"What did I just say?"

"Stay" Tammie stammered.

"Put the blanket back, and stay there, just like you were, and wait for me." Gwen's eyes hardened as she took Tammie by the wrists and put them back up against her bed frame. Then she took Tammie's feet and pushed them back up near knees. Finally, she took each knee firmly and pushed them to the bed. "Just like that."

Oh God. Realization struck like a hit and run driver. She'd been maneuvered into this position while making out. Slowly and relentlessly. She wasn't aware at first. But now that she wasn't making out, it was obvious. It was quite submissive, not to mention it was lurid. It was as if all her private bits were on display and available for whatever Gwen wanted. Worse, if someone were to walk by when Gwen opened the door, they'd think she were some kind of slut. Gwen's little pet. She closed her eyes and said a quick prayer, her thighs trembling to overcome their desire to close as the door was opened.

Luckily, no one was outside to witness this indignation. With blushing cheeks, Tammie's throat gulped, and her chest rose and fell quickly as she realized that though she'd assumed her relationship with her roommate was going to be of equals; she wasn't equal at all, but she stayed just as she was until Gwen returned, bearing the same washcloth and cup she'd left with.

Tammie felt a flare of anger now that her passions cooled. Though the rebellion was in her dark eyes, she didn't dare move, even though her roommate had clearly freshened up in the shower and got drink of water, without a thought to Tammie's comfort. Yet, she remained as she was left, arms up, legs spread, on display.

"Now," Gwen said, sitting down on the bed with cup and washcloth. "Let's see what we can do about this."

Doing about this, turned out to be carefully laving Tammie's sex with the warm washcloth. For a moment, she felt almost like royalty, having her sex washed after sex. But the feeling didn't last, for her pubes were soon lathered with a thick foam of shaving gel.

"Wait," Tammie urgently squeaked, "What are you doing?"

Though she knew very well what her roommate was doing. If the shaving gel didn't give it away, the razor did.

"I'm shaving you silly." Gwen said. "Now put your legs back where I put them, or I'm going to get pissed."

"Oh God," Tammie panted, putting her legs back in position, even as the cool razor took a swath of her protective down. "Why?"

"You were the one that asked for my help," Gwen said. "I said I would give it. Now you have to trust me. Do you trust me?"

There was a pause as Tammie contemplated her options. She didn't have any. "Yes," she breathed as she closed her eyes in submission and her sex was lovingly, gently, and yet completely denuded.


The next morning Tammie was in the shower with the rest of the girls from her floor. She washed as quickly as possible and kept close to Gwen for protection.

She didn't see it coming a bucket of cold soapy water was unceremoniously dumped over her head from the shower next to hers. It was cold, and her eyes stung. She was helpless and couldn't open her eyes, much less see, as she was rudely jerked out of the small doorless stall.

"You scratched my shoes last night Lickie-Lou," cackled a voice that struck fear in Tammie's insides and made her blood run cold. "I don't want you to scrape my feet."

Where was Gwen? Why wasn't she protecting her?

"What the fuck?" Jessica spat, holding a razor and shaving foam, ready for action, when the newbie was clearly already denuded. "Let me see that pussy. When did you shave it?"

"Last night." Tammie stammered.

"Give me your leg," Cathy demanded in Tammie's ear. "Up. Up. There you go."

Finally, Tammie was able to open her raw stinging eyes. She had an audience. It looked like the while floor had turned out to witness her humiliation. She could see that Jessica was ready to shave her, but she'd already been shaved.

"Smooth." Jessica said, running a hand possessively over denuded skin. "You'll keep it that way too Lickie-lou. Now let's test it out. I want you to polish my foot. Show everyone what sort of girl the newbie is."

Tammie searched through faces watching her, until she found Gwen. Why wasn't the girl protecting her? Instead, Gwen's eyes urgently looked down at Jessica's foot. Her full lips, mouthed the word 'Hurry'.

Oh God.

Tammie slid down to her knees. With cheeks burning a bright shade of vermilion, she mounted Jessica's foot and began to work her hips.

"Now show them how you earned your nickname." Jessica sneered down at the mortified eighteen year old.

She couldn't. She wouldn't. But Tammie could recall every single welt on her still striped backside. She opened her lips. She stuck out a tentative tongue.

"Oh God, look at her," a girl giggled.

"You are so disgusting Lickie-Lou," Jessica cackled, as she stepped back from the hapless girl. "I woudn't let you lick me unless you paid me."

That wasn't what you said last night, Tammie thought, but wisely held her tongue.

"Get up from there Lickie-Lou." the prefect ordered.

Tammie stood, covering her nudity with her arms.

"Move your hands stupid."

Tammie obeyed.

Jessica stepped close to the dark-haired girl. So close their nipples grazed.

"Say you're the best and I'm the worst." the prefect demanded.

I can't. Tammie told herself. I just can't.

"Do you want to test me Lickie-Lou" Jessica asked.

"No prefect." Tammie whimpered. "You are...the best...and I am the worst."

"That wasn't so hard was it Lickie-Lou?" Jessica asked.

"No." Tammie whispered in reply.

"Now clean my feet."

Tammie knelt down, face blushing furiously as she listened to numerous giggles and silently obeyed.

After her ordeal was over, Tammie confronted Gwen back in the safety of her room.

"You said you'd help me," Tammie accused her roommate.

"I did help you," Gwen said. "But in the future, when the prefect tells you to do something, you do it. Don't look at me, or you'll get us both in trouble. You just do it and don't fucking dawdle around."

"You said you'd protect me from her." Tammie accused.

"I said I'd help you." Gwen stated, eyes flashing in anger. "Would you rather she shaved you in front of everyone? With a dull ass razor while the girls took pictures?"

"No ..but.."

"You've got a long road to hoe by yourself Lickie-Lou," Gwen said. "If you don't want my are on your own."

"Wait..." Tammie's anger faded quickly and gave way to fear. She needed a friend desperately. "I-I'm sorry. I ...I want your help." She gave her roommate a hug for good measure.

"That's better," Gwen said, her hand sliding under her roommate's wool skirt, and into her panties.

Tammie could feel the invading digit sliding into her.

"Tighten," Gwen breathed into the girl's ear.

Her cheeks blossoming a bright red and her nipples hardening to hard points, Tammie obeyed.

"Try harder."

With a nervous gulp, Tammie gave a small grunt and bore down with all her might.

"Good girl." Gwen said. "I'd love to play, but it's 15 demerits if we are late."

Grabbing her books, Tammie hurried along after her roommate, staying as close as possible. She was a good girl. The last thing she wanted was more demerits. Things would be better, she was sure of it. And they were, up until she was called to the headmaster's office that night.

But that is another story.

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ChinaSorrowChinaSorrowover 10 years ago

This story meets every single expectation I had when I opened a new Couture story. I didn't check for a few months but now I'm so happy to see that you commenced writing.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 10 years ago
The lost little girl !

Ditto all previous praises for Couture's celebrations of the devious .

maxout09maxout09almost 11 years ago

Couture: Great story as always. I loved the plot and your story flowed wonderfully.

astuffedshirt_pervastuffedshirt_pervalmost 11 years ago

Always a pleasure to find a new submission from couture. Surprised, though, that Tammie has been allowed to cum twice already.

notepad13notepad13almost 11 years ago

Loved this story. Very sexy, super hot. Couture is my favourite author. No one can write sexy humiliation quite like Couture :)

I'd love to read more stories set in Reform School, but any submissions you make about anything are extremely welcome! Thank you so much.

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