The Spell of Salacity


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Traci understood immediately, sat up and shifted her position, and moved closer to Harmony. She felt a desire to run away, but remembered her promise and smiled weakly at her friend. She looked around at the black smoke trying in vain to see anything. The wind didn't help either, but at least it didn't whip any dirt around. Their hair was flowing freely behind them as they sat there watching the spectacle in front of them.

"This is incredible," Harmony announced.

"I am a little scared Harm," Traci admitted.

"We got to finish. Why don't you read the last part with me Trace?" Harmony said.

"I guess. Sure, hold it between us."

Traci leaned over to the parchment Harmony held out for them to read, and with a nod of her head they read it aloud together once more:

"Earth and air, water and fire,

Let my magic reach higher and higher.

Mine is the magick.

Mine is the power.

It's time to know the answer this enchanted hour.

With harm to none, as I will it shall be done.

May the words of this spell not reverse,

Or place upon the caster any kind of curse.

So mote it be."

As the last words were spoken a creature appeared before them. It had four legs and it had the body of a reddish-brown hairless dog. The upper back was hunched to a small degree. It's spine was quite visible beneath the crimson shade of its skin. The shoulders were wide like a weight lifter and equally muscular. The front legs withdrew from the shoulders and formed two thick poles to the ground. They were raised higher than the rear legs and had a thicker quality to them. This gave the appearance that the beast could raise itself to a standing position from its front haunches. The front paws of the animal had sharp talons stretching out from its stubby digits. The back paws were closer to feet of a human but much larger in size. The entire rear legs were humanesque as well. They were bent as if it was ready to launch itself at someone. They were very well defined as was the rest of the creature's body, but the girls' eyes were locked in on the head instead.

It's snout was long like a dog, but the teeth were prehistoric in nature. Two yellowed teeth from the front top of its maw hung down a good foot and curved in the shape of a scimitar as they came to sharp points at the end. The rest of the teeth made a tight fence around the mouth as if it was trying to smile. They were too numerous to count. Out of the flared nostrils came small curved tusks, much like a wild boar might have. They mirrored the front teeth and were just as yellow. The eyes were large quarter-sized, pitch black pools of darkness. It's ears were triangular shaped and pointed straight up from the top of its black head. There were a few lines on its forehead and as its head turned towards the girls they wrinkled a bit as if in deep thought.

Both of the girls were in immediate shock and froze in place. Traci started to whimper as tears flowed freely from her eyes. Harmony shrieked in terror as her fright overwhelmed her. After a few seconds Harmony grabbed a hold of Traci's wrist. With a slight tug, she stood straight up and pulled Traci with her. They made an attempt to run away through the curtain of black fog around the circle, but they were immediately met with resistance. The thing leaped across the circle and held the girls still by their ankles. The beast rose up on it's hind legs, a bit hunched over in a semi-erect position and dangled it's prey in the air upside down in front of it's snout. The girls were in total panick, crying and screaming in fear as the creature sniffed them as it twirled them in midair.

"Let us go," Harmony screamed as her friend Traci swooned starting to lose consciousness. Harmony too felt woozy in her upside down perdicament and was afraid of passing out in this monster's grip. Their was also a smell about the creature that was both disgusting and pleasant. She breathed through her mouth trying not to be revolted by it.

"Children!" the dogbeast bellowed. It looked around at the circle and to the ground at the makeshift pentagram twirling the girls as he did so.

"Please let us go," Harmony begged again.

"Silence little witch," the dogbeast responded. "Your sorcery is the only speaking you will do for the rest of this vile night. You answer my questions."

"I, we only…" Harmony stammered.

"Silence!" the dogbeast ordered. Traci lost consciousness and went limp in the grip of the creature. It sniffed her once more, then shook her a bit to awaken her, but she just hung their unaware of what was happening. It then turned back to Harmony and continued, "Have you not heard what Lloch-adax has said? Answer my questions and don't speak until Lloch-adax has asked one. You brought Lloch-adax here and now you must tell me why. Answer me little witch and tell me why you summoned Lloch-adax?"

When Harmony hesitated trying to figure out what to say, Lloch-adax shook her roughly as he did Traci a moment before. She felt a bit dizzy and wasn't sure she was going to pass out too. Finally, she gathered her thoughts and spoke.

"We didn't mean to summon you, we just…"

"Didn't mean to summon me?" Lloch-adax repeated mockingly. "You can't summon Lloch-adax without purpose. The words you spoke pulled me here. Those words should not have been spoken. Yet, you two children witches did. So the question still remains, why did you summon Lloch-adax?"

"We found this spell," Harmony answered nervously.

"Found a spell?"

"It was in a book in the library and we just figured we would see if it worked and…"

"Stupid human child," Lloch-adax interrupted, "do you know what you have conjured? Lloch-adax is a demon, young one."

Harmony gasped. She looked away wanting nothing more than to be rid of the foul creature. She was suddenly shaken once more.

"Look at me foolish child," Lloch-adax demanded. "You must understand what you two have done tonight. You have brought Lloch-adax to this plane and have binded our paths together as one. You should never have summoned me."

"I'm sorry, we're sor…" Harmony pleaded.

"Silence! Lloch-adax will not tell you again. Lloch-adax can not harm you for we are now bound together, but I can show you things that will haunt your dreams forever."

Traci awoke and Lloch-adax smiled menancingly at her. She looked over at Harmony and she saw a pale version of her friend. She can only guess she was as white as Harmony was. Her sobs continued once more and Lloch-adax shook her until she only sniffled.

"Lloch-adax welcomes you back child. Be quiet immediately and listen. Now, Lloch-adax needs to explain to you the mistakes you have made. This circle was meant for me, not little witches. You are trapped here with me until the circle is broken, but in order for you to break the circle you need my help. We are bound together. We are one now. Bound as one. Inseparable.

"Our paths will cross even when the circle is broken. Your blood flows through me now. Yet, you are children and you can not be corrupted unless you corrupt yourselves through your own doing. Mine actions are indeed corruptible. Lloch-adax can in years to come, when you reach your adulthood make your choices more difficult. Nevertheless, the choice is always yours. Once you lead yourselves into corruption, there is no turning back. Lloch-adax feels a good in the both of you, and it makes me shiver. Yet there is mischief in the both of you, especially you."

His snout turned sharply at Harmony and grinned showing his yellowed teeth in all their glory.

Lloch-adax continued, "This mischief will feed me until the time is right when your souls become corrupt. If that is not the case, then Lloch-adax will be your daemon and your guide and do as I am told. Lloch-adax is bound to do so. Lloch-adax only hopes you will free me of my torment and return me to my plane when you arise in power as a witch. On the otherhand, if your journey becomes corrupt Lloch-adax will be there to finish the spell you invoked. Lloch-adax is bound to do so. Your destiny is yours young witches. Lloch-adax feels your need to speak, so you may now talk."

Harmony spoke softly, afraid of upsetting this demon and invoking it's wrath. She began with a gulp, "We aren't witches. We just kind of made a mistake and…"

"You are witches," Lloch-adax interrupted. "You are on the path of the witch and your power is such that it can't be denied. Continue."

"We aren't interested in being witches anymore, I promise."

"You have no choice. Continue."

Traci suddenly threw up, and Harmony was close to following when the demon put them down and laughed. Sitting back on all fours again, Lloch-adax withdrew from the girls and sat down on it's hindlegs in what would be best described as a dog sitting posture. Harmony crawled to her friend as soon as she got her bearings back. Never leaving Lloch-adax's sight. Pulling back Traci's hair she whispered she was sorry and hugged her close. The smell of the vomit making her want to move away, but she didn't.

"Continue," Lloch-adax ordered once its laughing had ceased.

"Can we leave now please," Harmony asked softly.

"You can try, but the separation will make you ill like your friend. It would make me ill as well."

"We want to go home," Harmony said weakly on the verge of tears again. She was beyond exhaustion and wanted to just be in bed safe and sound.

"Then we have to agree on some things," Lloch-adax answered calmly.

"What things?" Traci asked pulling away from Harmony's arms.

"Well, well it finally speaks, how delicious," Lloch-adax amused. "Because you cast the spell while in the circle, you are effected by the spell like Lloch-adax, and bound by it as well. Lloch-adax explained that much all ready to you children. Understand?"

The girls said nothing but they both shook their heads to agree with the demon.

"Good," Lloch-adax continued. "Since we are bound, all parties of the spell have to agree to be free of the circle before they leave."

"Then agree so we can be free," Harmony stated. Lloch-adax tilted his head and held a single taloned finger to its lips to suggest to Harmony that talking now is not welcome. She looked down in defeat afraid to lock eyes again with the monster.

"It isn't that easy young one. Lloch-adax can't go home because of this spell, and can't leave the circle unless you let me leave." Sensing a question arising he held a paw up. "You want to know what happens to Lloch-adax if you let me go, isn't that right?"

"Yes," the girls agreed in unison.

"Of course," Lloch-adax continued, "and the answer is Lloch-adax can't walk in your plane without this circle and pentagram. Lloch-adax can only leave with you, but not as myself as you see me here. Lloch-adax has to leave as a symbol or mark that way I am with you both at all times. Ahh, Lloch-adax senses another question coming. Let's see…you wish to know what kind of symbol or mark, right?"

"Yes," Harmony was the only one who answered this time. Traci had a troubled look on her face.

"With your consent of course, Lloch-adax will leave a mark upon your skin and when the time is right Lloch-adax will materialize back into the state you see me now. Call it a tattoo if you wish. You may speak freely now."

"I don't want a mark on me," Traci interjected.

"I don't either," Harmony acknowledged.

"No one will see it but you or those that have a right to see it," Lloch-adax replied.

"Who has a right to see it?" Harmony asked.

"Those with the same mark of course," Lloch-adax answered.

"Can it be hidden so no one can notice it even those that have the mark?" Traci questioned.


"So the only way we can all leave is to have this mark?" Traci asked.

"Like Lloch-adax said before you can walk out freely, but there are consequences in doing so," Lloch-adax returned.

"How do we know you aren't lying to us?" Harmony inquired.

"You don't know," Lloch-adax announced, "but Lloch-adax can't lie to you as long as I am bound to you."

The girls said nothing they just exchanged glances. Harmony had an idea though.

"Be right back," Harmony said while standing and walking towards the veil of dark smoke. She looked over at Lloch-adax, but he just waved his paw at the smoke as if to say, "be my guest."

"Harmony, be careful," Traci warned.

Harmony took a look back at her friend then walked through. She felt an uneasy feeling immediately as she looked over the moonlit area. Turning around she saw nothing but the circle on the ground that they had created. Even the pentagram was missing. She remembered that same thing at the ceremony last night. Feeling like she was missing some part of her, she became a little dizzy and naseous. She turned and walked back through the circle. It was as it was, except Traci was one step away from joining her.

"Don't do it Trace," Harmony pleaded. "It's a feeling you wouldn't want to experience."

"See," Lloch-adax postured.

"What happened?" Traci asked ignoring the statement from the demon.

"As soon as I went through I felt sick," Harmony replied. "The amazing thing though was there was nothing behind me. Nothing but the circle of rocks. You was invisible."

"Not invisible little witch," Lloch-adax remarked. We are just in between planes of existence. Your spell has caused this until it is broken."

"Are you evil?" Harmony suddenly said.

"Yes," Lloch-adax responded matter-of-factly.

"Are you planning to trick us by getting the mark so we can leave?" Harmony asked.

"Lloch-adax sees you are trying to tell whether Lloch-adax is telling you the truth or not. Very clever little one. No, Lloch-adax will not tricking you."

"Will the mark hurt us?" Traci added.

"There will be a temporary burning that will disappear as soon as you step through the circle."

"Where will you go after we leave the circle?" Harmony inquired.

"Lloch-adax will be neither here nor there, but will be a part of you."

"Will you possess us?" Traci said.

"No," Lloch-adax offered. "Lloch-adax can not possess children, but I will be a part of you. A part of you that has no power over anything you do. We are bound by your spell until it is broken."

"How can we break the spell?" Traci asked becoming more at ease with the demon as time went on. It was happening without either one of them realizing it. Harmony had even moved closer it.

"That Lloch-adax can't help you with. You will have to find a way to reverse the spell or do not be corrupt in your ways."

"Is there anything you have not told us?" Harmony inquired.

"Yes, there is a lot you do not know and it is not Lloch-adax job to tell you. Lloch-adax will say this last thing, when we leave this circle your memories of what has happened will fade away. You are too young and you can not carry the ways of magic with you."

"We won't remember anything?" Traci asked.

"There might be glimpes here or there," Lloch-adax explained, his voice growing inpatient, "but you will not really remember enough to understand a thing. It is time make your decision."

The girls looked at each other and in their eyes their was confusion and the loss of hope for what they had done. Harmony especially felt the weight for her friend because it was her pleading that brought them here. What choice did they have?

"Where do we get the mark?" Harmony muttered.

"Lloch-adax shall place it wherever you choose. If you do not care to choose, Lloch-adax will put it on the back of your necks."

"Why there?" Traci asked.

"Too many questions, silence!" Lloch-adax demanded. "It is a spot where you will not be reminded of and allow confusion enter your life. It is a good spot that Lloch-adax has choosen. It is time. Choose."

"Ok, neck," Harmony relented.

"Same," Traci said quietly.

Lloch-adax leaped to it's feet and made up the distance in one stride. The girls were turned away and their long hair was pushed to the side. Without another word there was a searing pain at the back of their necks. The smoke around them disappeared and so did Lloch-adax. The demon was gone and the grassy area around them was back. The pain on the backs of their necks was awful as they both rubbed that area and felt the mark left by the demonbeast. Traci and Harmony began to cry the ordeal too much for them to take.

"Lloch-adax said the pain would go away once we left the circle," Traci sobbed.

"Yes," Harmony agreed and they both left the circle. Then the pain was gone and all was forgotten.

Chapter 5

"Thank you for your present Harm," Dawn told Harmony through her cell phone.

"My pleasure Sis," Harmony responded. "I am so happy for you. I wish I was there to see you and Scott's baby."

"I'll come home during Christmas and then you can change Emily's diapers."

"Is that what I am going to do?" Harmony laughed.

"Hey you're Aunt Harmony, that is what Aunts do," Dawn joked.

"Aunt Harmony, oh my God, I can't believe you threw the Aunt card at me."

"You are so funny Harm, I really miss you. How is Traci doing? She still your best friend? You were always so close with her."

"Traci is sharing a room with me in the dormitory."

"No shit. You know I wish we were closer, but I guess our ages sometimes got in the way. I really regret that now."

"Oh hush, your going to make me cry."

"You are the tough one from what I remember. I don't remember seeing you cry since the time you skateboarded into that park car."

"Oh yeah, I remember that. Mrs. Finnegan ran out to help me until she saw her car. Then she started to scream at me and my friends while I lay bleeding on the street."

"That lady is a nutcase," Dawn remarked.

"She passed away during the summer," Harmony stated.

"Oh my, she was such a nice lady."

"You just said she was a nutcase."

"I meant that she…"

"I am only joking," Harmony interrupted, "she isn't dead."

"Oh damn, you are a little bitch. You tricked me."

"No, seriously, she's dead."

"Oh," Dawn gasped.

"I am joking, she is a nutcase," Harmony laughed.

"When I see you, you're dead!"

"Then I guess I get out of diaper duty then."

"Still the same goofball. You need to grow up, now that you are in college. How is it so far? You like it at Logan University?"

"It's not bad, Mom keeps sending me gifts every week. Cookies and brownies, even got some scented candles."

"I knew I should have went away to college. I got nothing going to a local school."

"Did Mom have a talk with you before she left?" Dawn asked.

"About the wiccan thing?" Harmony guessed.


"Yeah. Actually a long time ago during Halloween, we saw you guys have a ceremony. It was pretty boring."

"If you were in it, you wouldn't think it was boring. Anyway Mom saw you too."

"Really? I remember her looking at me. I wasn't sure. At one point I think we talked about doing some witch stuff ourselves. Not sure why we didn't."

"Did Mom press upon you about your legacy?"

"Yes," Harmony replied. She absentmindedly rubbed the back of her neck. Traci had walked in and sat down on the edge of her bed. Harmony mouthed that it was her Sister. Traci returned the okay sign, as she caressed the back of her neck with her other hand. Harmony continued, "She said it would be to my best interest to come to the Halloween ceremony."

"It's called Samhain. You interested?"

"No offense, but I have too much on my plate with school and all."

"I understand, but you should learn a little bit about it before you just sweep it under the covers. It is a part of your life that you shouldn't deny."

"I'm not denying anything. I am just business Dawn. It is a 2 ½ hour drive."

"Okay, just promise me you will think it over. You could even invite Traci. Mom always liked her. If you came it would make her so happy."

"I promise Dawn. You just go take care of the baby, I hear her crying."