The Sweet Smell of Success


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I rolled over with her like I was a part of her, my fingers not missing a stroke. I watched with delight as several expressions danced across her suddenly awakened face. First it was a look of great surprise, then a smile, which was quickly replaced with a wide-eyed gasp. Finally her head tilted back, her eyes closed, and her lovely mouth opened wide. Her hands shot up beside her head, palms out, inches above her pillow. At first her hands were open wide, her long elegant fingers fanned out.

Instantly every muscle in her body tensed up and began to vibrate. Her fingers tried to close into tight fists, but the knuckles where they joined her hands wouldn't bend. Her hands folded backward at her wrists. Her hips rose slightly from the bed. Her mouth opened wide, emitting one long groan, which gradually grew in volume and rose in pitch until it ended after about twenty seconds. At which time, Lisa suddenly gasped in enough air to inflate a full set of truck tires.

That was when all hell broke loose between her thighs and deep inside her convulsing body. Her velvety tunnel contracted tight around my fingers deep inside of it, relaxed for a second, then clamped even tighter around my fingers again. It was as if her internal muscles were trying to force my fingers out of her. An instant later, I found out why. Lisa's core erupted with a force unlike any female orgasm I have ever experienced or caused. My fingers were blasted out of her along with a huge gush of her wonderful juices. Lisa, my hand, and the bed were instantaneously saturated well passed her knees. Her lady-cum hit my hand and arm with such force as to splash up over her stomach and all over me as my fingers were forced out of her.

"Oh Christ!" she yelled. "Don't stop now! Please!"

I got soaked again as I pushed my fingers back inside of her against a second wave from her core.

"Harder!" Lisa begged. "Push harder!"

I pushed my fingers deeper against her flood. I then began moving them in and out of her as fast as I could.

"Yes! Yes!" Lisa gasped. "That's it, but harder! Harder!"

I was already pressing against her swollen womanhood with the rest of my hand a lot harder than I thought I should.

Suddenly, she took several short, ragged gasps of air, reached down between her thighs, grabbed my wrist, pulled my fingers almost out of her, and slammed them back into her and the rest of my fist against her raging womanhood.

"Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!" she cried as the third major spasm sent her juices flying again.

After that, her body began to relax a little. The mighty waves of ecstasy that had been ripping through her began to diminish in intensity and frequency. The motion of my hand gradually subsided to match her contractions.

I finally pulled my fingers from her and gently snuggled back up against her. "Good Morning," I chirped.

Lisa looked at me through glassy eyes and it wasn't from sleep. Her smile was weak. "Wow! Do you ever know how to get a lady's day started off with a bang! What a wonderful way to be woken up."

"Oh, did I wake you?" I teased. "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to."

"Tell ya what, little lady," she said with a giggle. "It might be a good idea to wake me up a little sooner next time. A person can't be held responsible for what they do for the first fifteen or twenty seconds they're awake, you know."

"And what are you gonna do in those few seconds?" I joked.

"Well, I almost drowned ya that time," she replied with an embarrassed grin.

"Iknow," I teased. "Don't ya just love it?"

"Actually, yeah, I did," Lisa's voice was soft, thoughtful. "Nobody's ever done me like that before. I mean... made me come unglued that way. It was like... I woke up and you were in total control of my body. I couldn't do anything but obey your commands and yield to your desires."

"As it should be," I agreed. "But you didn't seem to mind it a few minutes ago."

"Mind it, hell, I was enjoying every second of it," she giggled. "That was unreal. I've never experienced anything like it."

"Well, let's go for it again," I chirped, reaching down between her thighs."

Grabbing my adventuresome hand, she let out a squeal. "I don't think so," she gasped. "Not right now anyway. I don't think I have anything left to give. You already got it all." Her laughter was absolutely wonderful to hear. She has the kind of laugh that makes you laugh with her.

"No I didn't," I teased. "The bed got most of it."

"Which brings up an important point. Don't ya think we should get outta this bed? It's really getting soggy on my side," she said, that embarrassed grin on her face.

"Naw, my side is just fine," I replied, snuggling up closer. "I could lay here with you like this all day."

"Well, so could I, but we're gonna at least change the sheets first," she stated. "My butt's gettin' cold."

"Oh! Roll over and I'll get it warm for ya," I quipped. "Can't have them precious freckles freezing off that gorgeous thing now can we?"

"You'd just love that wouldn't ya?" she snapped, giving me a little shove toward the edge of the bed. "Come on, get up and I'll fix us some breakfast." She slid from the bed.

"There ya go, gettin' rough again?" I teased.

"Again? Whataya mean again?" she asked. "I haven't been rough with you have I?"

"No, but you wanted me to get rough with you," I replied. "I was afraid I was gonna hurt you. I have to admit after what you told me last night; it kinda took me by surprise. It was the last thing I expected from you."

"Honey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." she apologized.

"It didn't upset me," I replied. "Just startled me a bit, that's all. Hell, there for a second I thought I was gonna havta stand up on the bed and kick it outta ya."

Lisa made a face, bent over, and scrunched her thighs together. "Ouch! That hurts just to think about!" she barked. "Now come on, get outta bed."

"I can't," I replied.

"And why not?" she asked.

"Cause I might fall down when I try to walk," I replied.

"What are you talking about? Why would you fall down?" she asked, a confused look on her pretty face.

Yes, even first thing in the morning, with her long, red tresses in serious disarray, she was still beautiful, especially standing there wearing nothing but her stocking and garter.

"Because of you," I replied.

"What? You don't wanna get outta bed because I'm standing here?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"You afraid I'll see you naked or something? Been there, don't that," she teased. "Loved it!"

"No, that's not the problem," I replied. "With you lookin' so scrumptious, my tongue gets hard, gets over my eye teeth, and I can't see where I'm walking. I might trip over something."

"You'resobad!" she yelled just before she dove across the bed and landed right on top of me. "Now get up!"

She rolled the covers, the sheets, and me up like a corpse in a rug, and pushed the whole mass of onto the floor with a resounding thud. "After you figure out how to get out of that, come on downstairs. How do ya like your eggs?"

"However you cook 'em," I yelled from inside the pile of bedclothes on the floor. "And a coupla aspirins."

"You have a headache?" she asked.

"No, but I'm sure I'll have something hurtin' once I get outta here!" I yelled, struggling to dig my way out. She had folded the top and bottom of the blankets up over me before she rolled everything up. I suddenly knew what it felt like to be the filling of a burrito.

"I'll be in the kitchen," she said.

"Hey, Lady, ain't ya gonna help me get outta this mess? I'm stuck," I yelled.

No reply.

"Hey you, with all the freckles! I could use a little help here ya know!" I really didn't want to get out; I was wrapped in Lisa's wonderful scent. But I finally dug my way out, prepared for almost anything, because I had no clue what Lisa was up to.

I rolled out of the blankets and sprang to my feet like Bruce Lee, ready for action. "You don't want none of this girl right here!" I barked, pointing both thumbs back at my chest. "So, you wanna play, do..." Glancing around the room, I suddenly realized I was alone. "Oh, you're gonna pay for this, Lady!" I stormed from the bedroom, ready to bite a freckle off her butt.


After a quick, unsuccessful search for my clothes in the living room, I raced to the kitchen. Skidding to a stop just outside the door, I peeked around the corner. Lisa stood at the stove, wearing what she had been wearing when she got out of bed, except she had put her high heels back on, and had added a frilly little bib-type apron. I looked at her gorgeous, bare behind and knew instantly, I could not remove a single one of those adorable little freckles from that precious posterior. I liked them too much right where they were. I slipped quietly up behind her and wrapped my arms around her slim waist. "You always cook like this?" I asked, laying my face against her bare back.

"Yeah, if I cook at all, I usually use the stove," she replied, glancing back over her shoulder.

"No, I mean, dressed like this?" I said.

"Oh, I thought... actually, I knew what you meant. I was just trying to rattle your cage a little," she giggled that beautiful sound again. "No, I usually have on a frumpy sweat suit in the morning. I only dress like this when I'm entertaining a very special, overnight guest for breakfast."

"Oh, I see, and do you entertain overnight guests often?" I asked. Then I quickly added, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked a stupid question like that. It's none of my business."

"I don't mind. Let me think a second," she replied. "Let's see, counting you, in the last six years I've entertained... let me think. Yeah, one. That's it; just you." She stopped what she was doing at the stove and turned slowly around in my arms. Looking down at me with those big, beautiful, sparkling, green eyes of hers, she whispered. "I hope you have plans ofmaking it your business."

If Lisa had any idea how absolutely beautiful those words sounded to me, she would've shouted them out instead of whispering them. I kissed her lightly on her chin. "I already have," I whispered back.

A huge smile covered her face. "Good," she replied, kissing the tip of my nose. "But if you ever wanna eat this morning, I would suggest you let go of me and plant that cute little, naked hinny of your over there at the table, cause I'll never get anything done with you standing here like this."

"Maybe I should go put some clothes on," I said, stepping back from her, which required every ounce of will power I possessed.

"What, and ruin my breakfast?" she snapped. "I think not. Now sit down and I'll have breakfast ready in a few minutes."

"Yes, ma'am," I replied, walking toward the kitchen table.

"Put some clothes on indeed," I heard her mumble behind me.

"I looked for my clothes in the living room, but I couldn't find 'em," I said.

"Of course you couldn't find 'em because I hid 'em," Lisa replied matter-of-factly, looking back over her shoulder.

"Why?" I asked. "I didn't hide yours."

"Only because you didn't think of it," Lisa replied. "After all the time I've spent dreaming about seeing you like this, you don't think I'm about to let you put 'em back on already do ya?"

"I just feel a little weird sitting at the table with nothing on," I replied. "And this chair is cold against my naked butt."

"I'll be right back," she said as she walked out of the kitchen. I have to say her sexy walk had enough movement in it to heat up the entire kitchen with enough left over to bake a couple dozen biscuits. And as usual, I couldn't take my eyes off of her gorgeous behind as she walked away from me. To me, that was the best show on Earth.

Lisa quickly returned and draped a robe over my shoulders, and handed me an almost-non-existent thong made of the same delicate fabric as the robe. "Here, put these on, maybe they'll make you feel a little more comfortable."

I stood up and slipped them on. One thing was evident, the ensemble was not designed with warmth or concealment in mind, at least not that of the wearer. It was made of a very thin, very slick, very expensive, not-quite white, pure silk. It was also unequivocally see-through, and extremely sexy. Pulling the fragile fabric closed around my chest, another feature of the robe hit me; it was very small, barely big enough to fit around me. The robe was so short it barely covered my naked behind. As nearly non-existent as it was, it was still one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. But it was, most definitely, way too small to be Lisa's. And more importantly, it did not possess her soft, magnificent scent.

"Wow!" Lisa gasped, as she slowly surveyed me from head to foot. "That looks absolutely adorable on you!"

Adorable was not exactly the word I would've used. I was thinking more along the lines of sexy, hot, downright edible, or something equally as inviting. But, if Lisa wanted adorable, adorable was okay, I could do adorable. I stood before her gazing, appraising eyes and struck my best innocent-little-girl pose; you know, my knees together, one foot slightly crossed over the other, a finger at the corner of my mouth. "You really think it's me?" I mumbled, letting the front fall open.

The smile on her pretty face quickly stretched from ear to ear. "Oh yeah, Ireally think so. That outfit looks like it was made just for you."

"Speaking of; whowas it actually made for?" I asked, trying not to sound too nosy.

Lisa stared at the floor for a moment before she answered. "I bought that for someone a long time ago, but never gave it to her. After buying it for her, I realized she didn't deserve to wear it, nor did I wish to see her in it."

"Ginger?" I prodded on.

She hesitated again, "Yes, I bought it for Ginger for her birthday about three months before she... died. But like I said, I didn't give it to her. I changed my mind. I started to take it back to the store, but didn't. I started to throw it away, but never did. I was going to give it away, but couldn't bring myself to part with it. It's stayed untouched, in its box, in my closet for over six years. But now I've found someone worthy of its refined beauty, someone sweet and gentle enough to enhance it pure delicateness.

I stood, staring at her for a moment without speaking.

The smile faded from her face, her shoulders slowly drooped. "Oh God, Baby, I didn't mean to offend you with it," she sounded heartbroken as she stepped toward me and started pulling the robe from my shoulders. "Here, take it off. I had this beautiful dream last night about you wearing it, and knew I just had to see it on you. I'm so sorry. I just didn't think before I gave it to you."

I grabbed her hands at my shoulders and thought for a moment before I snapped, "You best better unhand my robe, lady. I'd hate to havta break these long, lovely fingers of yours. Somebody really special gave me this outfit and I don't like nobody messin' with it." I turned to face her. Sliding my arms around her slim waist, I whispered, "Thank you, Honey. I just love it."

I could feel the tension slowly draining from her gorgeous, freckle-laden body, but then she started to tremble a little.

"What's wrong, Honey?" I asked.

Again she hesitated before mumbling, "Would you promise me you won't ever wear it for anyone else?"

I stepped back from her a little and looked up into her eyes. "There's something you might wanna know about me before this relationship goes any further. I am very much a one-woman kinda gal. When I'm in love with someone, I am faithful to a fault. I am also slightly possessive and extremely jealous of the one I love. No one, for no reason, had better mess with my woman, period! I show her the same courtesy; I mess with no one else. I am more true-blue to my lady than a good dog ever dreamed of being, and I expect the same from my lady. I can accept love no other way."

"I couldn't have said it better myself, she replied, pulling me back into her embrace. "But we do have one minor problem at the moment."

"Oh yeah," I asked, "and just what's that?"

"Breakfast might have to be postpone for a while," she whispered just before her mouth covered mine.


In case you're interested, I now awake each morning surrounded by the magnificent scent of Ms. Lisa Bennington. Oh, yeah, I'm also surround by her arms and legs. She seems to like to keep me close at hand while we sleep.

(c) Copyright 2002

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyalmost 3 years ago

You're are gifted with a beautiful talent , writing and your style is filled with tenderness heart&soul touching ...... Wonderful fabulous story

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Nice and romantic

Please stop the James Cagney accents! The story is beautiful and if you wanted light-hearted baner you could use a different device. Just please go with the themes you are goo at.

dgowredgowreabout 11 years ago

Not only a skilled writer but imbued with a wonderful sense of humour, without which love is only a shadow of what it can be. You obviously understand this. Magnifique! More!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Sensuous, sexy, literate and emotionally powerful. Loved every moment!

fingers46fingers46almost 12 years ago
Excellent,enjoyed greatly

Very nice story quite explicit without being exploititive (is that a word)?

To repeat enjoyed greatly thank you

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