The Talons of a Dark Heart Ch. 04

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Friendships are challenged & "tonight" has arrived.
4.1k words

Part 4 of the 11 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/02/2009
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Chapter 4

"A word with you," Novak glowered and Gareth nodded.

Novak marched off to his horse, grabbing the reigns, and led off into the forest.

Talyis turned to Gareth and reached up on her tippy toes to whisper into his ear, "Please don't tell him what I said. Please don't tell him about anything we've talked about."

Gareth didn't acknowledge his eyes diverted to the forest, taking a torch and lighting it to follow Novak's path. They walked silently in the dark towards the meadow he had shared with Talyis. Novak pat his horse's brown face smoothing the white stripe down its nose.

"Before you speak, I only meant to put the girl at ease, Novak," Gareth defended.

"She's the enemy," Novak quickly spat.

"Whose enemy Novak?"

"You've heard what she said! How she disrespected our people!"

"Don't lie to me, friend. We both know this is more than that."

Novak sat down on the log in the same spot Talyis had occupied earlier. Gareth perched his boot on the log next to Novak leaning over his leg.

"What do hope to accomplish," Gareth challenged, Novak didn't answer, "once you've broken her, marked her, marred her and marred her heart."

"Don't lecture me like an insolent boy, Gareth,"

"What are your plans to find a queen when you get back?"


"No, Novak. You plan to make this girl your servant, your bedfellow, the picture of a lover. Do you plan to hide behind you're acerbic heart because you had a painful boyhood. Move on and be the king your people deserve and find a rightful queen!"

"What do you care about the girl? What about your Delia or has virginal blood turned your taste buds turgid?"

"Delia has nothing to do with this."

"Stop pestering me about that damn girl, about a damn queen. I'll find a queen so you can have your whore!"

Gareth's temper flared red, he grit his teeth and raised his fist to punch his friend, his lord. His chest heaved as he took deep breaths realizing his place and let his grip loosen. Novak laughed mockingly at his only confidant. He strode over to his horse gracefully mounting the thoroughbred with one jump and looked down on his subservient knave.

"She is not your stallion that you can break in. She will never learn to love you like your precious horse has. In the end, you will always be thrown off," Gareth warned and slunk back towards the camp.

Novak scoffed at his friend and looked out into the meadow. The moon was large in the sky lighting the entire field of wild flowers and tall grass. A pond just before the rolling hills glimmered. His lips curled with anger mixed with sorrow, he thought of Taylis. The idea of always having her close to him to do whatever he wanted but never having her love back pricked annoyingly at him.

Damn Gareth, he thought.

He kicked his horse to a gallop and raced around the meadow. The wild flowers flew in the air as he worked his horse hard, circling. His mind circled and dust rose in their wake. He saw her eyes, twinkling brown seductive almonds: beckoning him, welcoming him. His horse panted and snorted, he pushed it harder. He saw her standing tall and confident, at ease. She was standing behind Gareth. Novak roared, awaking the birds that fluttered out of the trees. Talyis found comfort near his one true friend, the one who rescued him, who gave his identity back to him. His stallion kicked mounting the clear sky and ran harder than Novak had ever seen it run before. It snorted and screamed a battle roar its mane flew as he dashed to and fro. Novak felt free, felt like he was flying as his horse galloped wild. It bucked suddenly; he flew to the ground hard, knocking the air from his lungs. He composed himself and sat amazed as his wild stallion circled him, neighing victory loudly.


Gareth had stormed right past her, not even looking her way. She wondered if her secret was safe. She couldn't read his face which perplexed her. She watched him take his supper at the farthest end of the camp and eat by himself. It annoyed her that Novak looked jealous when he came back from the meadow. Why did he care so much if Gareth wasn't eager to beat her as he was?

She huddled near Novak's tent trying to be as inconspicuous as possible to the rest of the band. Her eyes tighten with dread; she could no longer understand their language. They were scheming about her in their secret ancient tongue. She noticed the change as soon as she'd returned to the camp and was left behind by the band's leaders. Their eyes translated as they inspected her from afar, making her body freeze, especially in the area Gareth had told her, 'They will take you here.' She clenched her legs tightly and tried to think of something else, but the feeling of Gareth's finger inside her secret place was a fathom coaxing wetness.

She shook her head violently in frustration. Her hair flooded around her in a chaotic halo. She hugged closer to the tent to avoid thinking of this place. Instead, she conjured her gardens where she would chase the green-eyed boy about the maze of hedges and rose bushes. Only to get through this night; she was determined to survive, to be strong.

She pretended the green-eyed boy was standing right in front of her, smiling in his cunning way. He wasn't a boy any longer but a man as she was a woman. He grew taller, the awkwardness she once teased now strong. She invited him into the castle. She entered the tent and he put his hands around her waist following her in. His large comforting hands on her waist felt so at home, she wanted to rock back towards him to connect. She smiled and turned to her imaginary man. She was at home and her heart was tranquil. She loved her green-eyed man and wanted to give everything he deserved. Again the feelings from the meadows came back to her, but they were rushing on her like a torrent. Muscles clenched where they had never clenched before, she spread her legs to let loose the wetness that continue to leak, she felt her labia itch for a touch. A touch she had never given herself. She wanted to throw herself on the cot and let the green-eyed man to do everything that a lover would do: teasing, coaxing, breathing heat into her cunny making her wet and leaking for him on display.

She giggle awkwardly, she was moving too fast. She reached up to put her hands around his neck and played with his scuffs between her fingers. She looked at the most giving reflection in his eyes. She wanted to kiss him, her first kiss.

"Out!" Novak yelled, breaking the spell. She stood in the middle of the large tent startled and embarrassed by her play. Her eyes took awhile to refocus on the man standing before her. Her lover was gone and this green-eyed monster stood instead. "I said out, Vile!"

'What was she doing, imagining Gareth? Kissing and dancing with Gareth? he fumed to himself and watched her shudder.

He softened a bit to notice something wild was in her eyes. Concern furrowed on his brow, she stood staring at him as if she recalled something. She smelt delectable; he could smell her in the air of the tent. He remembered all of his daydreams of having Talyis, making love to her, having her writhe and glue her hips to his. Her eyes smiling up at him as her walls milked his cock. The look of vehemence returned to her face and his illusions disintegrated.

He jeered bitterly to himself,Princess, you already losing your mind? Just wait.

The time had come, she fearfully and anxiously walked out of the tent. The band had moved the wagon near the fire. She closed her eyes as she took hesitant steps forward. It was as if she was walking to the chopping block in the square for execution. She was not going to fear, she was going to be strong, if she couldn't muster enough courage for herself at least enough for her people.

The men heckled her, slithery faces glowing in the firelight. She looked for Gareth, but could not find him. She gulped and steadied her chest's rise and fall to elevate the feeling a stabbing pain between her breasts.

Novak came out of the tent with purposeful, strong steps. He seemed to have grown taller, stronger compared to her failed attempts to be anything but a meek woman. His boots made the ground vibrate around her as she slinked back when he walked towards her. The roots of her hair burned in anticipation of him grabbing the tresses roughly, but instead he pulled her to the ground before him, making her kneel at his boots. The men cheered.

"Onor Vile, Aricin rule you," he sneered with a delighted smile in his ancient language. He was finally victor over her. She was groveling at his feet. "Say it." he commanded in his ancient language and the men jeered. He leaned over and spoke into her ear, his voice liquid with lust. "You don't understand, do you princess," he spoke in her language. "I will help you." He stood again proud and the men enclosed around her already beginning to take their cocks out, stroking them in fever. "I am an Onor wench. The Aricin rule over me," Novak dictated, his voice was so sensual it confused Talyis that such despicable words could be said by this voice. "Say it," he continued in her own language.

"I" she hesitated and clenched her eyes shut.

He grabbed her face, squeezing her cheeks, "Open your eyes when you address your prince."

She fumed now, she didn't care what his voice sounded like. She was not going to be tamed. She thought of his words in the ancient language he spoke. She grinned and exploded, "Vile Aricin!" She looked at him smugly.

The raiders couldn't believe what she had said in their ancient tongue, Novak dragged her to the wagon throwing her roughly onto it. The ropes had already been prepared for him to use to tie her, but he didn't care. He wanted her to fight and learn who was master, now. He was a pure animal and to chase was going to make his conquer that more pleasurable.

He jumped onto the wagon and cornered her, holding her neck to keep her still as he pulled the shift over her head and tossed it to the ground. He pressed his tented pants to her hips as she struggled to break free from the back of the wagon. The men surrounded the wagon, still stroking their cocks to full attention.

Novak captured her hand and twisted it behind her back tightly disjointing the shoulder socket if she were to continue to fight with him. He pulled her to him, his cock rubbing against her nude back. The chill of the cool air pulled her nipples out to his approval.

"Stop," he commanded and he looked down at her breasts moving with a frantic pant. He brought his free hand to her breast and pulled at a nipple twisting it wickedly.

"Ouch!" she cried out and whimpered letting her head fall back against his chest hard.

"Let's try this again," he said coolly and smoothly, "I am an Onor wench, and the Aricin rule over me."

"I am-- I will never," she clenched teeth in defiance.

Novak threw her to the floor of the wagon, her arse scraped against the harsh wood. The men took Novak's place quickly jumping onto the wagon as he stepped down. She looked up at the men and for the first time saw the male sex organ. Her eyes widened, they all varied in size and color, some stroked theirs fervently others bounced freely pointing at her. Novak returned and the men stepped aside. He grabbed her leg and dragged her to the bottom edge of the wagon. She sat up and fought with him as he tried to spread her legs with one free hand, his other had the cattle prod in hand. Two men with hairy black crotches reeking of precum grabbed her. One attending her thighs holding her open to Novak, while the other pulled her arms behind her back, jutting her breasts forward to their prince.

"Last try, princess," he let the prod hover above her mound, she could feel the heat emanate from the white glowing metal onto her entire pussy. "Say it,"

"I am an Onor wench and the Aricin rule over me," she conceded bitterly.

"In your own language so I know you mean it," he demanded letting the prod inch closer. Talyis began to squirm.

"I am an Onor wench," she said in her own language and whined as he inched the prod closer, the heat pooled sweat on her hairless mound. "Please," she panted, sweat beads poured down her body leaving goosebumps in their wake. "The Aricin rule over me."

Novak smiled and arched an eyebrow in confidence, "My prince is Novak. He is my master."

"Oh, please," she whispered desperately her mouth gapped and her eyes closed letting her head fall back.

"Look at me and say it!"

"My prince is Novak and he is my master," She blurted.

Novak pressed the burning cattle prod into her mons, she mind froze in shock as screams racked over her body, her skin sizzled Novak's mark onto her pussy for ever. His band roared. He tossed the prod aside before she could regain any sense of what was happening and pulled his pants down allowing his engorged cock freedom. He forced Talyis's legs to her chest and let his cock slip into her tight passage. He roared as his head filled her, stretching her lips around his cock. Talyis didn't understand the initial pressure she felt as his cock head sat within her, she cried and squirmed pushing him deeper within. She was as hot as the cattle prod inside and it radiated heat to his sac.

"I am your master," he sneered in his ancient language. He pushed more of his cock into her as her walls involuntarily hugged him, as they molded themselves to his shape. She winced sharply as the pressure built to a red-hot stabbing pain deep within. Novak smiled as he looked down on his sweet Taylis. "You will learn to love me," he continued cheating behind the language that sounded so intensely passionate. He added more pressure to her maiden head enjoying her futile attempts to move away to release the pressure. His cock was made for her and her walls did not want to unglue themselves from him. "You will love me as I had loved you." He pulled out and she sighed deeply. Her eyes were clear; she was relieved his pillage of her innocence was paused. He smiled down at her, his dark curls framing his face as she tried to imagine her dark green-eyed boy. He rested his cock head at her entrance. "You are far from done, my little wench." He took her nipple and sucked it into his mouth. She yelped and arched her back scraping it against the wooden floor. He bit the brown nipple giving her a reminder. He then thrust his cock deep into her bursting through her hymen.

Talyis cried out, everything burned she couldn't see anything anymore other than blurry figures of phallic men pumping their seed on the wooden cart floor around her. Novak drove into her, pounded into her body, dragging the walls of her pussy with his every long entrance and exit. He mauled her breasts with his hands using her tender mounds as leverage to punish her more with each thrust.

Then something new happened, he reached down in between where they were joined. He spread her lips further open around his shaft, laughing, as he found what he was looking for. Her toes burned with fire when his fingers manipulated her tiny clit head. He was proud how he fanned her labia out around his shaft and then a sudden surge entered her body and a feral growl erupted from Novak. The band cheered and got closer to her, some now behind Novak, others kneeling down before her. He produced a white handkerchief from his tunic and pulled his cock from her. He wiped his cock bloodied with her maidenhead and his seed. He roughly wiped her raw exposed and opened pussy to soak up more of her first coupling.

He showed the bloodied laced handkerchief to her and said in her own language. "I master you, your body is now mine." He cupped her mound, "This is now mine." He snickered and pulled his pants back into place and walked away from her.

Tears streaked her face, he was so tender for a moment, and the foreign words he said had so much passion behind them. It didn't make any sense to her why she lusted after him and then was tormented within the same moment. She arched her back and yelled out in frustration as if to call to the winds for answers to how to run away or stay.

She did not see the gesture of permission from the leader, but the men began to pull her nipples, suck her face. One was between her thighs and plunged into her already delicate pussy. Her back rubbed up and down against the wooden base with his thrusts. Her nose was clamped closed and a warning to not bite as a fleshy member was shoved into her mouth, thrusting down her throat.

She closed her eyes and tried to think of Gareth's advice to picture her green-eyed boy. Only the dark haired green-eyed man came to her mind and it was Novak. Another was ready to replace the one in her pussy, she got a moments relief as the air cooled the burn of her chaffed pussy lips. Then she grunted as another plowed into her. He yanked her legs to her chest and straddled above her to pound into her with a vengeance. The pressure pushed against her pelvic floor and made her feel full in her bowels. It was hard to escape as the reality of each thrust, her aching jaw around the cock in her mouth and the constant squeezing of her breasts.

"Harder," Novak yelled, "Fuck her harder," he continued to coach until her tears were loud screeches of pain. "Your turn," he told another, and the man let her body fall back to the wagon floor from his cock. The new raider presented his small pudgy cock at her entrance, "No, put your fingers into her. Make her wet."

Talyis wanted to melt into the wood beneath her; she remembered how humiliating it was when Gareth did this. She turned and saw Novak standing over her. He was leaning with an emotionless expression against the wagon's walls. Standing still with his arms crossing his strong chest; he was looking down on her, overseeing, and instructing the ravishment of her body. Dark cruelty dripped in his words, but his green eyes were piercing with a tempest of conflict roaring against his forgotten conscience.

"Stretch her out. Use two fingers. Make her walls want to close around your fingers," Novak demanded crudely. She cried out as two fingers stretched her open, the cool breeze came into her tunnel, bring her walls to clench around the man's fingers.

"She is doing it," the man between her thighs cackled proudly and began to trust deeply adding a third finger.

"Good," he smiled looking down at her with animosity in his eyes. The man continued to finger fuck her and positioned his cock at her puckered anus. Novak looked at the hunger man's eyes with his fingers stuffed in her pussy and pushed him off of the wagon on to the ground. "That is mine to break!" he admonished. "Enough, you are all done," Talyis panted in relief, she was able to live through it, "She gets one more chance at pleasing her new nobles. Gareth!"

Novak called and pranced around the camp taunting his friend, calling his name, "Gareth."

Gareth sat on the far side of the camp, watching, listening his arms crossed in opposition.

"No, Novak," Gareth spat vehemently. "You know I will not participate."

"Your King says you will."

"Novak you are my friend. You know my heart is for Delia."

"I am your King!"

Gareth reluctantly got up and quietly walked over to the trembling girl. His face furrowed with anger and remorse. Talyis's eyes pleaded as the firelight flickered on her face; he avoided her eyes as he began to remove his tunic.

"What are you doing?" Novak crooned, "You don't need to remove every stitch of clothing to fuck her." Gareth closed his eyes and shook his head. Novak was being like little a whelp on edge, he clenched his jaw wanting to punch his friend. "What is taking you so long?"

"It's ok," Taylis uttered so quietly to her friend, " it. Get it over with, please."

Gareth pulled his cock from his pants letting it hide under his tunic and massaged it. He straddled Talyis's stomach and leaned close to her ear as he stroked his cock on her stomach.