Those Horny Southern Belles

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Northern man is amazed as women give themselves freely.
15.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/27/2022
Created 06/01/2007
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I know that people consider me very square, dull even. That isn't how I see myself but I'm smart enough to recognize how others see me. To me, I'm upright and correct, always try to do the right thing in any situation. To me, I'm a good guy. Maybe that's the problem, some people prefer bad guys. Well, I can't do anything about that because I am not in any way a bad guy and never will be.

I was raised in a religious, strict, authoritarian family. That's not a complaint, it's just a true fact. I learned to obey, to do what I was supposed to do and I got along fine. I've never felt deprived or abused, I've enjoyed my life. I've read widely and have an active imagination. I was home schooled by my mother and did very well. When I entered college, at a religious based school, I was well ahead of just about everyone academically. Socially, I was far behind and I realized it and worked at it.

I was a Junior in college when I finally had sex with a female. We dated for six months before getting to the real thing. I was as much at fault, or hesitant about sex outside of marriage, as she was. But hormones finally overcame our scruples. I ended up very happy we did and I'm sure she was also. Because once we did it, we proceeded to do it a lot more. In fact, she moved in with me. But, as graduation approached in our Senior years, she let me know that she was not going to marry me and was not going to continue living with me after we graduated. I didn't argue with her, she has a right to her life just as I do and I knew that trying to force her into something she didn't want wouldn't work in the long run. I did wonder why she made that decision, though, and she told me. I was too dull. As much as she enjoyed the sex, she realized that she didn't want to spend the rest of her life with me.

It was another year before I had sex with another female. We met through work, she at a client. Again we dated awhile first but once we had sex she also moved in with me. She stayed just over a year before letting me know that she realized she didn't want to marry me so we were both better off if we broke up and met other people. I didn't even ask her why, I had known often that she wanted to do more than we did. Go more places, meet more people.

So, here I am, only twenty-five years old and still single. I even changed jobs in an attempt to start over. I had lived my entire life in New England, Massachusetts and Connecticut, and now I'm in a relatively small town in South Carolina, working in an automobile plant. I'm a computer expert, really very good at it, and am here, I know, regardless of what I'm told or my title, to get the plant running more efficiently. When I succeed (not IF, you'll notice) I'll probably either be transferred to another plant or let go. That doesn't bother me, I understand business and I'll have no problem finding another challenge at another company. For someone considered dull, my imagination has been of great help in creating software. It's basically like solving problems or puzzles. Figuring out where you want to get is the big problem and then you just solve a lot of little problems until you finally get there.

Anyway, my second night in my new town I decided to try and do something different. I went to a bar where I understood lots of people my age went. It was loud. Lots of people. A band. A big dance floor and lots of people dancing. I got a beer at the bar and just looked around, seeing what other people were doing. I drank from the bottle since that seemed to be what the bartender expected. He didn't give me a glass.

This girl came up to me and asked me to dance. Not a bad looking girl. Well built, slim. Brown hair, brown eyes, good chin. Low cut blouse, showing off her breasts, which were worth showing off, and a very short denim skirt. I told her that I didn't know how to dance to this music.

"A two step? You don't know the two step?"

"No, I'm new in town and I've never seen anyone dance like that before or heard this exact music before."

"Wow, I've known the two step my whole life. Can you dance anything? Do you know other kinds of dancing?"

"Well, yeah, I've done what I guess is slow dancing a lot. But in that I hold the girl close and in this, it looks as if everyone's doing there own thing and barely touching."

"Well, when this set's over, the band will switch to slow music. Maybe we can dance then."

"Sure, I'd like that. Can I buy you a drink?"

Well, I buy us both a beer, my second, and we move to a table. I learn that her name is Lorraine and she learns that I'm Don, and finally, after another beer, the band comes back from a break and plays some slow music and we dance. She dances very close, pushes right into me. Actually, I like that. She has a very good body. Seems healthy. I'm just over six feet and she must be around six or seven inches shorter than me. I've always been in fairly good shape, go to a gym regularly, and she seems to enjoy feeling my body against her as much as I enjoy hers against me. We dance four songs and then go back and have another beer. I'm not sure I've ever had four beers in one evening before.

When the band plays something faster, she gets me onto the dance floor to show me the two step. It's both simple and yet complicated. I can do it slow but as we try to keep time to the music I keep messing up. Fortunately she laughs at that and we keep trying. I don't like messing up but for some reason, I think it's because she doesn't care, I don't care much either. I'm not being me the way I usually am and I realize it. But I think to myself that's the whole reason I came here. To try something new. By the end of the set, I could actually do it passably well. As I began to do it right, she started rubbing her butt against me a lot. In this dancing, I'm often behind her as we do the steps. I watch others and realize that other girls are doing that to other guys so it's the way it's supposed to be.

At the break we go back to a table and have another beer. Dancing can really work up a sweat. Lorraine seems happy and I 'm actually enjoying myself, having a good time. So when the next set starts playing we dance again, slow this time, tight against each other. She's really rubbing against me. If I didn't know better, I'd think she wanted to have sex. In my life, it had always taken a long time dating before a female and I got around to sex so I don't want to push things too fast and get her mad. But when we get back to the table and got another couple beers, she sits on my lap, straddling me and facing me and she kisses me.

This is all new to me. I mean, she's sitting on me, her pussy just about directly on my cock and she's licking out the inside of my mouth and it's actually great. I mean, I know I'm on my sixth beer but I think this fairly nice looking girl is hot for me and then she proves that she is.

"Let's go outside," she says, "You have a car in the lot?"

"Well, yeah."

"Let's go to your car where we won't be bothered, then." She climbs off me and pulls on my hands and I stand up and she leans against me and kisses me and as we turn to head out of the place she reaches down and grabs my crotch, feeling my very definite erection. "Seems like you're ready, too." she says.

At the car, I press the button on my key to unlock the door and she says, "Lets get in back." So I open the back door and she has me ahead of her and sort of pushes me to get in so I do. I sit on the seat and look back for her and she climbs on me and gets me on my back, her on top of me and starts kissing me. Still kissing me she moves around so that she's sitting on me, one knee on the seat, between me and the back of the seat, the other down on the car floor, and her pussy is just about on my cock again. She sits up a little from kissing me and reaches into her top, sort of pushing it down off her shoulders and unfastening her bra, which hooks in front, apparently. In no time, two naked breasts are facing me. Good, firm breasts. Not huge but plenty to them with fairly large nipple areas. Well, she's hanging them right at me so I get my hands to them and my mouth to one and start kissing and licking.

I can hear her moaning slightly like she enjoys this. I can also feel her reaching down between us and working on my zipper and pretty soon I can feel her hand around my cock and she's maneuvering it out of my pants. She sits up just a little, pulling her breasts from my mouth and I can feel that she's sitting on my bare cock, taking it up inside her.

"I never wear panties here, it makes fucking a lot easier," she says as she starts riding up and down on my cock and leans forward some so I can get at her breasts again. So here I am, maybe two hours after meeting this girl, her fucking me and me sucking on her breasts like we'd known each other for a lot longer. I have to admit it all feels terrific. Her pussy is tight enough that it feels great having my cock massaged inside her. And she has great breasts so I love tasting them. But I've sure never done anything like this before. Sex with no foreplay, no romance. When I finally cum, she leans down a little different so that we can kiss, my cock still inside her. "That was great, Don," she says, "Let's go back in and have another beer and dance some more and then in a while we can fuck again."

So we do. I have two more beers and we dance both the two step and slow dances and she's all over me and we're back in my car and she's on top again riding me and this time I last and last and I can tell she has an orgasm, perhaps more than one. When we're done and she kisses me, and I say that I've got to go, she says, "You gonna come back here often, Don? I really enjoyed this." I guess I admitted that I probably would and she got out of the car and went back inside and I got in the front seat and drove back to the apartment I had rented.

As I showered, getting ready for bed, I began to realize that I'd had unprotected sex with this girl, Lorraine. She could get pregnant. I could catch something. Shit! I could catch something. What are you doing Don, having unprotected sex with a girl that apparently goes out to bars regularly with no panties on in order to make fucking easier? I didn't sleep easily.

The next day, at work, I 'm really worried. What all kinds of diseases could I have caught? What should I do about it? There's a secretary for about three of us with offices next to one another and she's worked here for several years. "Dorothy," I ask her, "is there a doctor in the plant or some doctor that we use regularly?"

"Oh, sure, Don, there's a medical office right here in the plant. Did you get hurt?"

"Uh. no, it's just, uh, I have a question I need answered, I guess." I mean, how can I tell her why? Anyway, she tells me how to get there and I head right off. I find the door and go in. Looks like a doctor's office. There's a very handsome woman sitting at a desk. Looks like she was Miss America maybe fifteen or twenty years ago, still very attractive but just a little bit thicker, as if she'd had a couple children. Dressed like what I guess receptionists dress like, attractive blue dress that shows off her really excellent figure.

She looks up at me, "Yes?"

"I wanted to see the doctor."

"Do you work here?" she asks. I show her my ID. "OK." she says, "What is this about. how can I help you?'

"Well, I wanted to see the doctor."

"There's no doctor. I'm a nurse, a registered nurse. I'm the medical staff. I handle almost anything that comes up. We can call a doctor when needed. So, how can I help you?"

"Oh, uh, gee, uh" How do I tell a beautiful woman about this? Maybe I should just go away and find a doctor somewhere else. "Well, I had a question but maybe I'll just forget it."

"My being a woman bothers you. Look, if it's a medical question, I can answer it as well as anyone can. That's my job. So go ahead and ask."

"Well, it's awkward."

"It's about sex, isn't it?"

'Well, uh . . . "

"I knew it. Women have no problem asking about sexual things but men always seem afraid for some reason. Why not just ask, I'm sure I can answer it."

"Well, ok, I guess. I went to a bar last night and had sex with a girl. A couple times. Unprotected sex. And I'm worried that maybe I caught something so I figured there must be some test that can tell me."

She just looks at me and smiles. Almost grins. I think she's enjoying this. "Well, if you did catch anything it would take a few days for it to show up. So there's no use taking a blood sample right now. If you had nothing before last night, it would still just show you as having nothing. We need to wait a few days. But right now, there's something I can do." She stands up and turns toward a door and says, "Follow me."

I follow her and we're in what's obviously an examination room. One of those sort of high and long beds or tables that you sit on for an examination, a little stool for the doctor, some cabinets on the wall, typical examination room. "Just drop your pants and underwear and sit up on here so I can examine you."

Shit. She wants to look at my cock. What is this?

'Come on, quit acting like a little boy. I just want to check to see if there are any lesions or open sores where disease could get in." So I do as she says. I end up sitting on the table with my clothes down around my ankles, my bare bottom and cock and balls all showing. She sits on the stool and moves it with her feet so she ends up almost sitting between my legs. She takes my cock in her hand and looks at it. I can't help it, I start getting erect. She looks up at me and grins and then looks back down. She has rubber gloves on and she lifts my balls with one hand and moves them around and seems to look them over. Then she's back at my cock. She lifts it, moves her head to one side and then the other, looking at it. I'm fully erect.

"Actually a very nice looking penis. No sores anywhere, seems clean and healthy. " She leans forward a little, her head getting very close. She sticks out her tongue and licks the head, right at the top where my pee hole is, then licks around the head. She looks up at me again, "Tastes fine, clean and healthy. A very good specimen of an erection. That girl last night must have enjoyed this. Did she taste it?"

"Uh, well, no." What is this?

"Too bad , I'm sure she would have loved it." With that she leans to it again and starts licking the head and then slowly down onto my shaft as the head disappears into her mouth. When she has most of it in her mouth, I can feel her tongue moving inside, she then grips me tight with her lips and slowly moves her head back up. She has a hand holding my cock at its base. Then she drops her head back down. I can feel her licking and sucking and soon her head is moving up and down, her hand moving right below her lips. This is a full blow job. The nurse is giving me a blow job. What kind of women live around here? Last night, Lorraine meets me and fucks me and now the nurse is blowing me five minutes after I walk into the office.

I can hear her, slurping and sucking and I have to admit that it's very sexy, very effective. I'm not going to last long. And I don't. I try to tell her but she just works her mouth and hand faster until I finally shoot off into her mouth. She keeps milking me, getting everything out of me. Finally, still holding my cock, she slides back slightly and looks up at me. "That was terrific. You have a really nice cock. Now we need to make an appointment to have you come back to have some blood drawn and another workup." She grins even more.

I have to admit, she's good at it. She must have sucked a lot of cocks back when she was in beauty contests. At least I assume she was in beauty contests, she looks like a winner. I guess I could also assume there were some satisfied judges back then.

I leave after getting the next appointment. I walk back to my office at least partly in a daze. What is it with these Southern women? No romance, no foreplay, just get to sex immediately. But even as I'm surprised I have to admit that I liked getting blown. She's a very attractive woman, great body, even though there's a little more now than there once was. And very pretty. I wonder if she's a real blond? I've never seen a pussy with blond hair. Which makes me grin at myself. What am I doing, wondering about what her pussy looks like. Well, I know why. With both women that I had sex with before coming here, we went through a courtship. It took a while to get to sex. In both cases, the first sex was careful, safe, oral. Both of them started by masturbating me and my doing the same to them. They moved to taking me in their mouths and I moved to licking their pussies, sucking their clits. For whatever perverted reason, I discovered I loved licking, tasting, feeling their pussies. Getting my face all wet and sticky with their cum. It was just very sexy. Of course, actually fucking, getting my cock in there, was great once we got to it. But I never quit eating pussy and enjoying it. So what I'd really like to do the next time is get that well-built blond naked and feast on her breasts and her pussy and she could then suck me off all she wanted. Maybe we could even fuck.

I'm back at my office. The secretary, Dorothy, asks me if I'm o.k., did things go well at the medical office. It's probably my experience at the medical office that makes me realize that she's pretty attractive. Long and tall and slim. Black hair, sort of greenish or grayish eyes. I know from one of the women I'd lived with that what might look skinny really isn't. Even the slim ones have a really nice ass and those long legs are great during sex. But I tried to shake that off and just told her that yeah, everything was fine, and went into my office. I'm here to work but I'm wondering if I can ever get my mind settled on doing my programming work.

Then Lorraine comes in my office. Lorraine from last night. She's all perky and smiley. It actually scares me a little.


"I didn't know you worked here," she says. "I saw you walking downstairs so I just followed you." With that, she sits on the corner of my desk, almost trapping me. My office isn't big. My desk faces the door, with one end of it against the wall. So I come around the edge of the desk, get behind it and sit in my chair, my back to the wall behind me. Now, she's sitting on the corner, making it almost impossible for me to get out, although I guess I could push by her if I really had to.

I push my chair away from her as much as I can. "Lorraine, what we did last night was all wrong. I'm sorry, it should never have happened. I guess it was all the beer. I'm just not used to drinking and it made me act different than I should have."

"Oh, last night was terrific." She lifts herself up slightly and pulls her already short skirt up until her butt is bare and her pussy is bare. She has no panties on. Then she sits back down. "I sure would like some more. I'm all ready as you can see."

"Lorraine, we had unprotected sex. I have no condoms now. You've had sex with a lot of other guys and I've been worried that I might have caught something. I even went to the medical office here."

She grins, really big. "I bet Miss Parris Island, 1988, really treated you special, didn't she? Guys love going to the medical office. But you didn't need to, I don't have anything. At least I don't think I do. And I'm on the pill."

"What's with you Southern women? No loving, no romance, no foreplay. Just right to sex, immediately."

"I've got romance. I'm married. But my Marine is overseas and I need something while he's gone. I mean, it's just normal, we all have natural sex drives." She reaches down with her hand and starts running her fingers over her pussy. Sliding a finger in, masturbating right in front of me. I can see the light glistening off her wetness. She actually has a very pretty pussy. "So why not help me have a little enjoyment and make use of me while I'm here."