Tinkle Bell Ch. 20


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Funny enough, I'm not even sure she really sucked it much either, one perhaps two...a bit of a tongue tickle, and I was finished! I felt the soaring of my cream racing up the length of my cock, felt the intensity of the orgasm wash through me from head to toe, stars suddenly filling my head, and a distant voice somewhere in the background saying, "Thar she blows!" Amidst a smattering of giggles and laughter along with a few somewhat disappointed moans as I began filling the woman's mouth with more cream than I think either one of us thought possible.

I think I imploded. Minutes later Bella removing my blindfold looking up at the victor still half lazily slurping away on my dick. I was actually pleased to see that Doreen had managed to claim the prize. Though Chris was standing next to her looking down.

"Almost had you," she said.

And then I thought about that. Had she done...to which Bella now commented no doubt thinking along the same lines as I was.

"And that...would have certainly proved interesting, had she..." Bella quipped giggling a bit, and then kissing Doreen, swapping a bit of cum with her, though there was still plenty to go around.

"Alright girls, more drinks...refreshments and munchies available while Doreen receives her treat from David, and while we gather round and decide what he's going to do after that for the rest of us!"

It was going to be one long fucking night. And I was looking forward to it.


At the moment though...it was time to focus on Doreen. I enjoyed the fact she had a much larger than normal clit for one thing. And for another, she loved having it sucked. And sucked hard! I had learned early on of course that no two women were alike in the way they enjoyed having their cunts licked or pleasured. I'd been with some, recently in fact as I glanced about the room. Women who preferred the more teasing gentle flick of a tongue, almost indirectly. Others who enjoyed it a bit firmer, even rougher perhaps once aroused. Doreen, and Bella both for that matter, preferred it when I seriously attacked their clits, sucking on them like they were a miniature cock. Though unlike Bella, Doreen preferred me not using any fingers in her at all while doing that. Liking it better when I just played with her tits instead, working and manipulating her equally hard nipples rolling them around with my fingers, while simultaneously working and rolling around her clit with my lips and tongue.

All around us, some watched just for fun, perhaps touching or toying with one another while they did. Others getting a bit more intimate with one another, perhaps the recent excitement and pleasure we'd all been sharing and enjoying with one another having kept them on the edge for far too long now.

Off to one side of us, which I had just caught a few glimpses of while sucking Doreen's knot-hard clit, Becky and Debra had currently ganged up on Chris, taking turns sucking her dick while Julie lay beneath Debra, licking her pussy. All around the room several seemed to be doing the same in one way or another. Though I had noticed that Bella had taken Tracy and Sue...along with Sandra surprisingly enough, into the bathroom for a little pee-play inside the massive shower stall.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves in one way or another. I know I certainly was.

Doreen came loudly and long...enjoying her much needed orgasm. Rolling over and collapsing, just as Bella and her piss-playmates came walking out after having obviously just having finished showering with one another, and then rinsing off.

"So...you enjoy that?" Bella asked Sandra after they had re-emerged. She was blushing a bit perhaps, her face flushed, but she was grinning broadly, nodding her head yes, that she actually had.

"I've...I've only before sort of wondered about it," she admitted. "But yeah...I'm now glad I tried that, it was really interesting. Just something about it sort of...well feels so wickedly naughty you know?"

Elizabeth walked over towards her, curious to hear though she hadn't been quite so brave or adventurous to go in and join them, almost looking now as though she wished that she had.

"So...you're feeling rather naughty now are you?" She quipped joking perhaps, but obviously horny, to which Sandra certainly surprised her, along with me when she responded in a way I'm sure she wasn't expecting.

"Naughty enough to want to go down on you!" She said. "Care to be my first female pussy?"

Elizabeth's eyes opened wide in surprise at that, but then let herself be led over to the now vacant bed, Sandra pushing her down, forcing her legs apart. "Right here? Like this in front of everyone?" She again asked in shocked disbelief.

"Oh yeah...hell yeah, right here...right now. I'm going to lick my very first cunt!"

She got a bit of applause for that, as well as a few curious onlookers as they stood around the bed in a half circle watching as Sandra's tongue dove inside Elizabeth's pussy for the first time ever. I don't know if that was a first for Elizabeth or not, but either way...seconds later, she was moaning like there was no tomorrow, her hands and fingers digging into Sandra's hair pressing her pussy into the poor girls face. Sandra didn't seem to mind too much.

Bella came over joining me at the bar where I was enjoying a rather tall glass of orange juice. She looked down chuckling, taking in my very limp, well spent cock.

"You going to last the evening?" she asked only sounding slightly concerned, though I'd already asked myself the very same question. "I do have a supply of Viagra if you think you might need it, I'd hate for you to you know...peter out here at your own party," she laughed a bit more.

No surprise there.

"I'll let you know if I do. But so far, I think I'm ok. Though speaking of which...what is it I'm going to have to do for everyone anyway?"

I already knew that they had once again redrawn random numbers, though at the moment I had no idea what the reasoning or purpose was behind that.

"Actually, we're making it easy on you," Bella laughed. "Even with Chris leading a helping hand here so to speak...it's not exactly a one man job here if you know what I mean."

"Yeah...no shit Bella. There's more pussy in this room tonight than I've seen in all my years put together!"

"Happy birthday," she said again winking. "Anyway...here's the deal. When you think you're ready...and you get to go at your own pace here, just call out the next number in sequence. So since Doreen was basically number one already, you'll start out with number two. Whoever that is will let you know. Then they'll tell you whatever it is they would like you to do for them. Simple as that. So enjoy yourself, though try and pace yourself too. And like I said...if you need any help...."

"You'll come over and spell me?"

She laughed at that. "No...but I'll help out wherever I can if necessary. No David, this one's on you baby. You have almost a dozen horny women here tonight, and as the birthday boy, you get to blow out each and everyone of their candles. I will say this though...if you can, you really should try and save something special for your two high school friends over there," she said drawing my attention back to the bed again where the two of them were now busy going down on one another in a very erotic looking '69'. "It didn't take much convincing to get them to come here tonight, but they were nervous when they heard all the details and what would no doubt be going on around here with so many other naked women. So I think they showed some courage just showing up, as naive as the two of them still are."

"I'll do my best," I assured her, though looking down at my cock, which was starting to get hard once again, she laughed.

"Yes...I am sure that you will."

"Number....two?" I called out.

Chris looked up at me grinning. I just shook my head and looked over towards Bella. She just looked at me and laughed.

"This should be interesting," she then said.

She was right about that...it was.


I did manage...just. To make it through each and every one of the girls however before the night was through. And...as I'd promised, I actually did manage to fuck both Elizabeth and Sandra, almost side by side together, especially as they were six and seven respectively, though we had fun with me working back and forth between the two of them, basically turning it into a threesome on the bed right there in front of everyone.

What was hot...at least for me anyway, was getting to come in both of them, though even doing that wasn't easy. Slipping out of Sandra, and then between "shots" just managing to plunge into Elizabeth long enough to spurt a couple of nice ones in her too. I then got to watch as they once again cleaned one another out after that. Even Bella was impressed with that one.

It was actually past three in the morning by the time everyone went home, all except for Bella, Doreen and Sue, who was spending the night with us because of the long drive ahead of her.

After giving everyone a big warm kiss goodnight, and a couple of booby feels here and there as I did that, I turned facing my still naked three companions.

"So...you all plumb tuckered out? Or is there anything else the three of us can do for you?" Bella asked.

I was...and I wasn't. I was going to be dead tomorrow for sure. But then I could sleep in all day long if I wanted to. After all...tomorrow, well...I guess now actually, was my birthday.

"Well, there really is one thing I'd like to feel before we sort of call it a night."

Bella already knew, grinning the moment I said that. "I think...we can accommodate you, don't you girls?" She said turning towards them. Each one of them nodding their heads in agreement as I soon after followed them into the shower stall again.

"Go ahead baby, lay down while we play Niagara Falls on you."

I lay there looking up as the three gathered around, moments later being treated to a nice warm soothing shower from three adorable horny looking cunts.

It was a nice relaxing way to end the evening. I fell asleep, listening to the erotic naughty sounds of the three of them pleasurably licking one another right there in bed next to me. It was better than falling asleep listening to music.


I didn't wake up at home until almost four in the afternoon. When I did, there was another card waiting for me on my pillow from mom and dad. I opened it, enjoyed the card itself, and then opened the other envelope inside. It was a round trip, opened ended pair of tickets to fly anywhere in the world that I wanted to...a year from now. After I had obviously graduated. Though I had been on a bit of a fast-track myself in eventually getting my degree, though nowhere's near as intense or brutal as it was for Bella, it still seemed like an eternity away. Bella would be gone in less than three months now, which meant nine more months before I could even consider going to see her. If in fact that was even possible. The one time I had even hinted at it, she had reminded me about her father, and his unwillingness to accept anyone he didn't approve of. She'd made it subtly clear...he would no doubt, disapprove of me.

I stared at the tickets wondering.

I didn't know whether to laugh...or to cry.

To be continued...

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Servo42Servo42almost 14 years ago
Italy here we go

Ticket to ride. Seems to me, that Northern Italy is going to get a visitor.

Don't even think of quitting this story. Cant wait for the next chapter.


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