To Love a Stray Ch. 09


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"He would have to be on a trial period if I was to agree to him staying. Put someone I know I can trust in charge of the team and Malcolm's on probation," Micah concedes sounding far from happy with the idea.

"No! Malcolm and I have been partners from the start! I won't let you break that up! You are pushing me out so I am not here when she comes into heat, and I'm not letting you break up my work partnership as well," Edwin yells angrily.

"Rosy do you want Edwin to be here when you come into heat so he is available if you want to invite him into the cage," Wade asks and I feel my face go red as everyone looks at me.

"I don't like him like that," I deny.

"Rosy, your Alpha wants a simple yes or no," Sam tells me. I look at Sam startled by his wording. I open my mouth to protest it but find it's not in me to.

"No my Alpha, I do not want him here."

"Malcolm Inness, it is your choice. You can stay here in the job as warrior or you can leave with your partner Edwin Williamson," Wade says formally.

"I swore an oath to serve and protect you and your family. I wish to keep it," Malcolm says with lowered head.

"Micah," Wade questions.

"Six months probation to be reviewed then and extended if I think necessary," Micah insists.

"Great! Just fucking great," Edwin yells angrily and storms from the quarters followed by Robby.

"Well I'll leave so you can sort out the order of things. And Rosy, welcome to the Clan," Wade says before leaving.

"Looks like you're stuck with us now Rosy. Not only are we your brothers we're warriors for the clan you've been adopted into," Sam says with a wide grin.

"Move Rosy out of the way Sam, I got some business I need to take care of," Mitchell says firmly. Sam steers me towards the kitchen as Mitchell advances on Malcolm displaying an aggression I've never seen in him before.

"I don't want any fight with you Mitchell," Malcolm says holding his hands up at shoulder height as he takes several steps back.

"That is not the way it seemed yesterday," Mitchell hisses tightly.

"I've got no intentions of starting anything you're more than capable of finishing for me," Malcolm says as he avoids looking Mitchell in the face.

"Mitchell is asserting his dominance over him," Sam whispers to me quietly. "Mitchell's moved up in the ranks and he's just making sure Malcolm knows and understands."

I nod my understanding and watch what is playing out in the other room. After a minute or two Steven walks over and puts a hand on Mitchell's shoulder. "How about we take up the lounge before Rosy steals it?"

"Yeah okay," Mitchell agrees and turns away from Malcolm. I watch as Malcolm eyes Mitchell and Steven uneasily before walking over to his brother Chris.

"We all good," Malcolm asks.

"We'll see," Chris shrugs but sits across from his brother when Malcolm finds a space on the floor to play cards.

Micah wanders over to where Sam and I stand and he raises an eyebrow at me, "So it looks like you've decided to become a clan cat now."

I shrug as I glance at Sam, "It just seemed the right way to address Wade at the time."

"I had to try," Sam says repressing a smile.

"Hey why didn't you tell us Rosy would be acknowledging Wade as her Alpha," Steven asks as he limps over stiffly. He glances from Micah to Sam and back again.

"I sprang it on her. Figured if she had too much time to think about it she'd talk herself out of an answer," Sam tells him.

"Hallo in the quarters," Doc calls before opening the screen door. He walks in and Steven heads over towards the lounge.

"I understand I've got some stitching to check out," Doc announces. "Now who has changed and who hasn't?" I watch as Doc inspects the injuries of each tom pronouncing Micah and Sam healed enough for removal of stitches and Mitchell, Steven and Malcolm to do at least one change each before their stitches can come out.

"Ok Rosy, your turn. I want to make sure your leg is healing nicely," Doc tells me.

"I already took the stitches out, all of them," I say without approaching him.

"Come on Rosy, I just want to make sure the muscle underneath isn't damaged," Doc tells me. I hesitate for a moment before walking over and putting my foot on the arm of one of the chairs. I flinch as Doc runs his hand over the pink scar lightly but there is no pain and he only touches me as much as necessary for the examination.

"It appears to be healing well. Take it easy and it should be completely healed within the week. How is your shoulder and hip," Doc asks.

"My hip is still a bit tender but my shoulder is fine," I say and move my arm in a big circle to prove the point.

"Good and you did a first rate job stitching up the toms yesterday. Both Steven's neck and Edwin's side look like they were tricky jobs," Doc compliments me.

"Hopefully I won't have to do it again," I say.

"Well I'll go and let you lot get back to whatever you have to do," Doc says before heading away.

"Since you stitched me up you can remove your handy work," Micah tells me with a grin and holds out a pair of tweezers and a small sharp knife.

"Wait a moment, I got something better than that knife," I say remembering the specialised blade I used earlier. I get it and sterilise it in hot water before approaching Micah with it and my good tweezers.

The rows of neat black knots look alien in the healthy skin with only slight marks left by the wounds. I work steadily removing the stitches and dropping the cut sutures onto a piece of paper towel. When I am finished I run my hand over the injury feeling for any evidence of deeper trauma. I jump nervously when he catches my hand and I look at his face startled.

His eyes have darkened in colour and his pupils seem huge as he fixes his gaze on my face. My mouth suddenly feels dry and I lick my lips nervously. He watches the small movement closely and I suddenly seem to have difficulties getting enough air into my

lungs as I breathe. I feel movement under my hand and glance towards it. Micah has moved my hand onto his stomach and I can feel his rock hard abs beneath the skin as me moves my hand up towards his chest.

"I'm ready to get my stitches ..." Sam's voice breaks into my shocked mind and I jerk away from Micah with a startled gasp.

"Rosy ..." Micah says taking a step towards me but I am already turning towards the door and his voice just lends speed to my feet as I race for the freedom of the outdoors.

I don't slow until I reach the shadows beside the brick shed, then I turn and look back the way I have come. There are no signs of pursuit and I turn away relieved. The strength of the attraction I feel for Micah scares me. It would be too easy to give in and let myself get lost in the need for him. I head for the tree line at a more sedate pace lost in my turbulent emotions; I nearly don't hear the faint sounds of the footsteps following me. I turn around ready to yell at whoever has followed me; I nervously return the faint smile Edwin gives me.

"Hi Rosy. I just wanted to tell you I got no hard feelings over you doing what your brothers would want and saying you didn't want me here ... well you know," Edwin smiles as if it hurts him and he looks away.

"Edwin I ..." I start but let my words trail off because I don't know what I want to say.

"Don't worry about it. I understand really. All you have to do is tell Marissa and she'll send for me. I promise I'll come for you," Edwin says as he holds my gaze.

I realise with a start that he is now much closer to me than when he had started talking, "I can't ..."

"It's not up to them," Edwin cuts me off once again. "It's your choice. Don't let them tell you who to choose; they're only looking to further their own interests. I'm the one who really cares for you." His hand is gentle as he takes hold of my arm and he smiles reassuringly at me. His gaze is almost hypnotic and I start to lose track of my thoughts as he moves closer.

"You know I care about you Rosy, I always have. I'd never do anything to hurt you," Edwin's voice drops to little more than a whisper and I feel his breath brush against my lips as he leans closer. His eyes are very similar in colour to Micah's but they lack the light scattering of golden flecks around the pupils.

"No! Stop it Edwin!" I give a startled cry as I jerk away from him but he has hold of both my arms now and I can't break his hold.

"It's okay Rosy. I'm not going to hurt you. I'd never hurt you," Edwin tells me a whisper away from my lips as he leans close. I close my eyes as his face blurs and I feel his lips brush mine lightly. I give a soft surprised gasp and his tongue finds its

way into my mouth. I'm surprised by how much I want him to kiss me and I sigh softly as I allow the kiss.

"Rosy," Edwin breathes my name against my mouth before kissing me again. I clutch his arms and kiss him back enjoying the sensation of his mouth moving against mine. He lifts his head with a jerk and looks down at me; his pupils are so large they make his eyes appear black except for the multi hued brown ring around the pupils.

"Rosy, come with me today. We can both leave here," Edwin urges me and I tense as I turn my head slightly and watch him from the corner of my eye. I cast my gaze over the familiar surroundings as I consider his plea. I've only just found my brothers and am getting to know them plus the idea of going somewhere I know no one is terrifying. Fear starts to rise in me smothering any attraction I feel towards Edwin.

"No! Edwin let me go! Edwin! Stop it," I cry as he refuses to let go when I begin to struggle.

"Rosy, come with me," he pleads as his fingers bite into my arms.

"Sam! Mitchell! Micah! Anyone," I scream as I struggle against his hold.

"Hey! No need to get upset," Edwin says as he lets me go hurriedly and backs away from me.

"Rosy," Sam yells as I hear the screen door of the quarters slam.

"I'm here Sam," I call to him, "Go away Edwin! I don't want to talk to you," I yell at him. Edwin grits his teeth but continues to back away from me; he keeps casting cautious looks towards the quarters and speeds up his retreat when both Sam and Micah come into view.

"You okay," Sam demands as they reach me. I nod and step into his arms allowing him to cuddle me close.

"Edwin surprised me is all. It scared me," I say not wanting either of the toms to go after him.

"He didn't hurt you did he," Micah asks suspiciously.

"No, no I'm right," I answer and put my arms around Sam's waist as he pats my back gently.

"You did the right thing calling us like that," Micah tells me gently.

"Can we go back to the quarters or something? I don't want to be out here until he's gone," I say looking up at Sam.

"Ok, come on then," Sam says.

I am relieved when he keeps his arm around me as we head back to the quarters and Mitchell and Steven meet us just inside the door, both of them in cat form. I allow Sam to guide me into the lounge room and I sit on the lounge at his urgings. Steven climbs onto the lounge and rubs against my shoulder while Mitchell rubs against my knees. When I go to pat Mitchell's head I realise I am shaking and I slip to my knees down beside him and bury my face against his shoulder as I dissolve into tears. I hear him meowing at me but I can't speak so I hold him tighter.

"Hey, come on now. It's alright, you're safe," Sam says and I feel him hugging me.

"What's wrong with Rosy," I hear Justin ask.

I turn my head to rest my cheek against Mitchell's shoulder as I sniff noisily. I'm suddenly not sure what or how I feel about Edwin leaving. I hear the screen door slam noisily and I cling tighter to Mitchell fearing it is Edwin coming to take me away from my brothers.

"It would appear we have a problem," Wade announces as he walks into the room.

"What do you mean," Micah asks guardedly.

"I have just been informed by Edwin that Rosy told him she wants him here when she comes into heat. She denied it before because she thought it was what her brothers wanted her to say," Wade says in an unusually even voice.

"I don't believe it," Sam says angrily.

"Edwin will be notified when Rosy comes into heat because from what I witnessed outside, he may have a valid point. Rosy didn't protest when he kissed her," Wade announces and I close my eyes as I turn my face back against Mitchell's shoulder.

"He what," Micah roars angrily and I flinch. I feel Sam's arms tighten around me and I hear Mitchell making concerned little murrs.

"Remember, it is Rosy's prerogative to have as many toms present as she chooses," Wade tells them firmly before he leaves.

"Did you tell Edwin you want him here when you come into heat," Sam asks calmly.

"No I didn't! He told me he knew I only said what I did because it was what you want. It was him who said it not me," I protest as I look at him tearfully. I don't want to upset or anger either of my brothers.

"It's okay, I believe you," Sam tells me reassuringly as he eases me away from Mitchell to cuddle me comfortingly.

"And you let him kiss you," Micah says tightly.

"Yes," I admit quietly. "And he asked me to leave with him today. That's when I started screaming 'cause he wouldn't let go of me. I thought he was going to make me go with him."

"I'll kill the bastard," Micah hisses angrily and heads for the door.

I feel Sam release me and then he is gone amid the general rush for the door. Everyone is yelling and I tremble as I huddle against Mitchell.

"Leave it be Micah," Sam urges.

"Get the hell out of my way," Micah roars angrily.

"Edwin is trying to jerk your strings," Malcolm yells. "You can be sure he didn't reveal that last part to Wade, and if you go over there after him it will look like Rosy made it up to try to divert attention off her for kissing him. If he can't win fair and square, he'll play dirty."

"Of course you'd try to stop me. You're his best friend," Micah says savagely as he turns towards Malcolm.

"I am not going to stand by and let him make Rosy out to be a manipulative nasty little stray," Malcolm snarls.

There is a sudden strained silence and I cling to Mitchell too scared to look around.

"He's right you know," Timny says quietly.

"I know it! Doesn't mean I have to like it," Micah hisses and I jump nervously when I realise he has moved near to where I cling to Mitchell. I hear the springs in a chair protest as he sits down and slowly everyone else makes their way back to their seats.

"Come on Rosy, stop strangling Mitchell and let him go so he can change," Sam tells me. I allow him to ease me away from Mitchell and into a lounge chair; he brushes my hair back off my face and dries my cheeks before sitting on the arm of the chair sensing I need him near.

I don't look at Micah; I'm too scared to. As much as he stirs strong desires and attraction in me he scares me with the force of his personality and air of dominance and power. I am smart enough to know he is angry with both Edwin and me, and realistic enough to know that my actions helped cause his anger.

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sherrylee1015sherrylee1015over 11 years ago
Keep Going.

I enjoy the story. I want her with Micha mostly because I know how he feels about her. Sometimes it takes a great deal of effort to get past trauma. Even when I find it hard to continue I recognize the great work you have put in with this story. Even the kiss with Edwin and her response to it seems real. I have been in that situation and it is not easy, but I did get my Micha

On to the next chapter

GimletEdgeGimletEdgeover 12 years ago
I get such a kick out of the descriptive details.

Especially good are the perceptions and dynamics of the characters in were cat form. The chuffing, coughing barks, flexing whiskers and mutual grooming all seem so real. It brings the shifters vividly to life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I just started reading Enter the Cat by the same author which tells this story from Micah's point of view. What a difference it makes. I wish I had known that before leaving comments on this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I don't think anyone here is being nasty on purpose as suggested by a previous poster. Just like with any story some are going to like it and some won't. Just because they disagree from your viewpoint doesn't mean they are nasty people. I think it's more helpful to a writer to have honest feedback rather than pats on the back to stroke their egos. They need to know how their communication in their writing is coming across, what's liked or not liked and why to help them grow as a writer. Don't be so sensitive. I think this website is a fabulous resource to develop and perfect writing talents and gain feedback to grow. It's also great for us readers to be able to read these works that are just as good, if not better than many books we purchase for free.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

loving it still. I am dyeing for rosey and micah to get together. Love the creativity love the characters and the strength you have given rosy is amazing so is the compassion you have given a warrior like Micah. cant wait for next chapter

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