Trivial Pursuits Ch. 15


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"Very good. Now I want you to bend up your left knee," he instructed thoughtfully. He considered her hair, and thought it had fallen to look natural but sensual, and decided to let it stay. "Now, turn your face toward me, that's it. Tuck your chin slightly. A little more. Perfect. Now bring your right hand up. No, lay your arm on the bed so your elbow points to me. Good, now your hand to your chin. Curl your fingers just a pinch more. Stop. That's it. Perfect. Don't move."

As Denny began looking between her and the page, his arm making quick, large motions, Alessa's moment of panic set it. She couldn't believe she had allowed him to talk her into posing nude for him. Isn't this what all stupid, college girls did? Hook up with their professor and allow him to take naked photos, only for them to end up on the internet a month later, effectively ruining their college careers?

"Hey! What do you plan on doing with this drawing?"

Denny's eyes continued to flick back and forth from her to his page, but the corner of his mouth turned up in a half-smile. "I guess I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't enjoy looking at you like this anytime I wanted, but if it makes you feel more comfortable, I'll let you have it." She sighed in relief. "After all, I plan on looking at the real thing to my heart's content, so I probably could do without my pathetic attempt at copying it."

She pursed her lips together as a mild wave of embarrassment swelled, but there was something pleasurable in his confession that put her at ease and caused a languid warmth to spread through her limbs and her eyes to appear slumberous as she watched him.

Denny hadn't done much drawing lately, and it took his hand and eyes several attempts at capturing her general form before they were working as a seamless team. Thankfully, Alessa's position was comfortable, and though she was naked upon his bed, her sex seemed hidden from his hawk-like scrutiny. At one point she wished she had taken the time to use the restroom before they began, but as she focused on his intense study of her body, the urge passed.

"Are you almost finished?" she eventually asked after what seemed like an eternity under the heat of his gaze had passed.

He chuckled. "Why? Wanna do something else while you're naked on my bed?" She didn't have a response, just a vexed opinion for her fluttering heart and so remained silent. Denny continued smiling as he answered. "Yes, Sweetheart, just adding the last touches now," he supplied somewhat distracted. After another quarter of an hour, he declared it 'good enough,' and stood up.

Alessa watched as Denny stretched his arms wide behind him, his back arching as he bent slightly backward. He gave a growling yawn and then turned his gaze on her. She still hadn't moved from her space, but at the growing darkness in his eyes, her hands slowly shifted to cover herself.

"Do not move," he commanded, punctuating each word as he stalked closer. Her hands stalled and stayed where they were, though her skin burned to be shielded from him. He stood at his side of the bed, his eyes capturing hers until he was certain she wouldn't move, and then at leisure inspected her lovely form.

His gaze felt tangible, sliding over her skin, over her curves, like his caressing hands. He lingered at the swells of her chest and also the trimmed triangle covering her mound, but continued sweeping down her thighs, all the way to her feet, and then slowly back up. When he turned his eyes back to hers, her breathing was much affected, her chest rising more quickly, her lips parted, and when she saw the hunger in her eyes, she felt the delicate parts of her body melt.

He could see her bracing for his attack, and so, graceful like a cat, he crawled on the bed toward her. She kept her eyes on him but did not bolt as a screaming part of her wanted. Denny ended on his belly and elbows, leaning above her, his eyes dreamily tracing the tense lines of her face.

"Remember what I promised?" he asked, as his mouth drew nearer to the surface of her skin, and although she felt the heat of his breath, did not feel his actual lips against her. He seemed to breathe fire over her face and neck, as if his lips were searching for a place to land. Too much heaven to choose from.

She knew exactly to what he referred despite the maelstrom of fear and excitement and lust whirling inside her mind. His mouth crept up, closer to her ear. Alessa turned so he had greater access should he decide to finally give in and kiss her neck.

"That I control this. That I have to ask," she spoke, her mouth parched.

"Mm-hm," he confirmed, and then finally allowed his mouth to touch her skin, starting just under her ear and skimming down to the base of her throat. "Though, I think I've upgraded the status of the request from ask to beg," Denny growled just as his teeth closed over the tight cord of her throat, sucking and licking, before turning back to claim her lips.

Alessa's hands were instantly in his hair and at his back, pulling him closer to her. He shifted ever so, putting one hand on the other side of her bare form so he could lift himself over her and then settle his body gently on hers. It wasn't long before Denny's mouth had found her lips and he was kissing her passionately. She allowed herself to be swept away by the ardor of his kiss, his stroking tongue, and the exquisite feeling of his weight crushing her aching breasts.

Ripples of pleasure ebbed through her as his hands stroked and caressed every possible place, starting at the curve of her hip, up the side of her ribcage, her arm and shoulder and neck. Alessa moaned and arched herself to him when his wandering hand finally found her breast. Denny was masterful at coaxing sensations from her chest that she never knew were possible. Before, whenever she had masturbated, they had never been the center of her focus, never gave her any sort of real pleasure that was worth the time. But under Denny's hand, they ached and throbbed and seemed to be an extension of the pleasure center between her thighs. Anything he did seemed to send a corresponding response to her ever-growing slick folds.

And then he was moving down her body, kissing her neck, licking the soft flesh at the top of her chest, and then latching onto one of the nipples. Alessa instantly bucked against him, pressing what she could of her core against him; he caused her to ache so much. And while a part of her recognized she could allow him to bring her release with his fingers only, she suddenly wanted so much more than the amorous pettings of a teenager. She thrilled at the thought of him inside her, causing her walls to clench, though there was nothing there to grasp onto.

Denny heard her moan and then the restless shift of her hips. She was becoming needy, hungry. Her hand that was still in his hair began tugging him back up to her mouth. He obliged, kissing her happily, allowing her ravenous body to dictate the pace. He gave her what she silently asked for, meeting her measure for measure, and when she pulled him closer to her, her thighs falling open to welcome him to settle between them, Denny groaned when he felt her heat through his gym shorts. He was satisfactorily hard, and pressed his hips into her to allow her to feel the very real, very painful reaction kissing her was causing. He noted that she didn't seem afraid of his erection, but instead rubbed her opened center against him, gently grinding herself as he kissed her.

He wanted to touch her, to give her a thousand orgasms, to take her almost violently, but he held back his passion. Denny had decided to only stoke her fire, give her only what she asked for. Even if he had to sweat blood to restrain himself.

He had begun to slowly pump against her, rubbing his hardened shaft into the hot and very wet center of her sex. Denny was surprised with how quickly he could feel a shift in her, her hands were clutching desperately at his shoulders and her expression was pained as her body began shuddering under his. Her thighs squeezed him tightly, and she whimpered loudly into his mouth as her entire body seized up. Jerks and spasm carried their way through her as he held her tightly, kissing her lightly and brushing the strands of hair back from her face.

While Alessa recovered from her orgasm, Denny tenderly petted her, stroking her creamy skin and kissing her as he moved lovingly over her body. Her eyes were closed when she heard him speak from somewhere far off.

"Do you have any idea how much I want to...well, I guess I could say fuck you, but it' so much more than that. Can I absorb you? I think I want to absorb you," he murmured mesmerized.

Alessa's eyes fluttered open just in time to see Denny lean in for another kiss. And though her mind was still logy from her orgasm, she welcomed him, opening her mouth to follow his lead, pressing into him with intent of her own. Denny cupped her cheek, content for a moment just to worship her with his mouth.

But eventually, her lithe body was moving temptingly under him again, and his erection, which still had yet to be granted satisfaction, was throbbing into his consciousness, demanding attention. But still, he stayed the course, only giving her what she required.

An edge of thankfulness and wariness flashed through him when her hands finally reached down to the edge of his t-shirt and began tugging up to disrobe him. Denny complied, leaning back on his knees to slip it off. He paused before he returned, the sight of the beautiful, innocent woman below him looking up at him with trust and longing was enough to cause him cardiac arrest.

Slowly, Denny leaned forward, placing his hands on either side of her head, kneeling over her to study her better. Between her recent climax, the renewed kissing, and seeing beautiful Denny without his shirt on, Alessa's heart was racing fast. Tentatively, her shaking fingers lifted to skim the taut skin of his abdomen, the effects of their activity evident in his quick breathing. She smiled softly, thinking he was exactly the man she had fantasized about all those times. In all her stories, the man was never more perfect than Denny.

While still above her, he cupped her cheek, noticing the smile softening the lines of tension on her face. His thumb grazed her lips, and much to his painful happiness, she turned her face into his hand and opened her mouth, pulling his thumb into her moist cavern. And then suckled.

Denny collapsed on top of her, the ache in his groin now more acute than ever. "Fuck," he hissed, watching her give his digit lavish attention. Not able to take much more, he leaned down for a kiss, pulling her talented mouth away from his thumb. He didn't know if she thought he were made of iron, or if she innocently failed to realize how painful it all was to him, but he struggled to keep his mouth shut and not say anything to hurry them along. He wanted it all to be of her own initiative and nothing to do with his coercion.

Her hands had found their way to his bare shoulders, and her fingernails digging in were an exquisite, sharp pain causing him to flex his hips roughly. Alessa moaned at the sensation, her sex still tender from her first orgasm, but it also was enough to jar her mind into action, to remind her she wanted more.

"Denny," she whimpered between his kisses. As he waited for her to speak, he could feel her trembling, feel the need in her growing. "I think..." she sighed out, and then moved away from his mouth, her own lips trailing his sharply stubbled jaw to nuzzle into his neck. "I think I'm ready," she whispered, though she had meant to say it with conviction.

Denny allowed her to remain hidden, intuitively understanding her need for privacy in so many things. "What are you ready for?" he asked gently.

She was breathing deeply, almost harshly, and he could feel her fingers tighten up. "I want to feel you inside me. I want you to make love to me."

Finally, he sighed to himself, almost coming at the sound of his freedom so close at hand. He pulled away from her finally, intent on looking into her blue eyes. "Sweetheart," he murmured, pulling her nervous gaze to his. "You're sure?" he questioned.

She took several breaths before she replied. "Yes. I mean, I'm still afraid somehow, for some reason. But I know you won't be like the rest. I know you'll make it good."

Denny's heart swelled at her bright trust in him. "Oh, Sweetheart," he murmured dipping his face back to hers, capturing her jaw and kissing her tenderly. "I'll make it the best." And with that, he resumed kissing her, making love to her with his mouth, his tongue sensuously gliding over hers. He made space between their bodies so he could shimmy out of his short and briefs without breaking their kiss.

Much to Alessa's confused disappointment, when he laid his body down upon hers, it was angled to the side, and not between her gently spread thighs as she had hoped. Denny continued kissing her, but now that she was exposed, his right hand could skim down her body, making play over the smooth and soft curves of her heavenly form.

When his fingertips dragged over her outer hip bone, he bypassed her aching center and continued down the length of her silky, firm leg. Seeking all of his touch, she bent her knee, bring her leg up. When he reached the inner surface of that knee, he slowly began the return, and with firm fingers, pushed her thigh wide until she rested it out. With her other leg trapped on the other side of Denny's, she was now fully open and vulnerable to his exploring fingers. Alessa could feel her already tight nipples become even harder, pining for his firm hand. And then those talented and wonderfully dangerous fingers were finally surfing the delicate, tender skin that stretched between her hip bone and groin. The jitteriness it caused spurred her fervor, making her claw his shoulder and pull him into her hungrily.

The back of Denny's fingers brushed over the short hairs of her mound before heading down and sliding in. They were welcomed by liquid fire as they parted her folds and were generously covered in her arousal. The small bud of pleasure was there for him to easily find, and the moment he grazed it her hips jumped and then pushed against him seeking more.

Denny was benevolent and stayed to play with it, teasing it in light and firm strokes. Up and down and in circles, even giving it a pinch causing her to moan and bite his lip in response. He chuckled, and in between kissing her soothed, "Easy there, Sweetheart. Not looking to draw blood are you?"

She growled in frustration. "Maybe, if you don't stop teasing me."

He only laughed more as two fingers slowly slid down in between her folds to circle and play at the entrance of her body. "Well, as tortuous as this may feel, it's important we go slowly."

She frowned against his lips. "Why? I thought you'd be so eager, so," and here her hand finally slid down his chest to boldly grasp his erection, "needing it yourself, that you'd just do it already."

When her hand touched his burning flesh, he hissed, and at her bold accusation, he pulled back away from her to look her in the eyes. "Like a beast in one of your stories?"

She blinked, faltering from the boldness she had found. "I-" but she had no real answer for that. Yes, in fact, that was what she half-expected. After all, didn't he desire her enough to become unhinged? Wasn't that what true passion was? A madness of swelling seas no dyke could hold back?

Denny watched the uncertainty, the insecurity mar her brow. He kissed her gently then. "Yes, I'm going to fuck you hard until you can't walk straight. Over and over. Just not yet. I want this to be good, to be great. And besides, you asked me to make love to you, not fuck you like a senseless beast. Let me show you I can make you feel worshiped."

His free left hand was brushing back the hair from her face as he leaned down for another tender kiss. And then he slowly eased his two fingers into her tight channel. Aroused as she was, she swelled around him, and it was a slow travail to spread her around just two fingers without causing her much discomfort. When his long fingers were in as far as they were likely to go, he slowly began moving gently inside her, a little in and out, a little twisting side to side. Alessa moaned in discomfort when his two fingers began spreading apart from one another, stretching her achy, wet flesh.

"You're so tight, Sweetheart. I can't imagine how good you are going to feel once I'm inside," he whispered, alternating between kissing her brow and cheek and lips and watching the fluttering reactions in her eyes. "Bliss," he husked, beginning to move his fingers a little more directed toward an end goal. "You'll be pure bliss." And then he was kissing her again, his fingers moving in rhythm to her rolling hips.

His thumb found her nub again, and in concert, her hips, his fingers and his thumb quickly took her to another climax. She cried out against his mouth, one hand in his hair, the other still around his shaft, which thankfully, he acknowledged, hadn't found a rhythm and was therefore only providing sweet agony to his turgid penis.

He was moving his fingers in and out of her, coaxing the last drop of pleasure from her. He continued kissing her face as her body began to cool and relax against his. And then he was cupping her cheek, kissing her with a building ardor, his body surreptitiously moving over hers, falling into place. And just as he was about to steal inside of her, a hungry, possessive part of him wanted to look into her eyes as he entered her body, to see her awareness of his invasion.

"Sweetheart," Denny purred, watching her pleasure-saturated features wake up and focus on him. "Take me in your hand." Though he controlled the groan, he couldn't suppress the shudder that raced down his spine when she obeyed. "Good, Sweetheart. Now, open your legs a little wider. Now, hold me against your pussy." His sensitive head rejoiced when he felt her wet, swollen entrance.

Alessa concentrated on Denny's stern features as he gazed down at her, but the intimacy of his eyes staring back at her was too much for her to bear. She blinked and looked away, her hips pulsing up at him to move him along. But Denny needed the connection, needed to see inside her as he possessed her. His hand forced her face back, but her eyes were closed.

"Sweetheart, look at me," he commanded in a harsh voice, though his intent was not meant to be unfeeling. He was struggling to do as promised, to take her slowly, make love to her and not ravish her like the beast clawing under the surface of his skin, and his struggle was palpable in the tension of his voice.

Her eyes fluttered open and the moment he saw the deep blue of them, he began to sink into her tight body. He only held her gaze another moment, and as the sensation of another person entering her body became too much, Alessa closed her eyes again, turning her face to escape, to be free of all the overwhelming sensations.

When Denny was as deep as he knew he could get, their pubic bones almost touching, he took a moment to catch his breath and refocus his energy. When he opened his eyes again, what at first he thought was a beautiful sight, he slowly began to understand was a vision of distress. Her brow was drawn in a scowl pain or concentration, her bottom lip was mercilessly bitten between her teeth.

"Alessa, Sweetheart, what's wrong," the worry evident in his voice. "Did I hurt you? Sweetheart, the pain will pass, give it a second," he tried to assure her, his thumb wiping away the tear he saw pooling at the corner of her eye. He had hoped that he had prepared her enough, stretched her enough that there would only be discomfort, if even that. But the tear made him think he had erred.