Truth or Consequences Ch. 03


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When she said that she looked directly into my eyes to see what my reaction would be. I tried to show no outward reaction at all, but up till this point in her story I was only interested in being sure she told me the truth as I already knew it, but now I was getting aroused and I wanted to her Susan tell the story.

"I can't remember everything clearly now but I know that I made him work to get my blouse open then I made him work to get his hand up my skirt. Once he had his mouth on my breast and his hand in my panties I knew it was time to move upstairs. When we got into the bedroom Dave began undressing me and then he kissed and sucked my breasts. I was enjoying this very much but I stopped him and told him to get undressed. When he dropped his pants his cock was so hard I though it was going to explode. Dave began kissing me again and I could feel his stiff cock between us so I began to gently rub it with my hands. It felt so good in my hands that I just had to get it into my mouth. I dropped down on my knees and began sucking his cock. I never knew I could enjoy sucking another man's cock but I loved it. It excited me when he came in my mouth."

I began to notice that Susan had gradually stopped telling the story like she was afraid of how I would react and was now obviously enjoying the memory of Friday night. When she said that Dave ejaculated in her mouth her eyes closed and her hand slipped between her legs pressed against her vulva, but only briefly. I also noticed that her nipples seemed to have gotten harder.

"As he shot off pulse after pulse of his juice in my mouth I struggled to not let any escape from my lips. When I felt that he had finished I let his cock slip out of my mouth. My mouth was full of his juice. As I was sucking on him I was thinking that I would like to swallow his juice when he climaxed but there was so much that I didn't think I could handle it so I went into the bathroom and spit some of it out. The rest I rolled around my mouth with my tongue enjoying its slightly salty and pungent flavor, and then I swallowed it. I didn't want Dave to know what I had been doing so I dampened a wash cloth and took it in to clean Dave's cock."

I couldn't believe how hard my cock had gotten while listening to my wife tell me about swallowing cum, something she had never done for me.

After that, I got on the bed with Dave and he made love to me. It was very passionate and I can't remember everything in detail except that when he began licking my pussy I had one of the biggest orgasms I have ever had. Even after the orgasm had stopped pulsing through me I felt so sexually wild that I climbed on top of Dave and sat on his cock. It felt sinful to be fucking him in a way I had never fucked you but at the same time I was loving it."

To hear Susan describe sex and use the word "fuck" was very unusual. The only time she uses that word is when she is really horny. I noticed that Susan had moved her legs together and seemed to be trying to clamp her thighs together to put pressure on her vulva. I think at that moment she would have loved to have something shoved up her pussy but I was not ready to let her have what she wanted yet.

"I remember that the whole time he was fucking me I was thinking how much I wanted to feel him shoot his hot juices deep inside me. I was so delirious that Dave had to help me get off him so that he could fuck me from behind. When I felt that he was getting ready to climax I beg him to not let any of his juice leak out of me. Soon after that, I felt his big cock pulse and then I felt the heat of his juice deep inside. That feeling caused me to have another orgasm.

After that Dave dressed and left. As soon as he left I took a shower and you came home just after I got out of the shower."

I couldn't say anything for a minute because I was busy concentrating on not climaxing in my pants. When I didn't say anything for a while Susan said, "I knew this would be too hard for you to listen to."

I said, "That was some story but I believe it."

"Well, then can I put my clothes back on now?"

"No. We are not done here yet. I still have many questions for you to answer. When I got home I could see that you had just showered but as I was making love to you I quickly noticed that you had not cleaned Dave's cum form you pussy. Why?"

Susan took a deep breath, "I told you that while Dave was fucking me was thinking about how much I wanted him to fill my pussy with his juices. Well I was also thinking about how much I wanted you to come home and fuck me while Dave's juices were still inside me. I actually wore panties in the shower so that his juice wouldn't all leak out of me."

I asked, "Why didn't you tell me that you still had his cum in you when I began to lick your pussy?"

"Because the thought of you actually tasting Dave's juices mixed with mine caused me to have a huge orgasm. By the time the orgasm subsided you seemed to be enjoying what you were doing so much that I couldn't have stopped you even if I wanted you to stop."

I said, "Now it's time for my bit of truth telling. I saw everything Friday night."

Susan gave me a blank look, "I don't understand. What do you mean you saw everything?"

I said, "I mean just that." Then I told Susan about how I had driven the car around the corner and came back to the house. I told her what I saw when I looked in the living room window from behind the chair Dave was sitting in and how when they went upstairs I came in through the garage and up the back way and watched them from the partially opened bedroom door.

Susan asked, "You spied on me? How dare you. That's sick."

I stopped her right there. I said, "This still isn't about me. When I am done getting all of the answers I need then you can ask me questions." I tried to be as stern as I could when I said that so that I wouldn't lose control of the situation. It seemed to work because Susan closed her mouth and waited for my next question. "So now you know I saw everything. Where did the sexy outfit come from and where did it go?"

Susan just asked, "What?"

I said, "Where did the sexy outfit come from. The black skirt and blouse the sexy bar and panties and the stockings. I had never seen any of those clothes before. As a matter of fact you have never worn anything that sexy for me in our whole marriage. The outfit seemed to just materialize Friday night and disappear again Saturday morning. So my question is where did you get the clothes and where did they go?"

Susan answered simply, "I borrowed them from a friend. I took them back Sunday."

I had to think for moment about how to phrase the next question. Did I want to ask her whom she borrowed the clothes from or just ask if she got them form Vicki? I decided to take the quick route. "Did you borrow those clothes from Vicki?"

Susan's jaw almost dropped. I could see that she wanted to deny that she got the clothes from Vicki but she knew that she better tell the truth. "Yes, Vicki loaned them to me how did you know?"

I said, "I could tell by the way Vicki greeted you at her house this afternoon that you two must be good friends. I also noticed that you took the shopping bag with the clothes inside into Vicki's house but you didn't have them when you left."

Susan stammered, "Ya.. You followed me?"

I said, "You know, after I thought about it I remembered seeing that same sexy outfit before. Vicki was wearing it in Chicago wasn't she?"

At this point I think Susan lost her composure. She just blurted out, "Your were not supposed to see me in that underwear."

"Then it was the same underwear Vicki wore in Chicago?"


I said, "I guess the whole thing is falling apart now isn't it? When did you actually start planning to fuck Dave?"

"I told you. It started right after you had your affair with Vicki. I told you there would be a consequence if you couldn't resist Vicki but I didn't know what that consequence would be till after you fucked Vicki."

Susan had tried to say this last bit as thought it made her angry but I wasn't convinced.

"The more I thought about you in bed with Vicki the more I realized that that the only fare consequence was for me to do the same to you."

I asked almost in disbelief, "You were so mad at Vicki that you decided to borrow the clothes she wore in Chicago to seduce Dave? Is that what you are telling me?"

Susan realized what she was saying didn't make much sense so she shut up.

I decided it was time to attack again. I looked up at Susan's beautiful nude body in front of me and almost decided to take her to bed and make love to her but that would not have helped me with the puzzle I was trying to solve. I said, "Susan, other than the parts of your story I can corroborate by what I actually saw I think the rest of what you have told me is bull shit. Now I am going to ask you again, when did you really start planning to fuck Dave?"

"Not until just a couple of weeks ago. I ...

I interrupted her here. I said, "Okay, you chose Dave a couple of weeks ago but when did you first start planning to have sex with someone other than me? And don't bull shit me."

Susan looked shaken. She said, "Can I sit down please."

I said, "No. I'll let you sit after you tell me everything I want to know."

Susan said, "Please. I will tell you everything you want to know just let me sit. Standing like this is just to humiliating."

I gave in, "All right you can sit."

Susan sat down on the sofa and looked down at the floor as she started. "Do you remember the party when I headed Vicki off before she could come talk to you? I told you that night how Vicki told me that she got married while she was still in college and how she was absolutely crushed when she found out that her husband was cheating on her. After their divorce Vicki went back to school to finish her degree and said she had no interest in dating and the guys at school were too young for her anyway. She didn't want to give up sex altogether so she started having affairs with married men. She said that from experience she found out that the best way to have good sex and not have to get into the dating or relationship scene was to have affairs with married men. Vicki said that she doesn't trust men enough to enter into a long term relationship so she made a decision to pursue married men for sex."

"Yea, I remember you telling me that."

"Well I didn't tell you everything about that encounter. I had planned on just telling her to stay away from you but at the last minute decided to try and be friendly hoping that if she saw me as a friend she would leave you alone."

I said, "Well, when that didn't work what did you do?"

"Actually it did work."

I said, "What?"

"Vicki was really quite nice and I found that I liked her. She told me her story then asked me about us. I was a little uneasy telling her about us but afterward Vicki said, 'You don't have to worry, I'll leave your husband alone.' I was surprised when she said that because I hadn't mention that I was worried about her trying to get you into bed. Vicki told me that she was interested in you but now that she had met me and we had hit it off so well she would live you alone. She said that while it is true she liked having affairs with married men she would never go after a friends husband."

I was very confused now and I told Susan I was. I asked her, "If what you say is true then why did she go to bed with me in Chicago."

Susan gave me a smile that didn't really indicate happiness and said, "After Vicki said she would leave you alone I felt more comfortable with her and after a couple of drinks she started telling me about some of her affairs. She said that she found that affairs were much more exciting if she could find a man like you, someone who was a devoted husband and was not out looking to have an affair. She said that was because she didn't want to have affairs with men who were like her ex-husband. I asked her how she got these so called devoted husbands into bed with her. Do you just tell them you want to have sex with them? Vicki said no. She made them seduce her. I asked her how she did that and she explained. She said that once she identified a target she would start finding opportunities to talk to him. No outright flirting. Just small talk with some flattery thrown in."

I said, "You mean like when she complemented my tie?"

Susan said, "Exactly like that. Vicki said she never tried to rush things because she never wanted to be perceived as the pursuer. She said that she was surprised that I had seen threw so easily. I asked her how just small talk and complements could get these men to come on to her. Vicki told me that the talk was just the setup. She said that eventually she finds an opportunity to get the guy alone with her and then she will do something to stir his interest."

I was getting a little impatient but I tried not to show it. I asked, "What was she doing giving you all of her secrets?"

Susan said, "I don't think that was her intention. It was just a conversation between two slightly drunk friends. Anyway, I asked her what kinds of things she would do to stir his interest. Vicki told me that she always wore sexy underwear so that she would be prepared if an opportunity came up. She said that sometimes she goes braless and wears a blouse with a lose fitting neckline so that given the right circumstance she can accidentally give her target a look down her blouse. She said she always knows when the guy gets a look because after that he keeps trying to get another. Another trick she uses is to pretend to be picking something up off the floor by squatting down and accidentally exposing the view between her legs. Vicki said her favorite trick is the hardest one to pull off. It requires getting her target into a position where he will accidentally see Vicki's reflection in a mirror either in the nude or in her underwear."

All I could say was, "Oh." My mind was racing to get the total meaning of what I just heard. Susan knew about the way Vicki uses mirrors as part of her seduction scheme before I even went to Chicago. Why didn't she warn me about that as soon as she found out the Vicki was in Chicago? I didn't ask Susan about this because I couldn't get my head together enough to phrase the question.

Susan responded to my 'Oh', saying "I thought that would ring a familiar chord with you. Vicki went on to tell me in detail about how she used the mirror trick to flash one man in his own house making it seem impossible that it could have been anything but an accident. She had managed to let him see her in just her panties and stockings. After that she started talking to him about a chic flick she had seen and the next thing she knew he wanted to take her out dancing and then they ended up at a motel having wild sex. I asked her what talking about the movie had to do with anything and Vicki said after I give the guy a little peek the last thing I want to do is get him interested in something else. So I talk about something I know will not interest him so that his mind with wander back to the image of me that is burned in his head. That works almost every time."

I said, "I guess that does work. She used it on me and you used it on Dave. So, if you knew her tricks and she promised to leave me alone then how did all this happen?"

"Well, this is where it gets bad. I really enjoyed Vicki's stories about seducing men in ways that made them think they seduced her. I found that sitting and listening to her I had actually become aroused. I didn't know why. I guess Vicki kind of read it in my face and she said, 'Maybe you should try having a fling to spice up your life' then she laughed.

After that night, whenever I was alone I though about what Vicki hold told me, and it always left me a little arouse. Not to the point where I wanted to do anything like that but a least to the point where I wanted to have sex with you as soon as I could. Then one night about a week latter I had a dream that I actually used the mirror trick on a guy and had sex with him. I woke from the dream so horny I thought I was going to explode. For the next few days I couldn't get the dream out of my head. Then I began to fantasize about seducing a guy. It got to the point where I Actually started looking for ways I could use the mirror trick. That's when I discovered that I could use the hall mirror to reflect the inside of the bathroom so that someone sitting in your chair could see it. I started planning to actually test it out on you.

Then Vicki called me and asked me to lunch. I couldn't help myself. I started asking Vicki if she had had any conquests since the last time we had talked. She said that she hadn't then asked me, 'Have you had your affair yet?' The question shocked me. I told her that I wasn't planning on having an affair. Vicki just laughed. She said, 'The idea's in there. You won't get rid of it till you do something about it.' That's when I told her about the mirror trick I was planning to use on you. Vicki said it sounded like a good idea but why would I waste it on you when I could get something completely different. Then Vicki said, 'Here's an idea, I'll seduce your husband and you seduce someone else.' I don't know where it came from but I asked her how we could do that without destroying my marriage. Vicki said she would think about."

Susan looked at me to see how I was handling this news. When I didn't say anything she continued. That night Vicki called me at home and told me her idea. I don't know exactly when I decided to go along with her on this but I didn't fight it. Her idea was simple this; I was to tell you that I knew that eventually Vicki would get you so I was making a deal with you so to speak. The deal would be that if you had sex with Vicki, I wouldn't be angry with you as long as you told me about it and understood that there would be a consequence for that affair. Then all I had to do was wait for that to happen then pick out the guy I wanted to have an affair with."

Susan stood up and started to pace but realizing that she was still naked she sat back down. "When I found out you were going to do the business show in Chicago I called Vicki and told her. She said that she was pretty sure that she could arrange to work the show if I was ready to go through with our game. I told her I wasn't sure but I wanted to move forward and see what happened. Vicki called me from her room just before you got there and told me how she planed the accident that would allow you to see her in her underwear. Vicki asked me if I still wanted to go through with it. I though about it a moment and I realized that I wanted you to have sex with Vicki. For her and for me but also for you. Vicki called me again after you left and told me everything. Well you know what happened after that."

I said, "Yes I am quite familiar with the rest of the story, but there are still some gaps. Like when and how did you pick Dave?"

"Dave just kind of happened. I had been trying to come up with a man for me but was having no luck. The desire to go through with the game was still there but I was almost ready to give up. I had never given a thought to Dave until I had lunch with him one day. He was talking about his wife and how much he missed her. He said he couldn't wait to get home to her. Then it just flashed in my mind, this is the guy Vicki would have picked, so I made him my choice. I started being extra friendly at work, complementing his clothes, his ideas or anything else that would appeal to his ego. It worked. Any more questions?"

I asked, "Why did you wear the same outfit, right down to the bra and panties that Vicki wore?'

"Once I decided on Dave I talked to Vicki about wardrobe. I told here I didn't want to go out and buy anything because I didn't want you to sense anything was going on till Friday night. Vicki offered to loan me something to wear. Vicki showed me what she had and pointed out the clothes she had worn when she was with you. I jokingly said I should where the same clothes, as it would be a kind of poetic justice. The idea appealed to me so that's what I chose to wear. Besides, you weren't supposed to see the underwear and I didn't think that after I told you what I was planning to do that evening that you would remember what I was wearing."