Visited in the Night


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Marcie was lighter than I expected. I carried her down into the basement. When Carol arrived she helped me undress Marcie. The more we uncovered the more impressed I was with her body. She was slender and well muscled. Out behind their house she had a big garden. I assumed she worked there. Her breasts were just about the same size as Carols'. The difference was in the underwear. Carol wore lacy, colorful bras and thongs. Marcie had on cheap, white everything and it was well worn. Her legs and underarms were not shaved. Neither was her pussy. Carol saw that and said, "Get her restrained. I'll be right back."

Ten minutes later she was back. She had a man's disposable razor, shaving gel and a pair of scissors. While I made everything else ready Carol shaved Marcie bald. From her shoulders down Marcie was bald. Carol had sewn a hood for Marcie. It covered her head down to just under her nose and had a strap under her chin. It would not restrict her breathing but her sight was gone.

Marcie's legs were restrained by the cuffs at her ankles which were hooked to each other. The cuffs were further tied to a ring in the floor. Her arms were restrained behind her back and she was lying on her side on a packing blanket on the floor.

Carol went to their kitchen and came back with three glasses and a pitcher of ice water. We sat on folding chairs and waited. We did not talk.

Three hours passed before Marcie moved. Another five minutes and she was awake enough to realize she was restrained and helpless.

I put the device Carol had found in a joke shop on our last vacation in my mouth and spoke to Marcie. The device altered my voice so no one would recognize my voice.

"Good Morning."

"Who are you? Why am I here?"

"Who I am does not matter. Why you are here matters. You have been very bad. I am here to teach you."

"This must be a mistake. I've never been bad."

I slapped her bare breast. It told her she was naked and that she was helpless. She jumped and cried out.

"You may not argue with me. When you speak to me you must use the title Master. Forgetting to say Master will bring swift pain. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master."

"Very good. Obedience also has consequences. Are you thirsty?"

"Yes, Master." Carol held a glass of water to her, touching her lips with the straw. She drank. At six ounces Carol withdrew the straw. After a few seconds Marcie said, "Thank you Master."

"Do you know you are naked?"

Her body moved as if she might verify or cover up. Then she stopped and said, "I did not know I was naked, Master. I believe you when you say I am."

"Why do you have tits?"

"They are for feeding babies, Master."

"How many babies have you fed with them?"

"None, Master. You know I cannot have children."

She believed me to be someone from God. That might just work to our favor.

"What other possible use could your tits have?"

"Some men use them for pleasure, Master."

"Have men used your tits for their pleasure?"

"No, Master."

"Don't you have a husband?"

"Yes, Master."

"Has he used your breasts for his pleasure?"

"No, Master."

"Doesn't he like them?"

"I don't know, Master. He has never touched them."

"Why would you be given breasts if God didn't intend for you to use them?"

"To test me. If I can resist the temptation to use my body just for pleasure He will reward me in Heaven. Master."

"Where did you learn that?"

"From my mother. She told me about the temptations of the flesh from the time I was little. Master."

"Your mother was wrong." I stayed silent for two minutes.

I removed the speaking device, leaned close to Marcie's chest and engulfed her right nipple and areola in my mouth. She sucked in a breath and whimpered, "Please don't hurt me, Master."

My answer came in the form of continuing to suck and use my tongue on her right breast. When the nipple had hardened and swollen a little I pulled back. The device went into my mouth.

"Marcie, there are things I can do that others cannot. Believe me?"

"Yes Master."

"How did it feel to have your nipple in my mouth?"

"I cannot describe it, Master, I have never felt anything like it."

"Pleasure or pain?"


"Would you like more?"

She did not answer for a long time. I reached out and took the same nipple between my thumb and second knuckle of my index finger. I squeezed, harder and harder until Marcie cried out. I let go.

I waited a few seconds.

"Marcie, life is about choices. Pleasure and pain is the choice before you. You have had both. Choose. You can have either."


I motioned to Carol and she took Marcie's left nipple while I ministered to her right. Long minutes passed and Marcie resisted letting it feel good. It was futile. She let go of a moan from somewhere deep inside her body. We stopped and released her breasts. She moaned again.

"Use words Marcie."

"I didn't want you to stop. Master."

"Am I a baby you were feeding?"

"No, Master."

"A mortal man using you for his pleasure?"

"No, Master."

"Were you using me for your pleasure?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good! Does that make you bad?"

She hesitated a long time. I grasped her nipple and started to squeeze.

"I am not a bad girl, Master."

"Good. I am going to untie your legs. When they are untied I am going to help you stand. Do not resist me."

"I won't, Master."

I helped her stand and Carol unsnapped her ankle cuffs. I tied a rope to the cuffs on her wrists and tied the other end of that rope to an overhead beam. I caressed her ass. She jumped and moved away from my touch.

Slap! I slapped her ass hard.

"You pulled away from my touch. Never do that. When you are touched it is for your pleasure and mine. I was enjoying the sight and feel of your ass."

"I'm sorry, Master. No one..."

"Ever touched your ass before?" Not true!" I slapped her again. "Tell me when your ass has been touched."

"You know. Brian Wilcox grabbed me in the hallway at school. Master."

"Was he your boyfriend?"

"NO! Master, he was just a boy."

"Wrong Marcie. He was more. How many boys from the school can you name?"

"A few."

"Why is Brian one of them?"

"He grabbed my butt!" A hesitation and then she added, "Master."

"He grabbed your butt because he wanted to feel it. He wanted you to notice him. He was willing to get negative attention from you because he couldn't get positive attention."

I waited. Then I gently ran my hand over her ass. On the second pass I held one cheek and squeezed, gently.

"Your ass is delightful. It is a pity you have only had one person hold it, enjoy it. Has Jack held your ass?"

"No Master. He has tried though."

I looked at Carol and she gave me a thumbs up. I motioned and she brought me some water.

"Are you thirsty?"

"Yes, Master." I touched the straw to her lips and she drank. When she finished I touched the wet cold glass to her nipple. She jumped, then she said, "Thank you Master."

"Was that pleasure or pain?"

"Pleasure, Master."

"Good. Would you like to learn more about pleasure or pain?"

"More about pleasure, Master."

"Good girl. Spread your legs." She did. Her feet were eight or nine inches apart. "Wider." She stopped when her feet were shoulder width apart.

"I am going to touch you between your legs."

"Yes, Master."

"Jack has touched you there?"

"Not with his hands, Master."

"With what?"

"His thing, Master."

"His thing? What thing, exactly?"

"You know. His thing."

"Do you know the name of that thing?"

"Yes. I can't say it."

I slapped her breasts. My hand hit both of them. She screamed.

"You did not say Master."

"I cannot say the word Master."

"Because it is too difficult?"

"No. It is a nasty word. I cannot say it, especially here with you. Master."

"Did I make your body parts?"

She hesitated. She shook her head a little. "Yes, Master."

"I made something nasty?"

"No, Master. But I was taught not to even say the words."

"Your mother, again."

"Yes, Master."

"Has she ever been wrong?"

"I'm sure she has, Master."

"His thing is called a penis, a cock and a hundred other terms. There is nothing wrong with having one. I have one."

"Yes, Master. You do?"

"Yes. Did you read the part in the Bible that says I made everyone in my image?"

"Yes, Master."

"That means you look like me."

I waited. This was not going as we had planned but it was going well.

"Marcie, I am going to release your hands. Only move the right hand. Bring it around in front of your body."

Carol released the cuff and Marcie moved her right hand in front of herself. I removed my clothes and stood in front of her.

"Move your hand slowly out in front of yourself. I am going to let you touch me."

Her hand touched my cock. She stopped moving and stopped breathing.

"Breathe. Now hold it in your hand." Her fingers wrapped around my cock and held it ever so gently.

"Pleasure or pain?"

"Fear, Master."

"Afraid you will hurt me?"

"No. Afraid I will displease you."

"If you please me when you touch my cock it will grow in your hand. Jack's will too."

"It will grow?"

"Yes." My hips moved and my cock stroked inside her hand.

"Feel it move in your hand?" She nodded. "Move your hand to stroke it yourself."

She did and my cock grew in her hand. Carol played with my balls and I got harder faster.

"That feels very, very good, Marcie. Thank you."

"Thank you, Master."

"Can you get on your knees?"

She dropped in front of me. Her hand never let go of my cock.

"Put it in your mouth, Marcie. Don't bite me. Lick me, suck me, play your tongue over my shaft."

She did as she was told. She didn't gag or spit but held it in her mouth. I slowly pumped in and out.

"Marcie that really feels good. You can make me feel good. You made me hard and you can make me cum. Do you know what it means?"

"If you do it in me we could make a baby, if I could have a baby, Master."

"Some women are not meant to have babies. They are here to learn about pleasure not parenthood. You are here to learn about pleasure. Giving pleasure and receiving pleasure. My hard cock can cum inside you for our pleasure."

"In my mouth, Master?"

"Yes." Carol pointed to her ass and pussy. "And in your ass and pussy too."

"And that is pleasing?"

"Yes. Now suck and stimulate me." I handed the device to Carol and she put it in her mouth.

"For this instruction I will speak as a woman." Carol said. She coached Marcie on oral technique and Marcie was a good student. Before long I was ready to shoot into her mouth. Carol told her what would happen and talked to her about how to swallow it all.

When I came I came in a huge load and Marcie swallowed it all.

"Marcie, tell me about sucking my cock." Carol said. She removed the device and I put it in my mouth.

"It was wonderful. I kept feeling it do just what you said. As I touched certain areas you moaned and got harder. Just before you gave me all that stuff I felt it coming! Oh Master, thank you."

"That was lesson number one. Lesson number two will be as soon as you wake up."

"Am I asleep? Master?"

"No, but soon you will be." We fastened her arms back together and put her on the blanket to sleep. We covered her with another blanket and put a pillow under her head. We went up stairs and whispered.

Carol took the first shift watching Marcie. I slept in Marcie's bed. I set the alarm for six hours. I slept well and according to Carol so did Marcie. She slept three more hours and then woke up. Carol slept while Marcie slept and a little more.

"Master?" She said as she sat up.


"I need to go to the restroom."

"I will help you." I didn't free her arms or remove the hood. I walked her to the bathroom and helped her sit. She held her knees together.

"Open your legs, Marcie. It will still go in the toilet."

As her stream went into the bowl she spread her legs. When her stream stopped I took paper and wiped her. She stood and I guided her back to her blanket of the floor. She went back to sleep.

When she woke again we fed her and started lesson two. In that lesson we introduced her to her own vulva. Carol wanted to introduce her to oral sex, as the receiver. She came four times in that lesson. She asked if she could suck cock again. She could and did. Carol coached her again and her technique improved. At three in the afternoon I had to go home so I could be there for Jack's call.

Carol fed Marcie and put her down for a nap. As she went down she asked if she could have more oral sex. Carol ate her to two more orgasms. Screaming, thrashing, wetting orgasms. Marcie dropped off to sleep afterwards.

The phone rang as soon as I was in the kitchen at home. It was Jack.

"Hey. How are things?"

"My Dad is conscious. He's kind of dopey from all the pain killers they give him. Mom is sleeping a lot. Their bodies are healing and the bleeding internally has stopped in mom. That's the good news. The bad news is that Dad will need nurse care for at least two months. Mom wouldn't be up for that unless she was in her twenties."

"How soon are you coming back?"

"If I can solve the problems here by then, I want to come back next Wednesday. Will you tell Marcie? She hates answering the phone. Let me give you the number here."

"You are using the cell aren't you?"

"Oh, right. You know the number. I'll call day after tomorrow. Is four a good time?"

"Great! You're in our thoughts a lot buddy. We'll take care of Marcie so just take care of Denver and your folks."

Half an hour later I was back in the basement at Jack and Marcie's home. Carol was nude and Marcie was eating her. Carol hovered over Marcie's face and all Marcie could touch was Carol's vulva. Five minutes later Carol flooded Marcie's face and shuddered. Marcie had given her first female to female orgasm. I took the device and spoke to Marcie as Carol moved to the side and cleaned herself up.

"It was like when I sucked you, Master. I could feel the power of pleasure, of giving pleasure. You tasted so good. That little spot, the clit, is like a power button. When I touch it, you can't hold still. I remembered when you licked me and how it felt when you touched my button. I wanted to just suck it until you exploded but I remembered how it was when you licked me and then somewhere else and when you came back it was soooo much better. Thank you Master."

"You know there is more, don't you?"

"Yes, Master. We haven't put your cock in my... pussy."

"Yes. Would you like that?"

"Yes, Master."

"When you married Jack what did you promise him about sex."

"Master, I promised to have no other man before him."

"And what about having my cock in your pussy?"

"You are not a man. A man cannot also have a pussy. I have tasted your cock and your pussy."

"When you and Jack have sex where are you?"

"In bed, Master."

"Do you have sex on Saturday afternoon?"

"No, Master."

"Sunday afternoon?"

"No, Master."

"Have you ever had sex in daylight?"

"No, Master."

"Is that Jack's choice or yours?"

"We have never talked about it, Sir."

"Where do all the animals have sex?"

"Outside, Master."

"Do they hide?"

"No, Master."

"Humans have more opportunity for pleasure than any other creation. Other animals do not have a clitoris. It is there for pleasure. You and Jack have two eyes so you can see."

"I understand, Master."

"Good girl. Now, open your legs for me."

She opened her legs wide and lifted them. I touched her opening and found that she was very wet. My cock replaced my finger at her opening and as slowly as I was able, I slid deep inside her.

"Oh Master."


"It feels different."


"When I had hair I didn't feel everything like now. I never opened to Jack like this."

"Pleasure or pain?"

"Pleasure! Master, this is wonderful!"

Carol turned her on her side and unsnapped the cuffs. She rolled her onto her back and snapped the wrist cuffs to the ankle cuffs. I continued to slide into Marcie's pussy. The squishing noises were loud.

"Do you hear those noises, Marcie?"

"Yes, Master."

"They are wonderful noises. They tell us both that you are enjoying being joined to me. Is that so, Marcie?"

"Yes, Master. I love how this feels. Thank you."

"If I go faster it will feel differently. Both ways are ways of expressing passion and pleasure. Would you like me to go faster?"

"Yes, Please Master."

Carol moved behind me and held my nuts in her hand. The extra stimulation had me at the edge of filling Marcie.

"Marcie, I am going to cum inside your pussy. Feel it! Focus on how it feels when I cum inside your pussy."

The first throb pulsed the length of my cock and she cried out, "I can feel it! Oh God, I love how it feels!"

My shaft pulsed again and she felt it again.

"Master, it's like when you came in my mouth only now I can feel it deep inside me! I'm going to cum too!"

I stroked a few more times and my cock continued to unload into her. She moved her hips reflexively and cried out as she came. Carol moved me out of her way and sucked on Marcie's dripping cunt.

"Oh God! I'm cumming again!" A moan grew from deep inside her into a scream. Suddenly, she went limp and quiet. We cleaned her and unsnapped the cuffs, resnapping the wrists together and the ankles together.

When she came back to us we fed her, gave her some water and let her rest.

Carol and I went upstairs and talked, very quietly.

"Are you enjoying this, Carol?"

"At first the part about being God bothered me, but now I see how that is in our favor."

"I just hope Jack doesn't freak when he comes home to his own little slut."

"He may freak at first but when Marcie wraps her mouth around his cock he will scream "Amen!"

"We need to coach her for his return. She needs to go slowly with him."

"Yeah! If she starts by asking him to fuck her ass he will go back to Denver."

"He might. She needs to go slowly with him."

We went back downstairs and Marcie was asleep.

I whispered to Carol that I was going to work for a few hours and would be back. She kissed my cock and my face and waved good-bye.

When I returned Carol had finished feeding Marcie and they were talking.

"Marcie, when Jack comes home he won't know what you know."

"I don't understand, Master."

"He has been in Denver taking care of his parents. I could not teach him what I have taught you."

"Right! I hadn't thought about that."

"You must teach him about pleasure. You must be gentle and careful as you teach so he does not get too scared to listen and feel what you are teaching."

"Can't you come back and teach him?"

"No. It is part of your ministry here on Earth to teach him about pleasure. Now that you know about pleasure you can teach him."

"How do I start, Master?"

"When he comes home kiss him. Not on the cheek, on the mouth." Carol motioned me to kiss her. I made sure it was my mouth and that her hands would not be touching me. My lips touched hers and she moaned. I increased the pressure, just a little, and then broke the kiss. She followed me with her face, wanting more.

"If he follows you like you just did, that tells you he wants more. Kiss him again." My lips met hers again and she melted. I could feel the surrender in her lips.

"Let him kiss you. You started the kisses, now receive the kissing." I held still and she pressed against my lips, gently. After a few seconds I broke the contact.

"Have you ever opened your mouth in a kiss?"

"The only mouth to mouth kisses I have ever had were just now, Master."

"Then I will give you more help. Not far from here are two people who know about pleasure. They will know about my visit to you. Deep inside their minds I will tell them to help you and Jack. Use them as your coaches. Trust them as you trust me."