Wedding Bell Blues


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"Talk to me Jennifer. Tell me who I am."

"You... my man. Have me." Came her voice in broken words, punctuated by the rthymatic slapping of bodies together.

And what about that wimp you were going to marry? Tell me about him you slut."

"Phillip... never had me... you... until Hell freezes over."

I had heard all I could take. I eased the door closed and fled, from the hotel, to my car. I sat there, trying to come to grips with what I had just seen, what I had just heard.

What could have possessed Jenn to do this? On THIS, the eve of our wedding. And with Billy Reese, the man we both had always despised. Something deep inside me grew hot. I could feel my anger building, about to explode. But one thing I had learned in the Corps was self-control. I sat on my anger and tamped it down. Flying off the handle was not the answer. I needed to find what the situation was before I acted. I needed answers and I knew the best way to find them. I would. And when I did, heads would roll.



Oh God. What was that horrible loud noise? The sound echoed through my head, encouraging the wee people who were busily hammering the inside of my skull. One good thing about that, I suppose. They took my mind off the awful taste in my mouth and the upheaval in my stomach.

I managed to sit up in bed and glared banefully at the clock clicking away on the table. I would have smashed it except the thought of the noise THAT would make made my headache even worse. It was kind of a neat idea to toy with though.

Oh SHIT. Was that time right? I needed to get up. I needed to get moving. I needed to... I fell back onto the bed. I needed to sleep for about 48 hours. Maybe I would wake up and find myself married and in the Bahamas.

Married? MARRIED! I staggered up and made for the shower. I climbed in the tub, gritted my teeth and turned the water on. Cold. I moaned but I made myself stand there as the cobwebs began to clear. Finally I added hot water and scrubbed myself.

I climbed out. Right on cue the room door opened and a cup of hot coffee was thrust into my hands. I drank, feeling the coffee burn the fuzz from my throat.

"Going to live?"

I glared at Carol. "Some best friend you are. I hope Roger made sure that Phillip feels as bad as I do." I stopped and thought. "Wait, no, didn't I see him here last night?"

"You did and he'll be here shortly with your clothes. And breakfast. And," she looked sheepish, "I'm sorry about last night. It just got carried away. However you may be happy to know that I spent all night holding your hair and your hand and shot to heck a romantic night my husband and I had planned."

"Well it makes me fell better," I admitted. I looked at my hands holding the cup as I took a deeper swallow. "Oh GOD!"


"Where's my ring?" I was in a panic.

"I've got it," came a familiar male voice. Roger backed into the room, holding a tray in his hands. "You left it in your original room last night when you got sick." He started to turn around and then quickly looked the other way. "Jenn? Would you mind getting some clothes on? At least a robe until you can put on this stuff Carol had me get from the house."

"Oops." I scrambled into a hotel robe. Roger set the tray down. With a second cup of coffee warming my tummy the food was actually beginning to smell appetizing. I guessed I was going to live. Roger dropped a bundle of my clothes on the bed and fled. "By the way," I started to eat and for the first time since I had opened my eyes I began to fell human, "What did Roger mean my 'original room'?"

Carol explained what had happened, apologizing again for letting me get that drunk last night. I ate rapidly, gave an extremely unlady-like belch and climbed into the jeans and pull-over top. I pulled on the running shoes and we headed for home, knowing that time was extremely short.

Carol's mom took charge as she always did when a crisis loomed. She got me dressed, got my hair and make-up done. She supervised the rest of the bridal party, including a long look at a certain Matron of Honor that promised a LONG ass-chewing to her oldest daughter. Finally she bundled us all up and carried us to the church, installing me all by myself in a small room off the vestibule. Thank goodness there was a chair for me to collapse into.

I watched the clock. An hour to go. Just the second hand sweeping around the dial was making me excited and feeling better as that excitement took my mind off my hangover. Then the door opened and Phillip slipped in, closing the door softly behind him. I sprang to my feet, okay, slowly levered myself is more like it, and was about to throw my arms around him when I noticed two things. First, he was still in the same clothes I had seen him in yesterday and second, he looked AWFUL. He was unshaven and his eyes were bloodshot. And when I looked deeply into those eyes I could see something else, something that nearly scared me. Of course I could never be scared of Phillip but I could see anger burning deeply in him and wondered what in Heaven's name could have him in such a state.

He took my hands. "Jenn, we need to talk."



"A toast!" I cried aloud. "To the happy couple." I tipped up the beer mug and let the cold fluid pour down my throat. This was a time to celebrate. I finally had got the opportunity to pay back Phillip and I must admit it was a stroke of genius on my part. It shows what happens when you grab what just falls into your lap.

I hadn't liked Phillip Harding since I had first met him and I had liked him less and less as the years went by. He had never shown me the respect I deserved. He was so sure of himself, and why? What did he have? He never had my clothes, my cars, or my style. But somehow he thought he was better than me. And that damn girlfriend of his! I offered her the greatest thrill known to women, ME, and she not only turned me down, she laughed in my face. More than once. Sure I just wanted to fuck that skinny, black-haired female to show up that asshole Phillip but she would have loved it. I know how to pleasure a woman.

Wasn't it lucky that I just happened to have my phone on when that bitch told me off. I recorded it as a matter of course. I thought about kicking her ass right there but I didn't want to get involved with that cunt cop friend. Not that she worried me of course; I just didn't want her to drag her husband into it. Or her dad or mom. There was a couple that thought their shit didn't stink just because they were high up in the Sheriff's Department. Why my parents could buy and sell them ten times over.

Well, I'm smart. I figured, with a little help from Clara, how to download Jenn's words onto a computer, separate them and then string them together to say what I wanted. I knew that Phillip would be coming over later; someone overheard Jenn talking to him on the phone. When I got tipped off about the Wilsons moving Jenn to another room, I got Clara to give me a spare key card to the original one. I looked in there and lo and behold, what did I find? Jenn's clothes and her engagement ring, right where they had left them when she threw up all over them. I cleaned off the ring and set it so that it, and Jenn's jeans and panties, placed so the upchuck didn't show, right where they could be seen from the door. Then I got Clara up there and waited.

When Clara's co=worker at the desk called to say that Phillip was on the way up, we put my plan in motion. I let Clara get on top so I could monitor the situation and play back the tape we had made. I couldn't even keep from laughing out loud as I fooled that lunkhead into thinking his precious Jenn was fucking me.

I was pretty proud of that. I was also proud that I gave Clara her reward too. When I heard the door close I rolled her over and did her right. Why I must have fucked her for almost five minutes before popping off into her. I know she appreciated that. Not many guys have THAT kind of stamina.

I looked over at her to see if she was still glowing from last night. She wasn't. In fact, she was staring over my shoulder with an expression of panic. I started to turn to see what was going on when the chair I had my feet propped up on was jerked out and someone sat down.

Oh CRAP. It was Phillip. I figured he would still be dusting up with his hopefully EX-fiancee. What the hell was he doing here? I thought maybe I would not take the time to find out, but when I tried to push my chair back it wouldn't move. I looked up and back, right into the face of Roger Wilson. Double crap.

"Why Johnny Ringo, you look like someone just walked over your grave," said Phillip.

Who the fuck was Johnny Ringo? Was Phillip going psycho? I mean, he had been a Marine for Chrissake. Everyone knew they were trained killers and all that. I better talk fast.

"Hey, she came on to ME, Phillip. I wouldn't have done anything but she made me. I..."

"Oh shut the fuck up, Billy. I must admit, you nearly had me. I got so upset it took most of the night to stop and THINK. Then I realized that although it was Jenn's voice, it sounded really strange. So I did the only logical thing."

"What was that?" I couldn't help but ask.

"He came to see me." Oh brother. Jenn sat down next to Clara and smiled at me. I didn't like that smile. I tried to think of something to say, but I couldn't.

"That's what you do when you love someone, you know," commented Phillip. "You don't go off half-cocked, you don't do anything rash. When something seems terribly wrong, you go talk to them and find out what the answer might be."

"I have to confess, I knew I had run across you Billy, but I was too drunk then to remember what I said to you."

"Fortunately," came another female voice, "I wasn't." Carol Wilson dropped into the chair on the other side of Clara. I noticed that except for Clara, everyone else who had been sitting here seemed to be gone. Chicken-shits.

"I thought and recited to Phillip what Jenn had said, before he told me what he had heard through the door. The words were the same, just rearranged."

"The delay between some of the words and the slight hiss I heard made me realize you had tried to set us up. Jenn was never in bed with you last night. She was passed out in the other room, with Carol keeping watch on her."

"Hey, maybe they were in on it together." I tried hard. "Carol was covering for her. And Roger too."

"Gee, let's see, who to believe. The guy I despise most in the world as a loud mouth arrogant ass with nothing to be arrogant about, or the girl I love and my two best friends." Phillip looked at his watch. "Well, enough time wasted. We had the wedding, took all the pictures and ostensibly we are just a little delayed on the way to our reception. Jenn was there anything you wanted to add?"

Jenn scooped up the pitcher of beer and in one movement poured it over Clara's head. "No honey, I think that's it. I think you had something though."

I looked at Phillip. It was a mistake. I heard Clara squawking but didn't pay any attention to her. All I could see was Phillip's fist coming closer and closer and...



I wiggled on the blanket spread over the sand, the hot sun beating down on my back. I sighed happily as a firm but gentle hand rubbed lotion onto my back.

"What?" I could feel Phillip's smile, as warm as the sun.

"I'm just glad you didn't damage your hand on that asshole."

"Well, he went down and stayed down with that one punch. I suppose I could have hit him again but I had made my point. Besides, he wouldn't have felt it anyway."

I giggled deep in my throat. "And then you might have had to have that hand iced at the reception instead of just on the plane coming here."

He laughed back. "Aren't you glad I stopped using the ice before we got to the hotel?"

Oh my God, yes I was. People talk about the wedding night, but from the moment we had been, relatively speaking, alone on the flight here, the tension had grown between us. In the hotel limo we had held each other's hand tightly because if we had touched any more we might have gone at it right in front of the other passengers. The check-in took forever, the walk down the hall to our room an eternity. Then finally the door closed behind us and we were alone.

Phillip's hands rested lightly on my shoulders, his thumbs rubbing gentle little circles on the sides of my neck that made me shiver. I reached back and tried to touch his hips as lightly as he touched me. But I couldn't. I gripped him, my breathing getting faster. We had waited for years for this moment and it was finally here.

I turned, slowly, allowing my husband's hands to slide down my body. Now they were on my breasts and even through my dress and bra I could feel their warmth. They tightened and I lifted my face to him.

"Please," I whispered.

His mouth descended on mine. He kissed me as though he had never kissed me before in our entire lives. His tongue dueled with mine, and won. I all but collapsed against him, moaning into his open mouth. His fingers found the zipper of my dress and it fell to the floor. I felt the clasps on my bra give way. My own hands were pulling his shirt from his slacks. He took a moment to pull it over his head and I shook my bra down my arms and flung it aside before I reached for his belt.

I pushed his slacks down and he kicked them away. Now only his briefs, straining with his cock, and my panties, soaked with my own excitement, separated us. He kissed me again and scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the bed. He stood there, then lowered me, one arm before the other so my head and shoulders touched the bed first. As he released my hips his fingers caught my panties and drew them down my legs. Another quick movement and he was nude.

I stretched out on the bed, lifting my arms to him. I wanted him. God, I wanted him so much. My legs parted and then he was on top of me, covering me with his firm muscular body.

There was no more foreplay. I wanted him in me, now, as much as I knew that he ached to be there. The head of his cock pressed between my swollen pussy lips. I wondered briefly it would hurt. There was just a moment of resistance to him and if it DID hurt I was so lost in the moment I didn't notice it. His hips thrust and finally, FINALLY for the first time in my life, he penetrated deep inside of my body.

"My woman," Phillip whispered as his eyes met mine.

"My Man," I replied. My man. The only man who ever was going to have me. The only man I ever wanted.

MY sexy new husband rose up on his hands and braced his arms. Slowly at first, he began to move in and of me. Just a little each way at the start, soon he was pulling back and thrusting the entire length of his cock inside me. I began to meet him each time his hips pushed down and in, driving in further. He speeded up and I matched him.

Our bodies were covered in a little sheen of perspiration now. Our breathing grew ragged. My heart beat as though it was going to jump from my chest. A delicious warmth was building deep within me each time Phillip bottomed in me. It spread through my entire body. My moans were no longer inaudible, they were becoming louder, as were his gasps for air. Spasms were running through my body. I felt like an earthquake was about to happen.

And then it did. I was thrashing under my man, crying out his name as he plunged into me and held there. I felt his hot wetness flooding me and I matched it with a rush of my own juices. The shocks and then the aftershocks were like nothing I had ever felt before, but I knew that I would again and again as the years went on.

A low laugh right in my ear broke through my memories.

"Jenn? You're squirming and your heart rate is speeding up. Something you want to share with me?"

I rolled onto my side and looked up at the handsome, grinning face of my husband. Springing to my feet I started up the beach towards our hotel.

"I do indeed, and you better gather everything up and get moving. If I get to the room before you I might just start by myself. But I think it would be better if you were there."

He was, by the way. And it was not only better, it was fantastic.

(The End)

(The quote Phillip mocks Billy with in the confrontation scene is from Val Kilmer's marvelous portrayal of Doc Holliday in the movie "Tombstone". Thanks to my friend and editor Marian for putting up with me for so long and for not even sighing when i tell her I'vce lost yet again another copy of a story and she digs it up for me.)

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

An actual loving wife in the LW category is surprising enough. But then even more so is a husband that didn't overreact to apparent evidence of his wife cheating and instead behaved logically and talked to her and his friends to get to clear up the situation. What a ride!

Jalibar62Jalibar626 months ago

The "Johnny Ringo" quote is perfect. I also like that Phillip talked to his friends and fiancée instead of just running out on her, cutting her off and never speaking to her, as happens in so many LW stories.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAA8 months ago

I just discovered your stories. I didn't anticipate you would have a new vein to an old theme...but you did. Thanks For Sharing...

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

An example of how an intelligent, thoughtful person responds to unexpected, unpleasant situations.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I feel Pappy 7 has been around the block a few times. “ Girls nights out” are not always as innocent, as you would believe. Back in the day, this is how it went-

#1. Get married- Honeymoon period. Anywhere from 1-5 years.

#2. Have kids- Raise them. Be involved with their lives. Do things as a family. Depending on age spread-18-25 years. Hang out with families, that also have young kids.

#3. 50-60 years of age- Become closer with your spouse. Start to plan, what you want to do in retirement. Become a grandparent, which renews your connection to your children.

#4- Retire- Spend more time with grandkids and spouse. Possibly relocate some of the year, to a warmer climate- Concentrate on your heath, and interests you put aside for your family.

You will notice, very few opportunities, for girls of guys night out. In the beginning( honeymoon stage) you will probably, as a couple, hang out with people who are single. But as a general rule, once a couple got married, their lives became about them, and their families. Considering work commitments, and then children, there is precious little time , even for the married couple to do things together. Why would anyone in love, want to waste that hanging out with friends, without the spouse? Growing up, I hung out with some unsavory characters. But the moment I got married, we moved 100 miles away for a job promotion, and I cut the cord with almost everyone in my old group. This is, pretty much, the way it goes. So if your wife or husband is wanting to see his/ her friends, the invitation should be open to you as well. Not because you have to, but because you want to-Hey it works- been married to the same very special woman since 1985.

4 stars.

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