What Now? Ch. 02


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The Alpha no longer had a mate to overreact, but she was suddenly now Alpha, with the stress of that, the loss of her mate, a pregnancy late in life, and the recent human's knowledge of them. It would be almost a miracle if she did birth her pup.

Amanda was looking at her, mouth tight. She had taken on the responsibilities of the Alpha female when Sabine, Calvin's first mate, had fallen ill. She had been made Beta as a result. Her duties had been reduced when Stephanie had mated their Alpha. But now, with Calvin Ross dead, she would have those duties again and, now, likely more. She wasn't sure how she was going to cope and her mate was going to be resentful of the time it was going to take.


Nathan Severn came home, roaring in on his bike, Nike.

He didn't usually come home so early, so Joanna ran to the front door, afraid of what might have happened.

He rushed up, dropping his helmet in the front yard, "Where's Lyri?"

"Nathan, what's wrong?"

He reached her, took her face in his hands, "Where's Lyri?"

"With her Gramma, why? What's wrong?"

He picked her up and she automatically locked her legs around him and held on. Nathan bit at the side of her neck as he walked them inside and kicked the door shut. She made a pleasured noise and leaned her head off to the side. She gasped as he sat her behind on the edge of the couch as he started to pull her blouse open and his lips made a beeline to her breast as he shoved aside her bra. She tried one more time, "Nathan?" before giving in to the sensations. His mouth on her breast, teeth lightly biting at her nipple between licks. His hand was on the other, kneading it and pinching the other. The other hand held her, to keep her from falling off the edge. [My pants, love.]

Joanna's hands went from his head to his waist. She unbuckled his belt, opened his fly, and his pants dropped around his ankles with a thunk. And he moaned as she stroked the bulge in the front of his boxers.

She pulled at the elastic in the front of his boxers and eased it over his turgid member, then pushed them to the floor. He blew out a breath and came back up to kiss her. [Yours.]

Joanna undid her own pants and shoved down, but her butt was on the sofa. Nathan's hand were on her waist and he lifted her. Her jeans slid down as she'd dropped her feet and he moved to put her back on the couch and spread her legs. He growled in frustration when they wouldn't open and she put a hand on his chest. "My shoes, mate."

He growled again, fur erupting, claws puncturing the fabric of her jeans. Grabbing her feet, he ripped them apart.

He inhaled, deeply, as her feminine fragrance was released. Then, fur receding again, he once more picked her up and she squeaked as he impaled her on his rigid length. She clutched at him, hands at his neck and in his hair as their mouths quested for each other. He got her butt back against the couch and began driving into her, his piston filling her and making her small breasts bounce in time.

Her ankles, wrapped in the remnants of her jeans locked, as much as they could, behind his back. She kissed various parts of his face, feverishly, before returning to his mouth. Then her nails dug into his shoulders as he pressed his knot inside her. Short, sharp thrusts then. "Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh." She broke, contractions surrounding him. He howled his climax.

Lyria turned toward the noise, knowing her father's voice, his howl, as Juliet smiled. "Your parents need a little more mommy and daddy time, my lovely girl. You can go see them in a little longer."

Lyria whined but settled back down, watching her grandmother make cookies. Her cousins, all male, were either at lessons or home. Juliet had instituted a regular girls' day with her only granddaughter.

She knew Nathan had good news for his mate. And for all of them.

Nathan walked them back to their bedroom, sat down, and collapsed backward onto the bed. Joanna kissed him and stroked his hair. "So, mate, what happened?"

He kissed the tip of her nose. "They're letting us back out again." She looked a bit puzzled. "To work! They decided we were doing a fine job before and they didn't find any reason to keep us out of the field."

"Oh, Nathan, that's great! Does everyone else know?"

"Yeah, I wanted to surprise you."

"That means things are getting better, right?"

"I think so, love. I hope so."


It was like preparing for a cross country trip. Well, maybe not that bad but,compared to normal movements, it seemed that way.

Normally they could just take off with some snacks but now they had to coordinate with a couple of the others. Alex and Gordon were saying goodbye to their mates before setting off to guard the First Beta's family for the night. Lyssa was feeling guilty about wanting time away from the den and taking resources away from the pack. They'd also invited Emmaline along so her parents were fussing over her. And, then, Samuel volunteered to take the place of one of the others, to watch over his daughter.

Emmett took him aside. "Can you keep watch without worrying about her?"

Samuel inhaled and closed his eyes before answering. Emmaline was sensitive to the emotions of others and was fearful and upset and worried, mirroring the mood of the pack.

They finally started out, moving slowly because the pups were young. Samuel stayed back at the den, with his mate.

[Gordon, stay on Emmaline. Alex, you have Emmanuel.] Both wolves made noises of agreement and moved to keep their charges in sight.

It was dusk and the smells were enticing. Emmett led, the pups in the middle, with Lyssa behind. The other two males were flanking. While Emmaline was a little more reserved, Emmanuel started ranging from the path, chasing scents. Lyssa knew it was normal behavior but it worried her that he was wandering. [It would be so much easier if I could yell at him.]

[For what?] Emmett looked back. [He's just exploring.]

[You're not taking this seriously.] Lyssa replied.

[Of course I am. We have other males to help guard and no reports of anyone inside the range.] Emmett stopped and looked at her. [You could always growl at him.]

Lyssa huffed and they started off again. They arrived at the cottage without incident although Alex probably went three times as far as anyone else. He and Gordon took up stations outside while the First Beta family and Emmaline went inside.

Emmanuel and Emmaline yipped and chased each other around the small living room in a game of tag. Lyssa rolled her eyes at Emmett. [Think we'll get any sleep?]

[They'll settle down in a bit. Maybe a snack.]

[No, you're right. Let them go awhile, it'll be good for both of them.]

Lyssa sat, picking up a book, and Emmett sat beside her, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close. He put his mouth close to her ear, "I still need to get you something to get under that dress."

Lyssa chuckled, thinking of the green dress she had been wearing when he found her here after the Alpha female had decided on a lesson on communication for them. She put a hand to the side of his face and kissed him. She put down the book.

"So, I guess things are getting better, huh?"

"I would say so. If they feel that Severn can be trusted to start doing police work again it bodes well for us."

"Good news. Let's hope we get more."

All was quiet on this night before the new moon. The cubs settled down and curled up together to sleep. And Lyssa slept well, though Emmett slept lightly, worried, on guard. In the morning, they returned to the den.

After breakfast, Lyssa headed to their suite to prep for the council meeting that evening. This month they had promising news with Severn pack being allowed back into the field. The packs now had reason to be optimistic.

She had just gotten to the room when a call came through for her on the main line. Taking a deep breath and releasing it, she turned for the den's office. She flattened herself against the side of the hall as Mercy went by with Jamie in hot pursuit. She smiled and continued on.

On the phone was the packs' lawyer with a proposition that they hadn't anticipated. She fairly vibrated to tell everyone but had to limit it to the Alphas and Betas. The rest of the packs would learn that evening. It would be shortly after that that everyone would know.

The mood of the pack was much improved at lunch as the word spread of Severn pack being allowed back to work.

At the end of the meal Randall, Wyeth's Alpha, asked everyone to assemble in the front hall. There was speculative murmuring as the Alphas and Betas ascended to the balcony. "My pack, you are all aware of the good news from Severn pack but we have additional news to impart." Lyssa smiled, he was going to tell them. "This welcome news comes from Ross pack." The murmuring started again. "My pack!" Everyone quieted again at the command. "The Alpha of Ross carries the Alpha heir."

Gasps and noises of amazement went up from the assembled wolves. Stephanie, Alpha of Ross, formerly of Wyeth, had never been close to anyone, had never been expected to mate, let alone bear a pup.

"Are we going to send a present?" Hannah helped in the kitchen and was... a little slow. Not aware of political correctness. This was not something that was normally done but, then again, this was also not a typical situation.

The Wyeth Alpha looked at Hannah, considering, as the pack waited. "What would you suggest, Hannah?" She looked a bit confused. "What present would you send?"

Hannah thought a minute. "Cookies? No, a cake!"

Randall smiled. "I think that's fine idea, Hannah."

"OK." Excited, she turned and fairly ran for the kitchen.

"Alright, everyone, petitions in... 45 minutes."

Hannah had baked three different cakes, unsure of what the Ross Alpha would like. The first was a chocolate cake, covered in ganache, with a raspberry filling. The second was a banana-flavored cake, with coconut topping and banana filling. The last one was more whimsical, in celebration of the happy event. It was a yellow cake with chocolate brown icing, in the form of a pup.

Ariel looked them over, smiled and thanked Hannah, and sent all three to Ross.

That evening Lyssa got the conference system set up and considered the agenda for the council meeting. The members had been staying in their own dens of late, but now that might change since the humans seemed to be loosening up about their presence.

The Alphas arrived and Lyssa smiled at them. They looked less tense than they had been. For the first time since their coming out, things were looking up. The others came on the line and Lyssa could see that everyone was feeling better.

Every pack reported no encroachment onto their ranges by humans but for the few protesters at the gates of Severn and Wyeth. Severn had also taken down a drone. Jonathon Severn, the Alpha, then explained to them the return of their members to active duty. This was viewed positively even though the police commissioner had placed conditions on their return.

Next was the announcement, though they already knew, of the Ross Alpha's pregnancy. Stephanie looked uncomfortable about the revelation. "Madam Beta?"

"Yes, Alpha?"

"I'd like to thank Wyeth for the cakes."

Ariel replied. "Hannah will be happy to hear you enjoyed them. I'm sure she would like to know which you preferred."

The others on the council looked somewhat confused, and a bit uncomfortable. Had they missed some point of etiquette?

Stephanie put on a secret smile. "It wouldn't be ... wise. Bethany is quite beside herself."

"It was not our intention to upset your pack member but to celebrate our former pack mate's good news."

Others from the council then offered their congratulations to the Ross Alpha.

After things quieted a little, Lyssa announced, "I have two more items to bring to the council. The first is that the lawyers have identified a couple of legislators that seem to be sympathetic to us."

Approving murmurs were heard. "But, that's just a beginning. It could take years for something to really happen."

She waited a bit, to see if there were any questions. "OK, moving on. I got another call from the lawyer yesterday with an interesting request." They all looked at her, expectantly. "Everyone needs to think about it before agreeing to anything." She swallowed. "We've gotten requests from a couple of big cities. They want some of us to join their criminal investigators, to help them find missing people, hunt down criminals..."

The Alpha of Foster spoke up. "This is good. Their authorities are accepting us; they see value in us." The others made noises of agreement, relief.

Tucker's Madam Alpha gusted a relieved sigh. "We can relax."

Lyssa looked at her Alphas then planted herself firmly in front of the monitors. "Hey!"

Although she occasionally did this, to get their attention, they were still shocked at the outburst and all eyes went to her. Lyssa closed her eyes and exhaled before continuing. The volume of her voice dropped, so they had to focus on her. "No, we can't relax. Not completely. Not ever again."

"But.." began Gates.

She turned her attention to him. At the same time, she noticed the Ross Alpha's resolved look. "Humans.." A pause. "There will always be some humans who will hate us for what we are, because we're different. Always. If you haven't, look at the news, see how they treat groups of other humans who are different. Different skin, different religion, different sexual orientation, different opinions. Someone kills a doctor for doing something legal that they don't agree with. Harass hunters. Bomb buildings because they disagree with someone's beliefs. Beat someone for having the wrong skin color in the wrong place." She ran out of breath.

"But the request for help..."

Stephanie stepped in to reply. "Unless we are careful, they may just want to use us. Call us out for no pay. Use us as bloodhounds with no brains. Treat us like animals."

Silence reigned as everyone considered the new Alpha's words.

Then, the questions started. A barrage.

Lyssa looked to her Alphas. Randall nodded toward the screen.

She stood, crossed her arms, and waited. It didn't take long for them to stop. "This is why we have lawyers. We can negotiate for good treatment, special treatment. We have special abilities, different needs, compared to them. We should get paid for it. That isn't to say that, well, when a little kid goes missing, that we shouldn't sometimes help without pay. People will feel better about us if we do."

"But the places that asked for help are big cities. Boston. Chicago. Los Angeles. There are a lot of people, humans, packed in a small area. Well, millions in a few square miles. The smells. The noise. No real good places to run, to hunt. Being away from pack and family for who knows how long."

"While it's a good beginning, there's a lot we should think about."

"Aren't there closer packs?"

The Wyeth Alpha responded. "Of course, but they're only certain of our existence."


It was early morning when Sampson was summoned. [Beta. The Alpha doesn't seem right. She came to the roof.]

Damn! Sampson untangled himself from arms, legs, and bedclothes to a groan of discontent. Calvin had warned him about her sleepwalking. And, stressed as she had been lately, he had been expecting is since her investiture as Alpha. He looked longingly at the blond head in the bed, curls tousled, skin bare to his gaze...


[Is she near the edge?]

[No, standing and scenting. She doesn't seem to know that I'm here.]

Sampson dragged on pants and shot out of the room. Down the stairs, he knocked on the unmated females' door. [Shirley, I need you. The Alpha needs you.]

Shirley stumbled out of the room, rubbing her eyes and yawning. She blearily looked at Sampson. "Roof?"

He nodded and looked at her. She had come to the door naked. They all typically slept in the nude.

Sampson followed her up the stairs, noting her curves, the clenching and unclenching of each buttock. The nip in for her waist, glimpses of the brown hairs between her legs. Not a bad looking female, he supposed. But it was something else entirely that moved him. Something under blond curls, rising from a nest of curled blond hairs.

Shirley cracked the door to the roof and motioned him back against the wall. "Livvy! You come inside right now!"


[She's stopped. Looks confused.]

Sampson nodded at Shirley. "Lavinia! Now!"

They listened as footsteps approached. The door slammed open, knocking Shirley against the wall and knocking Sampson off balance. As Stephanie pounded down the stairs, Sampson plunged claws into the wall to stop himself from tumbling down the stairs.

Shirley rubbed her arm, where the doorknob had caught her, and gusted out a breath. "Can we just record my voice for next time?"

Sampson blinked. "Uh. Yeah."

Shirley moved past him, headed back for her bed.

Sampson followed his Alpha, to make sure she went back to her room, then worked his way back toward his own. [Thank you, Peter.]

He debated on how to handle this problem going forward. Lock her in at night? Post someone outside her door? Inside?

She couldn't be allowed to accidentally harm herself, lose the pup she was carrying. he would have to talk to the healer about her. Again.

It was later that morning that the Ross Alpha sat behind the steering wheel of a car for the first time.

Stephanie gritted her teeth, trying to listen to the lesson. Trevor said, "Alright, mirrors adjusted, seat adjusted, let's start the car." He handed her the key. "Put this in that slot and shove it in once."

Stephanie pushed the wide hunk of plastic into the hole in the dash and pushed it again. Nothing. Pushed it again. Nothing.

Trevor looked confused. "Oh, yeah. You have to have your foot on the brake." She shot a look at him. "It's a safety feature so little kids don't take off with one." The engine roared to life. "Now, put the car in gear. To the D."

"Alright, now, take your foot off the brake and push down on the accelerator, slowly, lightly."

As she released the brake the car started to move forward. She jammed the brake on again. "Why was it moving? I didn't touch the other pedal."

"Most cars, when they aren't new anymore, start to have some wear on the parts. Unless they're new, they'll creep a little. It's normal." Trevor tried to compose himself, she knew less than any of the pups he'd taught to drive. He had to explain absolutely everything.

Stephanie took a deep breath and tried again. After an initially slow start, she pushed a little harder. "Just hold it straight." They started down the driveway. "If you want to turn right, turn the wheel that way."

The first trip was slow, about 15 mph, as she got the hang of turning the wheel. "Good. Good, Alpha. Now, stop."

There was less of a jerk than he expected. "Now, let's turn around and go back."

"How do I see?"

"Use the mirrors or turn you head."

She backed into the turnaround pretty well. "OK. Put it in park and open your door."

Confused, she did as he said. "Now you can see where you are."

There were eight or nine wolves on the lawn, watching, as she drove up and down the driveway a couple more times.

"How long will it take me to get my license?"

"Most of the pack take two to four months depending on the time they can spend practicing."

Stephanie sat their quietly, thinking. After a few moments, Trevor prompted. "Alpha?"

She came back to herself. "Oh, yes. I was thinking I'd like to visit my father."

"That's a long drive, Alpha."

Stephanie got out and headed for the den. [Thank you, Trevor.]


Meanwhile, Lyssa was trying to figure out what conditions they might put on any work they might do for humans. No permanent tracking put on them. No cages. Extra pay for work beyond a few hours, like overtime pay. Hazard pay depending on the job. Compensation for injury. Oh, no leashes or other restraint.