What We Must Ch. 04


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Spencer, now further aggravated and excited, moved further into the tunnels, following her scent. He was going to relieve his frustration today. She was only a human, after all, not really one of them. The rules didn't apply to her. She was here, to be used by the males, to dilute the bloodline, in a foolish attempt by the council to defeat some virus that no one was really sure had infected them.

There. He was getting closer. He opened his mouth to take in more of her scent. It was rich and compelling. He had to have her. He'd tasted her, he wanted her, and he didn't care that she belonged to Devon right now. He had tasted her first and, now, he would have the rest of her.

Only a human female.

He got closer to her, closer. He could almost taste her now. His cock was now stretched out beyond its sheath and he was aching to shove it into her.


She heard someone behind her, then caught Spencer's scent. It was actually fairly revolting to her. While the others smelled pleasant, he smelled...wrong, foul.

She moved further on and he continued to follow her.

Spencer had been following her as she moved through some of the tunnels. When he figured they were far enough from the others, he approached her as wolf. She finally heard the click of his claws, then caught his scent. Turning, she looked behind her and realized that she was being stalked but that it wasn't her blood that he was after. She smelled the fluid dripping from his cock, half extended from its sheath.

She tried to avoid him, tried to move around him, but he kept barring her way. Now she was beginning to get scared. She bared her teeth at him and he snarled and backed her into a corner.

She shifted to human to yell at him. "Spencer, back off."

He shifted as well, his erection standing firm before him. He grinned at her, evilly. "No." He moved closer, into her personal space.

She put her hands on his chest and shoved. It had little effect on him. Like trying to move a wall. "Spencer. Get away from me."

Another grin. "No. You can't order me around. You have no status here. You're less than we are. Don't think that just because you can change now that you're the same."


Devon decided to see where she had been off to now. From the reports of the others, she had been making a fairly systematic survey of the tunnels. It was obvious to him that she was still looking for a way to escape them. He'd explored these tunnels pretty extensively himself in his youth, and had made sure to block off the side tunnels years ago, in order to stop the rival packs from getting in. Unless she had some heavy equipment, she wasn't getting out. Let her map the tunnels, it would keep her occupied.

He had passed William and Abigail, clutching each other beside the warm pool. The smell of sex hung heavy in the warm, humid air. He picked up her scent in the next chamber, along with Spencer's. Hmmm. What was he doing down here?


Her voice dropped dangerously low. "Leave me alone." His intention was evident and she was looking for a way to defuse the situation. She shoved his shoulder and tried to push past him again.

He grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the wall. "Devon made a mistake bringing you here. We should have just banged you at your campsite and left you there. But, since you're here now, we should just tie you to a bed and take turns." He spoke into her ear, his voice dropping. "It's what we all want to do. The only reason you're here is to be used. You aren't going anywhere now until I'm done with you." He started to lift her off the ground, scraping her bare back against the rock face. Her ears were ringing; her head ached.

Her hands went to the wrist of the hand wrapped around her throat. Her feet dangled in the air. She tried to kick him but couldn't get enough force behind the kick to make an impression on him. He laughed at her. He was strong. Too strong. What was she going to do? Her voice was now a croak. "Spencer."

He had gotten her high enough now that it would only take a little positioning for him to impale her on his rigid cock. "You caused me nothing but pain since you got here." He looked almost manic as he grabbed her nipple and violently twisted it; one shrill note left her lips before he hit her. "Shut up." A pause. "On second thought, let me give you something to scream about." She felt a searing pain as he forced two fingers into her and she shrieked again. He brought his fingers up to his face, sniffed, and licked them, then grabbed one thigh and wrenched her legs open. Things began to go grey.


Voices. He sounded angry, hers more controlled, but fearful. That's pain, what was going on? He rounded the corner and saw them down the corridor. Blood.. Anne's? What the hell? Spencer had her pinned against the wall by the throat, he was... oh, god.

Suddenly, the voice of command boomed down the corridor. "Spencer!"

He dropped her, shifted to wolf, and ran deeper into the mine.

She fell to the floor in a heap, sucking in big breaths. Devon knelt beside her, noting the scrapes on her back, smelling the blood. He put a hand on her shoulder and, with concern in his voice, asked, "Are you alright?"

She looked up at him, fear and anger in her eyes, they seemed lighter than normal, almost golden. Tearing his eyes from hers, he saw that her lip was split; Spencer must have hit her as well. Her voice was a bit rough and her chest heaved. "Yes." Now she shifted to wolf and walked away, limping slightly. "Anne!" She turned back to look at him, then turned away and walked back towards the living areas. It took time for him to identify the look she had just given him, not mad, and not... upset. It was... disdain. Even worse. He could deal with her being angry and upset with them. Now, should he go after Spencer?

Spencer was going to rape her that much was plain. As Alpha he had to deal with this and it wasn't going to be pleasant. No. Let him stew for a while, think about what he'd done and come begging forgiveness. But what would he do then? There had to be some punishment, this was an egregious crime against the pack.

And Anne. She'd been here for weeks, months, and was still resisting them. This would reinforce her beliefs, as evidenced by that look, that they were unworthy of her trust, her loyalty. And were they worthy? He hadn't had any problem controlling the others before. The decree had caused him nothing but trouble, but, really, all of it centered on Anne.

He had brought this on them by bringing her here. But she was here now; she had been changed. She was a werewolf now, one of his pack. There was no getting away from that. There were alternatives, of course, but none were palatable to him. They could kill her or trade her to another pack, which would likely destroy her spirit. And he valued her spirit. Either way, she'd be dead. This was his responsibility, and his alone.

He wouldn't turn her out and he would have to deal with Spencer.

He headed back upwards. He'd get Lily to look in on Anne.


Devon had been visibly concerned. Was it jealousy? That somebody else wanted to play with one of his precious toys? Or was it something else? No, she hadn't seen anything in his eyes she equated with jealousy. Just him wanting to know if she was OK. He did care about her, in some manner. But she didn't think of it as anything beyond care for, say, livestock or a pet.

She hadn't heard, or been told, anything different. She shared some of their qualities as a werewolf, but was not really one of them. Spencer had made it very clear to her. Let Amanda weaken, she would stand firm against them. The softer feelings she had had of them lately would be cast aside. The bruises she had now would remind her.


Lily went to see Anne, who had retreated to her room after the attack.

She was shocked at the bruises, a horrible dark mark on Anne's throat, a large bruise on her face, and a red hand print on her left thigh. "Devon said your back was all scraped up. I brought some salve to take the sting out and help you heal."

"I'm fine."

"You don't look fine. I just want to help you. Let me treat your back."

Again, a look of concern from her, as if she actually cared about her. If she stayed in pain, who was she hurting but herself? The scars would remind all of them of what they were.

"Anne. Please?"

She pulled off her shirt and rolled onto her belly. Several bloody, crusted scrapes were visible on her upper back. Lily wiped them off with antiseptic and Anne winced at the stinging. Then Lily opened the jar and started dabbing on the salve.

"Would you like to talk to me about what happened?"

Anne considered this, but what good would it do? They all would figure out what had happened to her. But now, now she knew what they thought of her. There was power in knowing something they didn't realize she knew. Finally, she answered. "No."


Beth staggered into her room, just before dinner. Her hair and eyes were wild; she clutched her clothing tight around her. She fell, sobbing, into Anne's arms.

Anne held her tightly, guiding her to sit on the bed. Her question was only one word, even though she already knew the answer. "Who?"

The reply was the same. "Spencer."

Anne sat quietly and held her, rocking slightly, while Beth continued to cry. Marcus came down to find out why they hadn't come to dinner. Beth shrieked when he came to the doorway and turned, as if she were trying to burrow into Anne to hide. Marcus looked at Anne's face, appalled, before turning to Beth. "Beth, what is it?" No response from Beth. "Anne, what happened?"

"Spencer raped her."


"You heard me."

Marcus rushed back, yelling for Devon. Everyone crowded downstairs and Devon came into Anne's room. Anne yelled at him. "Get out! You aren't welcome here."

He gave her a look and crouched before Beth. She trembled and tried to pull away from him. He gently turned her face, saw the bruises, smelled alcohol. He dropped his hand and looked to Anne; her eyes were still that golden color. What in the world was going on with her? "How do you know?"

"She told me and I smell him. Can't you?"

"How long ago?"

Anne checked her watch. "She got here about 10 minutes ago. Now get out."

Devon straightened, looked at her again, and turned to the door. "I smell alcohol. He was probably drunk. He's got a head start but shouldn't be too hard to track." He strode out the door. "Sam, you stand guard. Nick, you stay here. Let's go."

Lily, Jen, Abigail, and Amanda now came into the room. Nick hovered in the doorway. Anne started dispensing orders. "No questions. Just let her be. Nick. I'm sorry, but you probably should go somewhere else. She's not going to be able to abide the company of males for a while."

"Do we have some broth? If not, milk would do. Ale? No, she won't be able to stomach it after what happened." Abigail touched Beth's shoulder and headed upstairs.

She continued stroking Beth's hair. "Someone needs to clean out her room. Anything that smells of him needs to go. In fact, it might be best to move her into another room entirely. Can we use the one Terry was in? Or is there another room?"

Lily responded. "We'll figure something out. Come with me, Amanda." They left the room.

"Jen, she's not going to be too happy about it but it would help if we get her cleaned up. Could you help me with her?"

Jen nodded. Anne stood Beth up and Jen moved to her other side. "C'mon, sweetie, let's get his smell off of you."


Spencer faced the others, defiant. "You all know what it's like with her around. Don't tell me you don't all want to fuck her senseless!" He turned to Devon. "She's only one of them. A human. Only a human female. But you wouldn't let me have her. You've tasted her too; you know what it's like. It's your fault this happened! You brought her here."

The others stood back as Devon advanced on Spencer. A seasoned fighter, Devon should be able to easily overpower him.

Devon was hesitant at first, loath to kill one of his own, but Spencer lunged at him, angry and frantic. It ended quickly; Devon ended up with a slash on his shoulder.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

And I hope it's long!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
keep it coming please

Hey just love the story so far but the wait between chapters is excruciating. Worse than waiting for birthday. Should get higher rating though keep the intrigue going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I love the enigma that is Anne. So man, Devon is nice-ish. Alpha males take no orders that do not comply with internal moral code. The wolf in the them will not allow it. Council be damned, Devon is a little sweeter than the other Alpha's....got a little sugar in his tank?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I"m confused

Reread the story and comprehend what you have read. You will then have the answer to your confusion.

lovelocslovelocsover 9 years ago
I'm confused...

Would any leader, anywhere, let an attempted rapist go? It doesn't make much sense that Devon let Spencer get away. Also, crazy as it may sound, I'd like to hear more about Amanda, why is she seemingly OK with being abducted and impregnated?

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