Gillian's Descent Ch. 02

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Female Cop has to work in a brothel.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 12/07/2005
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Police Commander Gillian Anderson felt the shiver run up her spine and turned to her right to once again look at the behemoth of a man sat beside her on the opulent leather back seat of the limousine and once again wondered what the hell she was doing here.

She was en route to whoring out her body once again. The first time had been just last night.

Blackmailed into humiliating herself by an invisible force she had spent a reluctant night as the sex puppet of a man only the night before and had received the crushing news that it had been captured on film and that he was a drug trafficker whose gang had landed a huge haul that same night. The blackmail had just continued from there as the voice on the phone informed her that to stop that footage becoming public and police knowledge she would have to subject herself to a days work in a brothel. It had all happened so fast, she kept thinking that if she only had time to make decisions then she would figure a way out of this with her career (her pride and joy) still intact. But she was given no time and it was only as the offer had been made to her that the limo had pulled up and the huge black man exited the back door to usher the sexy red haired policewoman in beside him. She could have resisted, she could have refused instead conscious of her job and position and in a daze she fell into the deep seat and within seconds the car had moved off.

Beside her, as the car glided through the traffic to the less salubrious area of town, sat Big Duke, a well known pimp around the city. He knew who the Commander was and saw the nasty irony in what she would be spending the rest of the day doing. After all hadn't it been Commander Anderson who had preached and practised the harsh crackdown on working girls in the city, her deep rooted racism very nearly showing on a few occasions. Still despite that he was uneasy at her presence here and what he was being told to do with her. It had taken the man orchestrating this a lot of persuasion for Duke to agree to it and he was getting a lot of payment for this - not in cash either!

Damn! She was a fine piece of ass, policewoman or not. The Johns set up for her today were in for a real treat. It was just a pity they were not regular customers, the blackmailer had set it all up to his design and Duke was in no position to argue with him.

An uneasy silence existed in that back seat as the scared and desperate policewoman sat there, right next to the big, fat, black pimp, the blacked out windows hiding their route.

The car imperceptibly slid to a halt and the driver came round to pen the door and Duke showed his guest out of the car and into the cheap and tacky fire exit door at the back of the brothel.

The interior of the building was no less seedy and Duke noticed that Gillian was screwing her nose up at the curled wallpaper and seemingly abandoned black bin bags that lined the corridor. An unpleasant smell pervaded the tight corridor.

"Don't you worry too much bitch, this is jus' the back entrance, we don't let the punters see this. It's jus' a quick escape when the cops try to visit us (at that he flashed her a smile filled with golden fillings). You're getting much better surroundings for your work."

Gillian said nothing but just followed the big man obediently up a dark staircase that opened up onto a pair of red swing doors that when they stepped through revealed a reception area. Compared to the décor so far, this was luxurious. The effect was somewhat ruined by the surly looking Italian-American brunette behind the desk with a sneer across her face and a half smoked cigarette hanging from her fingers. She cast a disparaging look at the frightened looking red head with Duke and shook her head, thinking 'one born every minute', and returned to her newspaper as the big man led the newcomer past the reception desk and into the hallway beyond.

It was a long corridor and each of the doors was especially left wide open so Gillian could see the occupants as she walked past. In each of the rooms was a woman, most in their twenties, some in their thirties, all were dressed ( or undressed) in lingerie of all shapes and colours. Each returned Gillian's stare dolefully, to them (who knew nothing of who this new recruit was) she was just another competitor, another whore. At the end of the corridor Duke pushed open the last door and showed Gillian into the room. It was sparsely furnished, just a double bed and a mirror and a wardrobe. She was immediately conscious of the state of the art camera in the corner of the room. Duke just smiled at her.

"We save this room for 'specials', today you're getting to use it, you should feel honoured."

Gillian just snorted and surveyed the depressing room.

"So what do I have to do?"

There was a resignation and acceptance to her fate that had not been in her voice even this morning in the back of the car.

"You can start by getting into those."

He pointed at some underwear on top of the bed. Gillian looked with distaste at them then picked them up in her hands. All they were was a cheap pair of lacy, black panties and a matching bra. She held them up and looked at her escort, expecting him to leave her alone to undress.

"No can do bitch. My instructions are clear. You strip off those clothes and get into those panties, then I take your suit and you can make yourself comfortable for your first customer. So get stripping!"

She sighed and considered rebelling but she was just so beat down mentally and had already decided she would do whatever it took to build her career so imagine the depths she would subject herself to to preserve that hard fought for career. Trying to maintain some semblance of dignity was near impossible so she just stripped off the power suit jacket, her matching trousers, her white silk blouse and finally her very expensive lingerie. She felt the big black guys gaze upon her naked body and hurried to get her new clothing on. By design the panties and bra were a size too small and the fabric of the panties disappeared in her ass crack and her bounteous breasts very nearly overflowed from the cups of the trashy bra. If the idea was to make her feel even worse about herself it worked. She sat down on the bed as the big man took her expensive clothes and felt like a frightened child. She wanted to know who was doing this to her and why and what lengths they would go to to humiliate her.

"What do I have to do?"

"Easy sugar, the 'clients' pay a tribute to Carla at reception, after that they deal direct with you. You ask what they wanna do, oral is $30, in yo' pussy is $50 and in yo' ass is $70."

Anything else is usually $100 an' up to the girls discretion whether they want to do it or not – I been told you ain't getting that choice. Whatever they wanna do, you make sure they're happy."

Gillian's stomach literally turned as he spoke the prices. It made it all seem so real. $30 to suck some strangers cock! She gave bigger tips at restaurants. Duke saw the sour look on her face and smiled at her, enjoying her discomfort.

"No arguments, that's what the man wants, and what he wants you and me do, understand? Now you'd better get ready, first customer'll be along in ten minutes or so."

He left and closed and locked the door behind him, leaving the Police Commander sat on the bed in just her skimpys to contemplate the day to come. What a depressing room it was, as the minutes ground past she forced herself to her feet and examined her surroundings closer, opening the wardrobe and recoiling away at the collection of sex toys held within. Further along the corridor in a closed room, Duke entered and handed the clothes to the man sat before the surveillance cameras, the man who was arranging all this.

"I see she seems to be taking this all in her stride."

"Yeah well, the sooner this is done with the better. I get the feeling the bitch is going to come after me like hell when this is all over."

"Hey don't worry about it, I've got it covered she's not going to be going after anyone much after we're done with her. By the way that looks like her first punter in your reception."

The pimp turned to the bank of cameras that the man was watching and watched the scene taking place in his reception area.

"Oh you gotta be jokin'!"

"Nah, afraid not, he's got the cash you just go and guide him down to the Commander, he knows what to do."

There, stood in the reception area was Harry Ramp, a career hobo, a vagrant from the cities slums. He was clad in his usual outfit of long, patched up tweed coat and battered hat and was pointing at the receptionist with his fingerless gloved hands. Carla for her part was not about let someone like this in, whether he could pay or not. Duke smoothed it all over though, telling her that it was OK and to let him take care of it. As soon as they departed along the corridor Carla had to get out the air freshener to try and get rid of the foul stink of piss and sick that seemed to have arrived with him. Duke ignored the smell and led him quickly along the corridor to Gillian's room, unlocked it and left the two of them together.

At first, when he entered. Gillian only really registered him as the first client she would have to deal with, it was only after a few moments that she fully realised what he was. Damn! Whoever was arranging all this really must have hated her!

"Here's thirty dollars Missy! I want a good, long blow job!"

It was more money than he had held in nearly ten years but he was getting ten times that if he did this as he had been told, and Harry might have been a tramp but he wasn't dumb.

It would probably be the nearest the hobo got to washing his dick all year but that mattered not to Harry or the watchers in the CCTV room as Gillian obediently slid off the bed and shuffled over in front of the man. She had been broken, tamed and could see now way out other than to do as she was instructed. They had kept her off balance all the way since this nightmare began and despite being a smart, powerful woman (who had made it all the way to Police Commander) she could not react quickly enough and smartly enough to think of any way out.

Harry thrust the crumpled thirty dollars into her hands and quickly undid the bit of string around his scraggly trousers and out flopped a semi hard cock buried in a bush of unkempt, musky, matted black pubic hair. At that sight Gillian baulked, she couldn't do it. No way. But despite that why was her mouth open? Why were her eyes screwed shut and her jaw set in acceptance? Harry didn't wait to find out before jamming his pelvis forward and sticking his stiffening cock into her mouth and just to make sure he fastened his hands onto the top of her head to keep her in place.

"My god! She's fucking doing it!" exploded Duke who was sure she would have backed out, "you must have some serious shit on that bitch!"

In the room, and on her knees, Gillian was very close to gagging and being sick. The smell and taste were vile and sour but more than that it was the effect of doing this on her mind that was affecting her so much. After all she had done to get to the position of power she held she was now reduced to sucking a filthy tramps cock for $30 to keep all of that. About the only thing going for her was that Harry was really just doing this to get the extra cash so he could go out and buy a heap of beer and spirits. He had lost his sex drive a long time ago and this was nothing to him, he really just wanted to get it over and done with as soon as possible and get out of here.

He came swiftly, the effect on his little used for this purpose cock, too much for him but it was too quick for Gillian too and she was barely prepared when her mouth was filled with his watery, sour tasting cum. She coughed and gagged and spat some on the floor but couldn't prevent a load slipping down her gullet. By the time she had cleared her throat and recovered enough the tramp had left the room and she was alone on her knees contemplating what she had just done. The door swung open and Duke entered the room, the big black mans frame engulfing much of the light in the room. Gillian looked up and shot him a glance of pure unadulterated hatred.

"You ready for your next customer bitch?" he casually enquired.


Duke smiled at her response, glad she still had a bit of fight or pride.

"Yeah, and then some baby! However, I got good news and bad news for you. Good news is no more blowin' tramps I think someone was just getting their jollies from that! Bad news is you just called your next customer a 'bastard'. That's right it's me, an' I got $150 dollars here that is going to buy me a piece of all yo' holes ho'!"

At that news Gillian's heart sank again, she did not like men in general and had an unnatural dislike for other races and the thought of letting this huge black man fuck her was horrific to her.

"C'mon get those big titties of yours out again and that sweet pussy and here, use this wipe to get rid of the tramps dregs, don't want any of that shit on me!"

Reluctantly Gillian unclipped her bra and revealed her big breasts to Duke and he licked his lips hungrily than she slid her hands into her panties and slid them down her thighs and off so she stood naked before the big man. She could barely look the man in his eyes. For his part he took out his wallet, took three ten dollar notes and pushed them in the redheads mouth contemptuously, then he took five more and pushed them into the folds of Gillian's pussy and another eight and shoved them into her ass.

"Better take that look off your face bitch, you're a whore today and as such you do whatever the customer wants and pretend to like it. Now stash that cash bitch, 'cos you're about to earn it. You can start by getting my cock nice and sloppy for sticking in yo' ass. "

He stripped off his jacket and shirt and undid his trousers to unleash his big black cock (and it was big, seven inches and still not fully hard as he took it in hand and gave it a loving stroke as he watched the policewoman remove the notes from her body and slam them down in the drawer by the bedside). As she turned he had stepped up and she found her lips already touching his dick and as was becoming second nature for her she opened them to allow it access, the contrast of his deeply black cock against her creamy white cheeks quite brilliant. And unlike Harry the vagrant, Duke knew exactly how to treat a whore with his cock in her mouth.

Gillian just knelt on the stained carpet submissively, her mouth open and lips clamped onto the member inside her as the big brothel owner fucked her face with abandon. The smell and the sight of the big bastard offended her sensibilities but there was nothing she could do as he thrust his huge cock deeper and deeper in her mouth with more and more force and got the desired gagging, saliva covered reaction from her. He pounded her face relentlessly, plunging his long, thick cock into her throat almost and when he withdrew his cock slapped it mockingly against Gillian's cheeks, covering her face in spit and cum.

She gasped to try and get her breath back, unaccustomed to the physical workout her mouth and face had taken in such a short time. But she got little chance for respite as Duke grabbed her hair and hauled her onto the bed, easily pried her legs apart and looking deep into her eyes as he eased his weight atop her and slid his sloppy cock into the tight folds of her pussy. She desperately wished he was wearing a condom but had no chance of suggesting it before he was deep inside her and she had never known a cock that big inside her. It filled her cunt and stretched it's walls and she just had time to horrifically consider that huge appendage in her ass when Duke trusted forward hard and began to fuck her.

Gillian felt like a piece of meat as she lay on her back and the big man lay on top of her grunting and thrusting his penis into her, at one point he even leaned his head in close and licked her face, it disgusted her. Compared to him she was tiny and when he had had his fill of her cunt he easily flipped her onto her face and used his shovel like dark hands to pull her fleshy ass cheeks apart and used two fingers to loosen her tight asshole before slipping the tip of his massive dick inside. Gillian bit down on her bottom lip to stifle a moan as he shoved forward and she felt her ass walls expand to accept his relentless forward progress before he mounted an unyielding rhythm of ass fucking the police commander. Damn, he was enjoying this, this bitch had been such a thorn in the side of all the vice perpetrators of the city for so long now and it felt good her being rendered so pathetically helpless. But Duke knew he was on a tight schedule here, others had their shot lined up with this special 'whore' and he pushed into her tight ass even harder and with a mighty groan he sprayed a thick load of cum deep within her bowels. He flopped on top of her back, leaving his shrinking dick in her ass and as it reduced in size she felt the hideous sensation of his cum running down the length of her shit hole and dripping out. She felt so degraded. Was her job and position worth submitting her body to this abuse? The answer was yes, she had gone this far and she was going to do whatever it took to protect herself.

After Duke came a succession of the pimps and drug pushers of the city that had been targeted so hard by Gillian Anderson on her relentless journey to the top. As the afternoon wore on she became more and more mentally and physically tired and began to think more like a prostitute than a powerful professional woman At one point she even counted up all the cash she had made that day, it was a depressing thought.

Finally, at six o'clock Duke re-entered the room. Gillian was sitting on the bed and her head was down in defeat awaiting her next customer and next degradation.

"Just one more to go whore, then I get you outta here for good. But this is a special one so I want you to lie face down on the bed."

Barely registering that this was to surely be the end of day from hell, Gillian sighed and unquestioningly rolled over so that her face was pressed into the worn white pillow at the head of the bed. She didn't flinch as Duke sat on the bed and grabbed her right wrist and fixed a handcuff to it before clicking the other end onto her other wrist. Deliberately, they were police issue cuffs that kept her wrists stiffly together and meant her arms were pretty much neutralised. Duke leaned in close to whisper to Gillian.

"Guess who your last customer of the day is bitch! It's only the guy who is setting all this up, the bastard that is blackmailing you into doing all this!"

This got Gillian's attention and she struggled and tried to turn her head to see the door she was desperate to identify who the fuck was behind this.

"Thought you'd be interested by that bit of news bitch, just a pity I gotta put this on you."

Duke produced a black rubber gimp mask and pulled it tightly down over Gillian's struggling face, successfully blocking all vision and sound and allowing her to breathe only through her nostrils. The door swung open and Duke turned to the man.

"She's all yours man, do what you wanna then get her the hell outta here before she finds out where here is!"

Gillian sobbed with frustration on the bed, the bastard doing all this was here just behind her yet she was helpless to do anything about. She kicked her feet into the bed in anger and twisted her arms at the futility of her situation. But she stopped dead when she felt a cold finger trace it's way down her exposed back. Instantly she knew it wasn't the black man that had put on the mask, that it belonged to another and therefore it was the bastard that was forcing her to endure this nightmare.