Fucking Machine Letters: Sandra

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She tests a friend's toy and gives an uncensored review.
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My girlfriend is always willing to try new things when it comes to our bedroom activities and while she is normally not inclined to suggest an idea she is more than happy to entertain my wishes and fantasies. I'm sure that part of the reason for her enthusiasm is that my fantasies are almost exclusively about giving her bigger, better and more frequent orgasms. What more could a girl ask for?

She has found herself tied down, spread-eagled, blindfolded and gagged, shuddering through climax after climax as I ravaged her glistening pussy with my cock. With much trepidation she spread her lovely cheeks and allowed me to penetrate her exquisitely tight asshole and then thanked me for the mind-blowing convulsions that resulted. Love chairs, vibrators, mutual masturbation, prostate milking, learning to deep throat; the list goes on and on and most of time we get to add a new experience to our repertoire.

Sometimes though, the fantasy exceeds the reality and we have to just smile and move on to something else. As much as my girlfriend likes the orgasms from anal sex the preparation and the initial discomfort destroy the mood for her and I don't get to fuck her tight hole as much as I would like. The same goes for spanking, sixty-nine (sadly, she is unable to multi-task creating another mood-breaker), and public sex.

Fortunately the hits far outweigh the misses but it was my latest failed fantasy that led us down an unexpected path of sexual satisfaction. While browsing an internet adult toy website I discovered a whole page of fucking machines which were essentially motorized shafts with dildos attached for unlimited penetration into any willing orifice. What girl wouldn't want a cock that never got soft and never got tired while moving in and out of her hungry love holes? I found myself fascinated by the idea of using a fucking machine on my girlfriend, imagining the endless orgasms she would experience as a cock that was bigger and longer than my own slid between her wide-spread legs and stroked in and out of her hot, wet pussy for hours while she wrapped her mouth around my hard shaft and coaxed a creamy load of cum down her throat so it wasn't long before the "Endless Love" machine was tested in the bedroom. The story of that failed attempt does not make for very interesting reading but suffice it to say that I now had a fairly expensive fucking machine gathering dust in my bedroom closet and visions of an internet auction dancing in my head to try and recoup my losses. A risqué conversation with a co-worker changed everything.

Sandra is one of my officemates and presented the typical dilemma that confronts every red-blooded male with female coworkers. Long dark hair falls to the middle of her back and frames a wholesome girl-next-door face with a cute nose, a ready smile and sparkling eyes. She is pretty, flirtatious, fills her casual conversations with sexual innuendo and sends dirty jokes through email. It's always a thin line that I have to walk when talking to her because you never know when you're going to go too far and be accused of sexual harassment or damage your working relationship with a woman like Sandra but the fun of talking to her usually outweighs the danger and auction day was no exception.

"How's it hangin' Robert?" Sandra chortled as she bounded into my cubicle where I was preparing to auction my toolbox of pleasure. "What are you do...?"

I swung my chair away from my workstation to see her staring wide-eyed at the pictures I had taken of the machine which I had printed out as I was preparing the auction. I swept the pictures up and waved my other hand dismissively. "Just some junk I'm getting rid of." I tried to keep the nervousness out of my voice as I swung back toward my computer screen and hit the minimize button to hide the auction page. I wasn't quick enough.

"You want two hundred and fifty dollars for a toolbox?" Sandra exclaimed in disbelief. "It better be good in bed for that kind of money."

I chuckled. "Funny you should phrase it like that. It's actually pretty good in the bedroom."

You could have heard a pin drop. I was now standing on the line that should never be crossed in the office. I turned back toward her and watched her reaction. She was standing in the doorway in a form-fitting black dress which definitely displayed her small breasts to their best advantage. She was breathing deeply now and her eyes flicked back and forth between my empty computer screen and the pictures in my hand. He hands twitched nervously at her sides. And just like that she stepped onto the line herself.

"OK, let's see the pictures." She held out her hand which was noticeably trembling.

My brain was riffling through the numerous scenarios that now presented themselves. Embarrassment for one or both of us; a claim of sexual harassment; the most erotic office conversation I could imagine; shock such that Sandra could never look me in the eye again. I pulled the pictures back and slid them into the open envelope on my desk. "I don't really think we should pursue this at the office. If you really want to see the pictures we can grab some lunch and I'll let you have a peek." I figured this would give her another chance to step back from the line and give me a little more comfort if she still wanted to see my fucking-machine in all its glory.

Sandra was staring at the envelope in confused fascination. I watched as her tongue peeked out to wet her lips while her hands continued their aimless twitching. After a moment of contemplation she made her decision.

"How about Giorgio's in half an hour?" Her expression seemed to be daring me to keep pushing forward.

"OK, half-an-hour it is." I swung back to my workstation and pulled up the project I was currently involved with. I could feel Sandra's eyes staring at my back and it wasn't until she stepped away and headed quietly back to her own office that I let out a deep breath and pondered where this was heading.

Exactly thirty minutes later, Sandra reappeared, holding her purse and grinning. "I'm hungry and curious. Let's go!" She tapped her foot impatiently.

I swept up the envelope and some additional pages I had printed out about my little toy from the website where I had purchased it. All the enticing marketing information as well as customer reviews. I figured she would have questions and despite our easy-going friendship I was pretty sure that the lunchtime conversation would get awkward. Plus we were going to a public place so I wasn't sure other lunch patrons wouldn't be a little put-off by a sex-machine discussion. Reading about it would be a little easier.

We walked the two blocks to Giorgio's in record time, making small talk about office politics and the weather while trying to pretend that the envelope in my hand did not exist but it was obvious from Sandra's glances that the elephant in the room was screaming for attention. We quickly settled into a booth and placed our order. As soon as the waitress walked away Sandra held out her hand and grinned nervously.

"Hand it over."

I glanced around at the other disinterested diners, shrugged and slid the pages and envelope across the table. "Here is a full description and some reviews which you may find interesting." I grinned back at her. Now that we had both crossed the line the tension evaporated and I sat back and watched her face as she scanned the pages while flicking through the photographs. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open as she examined a photo of the machine with a dildo attached to the shaft. "How big is this?" she whispered, pointing at the photo.

"Twelve solid inches."

I watched for the first time as Sandra flushed a deep red. I couldn't tell whether it was embarrassment or excitement but even in the dim light of the restaurant the change in her skin color was obvious.

"I thought it might be something like this and I've heard of the Sybian but this is something else entirely. Why are you selling it?" She flicked through the pictures again but came back to the dildo shot and examined it again while she waited for my response.

"Let's just say that it's not everyone's cup of tea." I had decided on this answer ahead of time knowing that the question was sure to be asked. Sexual innuendo is one thing but I didn't want my private life to be the focal point of this conversation. I pasted on a lopsided grin. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

Sandra nodded but I could see that her mind was already somewhere else. Her next sentence had obviously been considered ahead of time as well and left me open-mouthed in shock.

"I can't afford to buy it. Would you consider lending it to me before you sell it?" She dropped her eyes to the table and spoke in a voice so low I had to lean forward to hear the end of the question.

I was totally flummoxed and every sound in the restaurant vanished so that it seemed like we were the only two people in the room. My brain couldn't begin to process all the images that popped into my head. Sandra naked, Sandra lubing up a dildo, Sandra spreading her legs, Sandra impaled on the shaft, Sandra turning on the machine. My mouth was moving but no words came out. I shook my head to try and clear it so that I could respond intelligently.

Sandra finally looked up from the table looking for my answer and saw my head shaking. "Don't say no. Let me sweeten the pot. I can't pay for it but how about if I borrow it and I will write a review of my experiences. It will be for your eyes only. You would have to promise not to show it to anyone else. It would have to be a little secret just between the two of us." She grinned conspiratorially but I could see that the hand holding the pictures was shaking quite noticeably.

I couldn't believe my good luck. I was going to say yes anyway with no conditions and now I was going to get her experiences on paper. The thoughts about what my girlfriend would think flashed by but I chose not to examine the consequences of my deal too closely. I wanted this deal. "You have to purchase your own dildo. It's not really a shareable object."

The waitress arrived with our food cutting off Sandra's response. We settled down to eat again reverting to small talk. After the check arrived Sandra settled back in her chair and sipped her drink. "I've never done...Hell, I've never even thought about doing something like this. I don't think I'd be too comfortable purchasing something like what's in this picture."

"It's a pretty personal thing and there are lots of different types. Big, small, long, thick, hard, soft, solid, and bendable. The list goes on and on. If there's one area where inventiveness shines, it's with sex toys." I was definitely in my comfort zone here having spent countless hours surfing and browsing adult stores pursuing my own perverted interests. "Are you telling me you've never used a vibrator?"

Sandra pondered a moment as if afraid to reveal too much. This was definitely not workplace banter. She sighed. "Yes I have but you can pick up a 'massager' at a drug store. I don't have to shop atthoseplaces." She grinned. "Not that there's anything wrong withthoseplaces."

"I'll give you a good website and you can pick and choose what you want from there. The machine is out in my car so you can put it in your car when we get back to work and return it when you're done your evaluation." My brain flashed the naked pictures of Sandra again.

Sandra eyes now sparkled. "I guess if I've gone this far, what can be so bad about a website." She shifted in her seat. "Let's go. I am actually looking forward to this."

We paid the check and strolled back to work, enjoying the sunshine and talking as if the restaurant conversation had never happened. We were just two coworkers enjoying an afternoon lunch and making a deal on a fucking-machine loan. I transferred a non-descript black and yellow toolbox with a hole bored in the side into her car. The whole day seemed surreal to me as settled back down at my desk, cancelled the auction, sent the website to Sandra and got back to work. Now I just had to wait for the review.


The first few days were frustrating as I couldn't stop thinking about what might be happening at Sandra's house. She didn't avoid me but she also didn't go out of her way to chat me up even though she was just a couple of cubicles away. She stopped by once with a quick update which only served to heighten my fantasies.

"You were right. I couldn't believe all the choices I had. Just thought you'd like to know that it's in the mail. Should be here tomorrow, I can't wait." And with that she strolled back to her own office. I growled under my breath. She must have realized what that simple statement would do to me because a couple of minutes later my email displayed a message from her.

"I plan to thoroughly review it as promised."

Every day after that was filled with Sandra fantasies. It's a good thing my girlfriend couldn't see inside my head but I really couldn't control my imagination.


I turned at her voice to and found her standing in my cubicle doorway holding a large brown manila envelope. My cock instantly hardened as she glanced both ways and then stepped into my office and sat down slowly in the empty seat.

"As promised." She slid the envelope across my desk. My name was written neatly across the top and clear packing tape was wrapped completely around the end sealing its contents. "I would appreciate it if you waited until you got home to read this." She stood up as I picked up the envelope and wiped her hand across her forehead. "I've kept my end of the deal. I expect you to keep this just between us. I don't want to lose my job or lose your friendship."

I casually held the envelope in my lap to hide my excitement from her. "Lunch tomorrow?" My voice actually cracked when I said it, probably revealing how I was feeling anyway.

The grin and the twinkle returned to Sandra's face. "I'm not sure I can walk very far. It was a looong night last night. See you tomorrow." She walked out, leaving me with an envelope that actually felt warm in my hands. The rest of the day was a blur with the envelope screaming to be opened but I felt honor bound by her request plus I wanted to read it in private anyway so it remained sealed.

I actually left work a little early as the suspense was killing me and so I got home before my girlfriend leaving me some alone time to read Sandra's review. I settled onto the bed and slid a knife through the tape unsealing the envelope and pulled out several handwritten pages which far exceeded what I thought she would do with her review. I was expecting a paragraph or two or maybe a single page. I could barely contain my excitement as I read about Sandra's experiences with the fucking machine.


Never in my wildest dreams or erotic imaginings have I ever imagined that I would be writing a letter about my experiences with a fucking machine. Your fucking machine. Just writing the word "fucking" feels strange but a deal is a deal and so I put pen to paper to satisfy my end of it. At first I planned to write only when I was finished this unique experience in order to keep it short and simple but it doesn't seem fair to give you a quick paragraph and so I have decided to give you a running account of my activities. So let the games begin...

I assumed before lunch that it was some kind of orgasm machine and decided to see if I could try it out. The minute I saw the pictures and realized what the toolbox actually did I became a different person imagining what it could do to me. I remember sitting in the restaurant feeling my nipples harden until they actually began to hurt. Each picture sent another wave of pleasure down to my vagina and I am embarrassed to say that you must have been able to sense the effect they were having on me. I was sure you knew my panties were damp with my excitement. I couldn't wait to get home and as I unloaded it from the car I imagined that the neighbors next door knew what I was carrying and that they were picturing me using the device. I rushed up to my room and booted up my laptop so that I could pull up the website you recommended. While I waited I slid my hand up under my skirt and ran my fingers along my labia feeling my hot juices and my soaked panties. You'll be happy to know that within 10 minutes of arriving at home I was totally naked, sitting cross-legged on my bed, surfing the website for dildos with one hand while my other hand roamed up and down my body. My nipples tingled as I fingered and pinched them. They were so tight and hard with excitement that I literally had to gasp at the exquisite jolts of pleasure and pain that emanated from my upraised and heaving breasts. When I finally slid my hand down between my legs I started to giggle at the amount of moisture that covered my fingers. I've felt the heat down there before but this was totally different. The air between my legs felt like the top of a stove giving off waves of warmth that wafted the smell of my excitement all over the room. The first touch of my fingers to my labia set off a muscle spasm in my thighs and sent bursts of pleasurable feelings directly to my nipples. As all these tingling sensations swept over me I got a little scared. If just looking for a dildo to use with this machine was causing this reaction I couldn't even imagine how I would feel when I put "Endless Love" through its paces.

You said something about inventiveness with sex toys and you were so right. I never could have imagined the world that existed on that website. I found myself wandering from item to item imagining how I would use them while my hand continued to idly stroke my juicy slit. It was so exciting that I had to force myself to avoid my clitoris which was throbbing in tandem with my nipples. I knew that if I just so much as touched that hard button I would never finish my shopping and this was one trip where I was eager to continue. It took quite a while to find what I wanted (or thought I wanted) because I kept getting off-track as I clicked through suggestions being offered by the site or a review mentioned an item that sounded intriguing. This was definitely a whole new world for me and I became fairly certain that this would not be my last time at this particular site.

Just the assortment of dildos set my mind to reeling and as I read the reviews and examined each one my finger continually dipped into my pussy, circling the edges of my hole and basking in the heat and juices that continued to emanate from between my legs. Before this moment, I would never have entertained the thoughts that filled my head as I stared at the selection of artificial cocks that were vying for my attention. I stared at a double-headed dildo and without thinking m my fingers slid lower to circle the tight pucker of my asshole. Call me naïve but I had never considered anything penetrating me in that hole but suddenly I wanted to know what it felt like. My juices were flowing like a leaky faucet soaking the palm of my hand as I lightly fingered my tight (I assume it's tight as I have never had anything up there) ass. The tip of my finger probed my anus and because of all of my own natural lube it slid right in to the first joint. I have to say that it was extremely enjoyable and I wanted to explore this new sensation some more but there was more shopping to do and so I reluctantly resumed my languid masturbation while searching for the perfect dildo and it wasn't long before I found exactly what I was looking for.

The minute I saw it my pussy twitched in obvious agreement with my choice. Twelve inches long (something about the idea of a foot-long cock is very enticing), life-like color and shape with veins running the length of the shaft. The reviews raved about it as being stiff but bendable as well as absorbing body heat and feeling like real skin. What more could a girl want? I bought it as well as a couple of other interesting items and as soon as the order went through I brought my other hand down to spread my quivering lips while I finally touched my clit with a firm circular motion that set my legs quivering. As my orgasm approached I slid one finger deep into my pussy, picturing my newly purchased dildo filling me up and as the laptop tumbled to the bed I surrendered to one of the best climaxes I have ever given myself. The contractions were trying to keep up with my wildly beating heart and I fell back on the bed as the feeling spread to my whole body, curling my toes, forcing my nipples to stiffen even more as my world contracted into a single explosion of pleasure.