Literotica Editor's Profile

@mloves has published 0 Works since 01/01/1970

Contact Editor
 I have had extensive experience editing for vocabulary, structure, grammar & readability. Sadly, all my editing to date has been of technical & legislative documents. I'm new to editing fiction, but I don't see that as a problem. The following is a sketch of my experiences, so you known what scenarios, I can help with. I read voraciously, at least one novel, one pice of nonfiction, & one on guitar or music per week. I am in my late 50s and a widower. I've been married twice. Once for two years, ending in divorce. Once for 25 years ending in cancer & death. My day life is full, I'm retired, I ride a BMW. I Drive a BMW coupe, I play guitar, bass & banjo... banjo badly. I've tried most legal heterosexual kinks, & enjoyed many of them. I can be bisexual in the right circumstances, but it is rare & not a major part of my sexuality. I have lived & worked as a computer engineer on every continent, bar South America & Antarctica. I currently live in a sub-tropical part of Australia. I'm an experienced outdoors man. I can put a 303 British round through a 12inch bull at a 1,000 yards, standing. With iron sights. I can hunt, kill & dress my own game, but only for food or pet control. I do not hunt for trophies or pleasure. Taking an animal’s life is as serious as it gets, so I don’t do it lightly or callously. Some of the things I won't tolerate in real life are... sadism, sexual violence in any form, thievery, assault, murder & bullying. Also, deception, cheating & any form of DV or mistreatment of women & children. I'm 6 foot tall 190 lbs & in pretty good shape. I shave my head every day. My goatee is tending to white, rather than grey... and it is long... about seven inches. I have extensive tattooing, mostly it can be concealed with long sleeves & a button up shirt. I look good in a dinner suit, & lounge suit, normalish in chinos & shirt, odd in shorts & a T. Apparently I'm intimidating in board shorts or my leathers... some people are just pussies. I have a firm grip on the separation of reality & fantasy. I offer totally confidential editing & proofreading, with an honest & gentle critique. If you'd like me to take a look at your work that would be great... if not, don't worry about it.
This editor will edit stories in the following categories:
Contos em seqüência
Ficção Científica & Fantasia
This editor can edit stories in the following languages:
Submission Format
This editor can accept submissions in the following formats:
Text file (.txt)
Rich Text file (.rtf)
Microsoft Word document (.doc)
Member Information
01/01/1970Member since
09/26/2024Editor since
09/26/2024Last updated