What text formatting can I use in stories published on Literotica?

Tens of millions of people visit Literotica each month, reading stories and other works on thousands of different device and browser combinations. More than 50% of Literotica members today read on small screen mobile devices from Apple, Google, and hundreds of other manufacturers. To that end, a reading experience with minimal formatting is the best way to ensure that your story will appear consistently and quickly for all possible readers.

If you’re submitting your story by attaching a file (Word or RTF), our system should be able to convert simple text formatting to our officially supported tags (see below). Unsupported formatting will be stripped out of documents during conversion. If you’re pasting your story text into the text form and you want to add formatting, please see our officially supported tags list below.

Officially Supported Text Formatting

  • Bold - standard bold text. We prefer the <strong>Bold Text Here</strong> tag for bold, but we still support the legacy <b>Bold Text</b> tags as well.
  • Italics - standard italic text. We prefer the <em>Italic Text Here</em> for italics, but we still support the legacy <i>Italic Text Here</i> tags.
  • Underline - standard underlined text. Please use <u>Underlined Text Here</u> tags.
  • Strikethrough - standard strikethrough text. Please use the <s>Strikethrough Text Here</s> tags.
  • Align Center - center aligned text. Please use <p align="center">Center Aligned Text Here</p> tags.
  • Align Right - right aligned text. Please use <p align="right">Right Aligned Text Here</p> tags.
  • Divider Line - standard divider line. Please use the <hr> tag.

HTML Is Not Supported

Other than the above listed officially-supported tags, we do not support HTML in text published on Literotica. If there is HTML in a document submitted for publication, it will either be stripped out, or we will send the document back to you so that you can remove the HTML before the work is published (delaying the publication of the work).

Common tags that will cause a story to be sent back as unpublishable include: Font Color, Font Size, Font Face, Justification, Indentation, Links, Tables, scripts of any kind, embedding, uncommon ASCII characters, and any other complex formatting.

If you’re submitting via a Word document and you use Custom Styles, our converter may not be able to properly process the file. Word Custom Styles are difficult to convert, so we recommend using standard Word formatting or built in Styles rather than Custom Styles if possible.

If you have special formatting requests for a work, you may enter them in the submission form’s “Note To Admin” field. Please be aware that we may not be able to accommodate all special requests.