Erotic Muses: Thalia

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685 words

Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 07/16/2011
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Despising how I fight with other men,
And wanting me to come to peace,
You, goddess, now deny me pleasure in your bed.
You'll let me come inside you only when
The wars between us brothers cease.
Emasculated are men when by women led.
You let your strumpet friends lift up your dress,
Admiring your so well-pruned bush;
And then allow their hands to fondle your large breasts.
You are unfair, permitting each caress,
And then forbidding me to push
Inside you: I console myself, saying, "She but jests."
My rod of joy now droops from lack of use.
His hopes to rise again one day
Get fainter with each passing minute you spurn him.
You'd end my wars; with you I'd have a truce
So I again can poke your hay,
Suck on your breasts, then kiss and lick your anal rim.
So desperate am I for your three holes
That I'll attempt a full accord
With my belligerent and so unruly brothers.
Women are tyrants when they rule our poles!
The penis, needier than the sword,
Can't disobey when our lovers become our mothers.
To speed the peace talks up, you introduce
The nude girl, Reconciliation:
I feel my rod of joy rise like a warrior's spear!
We end the war, enduring much abuse
From female-plotted sex frustration.
At last, my goddess, I can have you with good cheer.


The goddess-honouring women want me dead
For my harsh words about their sex.
They now debate how they'll get their revenge on me.
Since I have had a price put on my head,
And I fear their so wrathful hex,
I'll send no friend to spy on them (for that would be
Mere cowardice): instead, I'll pray to you,
O goddess, do forgive my sin.
Don't send your worshippers to cut off my fifth limb--
My happy pole, and bag of dangling two!
If I should let your ladies win
Equality with men, be merciful to him.
If you will do this kindness, he will be
A happy pilgrim in your shrine,
Paying you homage as no woman ever could.
No more will I curse femininity,
And I will honour your divine
And blessed self, speaking of girls as only good.
Just let me once again fondle your breasts,
Suck them, and your hard clitoris,
While your red, ruby lips embrace my rod with glee.
I won't see your angry women as pests,
Nor will I so rudely dismiss
Their loud complaints as little more than misandry.
With men and women standing side by side,
And neither taller than the other,
We'll bridge the wide abyss between female and male.
With women now supplanting masculine pride,
Girls' glory's not just as a mother,
But can, no less than men's, ascend, thrive, and prevail.


Your women, dressed as men, now have control
Of our upturned society,
Believing theirs is better than masculine rule.
They'd have none eating from a bigger bowl,
And everyone shares property;
While these seem good ideals, one law is very cruel.
Men first must bed the ugly, then the fair!
All women are available,
But you, goddess, must come after all of those sows!
That I must let a hag sit on my pair,
A judgement unassailable,
Before I can have you, I can never espouse.
Some men don't mind this new equality,
And they'll gladly pay every tax,
Like slaves, obeying all the edicts of their queens;
While other men won't cede their property,
Of principles being very lax,
And yet, the gluttons will devour free meat and beans.
Knowing the sweetness of your milky skin,
How could I settle for the sour
And putrid flesh of some unworthy, ageing cow?
Knowing the timeless joys of dancing in
You, how could I, for even an hour,
Dip my sad manhood in a stinking pigsty? How?
O goddess, let's repeal this unjust law,
Replacing it with common sense,
And giving natural feminine beauty her due.
Give weak and lazy men each ugly maw,
Their noses suffering the offence,
While I enjoy a happy end in bed with you.

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PandoraGlittersPandoraGlittersabout 12 years ago
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