A Fucking Investment Ch. 16


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"Mr. Gale, I mean Joshua, god, I cannot tell you how how how...oh god, that was the best weekend of my life!" She sobered. "I don't mean the sex, you still, you still fuck me the best but god, having a virgin guy of nineteen like that, willing to follow my lead...god, I think I have found my calling. Have any more virgins for me to service?"

I doubted that we'd find many more of that sort or that they'd fit our services so exactly again but I did not want to burst her bubble. She did not smell used and had none of the travel mustiness about her. I said so.

"Oh, I traveled first class and this jet had a shower. I finished just as the plane landed so I am fresh enough to eat." She grinned impishly.

I did not grin back. I decided immediately.

"Come with me." We walked out of the house. She kept lagging so I finally took her by the upper arm and dragged her with me to the Sawyer's house. She clacked along the side walk in her high heels. At first, she seemed chagrined by the loss of her princess status but by the time I rang Eve's doorbell again, she seemed to have retrieved her delight as sex object and was reveling in it. While we waited, she backed up against me and pressed her plush bottom against my very hard cock.

I nearly fucked her on the spot.

The door opened, Eve again.

"No." She said again, like the word gave her pleasure.

"Fuck you. I need the collar and chain."

Jennifer quit her tittering and went still. She finally realized that life in Holdingsfield had continued without her, developing new wrinkles in her absence.

For a moment Eve glared at me, toying with her options. When she settled on one, she lifted her chin and spat her decision at me.

"No. It's mine."

I stared at Eve and she stared at me.

"I am going to fuck her for Rae Dawn Stewart." I said. "It should be you but if you don't want to, then I am sure Mrs. Simpson here, will."

Eve blinked.

I realized the genius of announcing my intentions but despite the synchrony with her, Eve lifted her chin a bit more and said it again.

"No. No, Mr. Gale and you will not convince me."

I nodded. She was as expected, stubborn but her conviction that she discomfited me were far overblown. I turned away before she could close the door, so she didn't, standing there watching me walk Mrs. Simpson back to my house. She was still watching us when I opened the gate to the yard and even while we drove out of the garage I could see her on their stoop staring down the street at me.

I drove across town once again, to the very same grocery store. I realized I wished I had brought the sleeves, wished I had put them on my sex object. I shrugged. This might be just as fun without it. Jennifer had gotten quiet, finding her sex object position in life once more. She still bubbled with ebullience but managed to keep it inside, glowing like ET's homesick heart.

I took her hand in mine and we walked into the place like lovers. She nearly cooed with the sensation. I walked us directly to the pet stand and selected a plain brown collar, I say "selected", I fit it around Jennifer's neck. Once I got the right size I put it on and she fingered it like a unicorn would focus on a second horn. I found another chain and fastened it to her collar.

Jennifer squeaked as I hooked her up. She did not speak but stared at me with big blue eyes, fully aware that something had shifted while she was gone and unsure if she liked what it had done to me.

In that moment I remembered something. She had her own, her own collar with its own chain. I stared at her, collared like a pet in the pet products aisle. Maybe I should have used that but then it occurred to me that this collar and this chain could end up on Ms. Stewart's strong neck. Hardly likely I thought, but possible, desirable and maybe eventually. Still, seeing Jennifer quivering in the pet aisle with the collar around her neck and the chain in my hand excused my oversight and replaced it with lust. She quivered, like a bird dog on point.

I gave the chain a little pull. She half-stepped towards me, shuddering. I knew what I felt, if she felt the same, if we conjugated, there be a fission meltdown, not to mention we'd get arrested. I turned and led her away. She walked with me to a check out line. People stared and pointed again. I felt a vibrant thrill run up my spine and my mind began to whir like a centrifuge. I left Jennifer behind a plainly dressed housewife, dropping the chain between her tits to the floor. I went to the bakery and got two eclairs again. I rejoined her in line. The housewife stared at me with the same mixture of awe and horror, turning away when I ran my hand down the chain, and so down Jennifer's front, to get the lead back in hand. The woman squawked and pulled at her jacket, turning around and averting her eyes. I couldn't tell if it was Jennifer's outfit that exhibited her curves or the collar and chain. I decided it was both and the woman responded to both.

The line was for the same young man I had selected the day before with Eve in tow. When our turn arrived, he eyed Jennifer with undisguised lust. He looked at me with naked fear, like he had a sister tucked away and I was a Cossack come to collect her. He swallowed hard and did the scanning thing with collar and leash. I was daring him to make some comment and to his credit, he did.

"Two?" He croaked. "Have any extras?" He tried to smile. "I think I'd end up with my balls in a jar if I tried to put my girlfriend on a leash."

"Or your cock in her mouth." Jennifer said brightly. "She might like the feeling of being leashed and led around the park." She giggled and shifted her hips back and forth. The couple behind us looked at each other with large round eyes.

"Hush. Don't listen to her. Unless your girl is a straight perv, just stick with dinner and a movie."

"That's a contradiction. Isn't it?" The kid said.


"Straight perv? Isn't that a contradiction?"

I snorted, paid him and walked away to the side. I took out an eclair and held it up before Jennifer's face. When her hands rose to take it, I moved it back.

"No hands." I said.

"Oh!" She squeaked and then her cheeks turned full red. Her eyes danced as she studied the thing. "Ok. Ok. I, I'm ready." She swallowed hard. "All of it?" She asked, eyes glittering with impish delight.

"I dare you." I said softly.

I moved the eclair close to her lips. Her mouth opened and she leaned forward. Her tongue extended and licked off a ridge of soft chocolate.

"Mmm." She moaned, withdrawing to savor the rich taste. "Okay, okay." She opened her mouth again and I touched the end of the eclair to her extended tongue. Instead of taking a healthy bite, the woman pressed her mouth as far down the length of the eclair as she could, taking 80% of it into her mouth. Her lips closed and I realized her eyes were closed. She sucked hard on the eclair and pushed against me. My hand naturally pushed back and the rest of the thing slipped into her mouth. Jennifer closed her lips around. A little gout of Boston cream squirted past her lips, spreading over her chin and out to one cheek.

I moved my hand away and she bent forward, giggling from her throat. Her hands approached her decorated face but halted before she touched anything. She started to chew. More cream dribbled down her chin, a little chocolate appeared on her upper lip. Her tongue appeared swiping at the chocolate but that made things worse, smearing it up so she looked like she had half a mustache. I stood there watching while her mouth digested the whole eclair. I glanced around and found every male within thirty feet of us staring. The women glared either at us or at the man they were with.

Jennifer choked a little and blew air out her nose. She snorted and was laughing hysterically deep in her chest. Her tits wavered. She still wore the business suit she'd traveled in. Her top was white chiffon with ruffles up the middle but showing plenty of cleavage with a green vest jacket and green pants. She looked elegant but she'd just deep throated the eclair, which sort of ruined the general picture.

She chewed and swallowed, chewed and swallowed till she finally got her mouth cleared. I looked at the young cashier and decided to test him. I took hold of Jennifer's upper arm and directed her to stand before him.

"Care to clean her up? Off?" I asked.

He stared first at me then at the smear of cream and chocolate on her face.

I winked at him. I had no idea what he'd do and that was part of the fun of it.

He finally lifted a finger and used it to swipe some of the cream off of her chin. He looked at the cream on his finger then at me, then at Jennifer. She opened her mouth and showed him the tip of her tongue. He moved his finger closer. She extended her tongue and licked the cream off of it.

"Mmm." She moaned. "I do love cream."

The kid got more on his finger and this time, Jennifer leaned into him, sucking his finger into her mouth. She lost suction and the sound seemed to echo around us.

"Jesus fuck a Roman," someone said. "She's sucking him."

She did then, taking his finger completely into her mouth and sucking it for all she was worth.

I glimpsed the store manager glaring down the checking lines at us. I tapped Jennifer on the ass. "We need to go." I muttered.

The kid withdrew his finger.

"Clean up on aisle nine." Someone muttered with a chortle wrapped around it.

I steered Jennifer to the door and out.

She laughed like a hyena on the way to the car.

"Uncle Fudds duds, that was fun!" She cackled. "God, who knew a collar would make me do that? Usually I just get crazy horny and can't think straight! God, I've never felt anything like that. When he touched me, god, I almost got on my knees and opened my mouth so he'd know I'd suck his cock." He glanced over at me, fingering the chain dangling between her breasts. "Only if you uh said I should, I mean." She sobered up.

I wasn't laughing and that inhibited her. I was thinking about Eve's "no" and what to do about it. I already knew what I was going to do with Ms. Stewart. She thought I was lying or bluffing or both and I was determined to show her what I could do with my Holdingsfield women. I drove in silence and Jennifer's excitement subsided till she matched my mood. She took a wet one from her pocket and cleaned off her face. I ate the other eclair while I drove. I felt her watching me like a cat watches you eat a chicken wing.

At the house I pulled into the garage and sat for a moment, settled on my next move and got out.

"Stay here." I said and went into the house. I got the scarlet sleeves and returned to Jennifer. She'd followed me in the house and washed her face. I regarded her outfit. "Do you want to keep these clothes for any reason?"

"He, Clayton, he bought them for me. I showed him how much fun it is to shop for clothing with the right woman." Jennifer chortled. "What are those things?"

"Do you want to keep these clothes or...go change. You should. A skirt. The rest you decide but something you don't mind getting torn. Maybe we do a little shopping of our own to replace it." I didn't grin but wanted to. She got it and turned to obey.

I waited impatiently while she flew upstairs and changed. I carried her luggage up to her door and left it outside and then returned to close the garage. I was checking email when she reappeared. She wore a knee length red pleated skirt and a sweater that rippled around her breasts. I bet against the presence of a bra. I nodded approval. Then I smirked. She wore flat sneakers, shit she looked like a cheerleader, a full-grown woman stuffed in a cheerleader's outfit. It did not make her look younger, it made her look available.

It was like I had forgotten the power of her essential sensuality and it rubbed up against me right then. I felt like lifting her skirt to see if she was nude underneath but didn't preferring to respect the fourth wall that I had erected between me and the women I owned. It was like I had to re-seduce them every time. I refused to take liberties at all times so when I did, it seemed special, to us both.

I nodded. "You look wonderful. I am going to fuck you, you understand that, right?"

She nodded. God, her repressed enthusiasm was erotic itself, without all her essential attributes. The woman wanted me to fuck her and that made all the difference. Then she did another perfect thing. She drew up the leash still attached to the collar still around her neck and when she found the leather loop at the end, she extended it to me. Her hand trembled.

I grinned. I could not help myself. Instead of taking the leash, I took her hand and pulled her into a full body embrace. When I kissed her, she seemed to climb up against my body, pressing herself against me with eager intent. She intended to fuck me. That much was clear. I released her lips, released her, stepped away and found the leash. I trailed it out behind me till it dangled loosely between us. She watched with curious eyes till I gave it a gentle jerk and tugged her towards the front door.

I stopped though and went back into the office and got the scarlet sleeves. Jennifer looked askance at them and then at me.

"Turn around." I said softly. She did and intuiting their purpose, she put her arms behind her. I slid one sleeve onto her arm and she bowed her head. Her blond hair covered her face. She arched her back, keeping both arms behind her, straining to touch her elbows together. She knew and understood. Her arousal was incandescent. I put the second sleeve on her right arm and zipped them together. She shuddered. When she looked at me again through the tangle of her blonde hair, her eyes glittered and flashed. Something inside her had shifted to match what had clearly shifted in this environment.

Out we went but rather than turning left to go towards where Rae Stewart lived, I led Jennifer back to the Sawyer's front stoop. I rang the bell again. Again Eve opened the door.

My cock was hard. I rubbed it, staring at Eve. Eve's eyes flicked past me and settled on the collared woman behind me with her arms restrained behind her. I saw her swallow, felt surprise and chagrin radiate from her like a wave of heat. She seemed surprised that her denial yielded this, this affront, an affront that confused and irritated her. I did not understand her calculation but presumed all she cared about was bare resistance and here she faced the consequence of that resistance.

I tugged on the chain and Jennifer drifted closer. I slipped past her and pulled her down to the side walk. The Sawyers had two large blocks at the side of their walk marking the entrance to their yard, they were covered in stucco to match their house style. I turned Jennifer. I wanted her to bend onto the block but with her arms bound...I unzipped her. I bent her down till her hands were planted on the short block. She understood immediately and arched her back, lifting her hips.

While Eve watched, I slowly unbuckled my belt and shoved my trousers down off my hard cock. I scrunched my briefs down and lifted the back of Jennifer's skirt. She was spring fresh nude underneath. She jerked when my finger touched her ass crack. She widened her stance and arched her back more. Her pussy appeared, glistening in the afternoon sun. I touched her and she moaned, deep in her chest. I could feel her quivering, she wanted to speak, to beg, demand and plead. I did not give her a chance. I shoved my finger into her body and she lurched. I pulled it free, wiping it on her skirt. I took my cock in one hand and directed it to her pussy. She felt me and leaned back.

I penetrated Jennifer on the street under Eve's eyes and the afternoon sun. I slid into her like a shell into a gun chamber. She crooned as I penetrated her. She was well-oiled and receptive. The clinch of her body sent zinging sensations radiating from my cock as I entered her. I grasped her by the hips and pulled her to my cock like she was an accessory. What a fucking accessory. My god! The feel of her on me in that moment swamped my senses and left me gasping. Her hips were flexing with little micro-aggressions pulsing around my cock as I thrust deep into her bubbling body.

I wanted to come. God, I wanted to grind my pubic bone against her plush ass and see if I couldn't make her scream but I didn't. I pulled my cock out of her. It glittered in the sunlight. I turned with an awkward waddle to face Eve still gawking from her doorway.

"Mrs. Sawyer, come suck my cock." I said in as normal a voice as I could manage.

I don't know what I expected but when she stepped off the stoop and approached me, I felt surprise with the excitement coursing through me.

Eve was nodding. She stopped before me. Her eyes rose away from my milky cock and met my gaze.

"This, this I will do." She grated and got to her knees. Her hands clamped onto my thighs. She steadied herself and her head rose up. Her tongue extended and she licked around the head of my cock. I thought sure my hair was standing on end. She licked my cock clean.

She started to get up but I put a hand on her shoulder and kept her on her knees on the concrete. I turned and pressed my cock into Jennifer once more. My sex object had watched the other woman tasting her on my cock. When I entered her, I think she tipped over into a low intensity orgasm that bubbled along without really exploding, like the rush of a subterranean river. I pushed deep into her body, stirred around a little and pulled free. I turned to present it to Eve.

I had to shuffle closer but Eve's hand found me and pulled at me. This time she did not use her tongue but sucked my cock directly into her throat. Jennifer foamed around Eve's lips as they skimmed down my cock. She buried her aristocratic nose in my pubic hair and sucked hard on my cock. I struggled against her hold finally grabbing a knot of her hair to pull her head back.

She wanted to make me come. It was some sort of contest, some sort of challenge Eve was engaged in without anyone else being involved. I felt it and if I hadn't wanted to come in Jennifer for Ms. Stewart, I'd have pumped a gallon of cum into Mrs. Sawyer. I didn't. I used my hold in her fine hair to pull her off my cock. Her eyes were fierce but finally she released me, all affront and private antipathy.

I redressed. Eve did not move, watching me from her knees on their walk. I glanced past her and saw John inside the house, observing his wife sucking my cock. He did not notice my notice. I picked up the end of Jennifer's lead and led her down the street towards Ms. Stewart's house. Eve got off her knees but stared after us, finally turning her straight back and stumbling into her house. I know because I kept looking back to see if she would follow. She didn't.

When I quit looking back, and after we passed by my house, Jennifer asked where we were going.

I was going to answer her but my phone rang. I glanced at the face of it and saw it was Mrs. Grayson.

I stopped and put it to my ear. Jennifer huddled up against me, her body quavered with sexual tension. It could have been me, I guess. Both of us were affected by Eve blowing me in broad daylight, that was more likely.

"Hello?" I said. "Joshua Gale."

"Alan, I need your help."

I glanced at Jennifer. "This Joshua Gale."

"Oh, I am sorry. Of course, Joshua, that was who I called. Please, I need your help."

"Mrs. Grayson, so nice to hear from you. Yes, Mrs. Simpson got home just fine."

"She's there? Okay. Listen, I need a huge favor."

"Oh? Business or pleasure?"

"I, er, both, this is family. Sort of. My sister, she is a pig's idiot, a farmyard jester of the first order. She ran off with her trainer several months ago and her husband who is a good enough guy was not wise enough to change accounts and isolate their holdings from her. She drained their accounts and left them broke. By them, I mean my nieces and Phil, her current husband, the girls' step-dad. He, he called a while ago and said the girls had quit college and had taken to hooking out of his house to make money, for them and him. He cracked a vertebra in his back some weeks back and cannot work, can barely move. They refused to take money from me and he won't either. They said any of my money they'd just blow on blow and hookers. I keep offering to help them but they don't have any interest in my help. I want you to help them."