A Kiss That Counted


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'She's a bit . . . er, envious of me and you. Or should that be you and me? I had to tell her a little white lie about tonight. I guess my cover's just been blown.'

Hev clearly couldn't have cared less about Vanessa's envy.

'Different kettle of fish to Madge, isn't she?'

The answer to that was only too apparent. Madge was the pillow queen to end all pillow queens while Vanessa was Miss Activity in every last way. It had been a struggle to get to go down on her more than just once or twice.

Not that now was time to talk out of school.

'All girls are different,' said Viola, hoping she sounded strong, confident and maybe a tad wise.

'Did you get any sort of a go at her?' Hev asked in response.

It was Viola's turn to roll her eyes. 'I can't believe you asked that.'

'But did you?'

Viola couldn't help but glance at Vanessa over there on The Corner.

'I might have,' she conceded.

'Lucky old you,' Hev laughed. 'Fancy having a go at me a little later, no holds barred? You can have me all night if you want, you calling the shots all the way.'

Gulp! Viola's time with Heather so far had been more or less shared fifty-fifty as far as input went. But, budding in experience as she was, she already knew that deep down she preferred to give.

And what was Hev suddenly allowing her?

Chance to spend all night fucking the world's sexiest woman!

Hev had her sussed all right and was giving green lights all the way.

So was that an offer she couldn't refuse?

Make that a yes.

Chapter Six

Two, maybe three hours into their new session and Viola was flagging a bit. Not that she was close to wimping out. Oh no, in possession of the harness she'd been hammering away at Hev relentlessly.

No, scrap "hammering": she'd been making love to her persistently and tenderly.

Okay, so a certain amount of vigour had been involved, but so too had a lot of soft and gentle.

And Hev was obviously relishing every last second. Constantly commentating on proceedings, never once using a swearword, she was the epitome of enthusiasm.

The word "yes" was only used a fraction less frequently than "more".

Meanwhile "please" and "good grief" vied for third and fourth places.

That enthusiasm was catching, too. Currently Hev was on all-fours on her bed with Viola kneeling just behind her. Viola was . . . persistently and tenderly . . . easing a rather long purple dildo in and out of Hev's pussy; one attached to Viola by that oh, so trusty harness, her movements careful yet strong in all of the right sort of ways.

Wasn't it a sight to see!

In and almost out, in and almost out, again and again and again.

Everything about the experience was good. As recently as last Sunday, Viola had balked at the idea of using a pre-used sex toy with Hev or anyone else. Now, her experience exponentially grown, she had a different opinion.

Now she thought that sharing was great.

In and out, in and out, the flesh of Hev's very retentive, swollen pussy moving with the toy's motion, a regular liquid sound accompanying the sensational sight, her own flat tummy flexing as she thrust and re-thrust, her harness-clad groin slapping the cheeks of Hev's super-sexy bum.

Viola was building as she went, slowly but surely. The amount of friction from harness and attachment wasn't enormous but it was there. So too . . . and infinitely more so . . . was the thrill of pleasuring Hev so thoroughly. Thus far tonight Viola had cum twice; and most satisfactorily every time. This third cum promised to be bigger and better by far.

Hev was miles ahead in that respect, however. There again, Hev came for nuts.

How lucky was she!

Too freaking lucky, to be honest. Hev even had a "wave theory". Yes, she claimed orgasms were like the sea: the first wave was small, the second a little larger and so on until the seventh, which could be as good as colossal.

This time last week Viola's record had been three cums in one night, an honour which was held jointly by a guy (fated to be her last-ever male lover) and her rather experienced right hand. Back then her chances of having as many as seven orgasms straight after each other (yes, seven!) had seemed like science fiction.

Except she'd fallen in with Hev and seventeen suddenly seemed a more reasonable target.

Not that Hev limited herself to numbers in the teens. Her target was more likely to be seventy-seven or maybe even seven hundred.

Orgasmic or what! Viola's admiration was boundless.

'I'm close,' Hev warned, as if in cue.

'Me too,' Viola gasped. 'Hold on, let's go together.'

'Rats,' Hev gasped back. 'But okay then. Good grief, yes. Keep doing that!'

Almost subconsciously Vi had changed position, straightening her knees, sliding her hands off Hev's slender waist, up over her deeply tanned, perspiration soaked skin and onto her shoulders, gripping them tight under her mane of black hair.

The change of angle of attack seemed to work for Hev.

'Yes, yes,' she moaned, 'that's perfection; more, more, more!'

It felt good to Viola as well. So did letting go of her lover's shoulders and clasping her tits, which were beyond belief. Those bazoomas of Hev's were big without being too big and incredibly firm. And her nipples were disproportionately astounding. The girl could have made millions with them on-line, and all without ever needing to show her stunningly beautiful face.

That last thought was a bridge too far.

'Hev,' Viola gasped.

'Me too, me too,' Hev responded.

And they came together, their bodies bucking and clashing, writhing in perhaps five minutes of sheer ecstasy that might actually have lasted five hours.

Or maybe even five years.


Panting for breath, Viola finally rolled off Hev and flopped on her back, doing a very poor initiation of a freshly-landed cod. Hev meanwhile had collapsed onto her bed and was face-down, chuckling as she also panted for breath.

'I enjoyed that,' Viola managed eventually, staring at the ceiling, wondering if she'd ever have strength in her legs again.

'I didn't just enjoy it, I loved it.' Revived already, Hev rolled onto her side, flinging a friendly leg across Viola's boneless ones, pressing their upper bodies together and rubbing noses.

'Come to think of it, I think I love you.'

Viola refused to read too much into that. Hev "loved" lots of things and folk. The "L" word for her didn't mean the same as it did for most others. She was quite capable of loving ten people at the same time, and without being faithful to any of them.

'I think it's your turn next,' said Viola.

'Copping out already?' Hev laughed. 'Come on girl, there's miles in your tank yet. Want to tie me up?'

That roused Viola out of her post-coital inertia.

'Why would I want to do that?' she asked aloud, although her mind was already whispering more than just one suggestion.

'So I'm defenceless and at your mercy,' Hev replied gaily, 'you can gag and blindfold me as well if you like. Then you can do anything under the sun. You can even shag my ass.'

That struck a sour note with Viola. Having Hev bound and defenceless was an intriguing idea, to say the least, but fucking her anally appealed not at all.

'Sorry,' she said, 'not my scene.'

'What do you mean? The tying up bit or the ass bit?'

'The ass bit.'

'No worries. That's horses for courses. Some girls do, some don't. There are girls who'll give and girls who'll only take. And there are a select few who are game for both. Then there are guys with a whole load of issues.'

Viola's ears pricked up at that. 'You've fucked guys up their asses!' she exclaimed.

'Language,' Hev chided, chuckling and rubbing noses again. 'Of course I have,' she added. 'Some of them want to do it that way. I usually say yes, so long as I get to go first.'

'And they play along?' A new thought gripped Viola. Before Hev could answer her question she asked another: 'Did Dwayne play along?'

Dwayne had been Heather's date at Katie's party, seemingly a million years ago, in reality as recently as last Friday. He was black, handsome, supremely athletic and top of most female students' hit lists.

But he was not a chart-topper for having his sexy ass fucked. Leastways he wasn't in Viola's opinion.

Not up until right now.

'I can't possibly answer that,' said Hev with the disdain of Maggie Thatcher shrugging off an annoying peasant of a journo.

'You're grinning so I guess you have just answered.'

'No comment.'

'Are you the Iron Lady or what? Smile if you've had him up his ass.'

'That's not fair!'

'Bugger fairness, you're smiling. Therefore you have.'

'That's flimsy evidence to say the least. It'd never hold up in court.'

'Never mind holding up, let's go back to tying up.'

Chapter Seven

Under no pressure whatsoever Viola admitted she'd never done bondage. She also truthfully admitted that veering in that direction might be fun. She was coy about it, though. Indeed she downplayed her interest.

The truth was slightly different.

Her very first hint of sexual excitement had occurred during a childhood game of Doctors and Nurses. One of her friends had practically immobilized her with bandages and the rush had been strange but way beyond forgettable.

Very young, long before any sexual maturity, without even knowing what sex was, she'd undoubtedly experienced her first taste of arousal.

It was one of those standout memories: the sort of recall that never fades, puzzling or not.

Right now she recalled it in Glorious Technicolor, HD . . . you name it.

'Okay, Hev,' she said, impressively casual, 'if it lights your fire.'

'You want to?'

'Yes; why not?'

More revitalized than ever, Hev bounced off the bed and went to root about in her toy drawer.

Viola admired the view. Hev was as tall as she was but her build was something else. Whilst strongly made she was feminine and sexual. Or was "feminine" a misleading word? What did "feminine" mean in any case? Soft and sweet with bright blue eyes and curly blonde hair or cuddly and cute with brown eyes that melted hearts and souls?

Stereotypes like that failed to include Heather. She had long jet-black hair, flashing eyes and carried a sense of the unknown, maybe even a sense of danger. But that aside, her looks and the shape of her was guaranteed to attract every last admirer of womanhood, be he or she male or female.

In Vi's opinion every straight man on the planet simply had to desire her; that was a given. And, when it came to women . . .

Well, she was still unsure about the lesbian community. As far as she was aware some preferred girly girls while others went for mannish, unattractive types. But who could like women and not be attracted to Heather? Females were more astute than men, obviously, but surely any girl who liked girls had to be allured by a babe like her?

Surely what worked for straight guys would work for lesbians of all types?

Or was she deluding herself, faced with the sight of an exceptionally sexy ass stooped over a drawer containing countless playful possibilities?

Hev came back to the bed with a handful of long, silk scarves. Some of them were monochrome but bright for all that, others were patterned and quite marvellously multicoloured.

'These green ones are supposed to go with my eyes,' she said. 'But I'll leave the choice to you.'

Viola had to agree with the match but didn't know where to start. Clumsily, she explained her naivety and asked Hev to show her how it should be done.

'Tying up's not exactly my thing,' she whimpered. 'Maybe you could demonstrate?'

'I'll use these white ones,' Hev said, 'they'll look good on your beautiful black skin.'

By then Viola was oozing, almost gushing. She would have agreed to anything.

'Bugger the colour coordination,' she said, 'please, Hev, just get on with it.'

And, in a flash, just like that, Hev looped a scarf over her right wrist and secured it around one of the rails at the head of her bed.

Now Viola really did gush. How extremely arousing was that! One fancy knot and she was secured as tight as could be. No way could she pull loose. A single tug verified that. The knot tightened when she tugged on it. The more she tugged, the tighter it got.

How utterly thrilling! How out of this world!!

Without pausing for thought, Viola offered up her left hand.

'Hey,' said Hev, 'this is only a demonstration.'

'You're demonstrating too well. Tie me before I self-combust.'

Hev's eyes were the same emerald green as the scarves she'd kept in reserve. They were expressive most of the time and blazing right now. She secured Vi's other hand without being further prompted.

Fuck, thought Viola, she's nearly as excited as it am.

And that was too much. Viola gushed again. And she gasped out loud, thanking the goddesses of sex and loving, naming names she hadn't known she knew.

Aphrodite was perhaps the most obvious, Hera, Freya and Venus a little less so.

With apologies to Venus, of course; how could she ever have demoted her!

Venus, Aphrodite . . .

Yes, yes, yes, her mind reeled, gushing almost as avidly as her pussy.

'You want blindfolding and gagging?' asked Hev, as though she was asking about preference for with or without sugar.

'Not either,' said Viola, 'I want to see everything. And I want to tell you how well you're doing.'

'Good choice. I would do too.'

So saying, Hev began unfastening Viola's harness.

'Be a darling and lift up your ass,' she said, very much like a nurse addressing a bed-ridden patient.

Obliging, having her symbol of dominance removed and exceptionally aware her hands were well out of commission, Viola did wonder what she'd let herself in for.

All that ass talk! What if Hev went for it after all!


Turned out it was like heaven. Heather began by straddling Viola and, painstakingly slowly, lowering herself until her pussy was square-on with her mouth.

Being an obliging sort of a girl, Viola licked, kissed and nibbled wherever she could, triggering several floods of appreciative juice, all of which she enjoyed enormously.

Heather tasted so good! She always did and that night was no exception.

And she was cumming relentlessly. She obviously liked the experience nearly as much as Viola did.

Yes, yes, yes!

Eventually, after a timeless expanse, Hev lifted off Viola and, sliding her beyond delicious body along Viola's, devoured her own spilled juice. And there was a lot of it. Viola had done her best but rivers of cum were not easy to mop up. Not when they were flowing like the Nile in monsoon season.

Cheeks, chin, neck and tits, never once hurrying, Hev devoured every last drop. And Viola relished all of the attention.

Good, good, good, more, more, more!

Viola's sole regret was that, tied as she was, she was unable to delve her hands deep into her lover's hair, or to grip her just anywhere, using her fingers to urge her on and on.

Fuck but Heather was fit.

And she was skilful, intrepid, incredible . . .

Viola wriggled and writhed. Vigorously cumming in Heather's face didn't seem to be altogether an adequate response. No, cancel that. Cumming vigorously in her face was the ultimate tribute.

She only wished she could do it forever.

Chapter Eight

(Friday 18th October 2002)

Heather untied her willing captive sometime into the early hours of the new day. Relieved of the strain on her arms (a strain which she hadn't previously noticed), Viola happily engaged in a lengthy session of alternating kisses, hugs and sixty-nines. Then, to her great amazement, Hev fell asleep on her.

The girl was mortal after all!

Cuddling close, Viola found her own breathing had fallen in line with Hev's and their heartbeats were as likely as not in tune. And didn't their bodies fit well together? How lovely was that!

Perhaps five minutes after Hev dropped off Viola joined her in dreamland.

And, who could possibly know how long later, her previously forgettable dreams became interesting.

Not normally big on remembering nocturnal ramblings, this was one she would never forget. Seemed she was some sort of princess or empress, someone exalted along the lines of Cleopatra at least, or maybe even Nefertiti. Whoever she was she was encamped in some sort of vast pavilion, surrounded by a harem of beautiful women.

And attention was being lavished on her.

Two stunningly beautiful black ladies were steadily working on her tits, one to the right and one to the left, using their fingers, lips, teeth and tongues. Meanwhile two darkly tanned babes were standing by, fanning her with enormous feathers (from an ostrich, surely they had to be) while a couple of oriental-looking girls occasionally fed her grapes. And a third girl, a blonde with pale skin and light green eyes, from time to time put a silver chalice to her lips, encouraging her to sample the most gorgeous tasting of wines.

Not that her lower body was being ignored. Two separate mouths . . . belonging to two Asian-looking beauties . . . were busily sucking her toes. And, best of all, an Amazonian dreamboat was down there doing best-ever things to her pussy.

Floating in the air, Viola steadily rose higher and higher. She'd plateaued before but not ever at such dizzying heights. Like wow, she was higher than mountains! And she could go higher yet. It wasn't an idle ambition, it was a reality.

Beautiful girls lining up to pleasure her, ten at a time, a string of hundreds of them waiting in line, all of them wanting to do their utmost . . .

The thought was too much. Viola came violently.

And instantly snapped open her eyes.

She'd had a wet dream. Not unheard of but far from unique.

For giddying moments, her most intimate muscles still vigorously contracting, she didn't know where she was. The climax was all that mattered.

But then it occurred to her that she wasn't in her own bed. In fact she wasn't in anyone's bed; she was lying on Hev's!

Omigod, I just came all over Hev's expensive duvet cover! And that really was of monsoon season proportions!!

Filled with chagrin, she sought an excuse.

Then it dawned on her she didn't need one. Nine of her ten lovers had been figments but not the tenth one. Then tenth was busy down there even now; the Amazonian one.

It was Hev.

Omigod, Hev had started eaging her while she'd been fast asleep.

How wicked was that!

How wicked and how utterly fucking marvellous!!

'Jesus, Hev,' she murmured, free this time to run fingers through the girl's long, damp hair, wanting the attention to last for a long, long time if not forever, 'what are you like!'

Hev mumbled something indecipherable in reply, not breaking off contact.

'It's rude to talk with your mouth full,' Viola countered. 'Didn't they teach you that at that posh school of yours?'

Turned out they'd taught her other skills.

And it turned out Viola adored all of them.


Sharing a shower together was fun as per always. But walking in to uni was less so. Viola asked Hev about the coming evening and was disappointed by her reply.

'Katie,' she almost exploded. 'That's three nights in one week.'

'Relax,' said Hev. 'I wouldn't agree a date with her until I'd sorted my next with you, remember? Once I had I gave her the choice of Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. She went for all three and I fobbed her off with Wednesday and Friday. I'd sort of pencilled you in for Thursday. Lucky guess, eh?'

That only marginally placated Viola, well intentioned or not.

'It's still an indecent number of nights.'

'Compared to four nights and two afternoons with you in the same week, and with the whole weekend to follow?' Hev laughed. 'Trust me, Viola; I have never had as much sex with anyone in a week as I have just had with you. And that's already, with Saturday and Sunday yet to come. I'm in real danger of overdosing. And I'm up for it like nothing else.