A New Life


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"Well, everyone. I've had enough fun for one weekend. I have to work tomorrow."

Everyone says good bye. I get dressed and go home. I fill the tub and pour some Epsom salts in. I soak till I run out of hot water. I fall into bed and go to sleep immediately.

For the few months it's fucking and sucking every weekend. It's a completely different life from what I had. I'm slowly confirming in mind that Venus is right. It was my little boy ego that caused all the trouble between Sarah and myself. I feel some guilt and shame that it caused me to lose the love of my life. At the time it seemed like the right thing to do, but hindsight is twenty twenty. Then it comes to me. I wonder if I can right the wrong. It's been so long it's possible that Sarah has moved on and found someone else, much as I have. I love Venus and Sandy and Brad and Jerry are my best friends. I also wonder if Sarah were here now would she fit in with my group of friends and lovers. I decide to leave the past in the past.

One evening after work I'm driving home. I look in my rear view mirror and I see a cop coming up on me. I check my speed and see that I'm under by five miles per hour. I keep a steady speed knowing he will pass me. I see him slow and match my speed about twenty yards behind me. He pulls up close and turns on his overheads. I pull to the curb and stop. I wonder what's up.

"Good evening, Sir. May I see your license, registration and proof of insurance?"

"No problem, officer. It's in my glove box."

"Go ahead."

I pull out my papers and hand them to him. I pull out my wallet and give him my license.

"Sir, did you know your tags are expired and your license is due for renewal next month."

"Sorry. Officer. I wasn't paying attention to that. I guess I should switch everything over. I just moved here and got a job."

"Ok. I'll let you go. Just make sure you take care of this. Have a good evening."

The next day I beg off work early and go to an insurance company. I get a rider and go to DMV. I register my truck and take the written test. I pass and get a temporary license. They're really busy and the let me slide on the driving test. I go back home and get ready for another weekend of fucking and sucking.


It's been almost a year since Eric left. I'm pretty much used to living alone now but I think about him all the time. I date a few guys but it's one and out. No one can measure up to Eric. He set the bar way too high. I still hold out hope that we can get back together. I know the chances are slim but the hope is there.

One day I'm sitting in the break room eating lunch. My cell phone rings. It's Clyde.

"Sarah. I think I found Eric. A guy in North Las Vegas by the name of Eric Larsen registered a Ford F100 truck and got a Nevada drivers license."

I almost pee my pants. I've found him.

"That sounds like him. Can you give me all of his information please?"

"How about I email it to you."


I give him my email address and do a happy dance. Maybe there is a chance after all this time we can get back together. I have to try.

The next day I get the email from Clyde. It has everything but email and his phone number. I can't call him or email him so I guess I'll just knock on his door. The worst that can happen is he will slam it in my face.

I give notice at work that this will be my last week. I call the Salvation Army and have them pick up all of my furniture. I throw everything else in the dumpster. I get a motel and finish the week at work.

I load my two suit cases in my car and I'm off. Three days later I pull into North Las Vegas. I find a motel and check in. I find a place to eat and buy a couple of pocket books. I need some time to screw up my courage to meet Eric. The next evening I drive by Eric's apartment building. I see his truck in the parking lot. I don't stop. I go back to my motel. I decide tomorrow is the day.

It's agony trying to pass the time. I try reading but I don't see the words on the page. Nothing on TV holds my attention. Finally at 4:30 I drive to his apartment building I park so I can see the spot I saw his truck in last time. I recline my seat a little and wait. It's hot so I let the car run and put on the AC. Thirty minutes later I see him truck pull in. I get goose bumps as I sit up and look at him. I decide to let him get inside and settled in before I knock. I count to five hundred and get out. I'm as nervous as a teenager on her first date. I almost turn and run away. I ramp up my courage and go to his door.


Tuesday was a hard day. I get home, grab a beer and park my ass in my recliner. I hear a knock on my door. I open the door and my chin hits the floor.

"Oh my god, Sarah."

"Hi Eric."

"Come in. Come in. My god, I never expected this."

"I hope I'm not intruding. I don't have your phone number so I couldn't call first."

"No. You're not intruding. Come in and sit. We have a lot to talk about. Can I get you something to drink, water, a beer, a glass of wine?"

"Some wine would be nice."

I get her a glass of wine and sit beside her on the sofa.

"I have so much to say I don't know where to start. I need to calm down here."

"I need to calm down too. I thought you might slam the door in my face."

"No, that won't happen. I'm really glad to see you. You were pregnant. Where is you baby?"

"I had a miscarriage. Apparently I was never intended to be a mother. The doctor said there were some problems with my baby making parts. I would never be able to carry full term so he tied my tubes."

"I'm sorry for you. That must have been hard to go through."

"It was hard but all things considered I think it was best."

"I thought after all this time you have moved on. You know, found someone else."

"I finally dated a few guys but there was nothing there. I guess you set the bar too high."

"The bar must have went way down the way I left. I'm so sorry about what I put you through. I've done a lot of thinking about that. It was a terrible thing. Some friends I met here made me see it way different. It took me a while to see what they meant but now I know it was just my ego that caused me to leave. Now I know that I was a little boy in a man's body. I couldn't get past the idea that someone was better at something than I was. I'm past that now."

"I don't understand."

"It's pretty simple now. Kevin was better at sex than I was and I couldn't deal with that. It had nothing to do with you. It was all me all the time. I'm learned that I don't have to worry about things like that now. Life is not a contest."

"Wow, it's good to hear that I'm not responsible for our breaking up. I'm just wondering where we are now. I never stopped loving you. I had friends hunt you down in the hope that we could get back together. I never gave you up."

"I never stopped loving you either. I couldn't just turn it off. My friends have taught me a lot about love and they have shown me a different way to live."

"Oh god, Eric. You aren't gay now are you?"

"Holy shit, no. Not that different. Just a new way to love and be loved. I met two ladies and I've come to love them very much. The introduced me to two of their male friends. They are really great friends now. I'm able to love more than one woman. It's kind of hard to explain, but it's a very comfortable life style."

"That is really a different life from what we had."

"So, tell me. what's going on with you."

"Not too much. I decided to come and see you. I haven't planned much after that. I suppose I was going to move on if you wouldn't see me. I didn't know what kind of reception I would get. I thought about going to California and see the ocean."

"Where are you staying now?"

"I have a motel room."

"I have a better idea. Let's go get you stuff and you can stay here."

"Oh god, Eric. Do you mean that?"

"Yep. We have some catching up to do."

I pull her into my arms and our lips meet. All the wonderful memories of us together come flooding back. My tongue finds her lips and they open for me. I feel tears running down between us. I kissed them away.

"Don't cry. I've caused you enough tears."

"I can't help it. I've missed you so much and here I am in your arms. I never thought it would happen again. I may pee my pants."

"Don't worry about them. After we get your stuff you won't be needing them."

"Oh my god, Eric. I can't believe this is happening. I never stopped loving you."

"I never stopped either, baby. Let me get my shoes on and we'll get your stuff. I haven't eaten yet. We can get something on the way back."

Two hours later we are back. After a nice erotic shower I'm balls deep in her magnificent pussy. We're crying, screaming and cumming. After two wonderful fucks we clean up and eat some microwaved Chinese food, naked of course.

"I need to make a phone call. I have to cancel come plans for this weekend."

"Hello, Eric."

"Hi, Venus. I need to beg off this weekend. Something has come up."

"Something came up, huh."

"Yep. Guess who knocked on my door."

"Oh my god. Was it Sarah?"

"You win a cookie. You could have knocked me over with a feather."

"Is everything ok?"

"Everything is perfect.

"Oh god, I'm so happy for you. This is really a nice surprise. Wait till I tell Sandy. She'll pee her pants."

"You two have fun with Brian and Jerry. I'll call you when we come up for air. We have a lot of catching up to do. Then I'll bring her over so everyone can meet her."

"Oh yes. I can't wait to meet her. This is so exciting."

"Bye, bye. I love you."

"Love you too. Bye bye."

"Now, where were we. I think my cock was buried in your pussy."

"Yes. It was. Just where I want it."

We spend the rest of the week trying to fuck each other to death. We don't succeed.


Friday evening I give Venus a call.

"Hi, baby. You all ready to meet Sarah?"

"On god yes. Hurry. Everyone is here. This is gonna be so much fun."

'Fifteen minutes."

"Bye bye."

"Let's go, baby. Time to meet my friends. You're gonna love them. They're really nice, you'll see."

"I'm ready. Let''s go."

Fifteen minutes later I park in front of Venus's house. I run around and pull Sarah from my truck. We hurry to the door. Just as I reach for the doorbell Venus opens it. She squeals and pulls Sarah into her arms.

"Welcome. Welcome. I've been dying to meet you. I'm Venus. Come in and meet everyone else."

I just follow them in and let Venus handle the introductions. Sandy hugs and kisses her. Jerry grabs her, hugs her and smacks her on the ass. Brad grabs her, but he holds the kiss way longer. He slides his tongue in her mouth. Sarah gasps and hangs on. Sarah's face turns red. He finally lets her go and it's plain to see she is turned on. We all sit and Jerry pours everyone some Pink Chablis. We chat for a while. I look at Venus.

"Venus. Why don't you take Sarah in your bedroom and have a talk with her. Sorta like the one you had with me way back when."

Venus smiles.

"Good idea. Come on, Sarah. We need to have a girl on girl talk."

They disappear into the bedroom. I notice she left the door ajar. I look at Sandy.

"Sandy. How about you give us a blow job while we're waiting. You need your cum fix to get things going in the right direction."

"Funny you should ask about that. I was just thinking the same thing."

All of us quickly take our cloths off and sit on the sofa. Sandy grins.

"Yummy. Three nice cock full of cum for me. It doesn't get better than that."

With that said she goes to work. He works her way down the line, savoring three big loads of cum. She sits back with a big grin on her face. She sits astride Jerry's lap and slides his cock up in her pussy. She humps up and down on him. He holds off, making her work for it. Finally she wins and her fills her pussy.

While they are recovering we hear some moans and groans coming from the bedroom. We all look at each other and smile.

"It looks like Venus is explaining things to her."

We all chuckle and listen. The moans get louder. Then two women cry out with some ungodly howling.

A few minutes later they both walk out completely naked. Venus is holding Sarah up. She seems to be having a little trouble walking. I get up and take her in my arms.

"Are you OK, baby? Was Venus nice to you?

"Oh god yes. Really nice. She's so sweet and talented."

"There's more to come. Sit down and relax for a minute. Take a sip of your wine."

We chat for a while, keeping an eye on Sarah. She looks like she can't quite figure out what's going on. It runs through my mind that there is no way she knows. I wait a few minutes watching to see that she has recovered. I walk over to her and pull her up. My arms go around her waist and hers go around my next. Our lips meet and I try to reach her tonsils. She gasps and hangs on. Brad and Jerry move up behind her and start caressing her. I push down on her shoulders. She gets the message and goes to her knees. She takes my cock in her mouth while Brad and Jerry play with her. I can see her pussy juice running down her legs. Brad bends down, wets his finger in her pussy and touches her pink pucker. He sticks it in up to the first joint. She squeals on my cock but holds on. Brad works on both nipples. I pulls her off my cock and lay on the floor. I pull her up over me and slowly slide my cock up in her pussy. She cries out and pushes down hard. Brad moves around and lifts her head. She gently shoves his cock in her mouth.

I glance at Jerry. He has a tube of lube in his hand. He squeezes some out and coats his cock. He squeezes more out and slaps it on Sarah's asshole. She squeaks but keeps Brads cock in her mouth. Jerry sticks two fingers in her and works them around. He looks at me and nods his head. He gets on his knees and pushes his cock against her pucker. He pushes and it pops in just past her sphincter. She squeals on Brad's cock He is holding her on it. Jerry starts slowly stroking deeper and deeper in her. Finally he is balls deep in her. We all start up a good rhythm, stroking deep in all three holes. He muscles start working on Jerry and I. Venus and Sandy lie down beside me. They attack her nipples, each one licking and sucking. Sarah starts cumming. Animal noises are coming out of her nose. We all say at it, making her cum and cum. She moves her hand up and grips Brad's balls. He gives up and fills her mouth. She sucks every drop. He pulls out just as Jerry and I cum. Sarah screams and our cum fills her. We keep stroking and she screams again. Huge orgasms wrack her mind and body. She gives one last scream and falls on my chest. Jerry and I both pull out and I roll her over on her back. Her eyes have rolled back in her head. Cum and drool are coming out of her mouth. Cum is running from her pussy and asshole. Every few seconds she moans and her hips thrust up.

After a few minutes her eyes blink and she opens them. She looks around, sees all of us and smiles.

"You OK, baby?"

"I think so. How long was I out?"

"Just a few minutes. Was that nice of what?"

"It was way past nice or what."

I pull her to me.

"Welcome to paradise, baby."

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