A Pet to Cherish

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Sometimes having a Pet is the very best thing in the world.
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As she was getting ready Dorothy took a deep, soul searching look in the mirror. Then she picked up the sparkling blue-green amulet and admired it for the 100th time today. She smiled at it and it seemed to wink back at her. Dorothy knew her looks were not quite good enough to entitle her to the mind boggling adventures the amulet offered her. The middle aged women knew that but it didn't matter. She had gotten prettier. Dorothy took another look in the mirror and realized that since she started her adventures her looks had become more and more refined and her skin gleamed. She was a satisfied woman and she adored the feeling.

The amulet had saved her. It had made her life exciting and interesting. The diamond encrusted gem gleamed back at her. How such a small item could change someone's life so dramatically, she didn't understand.

Dorothy was in her mid forties. She was reasonably fit and reasonably attractive, with blond hair. She wasn't the kind of girl the average guy would decide to pursue, or to flirt with for that matter. Dorothy had a pleasant personality and average looks but sometimes there was an edge to her personality. It was like a hard, impassible cliff that surfaced when tension was needed in her job. It was a learned skill but her relationships suffered.

As a lawyer she used it as a skill to her advantage and won a lot of cases with her cutting edge; but that wasn't the case when it came to love. Dorothy had been unlucky in love, that is, until the amulet came into her life after she found it during an archaeological dig that her friend had coaxed her into going to. Her mind took her back to that time.

"The gem has unique abilities," her friend had said.

Several months ago, during the dig, around high noon, Dorothy had witnessed the hint of a sparkle in the sunlight in the dirt, at the dig site in Rome. It was a big dig with forty to fifty people working it at one time. Her and her friend had sections side by side.

How she slipped the gem into her side, leg pocket without getting caught, Dorothy didn't know. Everyone was distracted with a find and the opportunity presented itself, so she seized it with one swift movement. Dorothy couldn't believe her luck.

The participants in the dig had their own privately chartered plane home. All were fast tracked but because the importance of artifacts not leaving the country was of high priority, all the bags were searched. Dorothy had put the artifact in her jewelry.

When Devon, the customs officer, had stared at the shining blue-green gem in Dorothy's jewelry collection he felt his mood and attitude suddenly transform. Despite his transformation the routine questions he usually asked still came to mind.

"Where did you get this from?"

"I bought it from a local merchant. Here is the receipt."

Dorothy presented Devon with the fabricated document with an authentic letter head she had absconded from a local store.

"There is nothing wrong here, let it go," Dorothy said sternly looking deeply into Devon's eyes.

"Yes, you're free to go," said Devon obediently.

An hour cab ride later, Dorothy had found herself in her apartment with a priceless gem that was legendary. That was six months ago. Now the local prey had become predictable. It was time for a vacation.

The small seaside resort the "Cooler Girls" had grown up in was picturesque and attracted many local and foreign travelers. Playing in the water, surfing and making big cash was the agenda for most days. Their self made resort job was a perfect opportunity to strut the beach and make some outstanding cash. What male tourist could resist a thirty dollar, breast nuzzle body shot of tequila. Even husbands managed to sneak their fair share in. The girls wore bikini tops that pushed their tits together so a shot glass could easily be suspended between their bronzed, voluptuous mounds.

The girls were well liked and respected in the community they grew up in. They felt safe knowing if things went south they would be backed up by the locals they grew up with.

Ever since they could remember life had been very good and very easy for Cerise and Kia. The Spanish seaside resort, Zadu, with its endless rows of cabanas that were, off and on, filled with tourists, offered a very profitable source of income. Walking in the sand, in the sunshine made both their fit bodies, golden brown. The girl both complimented long flowing hair, cute features, and bikini perfect bodies. They displayed their assets proudly in neon, barely there string bikinis.

The tips, proposals, and sometimes dirty looks from wives and girlfriends were abundant. The brunette beauties simply ignored most of it, and invariably spent a fair amount of time holding hands and giggling innocently more often than naught. When the naught did happen the women would swap stories and inevitably they would come to the conclusion that during the act of love making the men could have tried harder, or been more generous to the women's needs. Then one afternoon an opportunity presented itself.

"My amulet, oh no, help me, help me find my amulet," a middle aged, blond, pudgy tourist said as she ran around in earnest digging in the sand here and there.

She was so frantic that both Cerise and Kia took it upon themselves to comfort and help her. They had performed many good deeds to help tourists and took pride in being helpful. But this tourist was in tears and wouldn't be consoled.

"You don't understand. My amulet does more than just protect me. It does so, so, much more," Dorothy wailed.

"Lady, you're okay, it's okay bella, we will help you," said Cerise in a comforting tone.

"I'm Cerise and this is my friend Kia."

Dorothy looked at the two young beauties before her. She judged them to be in their late twenties. Both had long dark hair, big brown eyes, and hour glass figures. That they were kind as well as beautiful astounded her.

There was sincerity in their eyes in their offer to help. Dorothy made up her mind not to tell the girls about the true value of the precious amulet. It was more temptation then anyone could handle.

The three women looked vigorously in the sand and the surrounding area for a couple of hours. Then it got dark outside.

"I'm sorry but we can't be on the beach when it's dark. It's not safe. You should go to," said the girls to Dorothy.

Dorothy looked around and noticed that the beach had cleared out. There was no one around. She resigned herself to resume her search the next day. Then a realization struck her.

"What about the tide? I have to find it," Dorothy muttered as she again began clawing at the sand in earnest.

Dorothy had resumed her search for her life changing amulet in the darkness with a key chain flashlight and would not be persuaded otherwise.

The girls knew that soon security would guide Dorothy off the beach; their shift was about to start.

Dorothy's features were frequently contorted when she repeatedly told them, as the days passed, "I can't stop looking."

"Thank you for all your help girls. I appreciate it. I'll just keep looking until I find it."

That had been months ago. On the last day of her vacation the girls saw Dorothy still searching. The next day she was gone.

Tourists came and went. Interesting stories were shared and laughter reigned on the beach, but eventually the tourists all had to go back to their jobs so they could come back to paradise once more.

As time went on and the girls delivered beverages and other assorted goodies to the rich tourists, they sometimes thought about and discussed the amulet and how desperately Dorothy had searched for it, every day of her holiday, until she reluctantly had to leave.

Life had become pretty boring lately for Cerise. She knew her lifestyle was all anyone could ever want and she should be satisfied but she needed to mix it up a bit and have an adventure. Cerise needed to find the spark that gave life flair. The amulet came to mind. It had offered that poor woman something so valuable that she was obsessed and extremely attached to it. What could it have been?

Cerise took it upon herself to find out. The next day on the beach she looked at Kia repeatedly. Her goal was on the tip of her tongue. Should she share her dream with Kia or just do it? Cerise settled on a solo quest.

The night scavenger dressed in army fatigues and left her apartment at 2:00 am without making much of an imprint. She drove her jeep down the beach with her lights off until she found the general location of Dorothy's lost amulet. Cerise hauled the metal detector out of her vehicle and started her systematic search. Whatever it was, it must have been worth looking for.

What she didn't know was that the amulet cast an enchanted spell on any man who looked at it. Women were unaffected but it had an all consuming effect on men.

At around 4 am on the ninth day of her systematic search, Cerise found an object buried deep in the sand.

It was a bright green/bluish emerald. It sparkled brilliantly. The gem was surrounded by diamonds and hung on an expensive gold chain. The latch was doubly and elaborately secured. A handsome jeweler use his expertise to create the beautiful object Cerise was now looking at. Then Dorothy fucked him.

It was simple, elegant and extremely beautiful, but likely nothing more, thought Cerise. When Cerise put the cherished object around her neck nothing happened, nothing changed. What had she expected?

Disappointed, after having expected great things to happen Cerise drove her jeep slowly down the beach towards home. She didn't want to be caught by security. Unless of course it was her favorite sex dream, Nilo.

Close to the exit Cerise spotted headlights coming towards her. As the vehicle came into focus Cerise recognized the driver as being the guy both her and Kia have lusted over since they were kids. He often worked beach security at night.

Nilo's physique was even more attractive in the dark where the moonlight revealed chiseled edges and strong legs on his well sculpted body. Nilo's smile and sparkling brown eyes set him apart from other handsome men. He was truly a gem.

"What are you doing out here bella," Nilo asked Cerise as they approached each other.

"Oh, you know, I like to help out. A tourista lost a ring and I promised I would look for it," Cerise answered pleasantly trying not to be overrun by the sheer beauty of the adonis of a man in front of her.

"You know that is not allowed mia, you have to follow the rules if you're going to work the beach. Please leave now!"

Nilo was about to walk away when he noticed the sparkling object on Cerise's neck.

"What is this?" he asked as he looked at it intently.

When Nilo's gaze returned to Cerise it changed dramatically to one of awe and wonder.

Cerise's jaw dropped.

The look in Nilo's eyes was clearly one of adoration and raw lust.

Suddenly Nilo was on his knees holding both of Cerise's hands in his. Nilo looked up at Cerise like she was his Queen.

With an earnest expression Nilo said, "Oh my vivacious bella, I am here at your command. I am yours. Your beauty is like no other. I need you. I will do anything for you."

Before she could respond Cerise found her embraced in a deep, soul searching kiss. Nilo's strong arms cocooned her petite frame. His body pressed into hers. The couple molded together with stimulating and exciting precision. The beauty's big breasts squeezed into Nilo's chest as he kissed Cerise with intense passion.

Then Nilo started adoring Cerise's luscious mounds through the shirt she was wearing like a crazed animal. First with his eyes and then with his mouth. Nilo licked his lips then his mouth fixated on her cloth shirt making it wet as he bit and nibbled Cerise's big, attractive breasts and ripe nipples.

"I have to be inside you Mistress, please let me!" Nilo begged.

It was sudden. It was raw. It was passionate.

Mistress, questioned Cerise when she heard it. Why this sudden change. Here was her childhood crush begging for her. She looked at the man she had dreamed about all her life. Nilo returned her gaze with submissive adoration.

Cerise considered the role of a Mistress. She had watched shows on television with that theme and they had intrigued her. Suddenly here was her opportunity to be a temptress. It must be the amulet she said out loud as her feelings shifted. Cerise was suddenly ready to embrace her new role. This was going to be fun.

"Servant, I want you to lay me on the sand, put your shirt under me, then devour me. Eat me raw. Make my pussy yours. Your quest is to satisfy me my Pet. Lick my pussy! Bite! Nibble! Devour! Now! Oh and Pet, please move your tongue up my clit from the bottom up, over and over again, forcefully. I love that. The louder I moan the more I want you to intensify the feeling. Do you understand? And Pet, don't stop until I say so. Even if you're a little sore okay. You can do this!"

She looked down at Nilo where he was kneeling, expectantly; power and lust surged through her like never before. Then Cerise absentmindedly pet Nilo's head. Nilo took off his shirt, revealing his amazing body, picked her up and placed her pelvis on his shirt. Cerise wrapped her legs around her Pet.

Cerise's pussy quivered with longing as Nilo looked at her with his mouth between her legs and said, "Yes, Mistress, anything, absolutely anything. I am so grateful you'll give me this opportunity. Your pussy is like a luscious fruit from a passion tree. If there was such a thing. I want to make you so happy Cerise. Just keep telling me how, please. Anything. Everything."

Her newly found Pet did exactly as he was asked. Within seconds Cerise felt Nilo's tongue and fingers dipping and licking. She bucked to greet his mouth as Nilo eagerly ravaged his mistress.

"Three fingers now, and lick wilder."

"Ahhhhh, fuckkkkk, yessssss."

Cerise felt the wildest orgasm of her life overtake her senses. Her body bucked and she cried out as spurts of liquid repeatedly combined with pulses deep inside her. It was intense and riveting.

"Don't stop Pet. Flick my clit and pound two fingers in my wet pussy. Don't let this feeling subside!"

The aftershocks riveted Cerise, then another orgasm appeared, surprising her. It made her call out his name.

Overcome with power Cerise pulled Nilo's face into her pussy and gyrated aggressively yet again, eager for more. She continued to cover his face with her pussy juices as she rocked Nilo's handsome face with a steady rhythm.

"Ohh, fuck, yeahhhh, good Pet, don't stop," Cerise moaned as yet another orgasm riveted her. An hour had gone by and her orgasms were still coming rapidly in response to the expert licking of her dreamboat.

A peaceful, satisfying, deeply relaxing feeling and mood overtook Cerise and suddenly all was right in her world. She savoured it. Basked in it. She tried to capture it in her mind, knowing that she wanted this feeling to last forever.

Then Cerise understood. She understood that Dorothy had found a soul saving treasure.

"Now kiss me Pet, and wrap yourself around me," Cerise said stretching her gorgeous body on his shirt like a lazy cat. She didn't mind the sand under her. All was right in her world.

Instantly Nilo's mouth was on hers. Then they were rolling in the sand french kissing wildly until Cerise settled into Nilo's arms feeling warm and cherished.

After enjoying the comfortable feeling for some time, Cerise felt her pussy beg for more. Drunk with power Cerise straddled Nilo and looked at him with commanding lust. She positioned his perfect cock at the entrance to her wet pussy and slid down on his manhood so he was deep inside her.

"Her suntanned, fit, sexy body sure looks amazing over his hard, sexy, chiseled body," the silent observer admitted from her vantage point on the cliff overlooking the beach.

"Are they a couple or did she find it," asked the mysterious woman laying in the grass on the cliff with a pair of binoculars.

Cerise ran her hands all over Nilo's body like she had always wanted to. Being with this adonis of a man was what she had always dreamed of.

"Who do you crave to fuck and obey more than anyone is this world? Who makes your world spin? Who owns you?" Cerise asked suggestively.

"You do Mistress! I will do whatever you say. Use me as your toy. I will let you do anything you want to me. I will do anything and everything you ask. I am yours completely and totally. Unconditionally," Nilo responded sincerely.

Cerise responded by stroking her handsome Pet's hair and whispering, "Turn me over and fuck me hard."

Within seconds Nilo's big hard cock was once again penetrating his Mistress's tight pussy, this time from behind.

"Am I too big for you babe?" Nilo asked concerned.

"Ohhh fuck, you're nice and big Pet. Enter me slow, fuck me slow!"

Nilo pushed his hard as rock, rod deep inside the gorgeous woman that had been his childhood friend all his life. He didn't question crossing the line or think of his girlfriend. All that was in Nilo's mind was how to make his Mistress happy with him. It was all he could focus on.

"Start to go faster now Pet, fuck me deeper!"

The gorgeous beast of a man in front of the big, breasted babe, obeyed every whim, every nuance, every request with wild abandon and enthusiasm that would only exist in someone who's needs were secondary to the object of his desire. Laying, sitting and standing on the beach shielded by rocks and fucking their brains out in a multitude of different positions was intoxicating and mind numbing.

Cerise's orgasms and whims were plentiful and abundant. He treated her body like she was the violin and he was the bow that inspired the sweetest sounds from her.

When Cerise finally told Nilo he was close to being allowed to cum again, his gratitude was immense.

"Oh Mistress, thank you. Your beauty and charm my Mistress makes it so hard to hold on!"

"Let me taste!" Cerise told her Pet.

"Are you asking for breakfast my sweet cherry?"

"Yes my sexy Pet. A protein shake is definitely welcome. Give me your warm, tasty cream."

"Come to me now!" Cerise said drunk with the power and lust. Ready to enjoy every drop.

"I like when you're a good Pet and let me milk you. First give me some cum to swallow then spray my tits. Cover them entirely. You'll be licking off every drop."

"Yes Mistress," Nilo said as he eagerly put his hard meat inside the beauty's mouth.

Cerise teased and taunted him roughly, fondling his big balls, and squeezing his ass as she sucked him. Cerise sucked his cock as hard or softly as she pleased. A thrill ran through her every time she could make Nilo moan and call out.

"Please Mistress; let me soak your tits! I can't hold it anymore. You arouse me too much Mistress. Please!"

"No! Slut! Use some stamina! I'm not done satisfying my desire to swallow your big cock."

With those words she mercilessly stroked the bottom of his hardness up and down while inhaling him with swift wild strokes.

"Mistress...I... can't...help...myself...!!"

With those words, spurts of warm liquid escaped Nilo's worked over cock and spilled into Cerise's mouth. She swallowed and pumped him then placed her other hand on top of his spurting cock directing his aim to cover her tits and stomach.

As Nilo caught his breath Cerise looked deep into his eyes, pulled his mouth to hers and kissed him with intoxicating desire.

"Oh Mistress," he groaned as he dipped his head and started licking, nibbling and lapping at her big nipples and breasts, tasting his salty mix. He responded to her demands by licking and lapping with increasing intensity.

Their passionate play carried on for hours, until Cerise told Nilo he was allowed to go now, since she had agreed to work the 1:00 pm beach shift with Kia.