A Very Wonderful Christmas


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"They're gone," she said and picked her phone up and found someone in her contacts and called.

"Merry Christmas Bob! Marie said into the phone.

"I'm in Atlanta...my sister's."


"Great Christmas so far. Listen, I know you are ready to publish the website for the 'at home' pictures I took...at 6:00, tonight?...I know..."

"Good. I just emailed you some more pictures. These are real 'at home' Christmas pictures...I think you will like them."

"My sister...yes...she looks like me...I know you tried to get me to pose for some...check out the ones I sent."

"She's okay with it. I sent the release."

"Smoking...extremely sexy...I'll wait..."

"He is going to his computer," Marie told us.

We waited a few minutes.

"Yes...aren't they?!"

"He likes them!" Marie said.

"27...I know about 21, I hate her..."

We waited a few more minutes.

"I know, they really fit that look of 'what my husband got me for Christmas theme.' "

"Yes...but she won't let you see those..."

Marie giggled.

"I know she has a great body...and face...yes like me..."

"I do...I had them made in Brazil...no, they are for the article. Bob...I'm not sending you nude pictures of me so you can jerk off on them!"

"Bob...I know you do...I will be New York in April, we can talk then."

"Of course you are! The same thing you pay those tarts...you can't use them if you don't."

"I'll ask..."

"He asked if I have any more pictures of you in their outfits," Marie asked Jessi.

"Oh no, he is not getting those!" Jessi said.

"What?" She asked Bob.

"He heard you."

"That new red skimpy number...yes the one with the thong...I'll ask"

"He wants to know if he can see them at least." Marie asked.

"No! I don't want nude pictures of me all over the internet," Jessi said with a laugh.

"What?...Of course they're good...I took them...extremely hot...she said no..."

"He really likes your pictures. He said you look like a nice, hot wife instead of one of the models."

"Tell him I said thank you," Jessi said and giggled.

"She said thank you..."

"He said you are welcome and asked if you're sure he can't see them?"

"Maybe he can see them, but he can't use them!" I said to tease Jessi.


"Her husband...what...hadn't thought of that...your models don't have husbands, that's why...and your art director is an idiot..."

"Oh yes...yes he is handsome and tall...I'll see...I'll call you back...bye."

"He really likes the pictures of you. He asked if I would take some more."


"He had an idea. He wants to see the two of you exchanging gifts to put before the pictures of you. Then those pictures like you are modeling for Tom."

"That sounds funny!" Jessi said.

"Will you two do it?" Marie asked.

"Sure," Jessi said for us.

Marie followed us to our bedroom and went through my pajamas. She pulled out a pair of long red pants.

"You don't need a top, you like fine without a shirt, Tom," Marie said. "Jessi, put on one of his white dress shirts to wear, like you have been sleeping in it."

Jessi giggled and went to my closet, she came back slipping on one of my dress shirts. Marie paused to look.

"We need to rewrap some of the boxes," Marie said.

Maria and Jessi spent about 30 minutes wrapping the empty boxes. They even managed to salvage some of the wrapping paper from the store and wrap two boxes in it with the original bows. They placed them under the tree and made it all look nice.

"I wish I had my tripod to put the other flash on," Marie said.

"I have one," I told her.

"Great! Get it for me, we need to hurry."

I went and found the tripod I had and returned. Marie had Jessi sitting in the floor in front of the tree posing her. I set the tripod up then Marie attached the other flash to it.

"Tom, get on the floor with her. You're going to be sitting and handing her a present."

It took about 10 minutes to get the two of us posed. Marie unbuttoned Jessi's shirt and moved it so it would look like it was unbuttoned and hanging open. She staged it so that a lot of Jessi's thigh was showing.

"Don't move!"

We spent about 30 minutes moving and posing differently as I handed Jessi the present.

"Jessi open the package up and set it on the floor. I will have you lifting the bustier out of the box."

We spent another 20 minutes with Jessi lifting the red bustier out, acting surprised or smiling at me. Marie took a few with Jessi holding it to her body as I looked and smiled. She took a few more of Jessi holding up the stockings as she pulled them out of the box.

"Perfect!" Marie said. She stood and looked for a minute.

"What?" Jessi asked.


Marie stood for a minute.

"Got it! Stand up. Jessi take the shirt off, Tom, move the bustier away from the tree."

We did as told.

"Tom," Marie said looking at Jessi, "Jessi, I want you to hold the shirt by the collar and hand it to Tom."

"You are not taking pictures of me naked!"

"Just your arm will be in the picture, this will be cute."

We spent a few minutes shooting these. Marie kept looking at the computer and moving Jessi slightly. She had me smiling from ear to ear as I reached for the shirt. Several dozen more photos.

"This will be cute," Marie said.

"Is that it?" I asked.

"Just a few more. Jessi put the shirt back on and you two get back on the floor."

Marie walked over and picked up the skimpy, red outfit and put it in the box.

"Jessi, pick one piece up in each hand and look at Tom like there is no way you are going to wear that. Tom, you smile like you are begging her to put it on."

We did what Marie asked. Jessi got to laughing, and Marie got some shots of her laughing and teasing me by holding the bra up to her chest, and then holding the thong up and smiling at me.

"That should do it. You two are cute," Marie said.

We moved the computer back to the table and Marie went through the pictures. They were cute and funny. Marie scrolled to the picture of Jessi holding the shirt. Her arm extending into the picture was funny.

"Marie!" Jessi exclaimed.

Marie had stopped on one of the pictures of her holding the shirt, Marie had cheated and we could see a tease of Jessi's ass, leg, and the edge of one tit.

"That came out perfect!" Marie said. "Let me send that one too, please!"

Jessi laughed. Marie picked out about 30 that were good. The ones with Jessi pulling out the red thong were great. I noticed that in a few of the pictures, the front of Jessi's shirt was open enough to see the shadow of her breasts.

"Those would be great with the pictures of you in that thong," Marie said.

"Marie, those pictures would probably get me fired," Jessi told her.

I heard 'probably', not 'no way'.

"Let's see these with the pictures of her in the thong," I told Marie. She split the screen and left the setup pictures in one corner and scrolled the pictures of Jessi in the thong. Marie stopped at the picture of Jessi looking back over her shoulder, the one that showed all the skin on her back and her perfect ass.

"That look so cute," Marie said.

"I didn't think they would show the model's ass," Jessi said.

"They can't on TV, they do in some shots in the catalog. This is the internet."

Marie scrolled through some more. She found one of Jessi turned sideways where you could see the side of the lacey bra, her lovely thigh, and the side of her ass.

"That one doesn't show that much," Marie said. "You look cute looking at the camera with a nice view of the outfit."

"Marie...I'm not going to let you send them..."

"You look good honey, and with the setup pictures it's a real tease," I told her.

"They are funny."

"Oh, I need to get a release for you Tom," Marie said and got up and went to her room again.

"You really don't mind people seeing me half naked?" Jessi asked me.

"Honey, you are beautiful and you are mine. I don't mind if other men or women look at you and desire you." Jessi leaned into me and kissed me.

"Even if it was those pictures there?"

"Just think about all the men looking at you and jacking off."

"That's gross!"

"Really? Being a man's fantasy is gross. I think it's sexy as hell."

"I need to start something for lunch. I'm starved," Jessi said as she headed to the kitchen.

"Sign this for me," Marie said.

Marie sat down and was pulling out the pictures to email, she pulled the pictures of Jessi holding up the thong.

"Maybe they can still use these," Marie said. "Jessi, are you sure? I'm about to send him the others."

I looked up and saw Jessi walking back toward us. She sat and looked at the computer.

"Let me see them again."

Maries started with the first pictures of her in the thong. They were all great. I liked the ones where I could see the small piece of material covering her pussy and her breasts pushed up nicely. It was only the ones at the end, where she had turned to Marie to show off her ass having some fun, I thought Jessi would say no to.

"Tom?" Jessi asked.

"I told you how I felt."

"Oh hell, let them have them!" Jessi said. Marie hugged and kissed her then went through all of the pictures and picked out about twenty, including the last one with her looking back over her shoulder. "You're sure?"

"Why not, I'm fucking hot!"

"Yes, you are!" I said as I hugged Jessi.

"If you poke me with that thing one more time, we are going to have it for lunch!" Jessi said. Marie looked at my cock and laughed.

Marie spent a few minutes sending quite a few emails while Jessi was banging around in the kitchen.

"I usually just upload these to their server, but I want them to go straight to Bob. He's at home."

After she sent all the emails, I asked her if she would like something to drink. We had been at this all morning and it was well after lunch. Marie decided on a soda. I got it for her and sat next to her.

"Marie, what was the kissing and touching all about?" I asked quietly.

"Tom, we're sisters. We kiss all the time."

"I don't think you two play with each other's breasts, though."

Marie looked at me and smiled. "I enjoyed it," she said.

"I think you did. That's your sister."

"So?" Marie said sipping her soda.

"You would do your sister?" I asked

"Sure, if Jessi wanted to. I would enjoy doing her."


"Yes. You would enjoy watching too, wouldn't you, Tom?"

"Of course."

Marie's phone rang.

"Hi Bob...there are more than that, they will show up..."

"He is looking at the first pictures."

"I think they are cute, we don't have any others like that...I know..."

"I thought you would like those! Yes, she said you could use them...they are hot..."

Marie listened for several minutes.

"Oh yes, that is the last one I took...she has a fabulous ass...it doesn't show much of the product though..."

"I know sex is the real product Bob...those are cute...yes he does look nice...we're all sitting around naked while she cooks lunch..."

"Marie!" Jessi yelled at her.

"Yes...we are going to have wild sex after lunch...I wish you were here too..."

"No...she works in a bank, she has an MBA...really...I know she is...of course I have...she looks fantastic...yes...just like I do..."

"Oh, I forgot to send it. I'll send it shortly. I know you need it before 6:00...bye, Bob..."

"I forgot to send your release. Will you scan it or me?" Marie asked me.

"It sounds like you and Bob are close," I said.

"He wanted to know what Jessi looked like naked. I told him she looked just like me."

"Has he seen you naked?"

"Oh yes, we've fucked a few times when I was in New York working for them."

I went to scan the release. When I came back Marie was emailing it.

"If they use any of them, they will be on the internet at 6:00. Jessi! You are going to be famous!" Marie yelled at Jessi in the kitchen.

"Not too famous, I hope!"

I helped Marie pack all of her equipment up and carry it to her room. Marie flopped down on the bed.

"Tom, I don't think I can go much longer without you fucking me. I'm horny as hell watching you walk around naked with a hard-on all day."

"Marie, Jessi let us by this time. She's not going to be okay with it again."

"Make her okay with it!" Marie said frustrated. "My pussy is dripping wet watching you and looking at Jessi."

"I can see that," I said looking between her legs.

"Your wife is too. She's doing this to me on purpose!"

"Sorry, Marie."

"Tom, I have got to get off..."

I placed my hand between Marie's legs and slid two fingers over her dripping pussy lips.

"Damn, you!" Marie propped herself up and watched as I slowly licked her juices off my fingers.

I left Marie as she packed her camera gear back up.

"How is lunch coming?" I asked Jessi as I walked up behind her and slipped my arms around her and ran the same two fingers over her pussy to find it wet too.

"Emmm. It's almost ready. Are you?"

"Am I what?"

"Ready to fuck me after lunch? I'm very horny."

"I see. Jessi, you are treating your sister terrible."

"How's that?"

"Letting us run around naked. Remember honey, what it's doing to you is happening to her. She is dripping wet too."

"So, what are you saying honey, I should let you fuck her too?"

"No! I just don't think we shouldn't be running around here naked." I said.

"You don't like looking at my naked sister?"

"Yes I do, but..."

"You don't want to see me naked?"

"Jessi! Stop it, right now!"

I left Jessi cooking and went and picked the computer up and was walking back to the bedroom.

"Can I use that some more, I need to check my email," Marie asked as she stopped me in the hall.

"Sure, lunch will be ready soon."

"Yell at me when it's ready. I'll be in here."

"You can put some clothes on if you want to, Marie," I told her.

"Oh no. She started this."

I returned to the den and picked all the clothes and trash up. I picked up the letter Jessi gave me and sat down and read it again.

"Are you happy?" Jessi asked from behind me.

"Yes, honey. This means a lot to me."

I felt Jessi kiss me on the head.

"Lunch is ready."

I got up and walked to Marie's room.

"Lunch is ready."

"Okay. Come here a minute. I have another Christmas present for you."


"I emailed some of the shots of Jessi and some of the ones of you two together to the place that prints my stuff. They are going to blow them up and send them here."

"Wow, thanks."

We got up to go eat. Marie grabbed my cock, pulled me to her, and kissed me.

We were all sitting around the table eating lunch, Jessi and Marie were talking about the pictures she sent.

"I can't believe you talked me into that." Jessi said.

"Hey, wait! We didn't talk you into anything, sis," Marie said defensively.

"I know. Sis, you see beautiful women all over the world. I'm not that pretty compared to them."

"Don't sell yourself short. Bob has been after me for years to model for them. Now I'm too old."

"No you're not!" Jessi said to Marie. "You look younger than you are."

"Bob asked how old you were. He thought you were about twenty-one."


"You two look like twins," I told them.

"Yes, we do!" Jessi said.

"If I saw you two together in a bar or someplace, I would think you were twins," I told them.

"See, Marie. You're not old. Tom would pick us up and fuck us, wouldn't you?"

I was getting tired of Jessi's game.

"Hell yes! You two would be any man's fantasy about fucking two sisters."

Jessi turned to look at me, a smile slowly crossed her lips as I looked at her sternly.

"Lunch was good," I said and got up and went to our bedroom.

I knew Jessi was pissed over Marie and me, but she was taking the teasing too far for me. It wasn't fair to Marie for her to be doing what she was doing and saying what she was saying. I grabbed a robe and put it on and lay on the bed to think. If Jessi kept this up, I knew Marie would go home. Maybe that would be best. I lay there thinking about the two of them touching each other and kissing and Marie saying she would do Jessi. Jessi had been the one that had brought up being with another woman with me. Now my thoughts were about the two of then making love to each other. I had to stop thinking about them. My poor cock had been hard all day without any relief, and seeing the two of them naked was not helping at all.


"Honey! You have to come and look!" I heard Jessi yelling as I stirred awake. "You have got to see this!"

I rolled out of bed and went and found Jessi in Marie's room, they were looking at the computer.

"They used them!" Jessi exclaimed.

I sat on the bed and Jessi set the computer in my lap. It was the Victoria's Secret site. Under a heading that said 'See what I got from my lover for Christmas', were pictures of the lovely models showing off the outfits. Jessi scrolled down and there were the pictures of her, they had used the series of pictures of her in the bustier, they looked nice.

"I guess the others were too hot for them," I said.

"Oh no, wait." Jessi went to the next page.

On this page were three large pictures of us. The final one being of Jessi looking back over her shoulder in the red thong.

"I guess they like your ass," I said.

"Do you like them?" Jessi asked because I was not being too excited about them.

I was still half asleep. "Honey, you look perfect."

"I didn't realize that you could see part of my breasts in this shot with the shirt on."

I looked closer, you could see the side of her breast.

"I think you look wonderful. Now you are famous."

"I hope not too famous," Jessi said. "That picture of me holding the shirt where you can see my ass and tit may get me in trouble.

"I guess you will find out when you go back to work Monday." I handed the computer back to Jessi and stood. "I need to get something to drink."

I walked to the kitchen, listening to Marie and Jessi talking about the pictures. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat on the couch. I didn't need to see Jessi and Marie naked again. Now the world could see my wife almost naked. I smiled and took a big drink from my beer. Marie walked into the den.

"Where's my wife?" I asked.

"Looking at the pictures. What's wrong?"

"Marie, I am sorry for what Jessi is doing to you. I'll understand if you decide to go home."

"Maybe it will die down. Can I have a beer?"

"Sure." I watched Marie as she walked away from me to the kitchen. She grabbed a beer from the fridge and walked back to me and sat next to me.

"Something else is wrong, Tom. What is it?"

"My brain is spinning. All my thoughts are of doing the two of you. If it's not that, it's thoughts of the two of doing each other. I can't take much more."

"Is that what you want, to have both of us at the same time. Do you want to see me doing your wife?"

"Yes, that's all I can think about."

"Tom, something like that is strictly up to Jessi. I can't bring it up," Marie said.

"I know. It would have to be her decision."

We sat and drank our beers until Jessi came looking for us.

"What are you two up to?" Jessi asked.

"Just talking, Jessi!" I told her, a bit too sharply.

"I see," she said and sat on my other side. "Do we all need to talk?"

"It's Christmas night, let's just watch TV or something," I said.

Jessi settled next to me, I think she realized it would be best to table anymore talk about things related to Marie. It was after 6:00 and it had been a long day. I was happy that Jessi got her pictures used, but I needed a break from the talk about Marie and me. Jessi took my hand and locked her fingers in mine and held it as she leaned into my shoulder. I picked up the remote and turned the TV on. Several minutes later we were all watching some movie that I couldn't concentrate on. When it went off at 8:00 Jessi said she was going to fix some snacks.