AMA - The Boyfriend Ch. 331-339


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She swallowed, then sucked in a breath through her nose, and then laid down more firmly on top of me as she brought her lips close to mine, our noses touching. Her hair was blocking out the rest of the room now. "Harsh," she said. "But honest. And more true than I'd like. God, how do you know me like that, Robbie? It's only been a week."

"Because I love you," I said, wrapping my arms around her. "And I never, ever want to see your light flicker or get covered up."

She kissed me, and we didn't talk much after that because we let our lips do that for us.

Chapter 334

Time was up.

Leia and I milked every last second we could, but I knew it was over when Cassidy came and knocked on the door of the cabin, giving me a guilty look. She didn't want to interrupt, but it was time.

Leia kissed me one more time, a soft and gentle peck, and then scooted down the bed and got up, rushing to Cassidy and throwing her arms around my fiancee. She hugged Cass fiercely, then looked back at me. "Can I kiss her, please, Tiger?"

My heart ached at that request. Because Cassidy needed it asked. Because Leia respected, and understood, us enough to ask it. "Yes, sunshine," I said, trying to smile and not let my other emotions show.

Leia turned back and kissed Cassidy. It wasn't a particularly deep, soulful kiss but it was obviously earnest, and after a few moments it ended and she hugged Cassidy tighter. They whispered back and forth a couple of times, holding each other tightly and nodding, before breaking apart.

"Time to go, Tiger," Cass said as Leia turned and waved to me before slipping out of the cabin. It wouldn't be thelast time we saw each other; I was sure we'd see each other in the parking lot for a final goodbye, but it was the last moment of privacy.

I sighed, shifting to sit on the end of the bed, and Cassidy came and stood in front of me between my legs, pulling my head to her bosom as she hugged me.

"I'm sorry I started this whole thing out like such a bitch," she said quietly. "But... I'm really happy with how it turned out, Robbie. I know there's so much we still need to fix but I can't help but feel like this wasright."

Hugging her back, I had a horrible flash of worry that all of this was going to go away. It was all too surreal, toounreal. Seven women falling for me in a week? Six of them to the point of wanting to be official partners and move in with us in a poly situation?

How else could this have happened except through the App? And if the App could give me this, what could it take away?

I swallowed the lump in my throat and squeezed Cassidy a little tighter and she ran her fingers through my hair. "Are you OK?" she asked me quietly.

"Yeah," I said, then cleared my throat. "Yeah, baby. I'm OK. Just sad it's ending, even if I'm excited for what comes next."

"You guys OK in here?" Cattie asked, coming to the doorway.

Cass turned a little and I motioned Cattie over to join us, and we fell into a three-way hug. "I love you both," I said. "Sorry I needed to-"

"Oh, hush," Cattie said, leaning down and kissing the top of my head as she gently scratched her fingers over the back of my neck. "You spent forty-five minutes helping track down Heather and Sherry, sacrificing time with ladies you love to help me. If you think either of us would begrudge you time to say goodbye to everyone, Robbie, you've got your wires crossed."

I shook my head, smirking a little. "OK, fair," I said. "Still, thank you for being understanding."

"We love you too, Tiger," Cass said with a smile.

Without anything left to do or say, I stood up and we started carrying out our luggage and the cooler. We were leaving with way more than we came with, adding Cattie to our group, but with the three of us working it only took two trips to get stuff out from the boat and onto the dock. I ended up helping Ami, Wanda and Heels for a few minutes moving their stuff out as well since the step from the dock to the boat was a bit of a gap, and I got rewarded with a kiss from each of them, even Heels.

For the next ten or so minutes I ended up a human pack mule, though I wasn't the only one. JC was still his affable, good self and was helping run things to peoples cars. My truck was just as I'd left it in the parking lot of the rental place after the Strip Club outing, and loading our stuff into the back was a sweaty affair in the heat but went quickly. Helping some of my other girlfriends was a little harder as rental cars and old beaters got stuffed with luggage, tubs and boxes.

Then, about two-thirds of the way through the Great Unloading, they showed up.

Heather came first. She was dressed in a loose t-shirt and clearly didn't have a bra underneath it, along with a long skirt that wasn't exactly useful for moving around and carrying stuff but probably put as little pressure onto her sunburnt skin as possible. The flip flops definitely weren't helping either. Still, she was manhandling her luggage and grimacing as she did it. Her hair was a mess, and her face, neck and shoulders were a bright pink that looked more like she'd been painted up to cheer at some wacky college football game than any sort of natural shade. Even the tops of her feet and her ankles were that angry pink colour.

Sherry came next, tugging at the retractable pull bar of her own luggage. She looked absolutely miserable. Her dirty blonde hair looked lank, and her lips were pressed together in a way that made her look like she was on the edge of crying. She'd started with just a touch more naturally tanned skin than Heather, so her shade of angry skin was a touch darker, but she was as equally burnt. She was wearing a loose crop top with spaghetti straps on her shoulders and a pair of tiny shorts that looked like they were painted on - I had to assume she'd decided they were her best bet at modesty while wearing as little as possible. Sherry's luggage wheel got stuck in ruts in the dock several times before she reached the end of the wood planks, where there was about ten feet of concrete before she hit the gravel.

She got to the loose stones, the luggage dragged in it instead of wheeling, and she just dropped the handle and closed her eyes.

"Fuck," I grunted. I'd been helping Wanda rearrange some stuff to try and fit another piece of luggage into a trunk.

Wanda looked in the direction I was and sighed. "You don't need to be Superman," she said.

Two big, fat tears welled up and slipped down Sherry's cheeks.

"Yeah, OK," Wanda sighed. "That's just pitiful. Go help her."

Chapter 335

"Sherry, do you want some help?" I asked.

I'd walked up to within about six feet of her and she hadn't opened her eyes, and when I spoke she practically jumped out of her shoes as her eyes flew open and she looked at me in a panic. "Um!" she said loudly.

"It's OK," I said, holding up my hands to try and show I didn't mean any harm. "You just look like you could really use a hand."

Sherry swallowed, looking at me, then glanced farther into the parking lot after Heather. Then back to me. Then at her bag laying on the ground. Then back to me.

To be honest, her process to think things through almost made me want to walk away, it took her so long. "OK," she finally said quietly, her lower lip sticking out a little and trembling.

Dear God, don't do it, I thought, groaning internally as I stepped forward and righted her suitcase before pushing in the retractable pull bar and then lifting it by the hand straps. It was a big suitcase, and it felt like she had a couple of bricks in it, but I managed.

"I just really hurt all over," Sherry said, looking at me.

"OK," I grunted. "That really sucks. Let's get you packed away so that you can get back into the car with some AC."

I felt bad for her, but not bad enough to really offer her sympathy after what she'd done to her own sister. Then again, I also didn't want to see her enthralled to Heather either. I had about twenty seconds of walking with her to say something, and started trying to formulate the right combination of words that would suggest, gently, that Heather was a fucking predator and Sherry had the naieveté of a teenager and she was pretty much being groomed to be a sex slave and she could say No whenever she wanted.

That combination of words was slowly clicking into place, but not fast enough because my train of thought got interrupted by a commotion up ahead.

"What the fuck is this?!" Heather yelled.

She was standing at their rental car, the trunk popped open but she hadn't lifted her luggage in yet. Cattie, meanwhile, was a lane over and a couple spots further up, organising things a bit in the bed of my truck. My girlfriend clearly heard the Bitch Hollar though, and turned to see Heather glaring at her with her arms wide.

"What?" Cattie asked loudly.

I couldfeel the eyes of everyone on the trip looking at the two of them past me, plus at least one or two employees of the rental place since Becca had been talking to them near the dock.

"Why the fuck aren't you putting your bags in the car?" Heather asked. "We need to go to the airport."

"You're going to the airport," Cattie said. "I'm not going anywhere with you ever again. I don't associate with raging cunts."

"What the fuck do you mean?" Heather snarled, stamping her way between two cars and heading for Cattie. "You booked the fucking tickets."

"And they're in your names," Cattie said stonily. "I also made sure to pull my credit card details off of them, so don't think you can just order up an upgrade or something. And you signed and paid for the rental car, so you're the one on the hook if you don't return it."

"Cattie, get in the fucking car," Heather said.

I had reached their rental and put down Sherry's bag, looking at her quickly. "You can always say no to her," I said. "Just because you said yes once doesn't mean you have to keep saying yes." I couldn't wait for a reply, turning back and heading towards Heather and Cattie.

"What is your fucking problem?" Cattie demanded. "Get it through your thick skull, Heather.I'm not your girlfriend. I'm not your friend. I don't want to even remember knowing you. You are nothing to me. That means you don't have the right to demandanything of me. So back off."

"So what, then?" Heather asked. "You're just going to go whore it up in Las Vegas with the fuck boi and his slut wife?"

"Hi, 'the fuck boy' here," I said, startling Heather since she'd been so angry and engaged with Cattie she hadn't heard me approaching from behind her. "Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to back away from my truck and my girlfriend. We don't know you."

"Fuck you, you misogynistic, shrimp dick, scumbag, homewrecking man whore," Heather snarled. "What are you going to do? You put your hands on me and I'll fucking claw out your eyes."

"Ma'am, this is the parking lot of a rental dock," I said. "Do you need help? Are you lost? You seem extremely agitated."

"Fuck. Off!" Heather screamed.

"I think she's having some sort of a mental crisis," I said to Cattie, keeping my town as even as possible. "Should we call an ambulance?" I turned back to Heather. "Ma'am, do you need us to call you some help? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

Heather screamed again, releasing her rage and frustration and stamping her foot down on the gravel. She immediately lifted it up, snarling in pain because she'd stamped chunky gravel in a thin flip flop, and she looked like she was about to kick my truck but thought better of it at the last minute. Instead she huffed out another animalistic angry noise, turned and tried to stomp away - except between her flip flops, her long skirt and the gravel she stumbled, falling forward and face planting onto the hood of someone else's parked car.

She hit hard enough that I was surprised she didn't trigger a car alarm, but it thankfully didn't pop off. Heather did, however, shriek in pain as her sensitive, sunburnt skin on her hands, arms and cheek hit the hot metal of the car that had been sitting in the sun likely since dawn. She leaped back up and careened away between the cars, swearing unintelligibly.

I turned to Cattie, looking up at her with an apologetic smile. "And that is how you de-escalate a situation by escalating the person right off track."

Cattie chuckled, sitting down from where she'd been standing in the truck bed, and pulled me by the collar of my shirt into a kiss. "God, I love you."

Chapter 336

Heather and Sherry were the first out of the parking lot, tearing away as Heather flashed the middle finger out of the window of the car.

If I never saw her again it would still be too soon.

The problem was, her and Sherry were the start of the flood.

"See you soon, dude," Terra said as she came up to me and offered me her hand in a clapping shake. "I'm saying this with just a smile because JC can see me from over there, but I want you to know I would bend over and let you fuck me right here in the parking lot if I could."

"I can't wait to turn you into a pretzel and fuck your perfectly tight pussy until we're sweating all over each other and it's properly stretched out to fit me, little elf," I said, keeping my face the same happily neutral expression and my voice low. "Then come deep inside you. God, I'm totally infatuated with you, honey."

"I'm utterly head over heels for you, dude," Terra said, breaking into a grin. "I want to kiss you so bad."

"I want to kiss you too," I sighed. "Soon."

"Soon," she agreed, then we relented and hugged, her small, taut body feeling so good in my arms. I kissed her on the cheek and stood up. She winked while giving me a sad smile, then went off to say goodbye to Cassidy and Cattie before heading over to the rental car her and JC had. JC and I waved, and I didn't blame him for not coming over. He'd never gotten aggressive, or even really passive aggressive, but we'd started out on the shallow end of friendly and never really gotten any deeper. And then he'd asked me to fuck his girlfriend. A quick wave and nod of acknowledgement was enough between us.

Zenya, Leia, and Ginnie were next, driving the old beater car they'd arrived in. I gave Ginnie a hug and a kiss on the cheek before moving on to my girlfriends since she was quieter than usual, maybe still feeling the effects of her night with JC. Leia, however, kissed me firmly then took a moment to look into my eyes. "I love you, Robbie," she said.

"I love you too, Sunshine," I smiled. "See you soon. And take it easy on me when we hook up the gaming system."

"Not a chance," she grinned.

I cupped her face and gave her another kiss.

Zenya was a little more forceful with her goodbye, pulling me down into a kiss that was immediately filled with tongue and lust as we clung to each other. I grabbed her ass with one hand and she growled lightly against my lips, her chest pressing against mine. We pulled away, and where I thought I'd see a sexual desire I found her eyes welling and a sad smile. "Why the fuck did I wait so long to say yes?" she sighed. "I feel like I wasted time."

"We'll make it up," I told her, grabbing her hands and holding them. "It won't be too long and you'll be home with us."

"God," she said, shaking her head. "Don't make me wait, Robbie."

"Not a second more than you need to," I promised.

She pulled me back down into a tight hug, and then whispered in my ear. "Next time I see you, what kind of pubic hair do you want me to have? I know different guys have different tastes. Bare? Hairy? I want to be ready for you."

I groaned, hugging her tightly. "Neatly trimmed," I whispered back. "You're not some little girl, you're a woman, freckles. Be my woman."

She grinned and licked my ear before pulling away with a chuckle. "Sounds good, lover," she said, then laughed as I winced at the word. "Boyfriend," she corrected.

"Girlfriend," I winked at her, then gave her a much more chaste kiss. "Drive safe. I'll see you soon."

"You'll see me tonight," she smirked. "When I send you your nightly nude."

"Is that a thing we're doing?" Leia asked from the passenger seat of the car.

"Only if you want to," I said, giving Zenya a look.

"Maybe, sometimes," Leia blushed.

I leaned into the car and kissed her again, and Zenya gave me a slap on the ass as I did it.

They'd already said goodbye to the rest of the girls while I'd been having my moment with Terra, so Zenya got into the car and all three of the girls waved out the windows as they drove away.

Ami was next, having driven alone. She was actually roadtripping back up north by herself, having driven down over a few days before the trip. I ended up sitting on the hood of her car, holding her hands. "Be safe," I said. "I wish I could go with you."

"That would be really nice," Ami said with a smile. "Maybe we could do a road trip sometime."

"I'd love that," I said, smiling warmly at the idea. I wasn't sure where we would go, but spending a couple of quiet days with Ami, listening to music or an audio book before taking a little adventure, would be amazing.

Ami stepped forward and leaned into me, kissing me gently. "I'll call you tonight," she promised. "And every night once I'm in my hotel until I get home. So you don't come flying in worried that I'm in trouble."

"You know me so well," I said with a little smile. "Thank you, cutie."

"Going home is going to feel so strange," she chuckled. "It's a good thing I have a few days to figure out how I'm going to tell my parents and my friends that I'm in love with a man I met on vacation."

"Are you going to tell them everything?" I asked.

She hesitated and then shook her head. "Just about you, and that I love you," she said. "And that we agreed to be long distance for a bit."

I kissed her again, feeling like my heart was emptying as each of my girlfriends slipped away and not wanting it to happen again.

But it had to, and the others helped rescue me from trying to hold on too long. Cassidy, Cattie, Becca, Wanda and Heels all wrapped Ami up in hugs - for being the quiet, near-loner of the vacation she'd made almost as big an impression on everyone as Zenya did with how caring and quietly supportive she was.

One last quick kiss with me and she got in her car, a smile on her lips but a tear falling down her cheek as she waved and drove away.

Chapter 337

"One week," Wanda said, holding one of my hands in both of hers. "It's just one week."

"I know," I said. "But a week without you is still going to feel like a fucking age."

"Don't get too soft on me, Tiger," she said, smirking a little. "Make me chase you a little bit."

"You know that's not me," I laughed.

"I know," she grinned. "And that's why I love you. I don't need to feel like I need to be anything other than me. Y-y-you c-complete m-me."

I almost choked as she stammered through the last sentence. "Did you just reference Tropic Thunder while we have an emotional moment?" I laughed.

Wanda scrunched up her nose as she smiled broadly. "I think I was technically referencing 'Simple Jack,' which isalso a reference to Tropic Thunder."

"God, you perfect woman," I sighed, picking her up and spinning her around once before setting her down and leaning in to kiss her. I didn't hold back, teasing her lips with my tongue, and I grabbed that fantastic ass of hers as we made out just a little. It was still the best ass of all the ladies on the trip, and I couldn't imagine a better one out there.

"I love you, Robbie," Wanda whispered as our lips finally parted. "Give me time to get myself together and handle my business, OK? I'm not going to call when I get home, I need to be focused. I need to do this for me first, not us."

I nodded and squeezed her tightly, my hands coming up to her back. "I understand," I whispered hoarsely.