Amber's Enchantment Ch. 01


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His thought processes were interrupted by the entrance of Tewant, Melan Lustren's slave. "Master wizard? Mistress Melan asked to see you."

"Yes, Tewant, I'll be right there. I just need to..." Vesti paused, a thought coming to him. "That's it," he thought to himself. "That's the solution to my assistant problem."

"Master?" the female slave asked.

"Oh, my apologies, Tewant. I just had a thought, that's all. Tell madam Lustren I'll be along presently."

"Yes, Master."

As the girl left, Vesti consulted a scroll and found that he'd have to wait until later that night to make his orbing. It wouldn't do to upset the man by waking him in the early hours of the morning. Best of all, he shouldn't have any problem writing the cost off as expenses.


Garth looked at the eager young woman kneeling before him and asked the rhetorical question. "Are you ready to begin, Amber?"

"Yes, Master."

Amber's hands were bound behind her to keep her from accidentally using her hands during her oral exams. The slave looked comfortable as she knelt between the legs of Aurora, the only humanoid feline slave in the house. Test subjects for exams were always drawn by lot and Aurora was purring contentedly at the prospect of being ministered to by Amber. Gone was the fear that Amber had experienced the first time the two had met.

"Begin, slave," came the command. Amber bent towards her goal. She started slow, with little teasing licks on Aurora's thighs, forcing her stomach to quiet itself at the texture of fur on her tongue. Amber knew slaves would have to give sexual pleasure to people they weren't turned on by, so the sensations of Aurora's fine covering of reddish hair were ignored. She could see Aurora's pussy, the only part of her body not covered in fur. Unlike a human's pussy, Aurora's didn't have any outer lips; it consisted of simply an opening that dilated in response to the attention Amber was giving Aurora. Her pussy was also much farther down, almost directly between Aurora's legs, than what Amber thought of as anormalpussy.

Aurora's opening glistened as it lubricated itself for penetration. Aurora's scent was strong; a musky odor that made Amber think of a violent rutting as a male and female fought for domination. Amber didn't know it (and neither did Aurora, for that matter), but Aurora's juices contained 1000 times as many pheromones as a human's scent did. To a male of her species, Aurora would smell much like a wild animal in heat. He would be compelled to take her; quite violently in fact. When Amber brought her tongue to bear on Aurora's pussy itself, it snapped closed, daring Amber to force her way in. Amber licked at the closed opening, adding her saliva to Aurora's natural fluids.

Aurora's cunt throbbed; pulsing like a tease, tempting Amber's tongue with an opening it couldn't penetrate. Amber poked at the opening each time it throbbed, letting her tongue slip as far in as possible before it was forced out. Amber could hear the combined growl and purr coming from the bound feline (to keep Aurora from accidentally using her claws on someone). As time passed, Amber forced her tongue against the opening with more force, trying to reach in to find Aurora's clit; buried inside the cat woman's pussy, waiting to be stroked by an invading cock.

Amber's training had included practicing on many of the different species of slaves in House Grantlo. One of the keys she'd been taught was being adaptable. So far, Amber had merely been teasing Aurora; now Amber went for broke. He head turned slightly and she bit down on Aurora's leg, hard. Aurora screamed in a kind of pre-ecstatic pleasure and Amber was rewarded with a jet of Aurora's juices in her face. She licked at the fluids, savoring their tangy taste and full aroma, while watching the pussy open farther with its pulses. Amber's tongue slipped in and brushed Aurora's clit. As it did, the pussy fully opened, encouraging it's invader to come in deeper.

Amber extended her tongue as much as possible, pressing the flat against the clit and rubbing it in a small circle. In addition, Amber scraped at the pussy itself with her upper teeth, prodding it to remain open and available. Her tongue fucked Aurora's cunt for all she was worth. Aurora's voice had become a keening wail; a sound Amber had come to know signaled the approach of Aurora's climax. The closer Aurora approached her climax, the more open her pussy became (a biological response to a feline male's cock increasing in size during the sex act; sometimes reaching almost 4 times their normal girth).

At the moment Aurora slipped into her orgasm, her fluids thickened, becoming more of a gel than a liquid. An effective plug, for the most part, the gel was sticky and made pulling out of Aurora's pussy hard to do. Rather than try, Amber concentrated on flicking Aurora's clit as much as possible, while letting what gel did exit, roll into her mouth. Aurora's climax lasted for as long as Amber was able to stimulate her clit. When the juice had hardened enough to render Amber immobile, the orgasm slowly faded. No one knew, but Aurora's womb was flooded with eggs by her orgasm as her body sought to take advantage of all the healthy sperm it thought had been ejected into it. The longer the orgasm, the more eggs that were released. In Aurora's species, the size of a litter was directly the result of the violence of the mating.

Amber knew not to try to force her way out. Instead, the pussy gel slowly forced her tongue out as it sealed the eggs and sperm (it believed) in to achieve fertilization. Once free of the tongue trapping pussy, Amber knelt up, a wide smile on her face. Covered in melting gel, Amber licked at what she could reach and looked up to Garth.

"Very good, Amber. You earn a pass on your oral skills. With your pass on your hand skills yesterday, you're cleared for advanced training."

"Thank you, Master," she gushed in an excited voice.

"Has Bressala told you what to expect?"

"Not really Master, though I'm supposed to start cunt manipulation training tomorrow."

"Yes, that's one of the many advanced techniques. You'll also start training in non-sexual service as well."

Amber nodded, thinking back to some of the things she'd been shown in her pre-collared days. In that horrible three day period with her memories gone and her fear high, she'd been shown some of the duties slaves did beyond sex; teachers, healing assistants, translators. As much as she enjoyed the sexual service part now, those other duties called to her as well; a chance to make lives better, not just happier. She realized Garth was still talking.

"...things we'll be doing is sending you on temporary training assignments. We can't possibly train you in every possible task slaves are used for, so we allow trainees to be temporarily placed for a discount. The customer gets access to a slave for less than they'd normally pay, and we get our slaves exposed to a wide variety of jobs and tasks."

"I see, Master. Will these temporary Masters also use us sexually?"

Garth laughed at the hope he heard in Amber's voice. "Yes, my horny little slave, most of them do. Youarea sex slave, after all."

"I'm glad, Master. I'd hate for my skills to deteriorate while I'm away."

"I'm sure the desire to remain useful to your Masters is your only motivation." The retort was accompanied by a slap against her ass that made her squeal in pleasure. "Run along now, you're to remain bound until Bressala releases you."

"Yes, Master," she replied as she rose and moved off towards her rooms.

Amber's trip through the corridors didn't attract any more attention than she normally would. Slaves with their hands bound weren't an unusual sight in House Grantlo. At the curtain to their rooms, she heard faint moans of pleasure. Inside, Thebes was manipulating a training aid in Yolanda's ass; thrusting the fake cock in and out with slow, steady strokes. The aid was quite large; larger than Thebes' own cock and Yolanda's ass was stretched wide. Her sounds were, however, definitely of pleasure. Bressala was watching carefully, paying attention to Yolanda's ass. From the smile on Bressala's face, Amber figured that Yolanda was doing well in her anal training.

Amber was nervous about starting her own anal training. She wasn't sure she could handle the aid Thebes was currently using. She moved closer so she could see more detail. Yolanda's backdoor hole was wide open, truly not being stretched by the cock. Amber knew that was the goal; for the slave to be able to open their own anal opening enough to allow anyone to fuck them there with pleasure instead of pain. Amber simply hadn't had the chance to observe the early part of Yolanda's training and couldn't imagine how it could be done.

Bressala saw Amber's worried look; that she was biting her lower lip and looking pensive at the action in front of her. Giving a hand sign to Thebes, Bressala touched Amber's arm and nodded towards the sleeping area. As they left, Thebes increased his pace, giving the slave at his hands a serious fucking.

"Amber, are you still worried about your anal training?"

"Kind of, Mistress. I just don't see how Yolanda could get that thing in her without being hurt."

"That's what the training is all about, Amber; learning how toeventuallytake a cock that size in your ass. You know we won't start you there. We'll start with one of these."

Bressala picked up the smallest anal aid, a slim cock, thinner than Thebes' when he was completely flaccid. Unlocking her hands, Bressala handed it to Amber. Amber took it and looked at it. The flared head was just larger enough than the rest of the cock to hold it in place once it as fully inserted. The wide base would keep it from being sucked in too far.

"I know, Mistress. I just see the other ones and I can't help be a little afraid. I don't want to be, but I am."

"The best way to overcome that fear is to face it. Bend over the spanking bench, Amber. I think we'll start your anal training right now."

With a gulp, Amber bent over, replying with, "Yes, Mistress."

Bressala tapped a coded pattern on the end of the aid and it secreted a slick gel. "Pull your cheeks apart, Amber." Amber reached back to obey and Bressala rubbed the artificial cock around her hole, letting the lubricant coat her opening. Once she was sure Amber was slicked up enough, Bressala pushed the head against Amber's opening. In spite of Amber clenching against the intruder (a totally instinctive reaction), the small probe made the passage with ease. There was a narrowing at the base that Amber's anal muscles contracted around, guaranteeing that it wouldn't be easily expelled.

"Now, that wasn't so bad, was it Amber?"

Amber stood, noticing the feeling that came with something in that particular hole. "No, Mistress, though it does feel a bit strange."

"That's because your ass is intended to push things out, not let them in. I want you to wear this for several hours each day. In a few days, we'll increase the size to the next one."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Let's get to lunch."

The slaves moved with Bressala towards the dining area. Unlike the morning meal, which was always eaten in their rooms, the midday and dinner meals were taken in a large communal eating area. Some slaves had already arrived and taken seats at the tables. The tables were arranged in simple rows, each with a bench on each side. Against one wall was the food area where the day's assigned slaves had prepared the meals. Trainees didn't draw regular kitchen duty, though they were trained in all the jobs that could be required of them in a Master or Mistress' kitchen.

Amber filled her tray with food and sought out her friend, Carli. Carli was on the verge of graduating to full slave and would be placed with an owner soon. This was one aspect of her slavery that she didn't like much; she was making lots of friends but was doomed to be separated from them in the near future. She hadn't asked her trainers how they dealt with the loss.

"Carli, how have you been?"

"Great, Amber! Mistress Marlena says my training is complete. I just need my final testing and then I can be placed." The excitement was palpable in Carli's voice.

"That's great, Carli," Amber said, trying to sound excited for her friend. This was what every slave wanted, wasn't it? "What is the final testing like?"

Carli looked at Amber, wondering why her excitement sounded forced. Shaking her head, she answered. "It's an orgy. I'll be the center of an orgy and have to service everyone as best I can."

"Oh my God," Amber whispered. "That sounds like so much fun. When is it going to be? Can other slaves participate?"

"It should be within the week. And no, other slaves can't be there. I have to serve alone and any other slaves would end up serving somehow; it's just the way we are."

Amber nodded her head, knowing Carli was right. "Mistress says I'm ready for advanced training. In fact, I've got one of those things up my ass," she added, squirming at the presence.

"Trust me, you'll get used to it. Cunt manipulation was hard for me; and symbiosis of course."

Amber nodded again, remembering how Carli had been struggling with symbiosis when Amber had first arrived; struggling so much that she asked for the pleasure free week. It had taken almost a month of nothing but pain to get Carli over that training hump. Amber was fortunate in that respect, having achieved spontaneous symbiosis very early in her training.

Carli looked at Amber again, knowing something was wrong. "Amber, what's wrong? Aren't you happy for me?"

"Oh yes, Carli, I am happy for you. I'll miss you though. You're my friend."

"Oh Amber, I'd forgotten how much it can hurt to see your first friend placed." Carli hugged Amber tightly, offering comfort to her friend. "You know this is how it has to be, right?" Amber nodded, tears leaking from her eyes. A few heads turned and took notice of the exchange, though no one commented on it. "You'll probably get your first temporary placement soon, you know."

"I know. But I'll be back; it won't be forever."

"It will be for some. They'll finish and be placed while you're gone." Carli held Amber at arms length, her hands gripping her friend's shoulders. "It's the life we chose before we lost our memories."

"I know, but I didn't know all it would entail. My life's better now than it was; I'd probably be dead by now back in Ravenshore."

"It's so weird, you remembering your past. I know it's not your fault, but we aren't supposed to remember."

"Mostly I don't want to remember. But you remember how I was before I got my memories back, don't you? I was so sure slavery was this horrible thing that I'd rather die than be a slave."

"I know. That's why it feels just weird, not wrong. Do you think you can come to our room for the night?"

"Probably, I'd have to ask Mistress first."

"I've already asked Marlena, so it's okay on my end."

"I'll ask." Amber got up and rushed to Bressala's seat (there was no requirement that trainees sit with their trainers. Amber knelt beside her and waited to be recognized. When Bressala looked at her and nodded, Amber asked, "Mistress, may I spend the evening with Carli?"

"That'll be fine, Amber. She's to be placed soon, and I'm sure you want as much time with her before she leaves."

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress."


"...and what duties would you be expecting from a temporary slave, Vesti?" asked Thabian Y'Grantlo of the image in the far-speaking orb in front of him.

"She'll be assisting me in the maintenance of certain spells for the Royal Family."

"I see. Will that be the sum total of her duties?"

"Probably not. I'd have to be an invalid to not take advantage of her training."

"I think some invalids would surprise you, as to their abilities and desires. Can you have the slave assist with anything organizational in nature? There's always a demand for slave secretaries and I like to have all our slaves familiar with the standard organizational practices."

"I'm sure that could be arranged. Do you have a slave in mind?"

"Yes, this slave has just passed her basic training and is ready for her first training placement. Not one of our exotic slaves, I'm afraid."

"That's fine. I need someone with the standard body arrangement to assist with the spells. When can you portal her over?"

"Will two days be early enough?"

"Yes, that'll be fine. You have the coordinates?"

"Yes. Orb me after my lunch hour and we'll set it up."


Inclon stared at the parchment, trying to make the figures change. They steadfastly refused to morph themselves to something more palpable. This was going to be a problem it they couldn't get more junga root in the next few weeks. Junga root was a critical component of the fixative and his calculations showed that they needed to double the quantity of junga root to make up for the changes in mana concentrations.

Junga root was a sexual amplifier; the main component of the fixative that made its application pleasant. The fixative had to be applied once a month to all the slaves to keep them from contracting one of the diseases native to Destran that they had no natural immunity to. There was only enough Junga root to prepare one more batch of fixative at the correct strength. If he couldn't obtain enough to get them through until the merchant caravans started running again, he'd have to mix up the weakened formula. Inclon was just glad the root wasn't a vital part of the protective portion of the potion. The thought of all the slaves suddenly contracting deadly diseases made him shudder.

Inclon rose, knowing this wasn't a problem he could solve on his own. Lord Grantlo would have to be notified. Only he could make the arrangements to have more junga root brought in quickly. "Those wizards!" he thought to himself. "They're responsible for this. If they'd given us accurate scrolls, we'd have enough to get us through. Now they were going to profit from their own duplicity."

Thank you Dani for the wonderful editing job. Hopefully that writer's block thing is gone. Remember, I love to get feedback, so let me know what you think.

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DryhillDryhillabout 13 years ago

Thank you for another storyline about Amber and her many wonderful friends. This looks as though it will be as interesting and intrieuging as "Amber's Enslavement".

AndrewKXSAndrewKXSalmost 15 years ago
Loved it!

Excellent story, thanks for including a plot with your stories! It's extra work that not all writers think of but it's worth it!

grob39zgrob39zalmost 15 years ago
Enjoyed the return

Glad to see the Amber saga renewed. Looking forward to her future trials and tribulations.

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