Amber's Enchantment Ch. 04


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'Yes, Mistress."

"Being frightened isn't wrong, Yolanda. What's wrong or right is how you deal with your fear."

"I understand, Mistress."

"Good, now, you and Thebes practice your massage techniques."

Yolanda and Thebes hurried off with a quick, "Yes Mistress," and Bressala turned back to Amber. "Well, my little trainee, lets' see if we can't get this cunt manipulation thing down, shall we?"


While Amber was resuming her training, Garth left his office to seek out the one person who might be able to shed some light on the mystery of her ability to see auras. Inclon was in his office, pouring over some scrolls, ones Garth recognized as the alchemistical scrolls he'd acquired from the merchants. Inclon looked up, saying, "Come in Garth. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Yes, sir," he replied. "There's been a development with Amber."

"I see. I assume this development is beyond the normal scope of a slave's training," the elder gentleman commented, a gleam of interest showing in his eyes.

"Yes, sir. It seems Amber has developed the ability to see magical auras."

Inclon gave Garth a hard stare, filled with incredulity. "Is there any chance she's imagining things, or lying for some reason?"

"I don't believe so, sir. If she had been imagining things, the auras she was seeing wouldn't have been as helpful to her in her assisting Vesti. As for lying, I believe she learned her lesson about that some time ago," Garth replied, referring to when Amber had kept her recovered memories from them early on when she woke from her death sleep.

"I didn't think so, myself, but it needed to be asked. How did this come about?" he asked, leaning back in his chair, rubbing his temple with his fingers. His slave, Justilia, noticed the signs of an approaching headache and fetched him a soothing herbal infusion.

"From what we can tell, it started right after she was sent on her training assignment. It almost sounds like passage through the portal somehow triggered the ability. There was an incident while she was there that seemed to take the ability away, but she said it returned when she returned to us." Garth went on to explain what Amber had related about the accident with the unknown magical device.

Inclon fixed his interest in the facts about the device. "Are you telling me that Melan Lustren possessed a magical device that she didn't know the function of? Do you realize how absurd that sounds?"

Garth's eyes seem to widen. "I hadn't thought of that, sir. If she'd bought it from the guild, they would have told her what it did. So, where did she obtain such a device?"

"Exactly. I'm also concerned about the apparent function of the device. If Amber is correct, the thing seemed to drain something from here, something that had enabled her to see auras. That same something seemed to return to her from the portal. But, as far as I know, portals don't do anything to those who traverse them."

"I don't know anything about magic, sir. In do know that my brother's spark was discovered when he started being able to see magical auras. It's supposed to be the primary means of identifying future wizards." Garth shook his head. "Amber shouldn't be seeing auras, sir. She can't have the spark; the collar suppresses it."

"I know. We can't deny the clear evidence, though. Some how, in spite of her collar, passage through the portal either gave, or freed up, her spark; at least enough to see auras. Is there any indication that she can actually do magic; manipulate mana?"

"It's possible, sir." Garth went on to add Ambers revelations about possibly manipulating the auras when she was assisting Vesti. "That does sound a bit like she was doing something."

"Yes it does, doesn't it. And she's sure Vesti doesn't suspect anything?" At Garth's affirmation, he continued. "Impress on Amber the importance of not trying to make auras do anything. We certainly don't need a magic using slave on our hands. The wizard's guild would not be impressed." Inclon had no idea just how important that order would end up being.

"I'll make sure she knows. You must admit, though, having our own slave wizard would be very useful."

"Until the guild decided to take steps to rectify the situation. No, our society has survived as long as it has because the power in society is so evenly split between the families, the wizard's guild, the merchant clans and us, the slave houses. The last thing we need during the burning times is massive social unrest."

"True, sir, too true."


Melan Lustren looked up as the miner entered her fungal garden. "Report?" she asked, her tone both inquiring and commanding.

"The candles work as promised, ma'am. The ore rats are dying. It's curious, though." At her raised eyebrow, he explained, "They're dying inside the ore veins. Whatever the candles do, it reaches into the veins quite some distance to kill the nests."

"Well, that's even better than we hoped for. Is the ore still useful?"

"I believe so, ma'am. I had Beltan use a small amount to make a simple potion and it seemed to work just fine."

Melan nodded her head with satisfaction. "Good, this is promising to be a very profitable burning time. Are there any side effects on the miners?"

"Not that we can tell, ma'am. Honestly, the smoke from the candles is rather pleasant smelling. Production is actually up a bit from normal."

"Good, even better. Keep me appraised of any changes that are noticed. That should be all," she finished with a wave of her hand. After the miner left, she took a different route through the garden to descend into the back part of her house. The house was designed to actually be two buildings in one, with the second only accessible through the fungal garden on the roof. To insure her privacy, there was only one path through the rear garden area that could be traversed without encountering a species of mushroom that emitted a cloying gas that rendered most species unconscious (of course, that path wasn't the most direct).

Back in the building, she went directly to the a room with a small shelf that had a crystal lying on a silken cloth. Picking up the crystal, she tapped it lightly with her finger, whispering, "Wizard Ponet." The crystal pulsed with an inner light for a few minutes as she tapped her fingers against the shelf in impatience. She sighed loudly when the light shot out to form a translucent, yet solid appearing disk of light with a man's face suspended in it.

"Madam, Lustren, to what do I owe the pleasure of your contact?"

"I have good news, sir wizard. I'll be able to ship you the desired quantities of louvet. I assume you'll be paying the agreed upon price?"

"Yes, yes," the suddenly excited wizard exclaimed. "That is good news. Of course, the agreed payment. Are you sure Vesti has no idea about our arrangement?"

"Absolutely none, I assure you. I swear, the man has no interest in anything but his magic and his new slave."

"Gods! Is he still using that slave to assist him in his duties?" The exasperation in his voice gave Melan pause.

"No, not the same slave. He had to buy a new one, as the previous one wasn't fully trained. What he really wants is the sex, of course."

"I hope so. Slaves helping with magic; what an abomination. If those blasted collars didn't quench any spark, I'd forbid it outright." Calming himself, Ponet asked, "When can we expect the first shipments?"

"You should be able to send someone to pick them up in two weeks. I assume the scrolls will be with him?"

"With me, you mean. I wouldn't trust something this valuable with just anyone. I'll open a portal to the usual place in 15 days, then."

"Excellent. I'll have the shipment ready."

As Melan broke the magical connection, ending the communication spell, Ponet relaxed in his chair. "Finally," he thought to himself, "we can start to get to the bottom of this mystery." The aged wizard pulled a scroll case out that glowed with the mana of the spell it was enchanted with. Amber would have recognized the aura as the same aura on the deep pocket in Garth's cloak. From within it, he pulled a scroll very few wizards had seen.

Most people, seeing the scroll's contents would have been no wiser. It was a collection of charts. The title was the obscure phrase, Plants: BT +0 to BT +5. He turned to a specific section of the scroll and looked up a number. Then, he walked over to a plant growing in a planter and cast a spell. A glow enveloped the plant and the glow pulsed at a steady rate. When the glow faded, he shook his head, muttering, "Where has it gone. It's not much, but it is missing. Hopefully, we can begin to find out in two weeks."


"Amber, would you hurt me please?" Yolanda asked as the two slaves walked back from the dining area. It had been two weeks since Amber's return to House Grantlo and Yolanda was still struggling in her quest for symbiosis. Amber still was uncomfortable with giving pain to her friend, and was beginning to suspect that Bresalla had told Yolanda to ask Amber for pain more often than others.

"Of course, Yolanda," she answered, in spite of her discomfort. In addition to simply being obedient, Amber had seen improvement in Yolanda as the weeks had progressed. She took a hold of Yolanda's nipples and squeezed, pressing her friend against the wall. Yolanda groaned and held her arms above her head. The burning pain of the squashed nipples seemed to travel through her body, ending up as a pleasant warmth in her cunt.

Before she could ease up, Amber heard, "Don't stop, Amber. Let's see how far Yolanda can go this time." Bresalla had followed them and reached around Amber to place several sticks on the rest of her breasts. The pain sticks sucked in small patches of skin and pinched themselves shut, adding to the pain Amber was inflicting. The trainer's practiced eyes noted the formation of female juices on Yolanda's pussy, and she wanted to know just how aroused the slave could become.

As more and more pain sticks were added to her breasts, turning the eminently caressable orbs into a veritable pin cushion, more and more fluids were generated by Yolanda's cunt, and her moans were increasingly those of pleasure rather than those of pain. "Twist them, Amber; very hard." As Amber obeyed, Yolanda's knees started to buckle and her hands grabbed Ambers to force them to twist even more.

"Please, Mistress, please make me cum," she pleaded.

"Not yet, Yolanda. I need to see if you can get there on your own."

With several minutes of torture of her breasts behind her, Yolanda's pussy was fully engorged and wet. It was clearly in need of penetration and juice was running down her legs. Bresalla added still more pain sticks, now to her abdomen. A crowd had gathered in the hall leading from the dining area, with several breathes being held as Yolanda reached levels of arousal she'd never achieved form pain before. More experienced slaves made sure no one spoke and broke the mood, as it were.

As the line of pain sticks made its way down her stomach, Yolanda seemed to hover on the edge of a climax, unable to cross that final barrier. Bresalla placed the last six sticks between the fingers of her two hands and pressed them to Yolanda's pussy in one motion. They adhered as Yolanda gave a cry of pain that morphed into one of ecstasy as she crossed over to her orgasm. As she was prone to doing, Yolanda squirted copious amounts of fluid from her pussy as she shook in pleasure, the pain merely a backdrop at that moment.

As she came out of her climax, a cheer went up from the surrounding slaves. Bresalla quickly pulled the pain sticks off and allowed Amber to hug her friend in her moment of triumph. Bresalla smiled in satisfaction as the suspicion she'd had earlier that day was confirmed. The reports from the people Yolanda had been asking to hurt her showed an unusual trend; Yolanda seemed to only respond to pinching with arousal, while slapping seemed to do nothing for her, pleasure wise.

While she would still have to orgasm under the whip to officially pass her pleasure/pain symbiosis, Bresalla now had something to work with. Her mind was already devising a conditioning routine that would take the pain she could climax from and use it to teach her body to climax from other pain. "Amber, take Yolanda to the cleaning pools before returning to our quarters." Looking over, Bresalla saw that a couple of slaves were already returning with cleaning materials to deal with the pleasant mess Yolanda had made.

Amber helped her friend walk until she had recovered enough to walk on her own. As had happened when she was first brought to Destran, the red tiled pool filled with soapy water when the entered it. Amber gently massaged the water into Yolanda's body, washing away the sweat and other fluids that had recently accumulated on it. Yolanda, giddy from her recent success, embraced Amber, pulling her into a deep kiss while her hands explored Amber's body with a trained, sensuous touch.

Amber responded by spreading her legs and allowing her fellow slave access to her pussy. Yolanda's caresses brought Amber's arousal on quickly. Amber started undulating her body against Yolanda's in response, seeking the pleasure her friend wanted to give her. The warm water was slick against their skin as their bodies rubbed against one another.

Below the surface, Amber's cunt sought out Yolanda's hand, trying to force penetration while Yolanda teased her by avoiding Amber's opening; instead only letting the outer areas of Amber's pussy receive any touching. A game they'd played many times, Amber kept her own arms around Yolanda, not using them to try to control Yolanda's fingers in any way. Before long, Amber was moaning in desire and need as her pussy opened wide and her hips continued to seek out the desired invaders.

Both slaves knew how this game would end (it was as much ritual as game). Her body desperate, Amber whispered, "I surrender," and clasped her hands behind her back. Yolanda took them in one hand and used the other to continue teasing Amber's pussy. Amber tried to hold herself still and accept the sensual torture as Yolanda expertly took her to higher and higher levels of arousal and need. Soon her entire body was trembling as Yolanda kept her at the edge of her orgasm.

Fully trained slaves could play this game for hours, enduring the denial of their climax for the enjoyment of their owners. Trainees played so as to learn how to suffer the pleasant, yet agonizing sensations of unfulfilled need. By the rules both understood and accepted, Yolanda wouldn't bring Amber to her climax until she begged; and Amber wouldn't beg until she was literally incapable of enduring a second more. Before she'd been placed, Amber had witnessed Leesha, the slave who had been assigned to Amber at her initial captivity, endure seven hours without begging (the game had been ended by Bresalla).

Amber made it twenty minutes before she broke and begged for her orgasm, tears of frustration streaming down her cheek. When she did, Yolanda thrust her fingers into Amber's cunt, roughly rubbing her palm against her clit. Amber's back arched as she cried out, her body tensing in a massive climax. Yolanda kept up the stimulation until Amber went limp in her arms (she'd pulled Amber close to keep her head above water).

Once the climax was over, the two slaves finished their cleaning and returned to their quarters to resume their lives of training. Their thoughts were of sex, chores and eventual placement. The affairs of the world outside of the house were as far from their minds as could be. In the future, that would not be the case; as the affairs of the world would intrude on their simple lives all too harshly.


Colrit set his quill down and leaned back in the saddle of his yeltin. One would expect the confirmation of one's life work to bring satisfaction to an old dwarf. Such was not the case. The implications of what he'd confirmed; and discovered, were mind boggling. This would change everything. All that people thought they knew of this world, this place they called home, would be forever altered.

And it wasn't as if the information could be sequestered away and people be allowed to live as they had. No, there was something happening; something potentially world changing that could only be dealt with by first understanding and accepting the truth about this world and the people inhabiting it. Colrit would go over everything again, just to be sure. You didn't change the nature of the world itself (or at least people's understanding of it) without being absolutely sure; but the aged dwarf had no doubts the second time would through would say the same thing. Destran is not our world.


In a space somewhere else, shadows congregated. There was no sound, no smell, no feeling there, simply the presence of entities in a place that wasn't anywhere at all. As the entities seemingly milled about, passing through nothing and everything at the same time, something else, something new faded into being, as if passing through the edge of existence itself.

It was another shadow thing, and a mound of copper ingots. This shadow looked...different in some way; more real perhaps, yet at the same time, less real here than its companions. As the copper took on an unreal solidity that seemed both normal and unnatural in this nowhere place, the beings descended on it. Each one that passed through the copper somehow left less behind, and was changed, so as to look more and less real as the one that arrived with the copper.

When the copper was consumed (?), the shadow beings formed a circle, and without a sound, a smell, a feeling, bowed to the center and left the no place to go to some other place that wasn't; passing through the edge of existence. In their absence, the no place ceased to have any existence.

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DryhillDryhillabout 13 years ago

i loved Dweaver's stories about Valerie and am enjoying these about Amber as much if not more so.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
well done

i've very much enjoyed your stories in this series. thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

kinda says it all :)

havn't set up an account yet so got to go anon, but...

nigilnigilalmost 14 years ago
Oh thank you soooo much !

I'm so glad this is not goodbye and I found this again,

Here I thought this is drawing the finish line, but the story gets even more intriguing. So many open questions...

And Amber has the Spark. Yay. Sorry I maybe overreacted before. I'll try to patiently wait until next time now.

thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you again! :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Welcome back!

I've been waiting for the next chapter in either of your stories. Thank you for more of your wonderful work!

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