Amber's Enslavement Ch. 07


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Amber plopped down on her bed, anatomy scroll in hand. Her ass stung and her jaw ached. She'd failed at taking the training cock down her throat yet again. Bressala had begun to believe that Amber simply wasn't trying, so she punished Amber this afternoon. Amber had sobbed during the punishment, not because the pain was so great (it wasn't), but because she couldn't tell Bressala why she'd been struggling with this part of her training.

In the past three weeks, Amber had come a long way in her training. She took to pleasing women with her mouth and hands like a fish to water. Her oral skills with men, however, were lacking. On her first day, she had been better at pleasing men than women. Now it was reversed. She had been able to refine the techniques she already knew, but every time she tried to deviate from those techniques to learn new, more advanced ones, she flashed back to her time in the brothel in Ravenshore. Every time she'd done something different, her trainer there had whipped her with that awful crop.

She waited a few seconds for the print on the scroll to reset in her mind to what she could read and resumed her studying. At least this part of her training was going exceptionally well. She'd always been a good student and found the quest for knowledge here on Destran just as fulfilling as it had been in Billa; in her parent's home. At the memory of the last place she'd been happy, a tear escaped from her eye. Amber knew she couldn't go back to that time, but now it looked so idyllic. Her life as a slave was losing its appeal.

Absorbed in her depression, Amber didn't notice Bressala looking on from the edge of the curtain between the sleeping area and the training room. Bressala didn't like having to punish Amber; especially since she wasn't sure the reason she'd ascribed to Amber was accurate. She'd watched Amber carefully and had seen her young trainee trying so very hard. At the crucial moment, there was a look of panic and terror on Amber's face, as if in anticipation of punishment. That was silly, of course. One doesn't punish a trainee while they were making an honest attempt to get it right. You used a mild punishment to encourage harder work and, in Amber's case, to reward the effort being made (thanks to becoming aroused by the spanking). Harsher punishments were reserved for outright disobedience. Amber was anything but disobedient.

Amber's sobbing during the spanking wasn't in line with the pain being suffered. There was something else going on, but Bressala was unable to fathom what it could be. Knowing she needed help, she left her charges with their practice lessons assigned and walked through the underground corridors of the house. She soon found herself outside Marlena's training rooms. Slipping in, she heard sounds of pain and pleasure coming from the training area. Smiling, she slipped through to watch.

Carli was strung up by her wrists. They pulled her to her toes, putting painful strain on her shoulders. Her breasts were adorned with pain sticks as were her pussy lips. Marlena was whipping the slave with a number three whip; the thick, stiff strands leaving deep red welts on Carli's back. Stephon and Luce were chanting just loud enough for Carli to hear, but not loud enough to distract her.

"Feel the pain, accept the pain, crave the pain, revel in the pain. Let it flow through you, reach into you, and pull the pleasure from you."

Bressala knew Carli was close. Pussy juice was flowing down her legs and Carli's eyes were lidded in pleasure. Then it happened, Carli stiffened and screamed as an orgasm washed over her. Her body shook as her face glowed with ecstasy and happiness. The whipping continued for another minute before Marlena allowed Stephon and Luce to take the weak, yet blissful, slave down. As pain sticks were gently removed, Carli experienced little aftershock orgasms. Bressala walked over to join the slaves congratulating Carli on her success.

"Carli, you did it; you reached symbiosis. I'm so proud of you."

"Mistress, I had no idea how hard it would be. I hurt so much."

"I know; it does hurt. But once you've achieved pleasure/pain symbiosis, you'll always be able to. You'll need more practice to be ready for your test."

"I know, Mistress."

Marlena instructed, "Carli, I want you to rest now. No training for the rest of the day. Let your collar heal your back. I've been whipping you for two and a half hours. Stephon, Luce, you're to serve Carli while she rests. Bring her anything she needs." Turning to Luce specifically, she added, "Luce, how close do you think you are?"

"Mistress, I'm not sure. I felt some pleasurable sensations the last time I tried, but they weren't very strong. Can Stephon help me practice some if Carli's sleeping?"

"Yes, that'll be fine. Just be sure you can hear her in case she needs anything. Bressala, what brings you here today?"

"I need some advice. Amber's having some difficulties and I'm not sure why."

The two trainers walked away from the three slaves and talked in low tones.

"What is she struggling with?"

"All of the advanced male oral techniques."

"All of them? Are you sure?"

"Yes, very sure. It's strange. She was better at oral pleasuring a man when she started, but she hasn't been able to break out of using basic methods. She can't even manage deep throating."

"What does she say about her failures?"

"That's the problem. She doesn't say anything. At least, nothing more than, 'I'm sorry, Mistress, I'm trying. I just can't seem to get it.' I don't understand how someone who's so in tune with what they're doing, as Amber is, can be so clueless about this one thing."

"I think I need to watch her. It would be best if she didn't see me at first."

"I'd be grateful, Marlena. I'm at my wit's end."

"Let's go see her now. I'll wait until you start her trying again and then peek in. Make sure her back's to the curtain."

Soon both trainers were outside Bressala's quarters. Bressala went in.

"Amber, how are you feeling?"

"Okay now, Mistress."

"I want you to try practicing deep throating again."

"Mistress, now?"

Bressala took a stern tone. "Yes, now. This is important and we can't relax until we know how to get you over this hump. Come with me."

Bressala led her to the training room again and pulled the training aid out of its storage container. She guided Amber to a bench where the fake cock could be placed at a comfortable position to be taken orally. Bressala demonstrated once again.

"Watch carefully, I want you to remember how I took the aid. Try to do what I do when you try."

Bressala started licking and sucking at the cock. Each time she took it into her mouth, it went a little farther. Then, with a determined push and a swallowing motion, the entire cock entered Bressala's mouth and Amber could see the outline of the penis in Bressala's neck. Bressala held it there, swallowing against it and then released to take a breath. Again and again the aid made the plunge and filled Bressala's throat where it was massaged by the swallowing throat muscles. On the final plunge, the cock came and Bressala swallowed the magically created cum with the penis fully embedded in her throat.

"Now you try it, Amber. I know you can do this. Put your heart into it; love on the aid as your Master's cock."

Amber started licking and sucking at the aid. As she tried to go past the basic techniques that started this lesson, she flinched almost imperceptibly as the panic started to hit her again. Her body started to anticipate the wicked flick of the crop against her back or legs as she tried to do something different from what she'd been shown in the brothel. Soon the aid itself was punishing her as she failed to progress in the lesson.

Marlena made a cutting motion and then mouthed, "Try another one."

"Okay, Amber, let's put this aside. I want you to practice at the tongue flutter. Do you need me to demonstrate again?"

"No, Mistress." Amber was nearly in tears again at her failure. Bressala was worried that much more of this and Amber would begin to expect failure instead of success. Training past the expectation of not succeeding was a bitch.

The new aid was placed on the table and Amber started to try to practice the gentle tongue flicks that slaves called the flutter. Again, her body flinched in terror of being punished. Her tongue couldn't maintain the light licking motion that made this technique so enjoyable for men. The aid started to tingle against her and soon the shocks became painful. Bressala stopped the lesson.

"Marlena, could you see anything?"

Amber looked back in shock at the other trainer and her entire body reddened in embarrassment.

"Yes, I think so. Amber, are you expecting to be punished while you're training?"

"N...No...No, Mistress." Amber blanched at the question, so spot on to what she was feeling and couldn't admit.

"Well, you might not be, but your body is. Every time you started to go beyond the basic techniques, you flinched as if you'd been struck with a whip very hard. Did you realize that?"

"No, Mistress."

"Are you aware of feeling fear while your were practicing?"

Amber wasn't sure how to answer that question. She did feel fear; and not just fear but terror. Yet, she couldn't explain where it came from. To do that, she'd have to admit to remembering. If she admitted that, she'd be condemned, she was sure of it. Instead of answering, Amber merely bowed her head. It was all going so wrong and she didn't know what to do. Once again, slavery was that horrid institution that left one hopeless, only this time it was her fault. She had felt such hope and promise three short weeks ago.

Bressala bent over her trainee and pulled her chin up. "Amber, if you're frightened of something, tell us. We can't help you get past it if you won't tell us."

"I don't know why! Are you happy now? I'm terrified and I can't tell you why." A few seconds passed and Amber remembered, "Mistress."

"Is this like when you were so certain slavery was evil?"

Amber nodded her head, afraid she wouldn't be able to mouth another lie to the slave she'd come to see as her mother here on this world.

Marlena looked at Amber and offered, "Amber, I have a possible solution to this problem. It's rather drastic and will probably be unpleasant."

"Mistress, it can't be any worse than what's happening now."

"Remember that you said that. Come on, we have to use another room."


"Heversham, are you out of your mind? Do you have any idea what the guild would do to me if I gave you that? There's no price worth having my spark quenched. No, absolutely not. I will not sell you a copy of An Alchemist's Guide to Reagents and Mana."

The Merchant Guild Master sighed at the answer he'd expected. Still, he had to try. "If you won't sell your copy, though I don't know why not as you don't practice alchemy, then let my scribe copy it."

"You can't, it's warded against copying. What do you need my copy for anyway? You merchants don't do alchemy. You can't mix properly on the road."

"I can't say; client confidentiality. I suppose it's warded against theft as well?"

"Of course. Oh, you can steal long as you're willing to spend the rest of your life blind and mute."

"Well, if that's your final word, I suppose we'll move on to the matter of ointments. We're in need of a fresh supply, hopefully enough to get us through to the burning times. I'm hoping your prices haven't gone up again..."

The negotiations took the rest of the day. As was usual, Heversham and his clan made out well, ending up with more gold than they'd started with; as well as plenty of goods to sell at their next stop. As he retired for the night, his slave lying beside him, he thought of Inclon and how disappointed he'd be. Still, he hoped the old sage would be happy with 300 years of old texts instead. Inclon would save quite a bit of gold, seeing as how the copies were almost cost free to the clan.


Amber hadn't seen this room before; though it was pretty clear what was done here. There were numerous devices for restraining people in the room. In addition to what she would come to think of as standard (anchor points on the walls, tables with straps, stocks) there were a few that she couldn't make out the use of by just looking. It was toward one of these that she was led.

"Amber, we're going to place you in some tight bondage. You won't be able to move in any way. Technically, you're not advanced enough to start bondage training yet. So, unlike normal training, you'll have a choice. We're going to bind you to this bench with your head propped up and immobilized. Then you're going to pleasure Thebes orally. He'll be under orders to force you to deep throat him. You'll have to master the techniques to avoid some significant difficulty breathing and pain. Are you willing to suffer this to overcome this trouble you're having?"

Amber gulped and her breathing went short and shallow. She remembered Ravenshore, the training cocks and the pain every time she failed to be perfect. What if she couldn't do it? How much would it hurt? Marlena and Bressala watched her struggle with her fear. In her mind, Amber tried to tell herself, "This isn't Ravenshore. These people aren't like that. They want to help me. I'm better off here." It hit her that she hadn't yet truly accepted her fate as a slave. Yes, she'd come to realize that there was no other option, but she still didn't want to be a slave. She knew what it was like to be free. It dawned on her how lucky the slaves were without memories. With no knowledge of anything different, they could easily accept the fate they couldn't avoid. If Amber was to be anything other than miserable for the rest of her life, she had to truly accept what had happened to her.

"Mistress, I don't want to do this; it frightens me. But I will. I think I need to. I need to start being a slave. Do you know what I mean?"

"Amber, I don't know why you are having so much trouble with your slavery. Every slave, however, reaches a point where they stop existing as slaves and start, as you so nicely put it, being a slave. Unlike you, other slaves pass from one state to the other almost unnoticed; at least by themselves. I think much of your slavery will be hard until you can start being a slave. We will help you make the transition," Bressala assured her.

"I know; that's why I can try. I trust you." Amber left unsaid why she was able to trust; that she knew what the alternative was and had been given so many examples of why Bressala, Garth, and the others could be trusted.

"Lie down on the bench, Amber," Marlena instructed.

The bench was about three feet tall, but had a winch mechanism that could raise and lower it. Amber lay on her stomach with her chin resting in a shaped holder. Her head was held in place by a series of straps. Additional straps bound her torso to the bench. Her arms and legs draped over the sides of the narrow affair and were lashed to the supports of the bench. By the time Marlena and Bressala were done, Amber couldn't move anything except her fingers and toes.

Thebes stepped up to Amber's face, which was resting at the perfect height for her to take him into her mouth. Without being told, Amber opened her mouth and allowed Thebes to enter her. He wasn't erect yet and she started to lick and caress his cock with her tongue and mouth. Soon he was hard and began to push himself deeper into her mouth. Amber tried to put the advanced techniques into place, but, once again, the fear rose up and she choked on Thebes before he'd even made it to the back of her mouth. He pulled back to let her catch herself and started again.

Amber soon found herself in tears as she struggled to overcome the terror that rose up. Nothing seemed to work. In addition to the fear of being punished if she did something wrong, Thebes' attempts to press into her throat itself were becoming frightening. Finally Bressala called an end to it.

"That's enough, Thebes. This isn't working."

As soon as he had pulled clear of her mouth, Amber cried out, "No, Mistress. Please don't stop. I need to do this. Please keep trying, Mistress."

"Amber, if it was going to work, it would've by now."

In desperation, Amber pleaded, "Punish me, Mistress. Punish me with the crop"

"Amber! Why?"

"It'll arouse me, Mistress. Maybe if I'm aroused I'll do better," she lied. In reality, Amber had concluded that she needed punishment to train. She reasoned that instead of her mind fearing being punished if she changed what she'd been taught in Ravenshore, she needed to be punished for not doing what was asked of her. "Punish me harshly until I get it right, I'm begging you, Mistress."

Bressala bent down and brushed Amber's hair out of her face. "Are you sure about this, Amber? The crop is worse than the paddle; it'll leave welts until your collar heals them."

"Yes, Mistress, I know. I really think I need it though."

At a loss of what else to do, Bressala nodded and sent Thebes to fetch a crop. She asked for the number one crop, the gentlest they had. Even then, it would hurt quite a bit; especially if Bressala used it continually until Amber succeeded. In a short while, Thebes was once again hard and in Amber's mouth. Bressala started the whipping.

Amber's body jerked at the flare of pain that crashed through her ass. Thebes pressed in and Amber reacted just as she had before, only to feel the crop impact her butt again and again. Her body fought against the restraints, trying to get away from the constant rain of agony in her body. Over and over, her mouth and throat balked at letting her air be cut off. Amber tried to make her body obey.

She wasn't aware of it, but she was highly aroused. Her pussy was leaving a puddle of fluid on the bench and her nipples were stiff and protruding. The pain from the individual strokes had blended together into one solid mass of agony. That mass combined with the arousal and need that had built up and pushed her body and mind over a hump.

Suddenly, Amber's body needed to swallow Thebes' cock. His tip hit the back of Amber's throat and she gagged, caught herself and swallowed...the cock itself. Thebes stopped with his cock buried in Amber's throat, groaning as her repeated swallows massaged him. The pain stopped as Bressala dropped the whip and knelt beside Amber.

"That's it, you've done it. Now, Amber, he's going to pull back a bit. When he does, breathe. When he pushes in again, swallow just like you did."

To Amber's amazement, it worked. Thebes pulled back and she took a breath. Thebes pushed in and she swallowed, literally sucking his penis into her throat where the swallowing action pulsated against his cock. She found herself able to repeat the technique as often as they asked. Soon Amber's gagging stopped and the swallowing felt more voluntary and natural.

"Amber, Thebes is going to cum. He's going to shoot cum down your throat while you're swallowing him. Just let it happen and keep swallowing."

Amber grunted and when Thebes pushed in the next time, she could feel ribbons of cum splattering against the back of her throat to be driven down by her swallowing. His hands grasped her head to steady himself as his climax overwhelmed him. Finally, he pulled nearly all the way out so Amber could clean the last of his cum from his cock.

"Amber, I'm so proud of you. I know it's been hard, but you did it. You overcame your fear."

Amber couldn't tell Bressala that she was wrong. What Amber had done was use her fear; her fear of being punished to drive herself to learn the technique. She wondered how many times she'd have to beg to be beaten before her fear of punishment became a desire to please; or if it ever would.