Amy’s Christmas Wish


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"I will Mom," she smiled, knowing it might be a day or two before she'd got to eat again. When Mom was off work, there was really nothing to eat.

Mr. Gilles walked around his restaurant; enjoying everyone eating and having a great time, when he saw Rachael and her daughter Amy come in. "Merry Christmas!" he yelled out and all but ran to hug them both. "I'm glad you made it," he whispered to Rachael. "You left so fast today, I didn't get a chance to give you these," he added handing her two train passes, knowing anything Rachael got would help them.

Mr. Gilles was about five foot seven inches tall with no hair on his head and always made silly jokes about getting it cut. He'd been a top business man in the city, until he went bankrupt three years ago. He sold everything he had and opened the restaurant.

"I'm sorry, but my shit babysitter called, said she got asked out on a date and was leaving Amy at our place, alone!" Rachael said looking into his eyes, wishing he'd be like this all year.

"Oh brother! Did you stomp her ass yet?" he asked, knowing that the young girl was in for some shit when Rachael got a hold of her. Rachael was the kind of person that didn't take shit from anybody, not even him.

"I will Saturday!" Rachael smiled thinking of slapping the shit out of the girl for leaving Amy all alone. "Thank you," she smiled taking the two passes from Mr. Gilles, thinking of the money she'd save going back and forth from work everyday.

"No problem at all," he smiled and bent down to Amy. "So, little girl, are you ready to do some eating?" he asked watching Amy's light up. "I made sure Joe cooked your favorite!" he said watching her cute, little face light up with joy.

Amy's belly growled as Mr. Gilles's words filled her ears. She hadn't had any fried chicken in so long; Amy forgot what it tasted like. "Yes!" Amy yelled jumping out and down, wondering if there'd be some mashed potatoes to go with it. She loved potatoes just as much as much as chicken and could eat them day and night. "Are there hot potatoes too?" she asked licking her lips, trying not to drool all over Mr. Gilles.

"Oh yes!" he replied. "Chicken, potatoes, corn on the cob, peas and anything you can dream of!" he added giving the girl a hug as he walked them to an empty table. "Set your things down and get to it!" he laughed watching Amy tearing off her old, torn coat and make a mad dash to the food tables. "I've been meaning to talk to you about something you've been doing." Mr. Gilles said sitting across from Rachael.

'Oh God, he knows I've been taking food!' Rachael thought, hoping he wouldn't fire her on Christmas Eve. "Yes," she replied biting her lip, hoping she could find another job before they were tossed from the apartment.

"I know you've been taking home food," he said tapping his fingers on the table, knowing poor Rachael had to be scared to death, thinking she was about to loose her job and he loved teasing her.

"I do it so she has something to eat and it's only two burgers a day," she quickly said in her defense, praying he wouldn't fire her.

He looked at her and saw tears forming in her pretty, hazel eyes and figured he better hurry and finish this. "From now on," he paused to take a breath and smile. "You tell Joe what you want...and he'll fix it. That little girl can't live on burgers. She needs a little more than that," he smiled as Rachael jumped up to hug him. "And, it's my treat, so don't worry about it," he added enjoying the pretty women's face fill with shock.

Rachael sat there knowing this was it. She and Amy would be living on the street or in some bug-infested homeless shelter. Her eyes grew wide and she couldn't believe what he just said. She jumped up and couldn't hug him tight enough. "Thank you!" she said thinking of how happy Amy was going to be. No more burgers!

"It's my pleasure and I fell badly for not doing it sooner. I know you've been having a hard time," he said watching the joy on her pretty face.

"Don't worry about that. It's what you've done now that counts," she replied pulling from him and pushed back her short, brown hair.

"You go and get something to eat. We'll be doing presents later. I hope you two ladies like what Santa got for you!" Mr. Gilles smiled bigger than he had in years and walked away, wiping tears from his eyes. He knew that he needed to treat his workers better and from now on; they would be his family, not just hired help.

Rachael found Amy by the chicken and potatoes. "Hey sweetie," she smiled seeing that Amy had three big pieces of chicken and a massive pile of potatoes on her plate. "Wow, that looks soooo good!" Rachael added, feeling her own stomach growling with hunger.

"Get some Mom. It's good! I already ate me a leg!" Amy giggled as she sat two big ears corn on the edge of her full plate.

"Oh, I plan on eating a bunch too!" Rachael said, thinking of what Mr. Gilles just told her and how much it was going to help them. "Can you carry that to our table or do you need some help?" Rachael asked looking at the big plate of food Amy had.

"I'll get it Mom. You get some food, don't worry about me." Amy said shoving a big, warm dinner roll in her mouth and made her way back to the table. 'I gotta hurry and eat, then get Mom to go find Santa. Hank said to be sure and find him.' Amy thought as she started eating the wonderful chicken.

After eating and a few good burps, Amy felt better than she had in so long. She was warm, had a full belly and there were two presents under the big, pretty Christmas tree for Mom and her. "Mom." Amy said looking at Mom. "After we open the presents, I need to go find Santa and tell him what we need," she said with a hint of desperation in her eyes and soft voice. Hank told her it was very important to be there.

"I thought we'd go buy each other something." Rachael said with a smile, noticing a strange look in Amy's eyes. "We might not have enough time for that," she added watching a shocked look quickly covering her face.

"Mom, I gotta go find him! He'll be at the corner of Hope and Faith Street, waiting for me!" Amy said with fear running through her, thinking that Mom wasn't going to take her.

"Come on, let's shop and get each other something nice. And besides, you wrote him a letter at school, remember?" Rachael said seeing a look of desperation in Amy's young eyes.

Amy was horrified at Mom's words. "Mom, I gotta go find him! He's going to make our life change! Hank told me he would," she added seeing Mom's eyes turn from being sweet to a look of complete fear.

"Who is Hank?" Rachael growled looking to Amy, wondering if this guy Hank was the person that turned on their power and where Amy got the money. "You know better than to talk to strangers and you took money from him too!"

"He's a nice man Mom. Don't be mad." Amy quickly said, hoping Mom would calm down. "He gave me the money and fixed the lights. You'll like him." Amy said with a smile, feeling her face turning red with embarrassment.

Rachael shook her head, knowing she taught Amy better than this. "I'm very disappointed in you little girl!" she said pointing her finger at Amy, watching Mr. Gilles walking up to them.

"What's wrong?" he asked sitting next to Amy, watching a tear run down her face.

"Today, some man turned on our lights, gave her fifty dollars and told her to meet him someplace." Rachael said and was so glad she found this out now.

Mr. Gilles sat looking at Rachael with a smile on his face. "Oh ok! Sweetie, I paid to have it all turned back on, but, you shouldn't take money from anyone," he said hugging the now sobbing little girl. "Where'd he want you to meet him?" Mr. Gilles asked knowing all the men at the party would be more than willing to go find the man and give him a 'nice' Christmas present.

Amy didn't know what he was going to do, so she told him. "At the corner of Hope and Faith Street," she said wiping her eyes. "Will you take me and you can see Santa with me?" she asked him with hope. She needed to go there. Hank said Santa was going to help them, but he wanted to see her and the nice man Lenny might be there too. Mom liked him a bunch.

"We'll see sweetie," he said giving her a hug and looked to Rachael, hoping she'd give him the 'ok' to get some men and go find the pervert that tried to get Amy. "Why don't you go get some desert and let me and your Mommy talk," he smiled helping her from the booth and sat back down. "Just give me the word," he added with a smile.

Rachael didn't know what to say. If the man, Hank was bad, he would have taken Amy from the yard and would not have invited them to meet him someplace. "Thank you!" she said holding his hand. "No, its Christmas Eve, I'd hate to think of you guys going to jail for kicking somebody's ass," she laughed trying to imagine Mr. Gilles in jail. He always dressed so nice, something like that would most likely kill him.

He was a little disappointed, but knew she was right. "Well, if you change your mind, please let me know," he laughed getting up and figured it was time to give out the gifts. "Get a desert and make your way towards the tree. Its present time!" he said slapping hands together and couldn't wait to see the joy on everyone's faces.

"Ok, I'll get something and hunt down Amy," she replied wondering why Mr. Gilles was so nice. He was a good man, but he never, ever acted like this.

After looking around, Rachael found Amy sitting all alone in the very back of the restaurant. "Hey," she said sitting next to her, giving Amy a hug. "Are you mad at me?" she asked knowing Amy had to be very upset with her for not letting her go meet the man Hank.

Amy just gave her shoulders a quick shrug and didn't say a single word. She knew Mom was only looking out for her, but Santa, if he was real, wanted to see her and Mom wasn't going to take her.

"I'm sorry you're mad, but what if that man wanted to hurt us and..." Rachael said and was interrupted when some twenty little people dressed as elves came into the restaurant, singing, dancing and handing out flyers. "They look so real!" she gasped looking at Amy's face.

"Wow!" was all Amy could say when all the little people came up to her smiling.

One stepped forward, looked her over and asked, "Is your name Amy?" he asked in a very high pitched voice as he looked over Amy and Rachael.


He smiled and handed her a flyer. "Santa wants you to come and see him. You make sure and come!" he smiled, looked at Rachael, gave her a wink. "He wants you too, young lady!" he laughed and they all started their singing and dancing again and left just as quickly as they came in.

"That was strange." Rachael said reading the paper and saw the address. 'Damn, that's the same place that guy Hank told Amy to go,' she thought hoping Amy didn't read it, but her hope went out the door just as quick as the elves did.

"Look, that's where he told me to go! It has to be safe if all kinds of people will be there." Amy said shoving the flyer towards Rachael, hoping she'd see that it was ok to go.

"I'm sorry, but we are 'not' going! You might as well get it out of your mind," she replied, knowing Amy was going to be mad at her for a long time.

'Fine, I'll just go when you're not looking.' Amy thought crossing her arms over her chest in disgust and gave Mom a dirty look.


"Now, aren't you glad we took our time?" Rachael asked looking down to Amy and the very expensive doll that she got from Mr. Gilles. "I know you're mad and I'm sorry, but this is the first time we've been able to get each other something for a long time," she said squatting down to hug Amy. "Please don't do this to me." Rachael whispered in her ear, wishing she'd taken Amy to see Santa.

"I know." Amy replied hugging Mom, enjoying her sweet perfume and she knew Mom was going to be so mad when she took off to see Santa.

"Come on, let's have a good time." Rachael smiled standing back up and was so glad she started doing the exercises at home. She felt so trim, fit and loved the new look that her butt and legs had. 'I wonder if Lenny liked it. He sure was checking' me out!' she thought as he filled her mind and a wonderful tingling started deep in her body.

He was so manly looking with his brown eyes and hard, but kind face. His dark hair and the graying around his temples made him look so mature and it really excited Rachael. She never liked men her own age. She liked the thought of an 'older' man that knew what he was doing; holding and loving her, not some little boy that was just out for a quick piece of ass. That's how Rachael got Amy, not that she regretted her one little bit.

"Can I go look at the toys?" Amy asked breaking Rachael's wonderful thoughts of Lenny.

"Sure, but just for a few minutes. We need to get home before the trains stop running at midnight." Rachael said giving her watch a quick look, seeing that it was still early, but she wasn't the kind of person that took chances. There was no way she wanted to be stuck downtown on Christmas Eve with no way to get home.

Amy looked at Mom and knew she was going to get so mad, but Amy needed to go see Santa before he left to give presents. "Ok Mom," she replied turning towards the toy isle, hoping Mom wouldn't catch her leaving the store.

Amy's heart pounded thinking of the way to the mall and all the trouble she was going to be in, but this was so important. She made her way towards the toys and saw a door leading outside. This was it; she looked behind her to make sure nobody was looking. Amy took a deep breath and made a mad dash for the door and out on the busy street. She knew the way to the mall and off she went.

'These look so sexy!' Rachael thought looking at a pair of sheer white panties. Visions of Lenny seeing her in them filled her mind and a fire started burning in the loneliest part of her body, between her legs. 'That would be so nice!' she thought again, wondering if Lenny could make love or not, if he couldn't, she'd be more than willing to masturbate while he looked on.

He was so handsome and Rachael knew it wouldn't take very much to turn her on and give her a well needed orgasm. 'I hope he can,' she moaned to herself thinking of being on top of the great looking man, driving his hardness deep in her body. 'I need to stop thinking this shit!' she thought trying to get Lenny out of her mind, but it was proving to be harder than she could have ever imagined. 'I need to find Amy and start home,' she said to herself putting the panties in her cart and headed off to find her.

Rachael down every isle and started to get worried. 'Where are you?' she thought running back to the toys, hoping that they'd just missed each other, but nothing. A salesperson walked by Rachael, she grabbed his arm, told him what was wrong and within just a minute the entire store was looking for Amy.

"I know where she is!" Rachael growled thanking everyone that helped look for Amy, knowing one little girl was in some big trouble. She paid for Amy's doll, her panties and headed towards the Christmas festival. 'You're going to get it when I find you!' Rachael thought as she jogged down the street towards the mall, hoping that she was right.

As she neared the festival Rachael couldn't believe all the people and the noise. It was going to be so hard finding Amy among so many people. 'Oh God, please help me!' Rachael thought as tears ran from her eyes and down her face. She didn't know what to do. Rachael could only imagine the worst and hoped if Amy had been taken; the police could find that guy called Hank. 'He took her, I know it,' she thought hoping the love of her life was here and not being hurt or anything else.

"Amy!" she started screaming, pushing her way through the crowds. "Amy! Amy!" Rachael screamed louder making her way towards the massive stage and 'Santa', the person Amy wanted to see so bad. 'Please be here!' she said to herself as ten little kids dressed as elves ran up to her. "I can't find my daughter! I need help!" she cried with desperation, hoping they'd help look, but all they did was giggle, pulling her towards the stage and up the stairs. "Let me go!" she yelled trying to pull from them, but there were too many of them, plus she didn't want to hurt anyone.

"Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!" Santa yelled out, like he'd done hundreds of times before and he saw that the elves had done their job. "And what's your name young lady?" he asked watching Rachael struggling to free herself from his helpers and he had to laugh.

"Tell them to let me go!" she yelled at him, wishing she could kick his ass and the guy named Hank. "My daughters' missing, I have to find her!" Rachael yelled again and noticed the fat man laughing at her and she wanted to rip his face off, but with all the hundreds and hundreds on kids there, she thought better of it.

"She's here and doing just fine, relax and settle down," he said with a smile and reached to hold Rachael's hand. "I've already explained Amy that what she did was very, very wrong. Now, if we can get Mommy to just calm down and look around, you'll see her," he said in a very relaxing voice, knowing that this frantic young lady was in for the night of her life.

Rachael looked at him and to her dismay, she was relaxing. 'What's going on?' she asked herself watching Santa and the people standing around him just smiling at her. She took a deep breath and slowly looked around. 'He said she was close and all I had to do was look and I'd see her, so where is she?' Rachael thought trying to look, but she didn't see Amy anywhere at all.

'You can't miss her. She's so close." Santa smiled looking to the elves, hoping Rachael would take her time and look at his little helpers.

Rachael noticed him looking down to the elves and it dawned on her. She carefully looked at each on, watching them giggling and smiling and one stood out. "Amy!" she screamed dropping to her knees, hugging her as tight as she could. "Don't you ever do this to me again!" Rachael said as tears of joy poured from her eyes.

Amy couldn't but crying with Mom and felt bad for what she'd done, but she needed to see Santa. "I'm sorry Mommy. I'll never do it again, I promise," she sobbed hugging Mom, hoping she wouldn't be in too much trouble. "Santa told me that he'd make one of our Christmas wishes come true, but we have to wish for the same thing and we can not talk about. It has to be a secret." Amy said looking into her eyes, hoping that they wanted the same thing.

After hugging each other a few more minutes, Rachael stood up, walked to Santa giving him one of her motherly looks that meant you were in big, big trouble. "You shouldn't tell her things like that. I don't want her disappointed," she leaned whisper in his ear and he just laughed.

"Ha, ha, ha! You need to get some Christmas spirit in you," he said with a big smile. "Amy told me her wish, now it's your turn. Have a seat and tell Santa what you want for Christmas," he said telling on his lap.

She heard him and laughed to herself. 'I need something in me, but it doesn't have a thing to do with Christmas!' Rachael thought as Lenny drifted into her mind and that tingle she had before was back and was worse than ever.

"Just tell me your wish and it's yours," Santa whispered to Rachael, enjoying her very pretty face, hoping that she and Amy wanted the same thing.

Rachael just smiled at him and wasn't sure what she wanted, but Amy was standing there with big wide eyes and knew she had to think of something fast. "Ok, this is what I want," she said leaning to his ear and whispered it.

"That's no fair Mommy! I told everyone what I wanted, you should too!" Amy said putting her hands on her hips just like Mom always did.

Santa gave Rachael a big hug and looked down to Amy. "No, Mommy can keep hers a secret," he said as Rachael stood up, gave Amy another hug and saw a big, tall man walking up to them.