Ancient Watchtowers Ch.02


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"Yes," Bolga hissed back the same words, "I am a lovely red vixen, Loriel."

She kissed the cheek before her and then lunged to take the long ear in her teeth to suck for a moment as Loriel maoned, "I mow aw of vat."

She released the ear and grinned, humping in time to her words, "I am Chicha's mother.

Her redness comes from me - as does her trickery and her guile.

It is yours now, my elf, the same thing in me, yours and Naïsa's. I will use what I know to hold you both close to me, for I want you now.

Twice, I have known love, and twice I have lost it.

Say you want me, and I will never lose the third and the fourth together - for that is what you both are to me.

Say you are mine, and this is yours for as long as I am Bolga and live."

It was a hell of a proposal, but Loriel bought it, as her head hung back and she cried out her acceptance with everything that she had.

When it was over and Bolga lowered Loriel gently to the grass, she found Naïsa there ready to jump against her, but she forced the blonde back, slowly and so gently, using her strength in a smooth application of it, kissing the elf deeply as she did and loving to feel her yield as she lay back.

In a flash, almost faster than their eyes could follow, she spun herself around and had Naïsa's legs apart, driving her sopping cleft in between those amazing thighs to jam their vulvas together so that Naïsa stared at the shock of it.

But when she began to move, holding and pulling one of the elf's legs, Naïsa's expression changed and her lips pulled into a smile, just before her eyes almost rolled back. She held herself up on her elbows, needing to see herself taken like this and loving it. Loriel was there in an instant, kissing her and kneading her breasts.

Naïsa came in only seconds, but Bolga fucked her right through it and went on.

She stopped a little later and reached into her voluminous hair, amazing the elves as she leered at them while pulling out a slightly bent stick which was rounded at both ends. With a little adjustment in the way that she lay, she had them together and fucking each other like lightning in no time.

"Tell me what I need to hear," The huldra said through her teeth, "This is for my wild heart, and I will not have only one elf. I cannot help that I want you for your beauty and your kindness to me. Say that you are mine and I will fuck you this way forever!"

Naïsa almost went slack on her then as she stared, "Truly? You want to be one of three together? Beyond this? Beyond everything?"

Bolga slowed to a stop, only twisting herself slowly to keep their fires lit, "Yes. My heart is large enough and it has lain empty for so long. I am no elf, but ..."

Naïsa looked over, her smile gone, "So strong, the feeling from you Bolga. This is truth? I do not question much, but to tell a falsehood now ruins much of what we all have done to join together.

Bolga nodded, "It is truth."

"SWEAR!" Naïsa's white teeth flashed as she almost shouted. She bucked her hips hard and Bolga almost collapsed at the sensations.

She moaned as though in pain. "Bolga swears ... I need the elves!"

"Which elves?" Naïsa hissed,"These elves whom you fuck with now are pledged. To join fully, Bolga Fuchs must pledge."

Bolga looked over from one to the other, "I will never fail the elves."

"Sisters." Naïsa hissed, "Your sisters. Say it."

Bolga looked surprised, "My ..."

"This is still a joining, is it not?" Naïsa said with her soft smile showing, "To do as we have done, all must be the same.

You give - we give. After this, no elves and a huldra. No huldra and two elves. I am only half-elf anyway. We all give. After this, Bolga, no more seeking bargains with your friends. There will be no this and that. There will only be the three.

Only the three sisters."

Bolga nodded, "I pledge to you, I will never fail you - either one, in anything."

"Ask me nicely," the elf smiled, wiggling her hips a little, "I know what I see, but I want to hear more from this heart that I must win."

"Please ..." the huldra moaned, "please be mine, Naïsa?"

The elf gritted her teeth and began to buck once more, "Then GIVE me what I WANT!"

Bolga's yellow eyes flashed as she took up the challenge with a vengeance and it became a wild fucking with both writhing and needing to, but knowing that their motions could only ever go so far like this.

Bolga jammed herself harder in and moved faster, seeing just a hint of Naïsa's clitoris uncovered and she reached for it and rubbed it just so with her wetted thumb.

Naïsa threw her head back just as Loriel had and she wailed , "YES! Yesss! I am yours, Bolga. Now finish me if you mean any of it!"

Loriel was kissing her feverishly, but the archer pulled her head down to whisper.

"Go - go to her," Naïsa moaned, "To Bolga. See to her, Loriel!"

The smaller elf nodded and scurried to love Bolga then, paying all the attention that she'd always had the thoughts of to those breasts, now that she could see just how tall those nipples could stand on their own.

For the first time since they'd begun, the elves saw that they were gaining the advantage as Bolga now writhed, fully into her own joy at last, her chest heaving to move air in and out so that Loriel could see her ribs plainly as well as her muscled abdomen. It wasn't a contest - they only wanted to finish Bolga.

Naïsa bucked and yelled when her orgasm tore through her, but she recovered quickly as a plan formed in her mind.

She disconnected herself and jumped to Loriel's aid as she grabbed the dildo before it could leave Bolga and she fucked her fast and hard with the slippery thing.

"Quickly Loriel," she hissed as she crawled upward over Bolga's writhing body, "Lick her ass! I'll meet you there in a thrice."

Loriel nodded and moved down, lifting the huldra's haunch to nuzzle inward until her tongue found the place and Bolga almost jumped up with a new need. Naïsa threw her arm around the red-haired beauty to hold her before she looked into the yellow eyes and smiled.

"For you Bolga, my fine sister." She kissed Bolga hard, meaning it.

Where she was in her climb to her joy, that threw Bolga right off the table and she bucked and yelled right past Naïsa's lips to shriek and wail for a long moment.

Then she fell into darkness and knew no more.

Naïsa made certain that the huldra could breathe freely and then she looked over at Loriel, who now sat on one hip looking back a little strangely as she touched her own lips. She looked around and then began to grin.

"I'm an idiot," she laughed.

Naïsa didn't understand, "What is it?"

Loriel closed her eyes and shivered for a second and when she opened her eyes, she looked a little insane for a moment as she pointed, "Bolga's a Red Huldra. Now I remember reading about them. Reds are different. That's why she and Chicha look more like foxes than any engravings that I saw of huldras in the books."

She threw her arm around Naïsa's neck and kissed her cheek before she began to whisper hurriedly.


As Bolga's eyelids fluttered weakly at first, she felt two mouths on her, front and back, only licking her very affectionately.

It felt wonderful.

They felt it as she moved to get a look and they slowed to a stop and began to crawl up over her.

"What now, lovely ones?"she groaned weakly, "I have nothing for you anymore for a time unless it pleases you to watch me try to breathe."

"That'll do," Loriel smiled, "for a start."

"You're leaking," Naïsa pointed to the huldra's nipples, "We want some."

"You want some." Loriel grinned hungrily, "I want some more."

Bolga felt a little ashamed, "It is nothing," she said, "It will stop ... soon."

She reached to brush the drops away, but she learned of Naïsa's strength then as she shook her head and pulled Bolga's arm away easily.

They came on slowly and Bolga felt herself growing wet once again as she looked up at them, "It is only a little, nothing much anymore."

"Tell her," Naïsa almost growled and Loriel adopted her authoritative voice again.

"The Red Huldra is perhaps best-known for her other, somewhat singular traits among the other types. She is possessed of an almost insatiable sexual appetite once in love and also can still easily produce breast milk for a period long after her usually single offspring is fully weaned.

The ability is sometimes used to ensnare a new lover to herself, for the milk of a Red Huldra possesses an almost aphrodisiacal quality to non-huldras."

"Th-this is what you want?" Bolga asked as she stared.

"To be ensnared?" Loriel asked with her roguish grin, "Not if we didn't know you by now or couldn't trust you. But we know that you still offer to your girl, so you still have milk.

We want a little."

"And you want friends," Naïsa smiled, "and we can do a lot better than that for our Red Huldra.

So," she smiled, her grin almost as roguish as Loriel's, "You said that we were yours. We even want that - because it's you, Bolga. But you're ours now, just as much - if you want that and you'll share a little of what you've got there with us."

Bolga nodded, looking very happy as the two settled down carefully on her and each took a nipple. Bolga groaned happily as she held their heads gently while they both rubbed themselves wantonly against her thighs as what was in her milk came to their bloodstreams.


The 'kids' ranged ahead, looking for more fun as they did while the three partners walked behind them a bit more slowly.

Loriel looked at them for a moment, "What are we gonna do about the boys? I'm thinking that they'll be old enough before Chicha - and that's if they even stretch whatever their relationship is far enough out to cover that."

Naïsa shrugged. "I do not know. I know only that we try for them, but we are not their mothers, truly."

Loriel nodded, but Bolga spoke then, "Why make a simple thing harder?

What will come between those ones will come whether you worry yourselves over it or not. They will be ready before my girl, but she will always find ways to change their minds until she is.

Not even they have endless blood to give to that struggle, and they are not stupid. We all know that from the way that they are careful with her in their wild play.

Chicha will know her luck to have two friends like them. It is plain that she cares and that will grow, you may believe me. They need each other. Those two are among the very last of their kind and I do not even know if there are any huldras left at all but her and I.

They are no furry little things and you are not their mothers. You are only to guide them the last of the way. You cannot act like their mothers to them.

I have seen you lie with them at night to make them feel better and they love you for it because they needed that the other night. Did it not feel strange to feel what must have risen in your heart?"

The others nodded, since it was true.

Bolga looked from one to the other a little searchingly, "Do not even try to tell me that you did not want to give in to rubbing against their backs a little, for I will laugh in your faces to hear it, now that I know you both."

She saw the elves look down and laughed anyway.

"Then?" Bolga asked, "Treat them as the companions who they seek to become to you.

They are not your sons. I have a sense of them which I do not think that Nila has. It comes to me that they are hidden within themselves just as Chicha is - just as I am.

There have been moments when I looked at them and I saw boys of a sort far closer to real boys than cats. I do not think that they are ready yet, that is all and I cannot say why the father has never shown himself to Nila either.

But I have a quiet hope that I might find the way to bring them forth - or maybe Chicha will do it when they see her on two feet more often than four, I cannot say and I think that it is far early yet."

She smiled and wiggled her eyebrows at the others, "But if I am right, then it will also change the way that you are to them, so I will say it again.

You are not their mothers.

Treat them even as lovers if you want that, but not often, for their kind seeks to possess their females. You can never allow that to happen. You must always lead, so that they look to you for that."

She chuckled, "And if you think that you do not want that with such fine males as they will soon be, then send them to your lusty huldra!"

She laughed a little, "I know my luck when it comes to me. You, I can love so easily and I feel that I need it with you like no others, a love that only females know and power grows from it while we three grow stronger.


She threw her head back and laughed throatily, "Nothing beats a good fucking as they will learn how to do it, though there is the matter of their weight. Maybe you should not try at all with them.

Just send them to me! I can hold them up and it is no chore at all."

She sighed at her pleasant thought, "Two fine ones for me. I almost cannot wait."

She looked over, "What? One after the other? Why not? You think that I will quail at that test?"

She chuckled, "I might even share with Chicha when she is ready."

The elves laughed then and Naïsa hugged Bolga as they walked, "Never change, lusty mother. The world needs more like you, surely.

I only wonder why we are all not up to our necks in huldras."

Bolga looked down for a moment and then she shrugged, "Not enough woodcutters, I think."


"Naïsa will make you the rings by the time we eat our meal, "Loriel said later, "and by then, I ought to be about done with the rest. The strap at the back will have a little wider swell as it widens out just above your ass and then narrows to go up your back.

I need to do it that way so that you'll have a hole for your pretty tail, Bolga."

Bolga smiled her thanks and sighed, "I did not think that you were so ... hungry for my body. It was a surprise, but I liked it so."

"So did we," Loriel replied, "We all sure can't seem to get enough of each other and we were just as surprised to hear that you wanted us so much too. I looked at Naïsa and then I said yes faster than I even did to her because I knew that it was what she wanted too."

Naïsa grinned as the thought came to her to say what she felt more in Loriel's style, "Fuck, that was good."

They all laughed and walked on.

"And anyway," Naïsa smiled as she reached up to move a little of Bolga's wild mane for her, "You do not show it always, but I have come to like it so much when you let yourself go, Bolga. I like this wild fox girl against me. Loriel and I have spoken of it. Not hard to see an elf in you then, my friend."

Bolga didn't understand that at all. "You like me then, more fox than - "

"Sh-yeah," Loriel grinned, "I see that, and I just go as wild as you, don't I? Why do you think that is?"

Bolga shrugged, "I like it but I cannot say why. You have no hair but what is on your heads."

"Are there any looking glasses in this place we're going to?" she asked Naïsa, "I don't think she knows."

She leaned against Bolga with a little laugh, "When you're like that, you've got the nicest elf ears ever. They're furry, but I love them on you."

Bolga didn't know what to say in reply, but Loriel did.

"Ok," she said to Naïsa as she leaned forward a little so that the blonde could see her, "She's Frank."

She held up one palm and tilted her head a little, "Just sayin' it, that's all."

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HandsOnListeningHandsOnListening7 months ago

Beautiful. I'm loving the hints at the alchemy they wrought, and yes not too abrupt of an ending. Sad not to hear what is happening for Nila all this time, but hints there will spur my imagination on. And if you ever get back to continue the tale i will be surprised and delighted.

TJSkywindTJSkywindover 8 years ago
Enjoyed the tale thus far

Though it seems Nila and the male sabertooth will have a go of it alone. Interesting what Bolga hints that, that they might be able to shift.

It's been a while since Chapter 2, though, so hoping that there is another installment coming.

Willow105Willow105almost 10 years ago
Poor Nila

Is she about to get written out?

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