Angels Who Called Me Snowballs

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Snowbound fantasy.
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Try to picture it; and trust me, you're going to want to! Bob, and that would be me, is sitting naked in the hot bubbling water of a backyard Jacuzzi. I've got my hands tangled in curly, shoulder length hair. The only reason I knew it was a dark chestnut brown, was because that's how Dana described it. Actually, and you really do need to know this, it was her girlfriend Cindy's hair. Anyway, Dana rambled on, telling me about her girlfriend's big brown eyes, and her devastating smile. Honestly, I tried to listen, but the soft warm lips Cindy had snugged around the base of my cock were distracting me! Apparently I wasn't the only one distracted. I noticed Dana's voice trail off, about the same time her girlfriend began slowly pistoning those luscious lips up and down eight throbbing inches of rigidly jutting cock.

Hesitatingly, her voice suddenly breathy, Dana told me "God, she's such a showoff! Yeah well, you sure don't need me to tell you, but the bitch has a hot little body. Yeah, she's, oh I don't know, like maybe five foot four. She's got these really perky tits, their sort of small...but hey, she's got a totally spectacular ass!"

OK, so I'm blind, but I've got a pair of fully functioning hands. Believe it; before Cindy slid to her knees those hands had taken notice of that exceedingly curvy ass, those jauntily upturned tits, and all the soft seductive curves in between. But just then, they were playfully bobbing Cindy's head, letting a slippery cock's fat head pop in and out of her mouth's wet, almost volcanic heat. Practically causing it to happen right then and there, Dana giggled a teasing "Oh, and you just better not cum in her mouth either...well, not until after I get a chance at that big old cock anyway!"

No doubt about it, I was on a roll! Although, the day had started off with what turned out to be just about the best bad news I'd ever heard! The morning weather report was bleak and foreboding, predicting a severe winter storm. There was already a foot of snow on the ground, and the daytime temperature had been hovering around freezing for over a week. But having lived the first ten years of my life on the prairies of Canada's Saskatchewan province, I sure wasn't about to freak out. Still, it was my first winter living in the mountain resort town of Big bear.

Back when my part time business partner, who happened to be my part time lover, decided to concentrate on her musical career, we sold HOT STUFF, an adult boutique we owned and operated. That's when I figured a change in scenery, or in my case environment was in order. So, reconnecting with an old College buddy, I became a mountain man. Having relocated to Big Bear after his divorce, my long time friend Chuck was living in this big, almost luxurious three bedroom house. I moved in, and mostly just for the Hell of it, together we operated an on-line adult toy business.

That morning my luck continued to hold, when figuring it was a pretty good time to stock up, Chuck and I headed for the market. We were just turning on to the main drag, when...oh fuck! Stomach lurching in to freefall, I felt the Jeep's back tires begin to slide. Lunging for the nearest grab handle, I briefly considered grabbing for Chuck's throat instead. But, with the tires beginning to bite, I settled for blasting him with a scathing "Whoa there buckaroo!" Shaking off a nauseating sense of déjà vu, I mumbled "What; did you forget you're not supposed to fucking accelerate in the middle of a fucking turn?"

The fool whooped "Missed him," and was laughing when he added a less then reassuring "Yeah, yeah, calm down already! Besides you should have seen that guy's face! Fuck, I swear he looked like he was going to shit or something!"

It's not like riding shotgun when you're blind takes nerves of steel. But still, sometimes it does get interesting! If fishtailing on an icy road, blind to whatever the fool at the wheel is laughing at sounds like fun, well you might want to try riding a roller coaster blindfolded. Or you could just go for a nice long drive with Chuck; and then, just like me, you might decide that sometimes being blind isn't so bad! Anyway, over the years as colors faded to shades of gray, and then that gray faded in to a murky fog, what could I do, besides kick back and stop counting the close calls. But sitting there sharing that Jacuzzi with a pair of fun loving co-eds, I sure wasn't worrying about what I couldn't see!

An impatient Dana wasn't the only one hoping I wouldn't cum in Cindy's mouth. Maybe a little nervous, and definitely wanting to stretch things out, I was somewhat anxious to avoid it myself. So I decided I better stop bobbing Cindy's head up and down; of course, that meant stopping with her mouth full of cock. Enjoying the thrill, and the feel of having the fat head of my cock buried deep in her throat, naturally, I went right on holding her head down, while I fired a tease in her girlfriend's direction. "Gosh Dana," I started, chuckling as I told her "If you really don't want to watch your girlfriend gulping down a mouthful of cum...well, you'll just have to come up with an alternative!"

Curious to see how Dana would respond, I was still waiting; when Cindy made it clear she had something to say. Seemingly anxious to be off her knees, Cindy began nipping on her mouthful of cock, as she batted frantically at my hands. Getting the message, but reluctant to vacate her mouth, I settled for giving her head one, OK two, well Ok three more throat penetrating bounces before finally freeing her. Sputtering and laughing she popped up, squealing an enthusiastic "Yippee," as I pulled her on to my lap.

Dana shrieked "Don't you dare," but it was already too late. That snickering girlfriend of hers was already busily squirming her way down, wrapping an absolutely molten vagina around eight very happy inches of hard cock. Hands holding tight to her gently rocking hips I eagerly returned Cindy's impassioned, lip scorching, tongue in the throat kiss. Even without the extra kick that came from knowing Dana was watching, Cindy's feverish kiss would have demanded seconds! After that sizzling indulgence, and being a born instigator, I asked myself why should Dana be the only one suffering through a tease? So, while I flicked my tongue sensuously around Cindy's ear, I made an ostentatious show out of rolling her surprisingly large and most definitely stiffly erect nipples between my fingers. And then while Cindy growled throaty groans of pleasure, I pinched those jutting beauties hard, twisting as I whispered, loud enough for Dana to hear "Oh yes, I do love a woman who likes it rough!" Well that had Cindy arching her back, thrusting her tits up, her ecstatic moans demanding more! Breath coming in sharp gasp, she shuddered when I released her swollen nipples. Stroking my hands slowly up and down Cindy's flanks, my voice a husky rumble, I told her "Angel baby...I want to really fuck you, and I mean, fuck you hard!" Her vagina convulsed, squeezing deliciously around my cock, as I helped myself to a double handful of her softly rounded ass. It pained me to do it, but even while I bounced her, riding her up and down my full length, I grinned in Dana's direction, telling Cindy "You know I'm not going to cum in you ...don't you?"

Dana clapped, while Cindy panted "oh God, that's so not fair!"

Figuring it was in my best interest, I hastily added "Well hey, I mean not until after I get a chance to know Dana, just a little bit better...and hey, you still owe me a description!"

"Fuck that," a giggling Dana suggested! Get the little slut out of the road, and I'll make real sure you know exactly what you're fucking!"

Not even bothering to protest, Cindy lifted off me, huffily insisting "Slut huh... well then smarty, how come I'm the only one at school you haven't had sex with?"

"Simple," Dana told her matter of factly! "Someone has to help me practice being hard to know, just in case I ever decide I want to give it a try!"

I'm pretty sure it was the sudden silence that told this lucky blind guy that those angels were wrapped up in a torrid embrace. But it didn't last forever, and soon enough, I felt soft lips brushing mine, and then one of them was settling, straddling me, with the nipples of a pair of large firm tits burning against my chest. Not even a blind man could have mistaken those bodacious mounds for Cindy's perky handful. Utterly irresistible, even as our kiss deepened, igniting with a flaring flash of incandescent heat, I was filling my hands with those marvelous tits. Thumbs flicking hardening nipples, I pushed Dana's luscious tits together, creating a doubly delicious taste of nipple. Greedily I sucked both hard pointy nipples in to my mouth, and went right on hungrily sucking. Making her need crystal clear, her husky growl turned in to a screamed "hard, oh God yes, suck them hard!" Dana's hands pushed mine aside, soft purrs rumbling in her throat as my lips brushed over areola, stretched taught and crinkly. Purred pleas encouraged my raging tongue, as its dancing tip flicked over nipples swollen in to hard jutting points. From my hands on point of view, Dana's ass, though fuller then Cindy's , was just as firm, curvy, and sensationally inviting!

Sounding petulant, Cindy complained "Really Bob, it sure doesn't look like you need a description, and you sure don't need a road map! But then maybe I did, because from the angle I was sitting at , I couldn't seem to find a way to drive in to Dana's waiting vagina. Still the giggling imp seemed to enjoy bouncing, with nothing but the head of a hopeful cock popping in and out of her vagina's slick heat. Definitely sounding like she was getting a kick out of my predicament, Cindy added to my torment with a teasingly sarcastic "What the fuck...the whimpering little tarts a blond! I'm talking, California know, blue eyed, and tan all over! Yeah, so OK, she's got tits the size of mountains, but the rest of her is pint sized...oops, did I forget to mention that she's perpetually horny?"

When Cindy stopped laughing, and sounding like she meant it, she said "Last chance Dana darling, agree to sleep with me...or, I tell Bob you're dirty little fantasy! Yeah, and then if he doesn't already have blue balls, he's sure gonna, huh?"

Ignoring her girlfriends teasing jibes, Dana squirmed, letting more cock slide in to her. And don't think I didn't love hearing her giggled "Umm...yummy, Bob, wow, you're just so deliciously big!" But what really got my attention was her, for my ears only, whispered "I'm going to fuck her you know...but maybe, I'll make her beg for it first...oh fuck yes, and then I'm gonna make her scream! Oh God yes, it would just about drive her fucking nuts,...yeah, I'll make her tell you about every thing I do to now, that should be fun huh?"

My mind almost, but not quite blown, I found myself thinking; wow, these two might be angels , but damn, that's devilishly erotic and wickedly uninhibited angels! So, even if I was buried Balls deep in one of the giggling imps, I couldn't help thinking back to our chance meeting in that supermarket parking lot.

Back when Chuck had pulled in to that parking lot, my heart had still been trying to beat its way out of my chest! With a whoop "Wow, you just gotta love them snow bunnies," Chuck had excitedly told me "And oh man, right now I'm looking at a smoking hot trio of them! Well maybe not, their Bronco's ski rack is chock full!" Still muttering about big tits, and bitches in boots, he managed to get parked, and we headed for the market. We hadn't gone far when I heard the unmistakable roar of some assholes souped up car. Only, it turned out to be one of those jacked-up trucks. Hearing the time freezing sound of tires squealing under mashed down brakes, I stopped, bumping in to Chuck's outstretched arm. The crunching sound of impact was still ringing, when chuck hollered "Don't of the chicks is down!" Well, fuck that; white cane tapping away, I edged along, following the sounds of a commotion in process.

Homing in on a loud and excited chuck, I was close enough to hear "Whoa, stay down...are you hurt?" She must have answered with a shake of her head, because the next thing I heard was him telling her "If that's your Bronco...well, it's fucked! But the asshole who hit you banged off a couple more cars, ended up against the fence, and his truck's totally destroyed!"

Someone, I assumed one of the other girls, was already on her cell phone calling 911. By the time the police showed up, introductions had been made all around. Chuck broke the bad news, explaining to a shaky sounding Ashley that the asshole's rear bumper had caved in her Bronco's radiator., I had to bite back a chuckle , when Sir Galahad explained "Just let Bob and me grab a few things, while you deal with the cops, and then we'll run you wherever you need to go!"

Honestly, I'm sure Chuck would have volunteered even if Ashley and her friends weren't, as he told me in the market "Stone cold foxes!" With a basket full of goodies, necessities any pair of bachelors would require to survive the eminent threat of being snowed in, we rolled our loaded cart back to our trio of damsels in distress. And that's when we learned that the only place with a rental car was half way down the mountain in Running Springs. So while we transferred the girls ski equipment and luggage to Chuck's Jeep, we hashed out a plan of sorts. Cindy and Dana wanted to wait at our place, and just so they could keep poor blind Bob company. Of course, I didn't do anything as foolish as trying to talk them out of that fantasy arousing plan! So, with the girls stuff unloaded and stored in our garage , Chuck and Ashley were off, headed for Running Springs.

With a frozen pizza in the oven, I popped open a trio of sierra Nevada's, hoping I was on my way to becoming much better acquainted with my new friends. Cindy explained that they were all students at U C Redlands. She told me that Ashley and Dana were actually girlhood friends, and that she met them at school. It turned out that the three of them shared a two bedroom apartment near campus. And the tidbit I truly liked hearing , they loved to party! Even better, they didn't seem put-off by the difference in our ages. Hell, I'm forty-eight, and even if I am fit and not unattractive, I'm sure no twenty year old hunk.

We settled in the den, fireplace blazing, and music blasting. Over more cold beers, and the occasional shot of Jack, we laughed, flirted, and swapped outrageous stories. Later, after hearing that HOT STUFF had started life as the area's best head Shop, Cindy popped up with a joint. It was still making the rounds, when wham-o, out of nowhere, shrieking like a banshee, window rattling gusts announced the arrival of what turned out to be a full blown blizzard. By then I knew the girls voices, and knew it was an excited Dana telling us "Oh fuck, its really coming down...fuck, I can't see anything but white!"

Not sounding the least bit perturbed, Cindy chimed in with a questioning "hey, wouldn't it be a bummer if Ashley didn't make it back?" I couldn't help it, her dramatically exaggerated "And like wow, what if we get snowed in; I mean really, how would we pass the time," totally broke me up.

Hoping to dispel any lingering nervousness, I told them "No worries, we've got plenty of food, a refrigerator full of beer, and a half gallon of Jack! Yeah, and Chuck picked up a bunch of DVD's at the market, and there's always the, like hey, no sweat!"

Oh sure, and smarty, just what do we do if the power goes out," Dana wanted to know?

"Not likely," I said, trying to sound serious as I explained "But hey, if it does there's a generator and it will keep the gas furnace working, plus the refrigerator, and both the kitchen and bathroom lights!"

Punching my shoulder playfully, Cindy teased "Cool, so then all we have to worry about is being trapped with a sex crazed maniac!"

"You wish," a laughing Dana was quick to add! "And hey," she asked "And just what are we supposed to wear in that Jacuzzi, huh?" And then, after a perfectly timed pause, she added a teasing "No problem for Cindy; nope, she already knows your name Bob, so I'm surprised she isn't already naked!"

Mischievously snickering "Un-huh," Cindy fired back, busting her girlfriend, with a taunting "Hey Bob, try asking the little slut what the name of the last guy she slept with was...not that she much cares! Well she wouldn't, not unless he was really super hung anyway!"

That's the way things went for most of that afternoon, with one or the other of the girls occasionally getting up to peek out the window. Maybe I was a little bit worried about Chuck and Ashley; but mostly, I was thinking that with all the snow, with a bit of luck they wouldn't make it back at all! There was the chirp of a cell phone, and with crossed fingers, I listened to Cindy's string of one word responses. Apparently detecting an overly eager look of anticipation, Cindy gave my shoulder an affectionate smack. And then after a dramatic sigh, she finally got around to telling us "Oh well, poor Ashley! Well, not only wasn't there a rental car waiting for her, but now the roads closed in both directions too! Total bummer huh!" But the news wasn't all bad, well honestly, as far as I was concerned, none of it was! And that includes the fact that Chuck got lucky, and managed to find a hotel with a vacancy.

Resigned to their fate, the girls agreed to take my room. While they settled in, and made the obligatory phone calls, I set up camp in the living room. Trusting my instincts, I zipped together a pair of sleeping bags, and spread them in front of the room's massive stone fireplace. And then, while I worked my way through a tumbler of Jack, I pondered the possibilities.

Night fell, the storm raged, and the girls put together a dinner of soup and sandwiches. After dinner, Dana said she was going to take a peek out the patio's sliding glass door. I heard her call Cindy over, telling her "Hey, check it out, with that red light and all that steam, the Jacuzzi looks like a volcano! Fuck the snow, come on lets give it a try!" Turning her suggestion in to a dare, she challenged "So yeah, who's got balls big enough to join me," reminding us "Anyway, the damn things only a couple of feet from the door anyway!" She was right too; Chuck's Jacuzzi sits on the patio between two wings of the house, so it's mostly protected from the wind. Oh sure, but I was about to find out that its protected position hadn't stopped about two feet of drifted snow from piling up!

After some whispering I didn't manage to overhear, the girls scooted off, supposedly to change. Un-huh, and when they met me back at the door, I found out why they'd been snickering and giggling like a couple of school girls. "Honestly bob," chirped Cindy, we're not going out there if you're going to insist on wearing those silly trunks!"

So, Naturally I'm thinking, yippee their naked, and that's when Dana removed any doubt, declaring "Yeah loose them buster, us chicks are bare ass naked, and we're not about to tramp through a couple of feet of freezing snow, not with some guy who isn't we're not!" So, amidst a flurry of whistles and hoots, I stepped out of my trunks, bowed, and pushed the sliding door open. With shrieks, they made a mad dash for the Jacuzzi., Mustering my dignity, sniff, blind and alone, sniff, this poor blind guy fought his way through drifted snow, struggling towards the, sniff, distant sounds of a pair of naked and giggling co-ed's.

Making it out of the frozen wastes undaunted, I slipped leisurely in to the welcome heat of that oasis's bubbling waters. Getting a hero's welcome, one at a time, and leaving me to guess who was who, they wrapped their arms around my neck, eagerly returning my kisses. Blizzard or not, that's when things began to seriously heat up!