Auto-Genesis Pt. 01


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Eve looked deep into her mother's eyes and saw the absolute certitude there. She sniffled and, in doing so, accidentally snorted a small bit of cum, which made her cough just a little bit. When her airway was clear, she blinked at Shawna again. There was true fire and conviction in her mother's eyes. "You promise?"

Shawna hugged her daughter closely again and said into her cum-matted hair, "I won't rest until I do, baby." Eve returned the hug and held on tightly as she started to cry in earnest, her faith in her mother the only thing that she could hold on to. She knew her mother well and if anyone could figure out a solution it had to be her. Shawna held the girl for a long while and let her cry it out until, several minutes later, it seemed like Eve had gotten herself under control. When the embrace broke, lots of the young futa's cum had transferred to her mother's clothing and skin. Shawna tried her best to ignore the fact that she was almost as gooey and sticky with her daughter's cum as Eve was and surveyed the damage in the bathroom with calmer eyes. "You know, Eve," she said with a wistful smile, "under any other circumstance, what you did in here would be worthy of bragging rights."

Eve let out a bark of a laugh, the tension suddenly gone. Yes, she decided. She didn't know how, but her mother WOULD figure this out... somehow. "Holy shit, you're right, Mom!" Now both of them looked around the room in awe. Sperm really was all over the place. Eve's spewing cock had seemed intent on hitting anything and everything with an exposed surface. Okay, maybe it wasn't THAT bad, but it was still pretty amazing to behold.

Shawna helped her daughter to her feet and held Eve by her shoulders. "Tell you what," she said. "You clean yourself and this mess up. While you're doing that, I'm going to see if I can dream up some sort of solution to this..." She cast her eyes about. "...mess. Okay?"

Eve nodded and then caught a glimpse of herself in the bathroom mirror. "Ohmigod," she gasped and stepped around her mother to get a better look. Her body was dripping everywhere with her own seed, as though she'd taken a bath in the stuff. Her eyes went to her dangling cock, which was still an impressive 13 inches long when soft, and she gaped at the thing. "All of THIS came from THAT?!" she said skeptically. She shifted her focus to her mother and realized that Shawna was now covered in the gunk, too.

Shawna grimly nodded at her daughter. "Honey, you know that futa have redundant cum glands which are nestled behind the kidneys and tertiary bladder dedicated to excess sperm. When you took the Futa-Pause, you couldn't get an erection, but that didn't mean you couldn't produce cum. It just got shunted into those reservoirs until you got your release. An exceptionally lucky human male can produce maybe half a cup of semen in a full day, but us futas can generate up to two quarts of the stuff within hours. Basic biology, honey."

"Yeaaaaah," Eve said distractedly, "but I never thought that much would come out of ME! This is fucking insane!"

Shawna smirked at that. "Well, then... while it's definitely worth being concerned about, it shouldn't come as a surprise that this kind of thing would happen eventually. And you know what else? This is your mess. You're cleaning it up." She gave her cum-lathered daughter a chaste peck on top of her head and then Shawna headed out of the bathroom. When she was sure that Eve couldn't see her, she licked her lips and savored the taste of her daughter's cum that had been transferred from that kiss.

What Shawna hadn't realized, however, was that Eve saw that sly licking of the lips in the mirror. Shawna sauntered down the hallway, her mind already trying to focus on a way to solve Eve's problem, while Eve just stared into space. "Holy shit!" Eve whispered to herself. "Mom likes my cum!" She licked her lips experimentally and then shrugged. "Can't say I blame her. This shit's delicious!" She turned around to regard the cum-splattered room. "Maybe I can just lick all this stuff up instead of using... naaah," she patted her flanks, right about where her kidneys were. "I'll make more later."


Shawna sat down heavily in her lab. Her mind was awhirl with all kinds of thoughts, some of them practical and some of them with an unmistakably lust-filled flavor. Eve had grown up into a beautiful young futa. At 18 years old, she was definitely desirable and there was no escaping that fact. Shawna had been so focused on her studies and starting her career that she'd never really noticed just how beautiful Eve really was and how much MORE beautiful she would eventually become. And here she is, now, faced with a daughter who was a blossoming young woman. Her cock was clearly, if only just by a little bit, bigger than Shawna's, her breasts were a little smaller (Shawna was the proud owner of 41-F breasts that were as firm now as they had been when she gave birth to Eve) and her skin was flat-out flawless. Eve's body showed every sign of being ready for adulthood and now it would be put through its paces with an early motherhood. That thought sobered the scientist up quickly. She loved her daughter deeply, more deeply than she'd loved anyone, and she did NOT want her little (not-so-little!) girl to end up facing the same hardships that she had as a futa who'd knocked herself up.

Shawna looked around the lab helplessly, suddenly frustrated with herself. WHY had she made that promise to Eve? What had she been thinking?! Short of abortion or time-travel, you CAN'T undo- but wait! Shawna's eyes fell on the project she had been working on just before Eve's little disaster: the embryonic cryo-stasis chamber! Of course! All she has to do is somehow extract Eve's embryo from her womb and preserve it inside the chamber! The prototype was pretty much complete already. All she had to do was program it with some simple code that would govern its energy cycles, which was a piece of cake for a futa of Shawna's skill. She could do that in fifteen minutes flat!

Then Shawna frowned. She realized that she was putting the baby before the carriage with her thinking. It's all well and good to have an embryonic cryo-stasis chamber, but it's useless if she can't extract the embryo! And just IMAGINE trying to explain that one to a surgeon! "Yes, Doctor. I want you to take the live embryo out of my daughter's womb and place it inside this box here. What? Oh, no no no. It's not an abortion! It's just an extraction of the embryo from the body! Well... yes... I guess that technically DOES make it an abortion, but-"

Screw having THAT conversation! It could land her in jail or an asylum. Or both.

Shawna scowled in frustration. What for all of the technological advances they'd made, you'd have thought that SOMEONE would have figured out a solution to this problem already! But, no, no one had. When abortion became illegal (so-called "morning-after" pills were, however, still legal... but fairly ineffective on futas), Shawna guessed, people lost the motivation to try. If a futa knocked herself up, then so be it. And even though it was a real threat/problem in futa society, it didn't happen frequently enough for anyone to really focus on it. Shawna, however, was cut from a different cloth. Just because no one ELSE had put their minds to solving the problem, that doesn't mean she'll just sit back and let it happen all over again to Eve, not when she was in a position to change things. She went through an emotional hell as a result of her mistake when she was younger and she will NOT watch her daughter go through the same turmoil! All she had to do was FOCUS, dammit!

Shawna's mind whirred into high gear. As she mentally went into overdrive, her eyes started to dart across the lab and her work bench. On the bench was a wide array of devices and technology so familiar and common to her, but when her eyes settled on the pair of medium-sized portal rings (about 6 inches in diameter) that she used to retrieve tools from one end of her work bench when she was at the other end, her mind clicked. Her eureka moment struck like a lightning bolt. She got up and went to the devices and just stared at them, as though she was picking them apart with her mind. Of course she knew how they worked. She knew intimately. She had, after all, helped to make improvements on them in her very first year at CIALIS. She narrowed her eyes to just slits as her mind raced. Within moments she knew precisely what she was going to do.


"Eve?" Shawna called out as she closed her lab door behind her and told the door to lock itself. She held in her hand a duffel bag filled with the tools necessary to her daughter's salvation. "Eve, are you still awake?"

"I'm in my room, Mom!" her daughter's voice floated down from upstairs.

Shawna walked quickly up the stairs feeling hopeful and excited. Without even waiting to get permission, she just barged into her daughter's room with a huge smile on her face. "Sweetheart, I have the BEST news! I think I-"

The smile quickly faded, however, when her eyes took in the full scene, and Shawna's mouth clapped shut. Eve was still naked (thankfully clean, though!) and lying on her back on her bed, on top of the sheets. Eve's face was flushed and with good reason- she was nearing orgasm. Her right hand was wrapped tightly around a special type of sexual-aid device called an "ona-hole" while her other was tugging hard on one of her large nipples. This device, the ona-hole, is cylindrical in shape and was specially crafted so that it would fit snugly around an erect penis. Most people who used them had to have theirs custom-made, most especially futanari customers. Inside the ona-hole was a series of textured ridges, bumps and nubs, all made of a gel-like polymer. When used properly and if it's crafted just perfectly so, an ona-hole can provide a penis with sensations so pleasurable that some people swear they're better than actual vaginas. This particular one had been a gift from Shawna on Eve's birthday and it was special indeed! An ona-hole was usually open at both ends, but this one was longer than most and capped at one end with a fitted tube. The other end of the tube, Shawna saw, was sitting in a small, ornately-decorated bucket next to Eve's bedside. The idea was that Eve would be able to masturbate and get off in her own bed WITHOUT making a mess. If Eve had used her ona-hole earlier that evening, then things would have gone a lot more smoothly. Shawna tried not to dwell too much on this fact. Mistakes happen and you can't change them. All you can do is deal with the consequences, if there are any.

Eve, when she heard her bedroom door swing open and her mother start talking, froze in mid-stroke and looked at her mother like a deer caught in headlights. Her first impulse was to roll off the bed and hide herself, but immediately tossed that idea aside. They'd seen each other naked plenty of times and, while they generally didn't flaunt it, they were both mature enough to understand that masturbation was simply a part of their lives. Neither of them was dating anyone (Eve had plenty of offers, but she never felt comfortable with people and preferred to be a homebody), so masturbation was the only way they could get off without going crazy or- parish the thought!- turn to each other for sexual relief. Some mothers and daughters went to such extremes, and it was permissible in today's society, but Eve always felt uncomfortable with the idea of suggesting it to her mother. Shawna was every bit as attractive as Eve was and Eve could readily admit that fact, but being steadfast intellectuals, they'd both sort of just gravitated towards nobler pursuits in life. Being futa, sexuality was a simple and inescapable facet of who and what they were, but they took pride in having the intellectual capacity to not let BEING futanari rule their lives completely. So Eve held her ona-hole in place, firmly wrapped around her thick and throbbing 21-inch cock, and blinked at her mother expectantly. When Shawna didn't say anything for several long seconds, she prompted her. "Mom? You were saying...?"

Shawna blinked as though she'd been in a fog. She couldn't believe that she'd just gone blank like that, staring at her daughter! What had gotten into her?! She shook the cobwebs free from her mind and recaptured her happy grin. "I think I found a solution to your problem!"

Eve sat up immediately and threw the ona-hole on the floor. Unfortunately, when she sat up, the head of her massive cock smacked her right in the mouth and she got a mouthful of pre-cum. Without even thinking about it, and so accustomed to her own taste anyway, she just swallowed the pre-ejaculate like it was nothing and absentmindedly pushed her erect cock away from her face. "What!? Mom, that's awesome!"

Shawna closed the distance from the bedroom door to Eve's bed in a flash. When she sat down heavily at the end of the bed, she hefted up the duffel bag she'd carried up with her. "It's all right here," she said excitedly and she unzipped the bag. First she pulled out a box that looked very complicated. It was about 9 inches on each side and had blinking lights and an LED display on its top. "This is something I've been working on for CIALIS," Shawna explained. "It's an embryonic cryo-stasis chamber. It puts embryos into deep freeze, keeping them just above absolute zero, so that it doesn't kill them. With one of these things you could keep an embryo- hell a THOUSAND embryos!- in stasis for literally thousands of years and, when you thaw out the embryo and place it in an amniotic maturation chamber, it'll be like it had just been conceived."

Eve didn't miss a beat. "Babies on ice. Got it. But how does that help if we can't get the-"

Shawna cut her daughter off. "I already thought of that, baby." She reached into the bag again and pulled out one of the portal rings. Attached to it was a thin cable that ended with a small computer. Eve immediately recognized the portal ring for what it was, even though she was stumped as to what the modification was all about, but she knew that her genius mother would provide an explanation. "You know what this is," Shawna began. "But I rigged it for a slightly different use. You see, a portal ring has a sort of scanner built into it, right? It gets applied to a surface and then atomically bonds to that surface, no matter what it is, until you release it. So the scanner, that's what reads the atomic structure of whatever it's being bonded to, right? So I got to thinking: what if I used that scanner in a completely different way? So I checked some code and programs and realized that I could! So I did!"

Eve's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Did what, Mom?"

Shawna's grin actually grew, looking almost maniacal. The smile might've seemed weird on her under completely different circumstances, but considering that she was a genius scientist and inventor, it was perfectly natural right then. "I reprogrammed it to scan on the genetic scale! It takes a DNA sample of the person it's applied to! Then the bonding programming- well, that's a real piece of work, let me tell you! I felt like I was herding cats to twist that little fucker's tail, but I did it! I got it to take that DNA sample and do a passive search for embryos matching that genetic sample! Then I re-focused the aperture columnation beam so that it would follow the distance and direction of the embryo's location, once the passive scan found it. So, voila!"

Eve caught on quickly and glanced at the stasis chamber with full understanding now. She cut her mother off and picked up the train of thought. "So the OTHER ring is attached to the stasis chamber, where it will place the embryo right into immediate cold storage! Mom, that's fucking brilliant!" She leaped at her mother and embraced her in a happy hug. "You saved me!" She paused, a look of uncertainty on her face, and carefully asked. "Wait- you DID test this, right?"

Shawna waved her hand dismissively. "Pfft! Of course I tested it! You think I'd put my daughter's life at risk like this without making 100% sure that it would work? It works FINE, baby!"

Eve positively beamed at the news. She immediately laid back flat on the bed. "Well, what're we waiting for, Mom? I got a bun in the oven, but I'm not ready to cook! Get that little fucker out of there!"

Within moments Shawna had the devices powered on and the extraction ring placed on Eve's tummy. She casually tapped a few buttons on the mini-computer attached to the extraction ring, there was a slight zap inside Eve's tummy that felt oddly pleasant and then nothing. Shawna glanced at the readouts on the stasis chamber and flashed a shit-eating grin. "Done!"

Eve was gobsmacked. "Y'mean, that's IT? It's gone?"


"I'm not pregnant anymore?"

Shawna shook her head. "Not even a little bit. The stasis chamber knows when an embryo has been placed into it. All readings normal, plus one!"

Mother and daughter stared at each other in breathless silence for several long seconds. Slowly, Eve's gaze shifted and fell on the ona-hole she'd cast aside a few minutes before. Then her eyes drifted back to her mother's. To the ona-hole. To her mother. Back and forth a few more times before a wicked grin crept across her perfect little mouth. "Wanna make it plus two?"

Shawna's eyes widened at the question. A million thoughts raced through her mind, but they all came down to one answer: "Yes!"

Eve's grin blossomed into a full-blown laugh. "AWESOME!" She leaned down to grab the ona-hole. "I was JUST about to cum before you came in!" she said giddily. She pulled the tube end that was sitting in her cum bucket and handed it to her mother. "Would you like to do the honors, Mother?" she asked as she laid back and placed the ona-hole back on her turgid cock and spread her legs wide enough to expose her wet pussy.

Shawna took the end of the tube and looked at it stupidly for a moment while she watched her daughter please herself with the device. She watched for several strokes before coming to a new decision. "Fuck this!" she hissed and threw the tube aside. With a swift movement, she grabbed her daughter's ona-hole and threw it, too, back to the floor. Before Eve could even formulate an indignant response, Shawna hiked up her dress skirt and swung her leg across her daughter's hips. She pulled her summer dress completely off her body, throwing it on the floor beside the discarded ona-hole, showing off her own tumescent cock that was strapped to her rib cage between her two massive breasts. More importantly, however, was her dripping-wet pussy that was puffy and glistening with want. She didn't say a word as she lowered her hips down and her pussy lips, engorged with desire and need, settled right on top of Eve's weeping cum-slit. "As long as there aren't any consequences..." Shawna said breathlessly, but didn't finish her sentence. She just looked down at her daughter expectantly.

Eve locked eyes with her mother and gave an imperceptible nod, then focused her gaze at where her rigid cock was slotted in her mother's warm, wet pussy. Slowly, with agonizing patience, Shawna lowered her hips further and then stopped. There was a noticeable resistance! Eve's eyes widened with sudden realization. "You mean- you're-?"

Shawna nodded. "A virgin," she answered. "I've never had sex, sweetheart. When you were born, I had a caesarian section. My hymen is still intact."

Eve was breathless with wonder and awe. "Mom... that's... are you sure? I mean, are you REALLY sure?"

Shawna smiled lovingly down at her daughter and, by way of answer, pushed herself down hard. In a flash, she felt a sharp pinch as her daughter's massive cock tore through her 36-year-old hymen and officially made her a sexual adult. The pinch was short and almost inconsequential, hardly a thing to notice, just as it was for most futa virgins. But the pleasure of feeling that thick piece of flesh slide into her body- THAT was amazing! Shawna had carried this young futa beneath her in her own womb and thought that doing so was the most fulfilling part of her entire life. Feeling her child grow within her body had made her feel complete. Or so she thought! But this! THIS was a true feeling of completion that she never knew was possible! All these years her orgasms had been induced by stroking her cock and only rubbing lightly on her clit and pussy lips, but to feel the intrusion of a penis as it slid into her body was... indescribable! More than just fullness, it was filling something inside of her that she never knew needed to be filled. He tummy rippled and her knees shook with the powerful sensation of it. Her own cock, still fastened to her rib cage by its restraining strap, throbbed like it never had before. She'd given Eve life with her body and Eve was going to return life to the place from whence she came!