Baaad Uncle Pt. 02


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I might actually have become wet because of the sexual nature of this setting I found myself in but the last thing I wanted to hear was my old uncle describing my body as hot. I squirmed my lower torso as I felt his fingers parting those lower lips, hoping he wasn't going to try to insert his fingers into me. I would view that as a step too far.

Fortunately, he didn't try to finger me. Instead those fingers simply parted my labia and next I felt the rounded head of the artificial cock presented to the opening of my tight sheath ... not pushing into me yet, just looming large at my opening.

"You ready?" my uncle checked.

"I guess so," I conceded, a mix of fear of this unknown object, curious anticipation and sexual excitement gripping me. Can this machine emulate what the only sex I've ever had - with Josh - felt like?

"Hold on, I just need to re-focus the camera." There was a pause as I knelt, feeling the knob poised there at my vaginal opening, wriggling my body around it to ensure the angle of entry would be right. Squeezing my pelvic muscles around it, expectantly waiting to have this artificial cock probe and push deep inside me, wondering how lifelike it would be.

My uncle's voice coming again from behind me, "Ok, here goes." I heard the machine start up, felt the silicone cock slide slowly up inside me ... then back out. He seemed to have adjusted my position on all fours perfectly because the cock seemed to fill me just right, deep but not painfully so, immediately reigniting memories of Josh.

On each slow withdrawal, I reflexively tightened my pelvic muscles so as not to lose it, but the machine seemed perfectly tuned and within mere minutes, I was relishing the beginnings of wonderfully intense feelings. My uncle had obviously started the machine on slow, enabling me to warm to the in-and-out thrusting. I was loving it, maybe too much because I began to wish it to go faster but didn't want to ask for fear he would describe me again as hot. I was so ready for fast and hard but maintained my patience to preserve my image as a good girl despite my lust-filled thoughts.

I had closed my eyes upon the initial entry. Now, I opened them as my body relished this artificial fuck. I hadn't noticed when I assumed my kneeling position on the padded bench that my uncle had positioned a camera low down directly in front of my face. It just sat on a tripod, unmanned, obviously shooting my changing facial expressions as the cock probed deeply into me. My uncle had a hand-held camera and was moving around on either side of the machine, getting close-up shots of the cock grinding in and out of my wet sheath.

"What do you think babe, shall we bump it up a bit?"

Restraining my true feelings, I gave a non-committal, "Err, yes sure, if you want to."

Almost immediately, the pretend cock's firm thrusts into my body increased by about fifty per cent. 'Oh that's cool, now we're getting somewhere,' I happily thought to myself as I felt my body react to the quicker pace. 'Oh my God, I might even cum.'

"Oh honey, this is so good, you're so hot, I can see how much you're enjoying this."

He could probably hear how much too. I was acutely aware of how heavy my breathing had become and I feared I was emitting short sharp gasps of pleasure as a crescendo built inside my lower body until I couldn't hold it back and my lower torso jerked and jolted through an intense orgasm as the machine relentlessly drove the cock into me without pause, without let-up. My body craved a short break to fully appreciate the powerful climax washing over me, to soak up these euphoric feelings but there was none. My first orgasm morphed quickly into a second, possibly even more intense.

My uncle must have pushed the dial to high. Suddenly, the strokes were coming into me at a pace almost above any human man's capability, certainly far more intense than anything Josh had ever done with his tool. Now I was being strongly probed at a lightning pace, experiencing one long seemingly never-ending climax. Goodness knows how my face must have looked on the camera in front of me as I twisted and contorted my lower torso. The onlooker -- my uncle -- couldt have assumed I was attempting to elude the intense pounding of the fake phallus that seemed almost out of control, but inside I was thrilled to receive such a drilling. My body was on fire like never before.

I felt my arse contracting, heard a loud clunk. What was that? Amid glorious sensations that wracked my lower body, I heard my uncle holler, "Man, that was close."

But I was too wrapped up in the rolling waves of orgasmic peaks to bother asking what was close back there. But I did need a break, prompting me to plead: "Oh no ... no, no more ... oh please stop it for a minute Uncle Robert."

Within an instant, it stopped ... abruptly. He didn't even ease it down to slow, just stopped it like he had pulled the plug out of the wall socket. Thankfully though, the fake phallus stopped on an up-thrust so it remained deeply embedded to the hilt in me, thus allowing my internal orgasmic pulses to wind down gradually around the intruding shaft. My brain unable to control the ongoing gasps and moans of sexual pleasure that enunciated the feelings I was still experiencing deep inside my body. My only regret with that abrupt stop was that this machine was not capable of ejaculating the glorious fluids that a man would have splashed inside me upon completion.

"Honey, that was awesome, you really looked like you enjoyed that?"

"Oh, Uncle Robert ... give me a minute ... please! I need to catch my breath. Oh ... err, oh my God, that finish was insane."

"You are so hot babe; you're unbelievable, I knew you would be."

I saw him come around from behind me to stand directly in front. I was struggling to hold my body up on hands and knees on the padded bench. Bent forward as I was, I couldn't raise my head high enough to look up to his face. I could only see my uncle from the waist down ... maybe that was his intention. Most prominent in my line of vision was the tenting of his trousers ... a huge bulge.

There was no doubt he was turned on by what he had witnessed and videoed. My first fear upon seeing the shape of his equipment within his pants was whether he'd be able to control himself. I had come again to the warehouse studio with great reluctance, determined only to participate in the extra video he demanded, but with a resolve not to have sex with him if he expected it.

He lowered the hand-held camera he had been using and brought a hand to take a firm grasp of that bulge in his trousers. Was he doing that because he could see that I had turned my head to look toward his groin? Was he in need of adjusting himself again or just trying to draw my attention there? He didn't need to showcase what was going on inside his trousers; the bulge indicated how aroused the man was.

He spoke. With my head facing down, I still couldn't see his face, "So babe, are you ready for another burst from the machine?"

"Oh God no," I hastened to assert.

"What, have you had enough?"

"Oh yes, that was a solid workout. It was quite a finish!" Most of my body was awash in sweat.

"More than you've ever had from a guy?"

"Oh yes, much more! You had that machine turned up so fast, I don't imagine any guy could move his hips like that."

"Really, it's a shame you've never had me, I'd give you a workout."

'Uh oh, is he about to present his pitch to me to let him have sex? Oh, I hope not!' Time to let him know that I don't want him, "Please don't talk like that Uncle Robert, that wouldn't be right."

"A pity honey, you don't know what you're missing out on."

"Will you not talk like that to me please."

"Ok babe, I'm sorry. I don't want to upset you. So, do you know what happened back here when your orgasms peaked?

"No, I heard you say something and there was a sound, but I was too out of it to care what might be happening."

"How does your arse feel?"

"Err ... um, it's ok, I think."

"It was very exciting to watch you go off, wait until you see the video. Your orgasms seemed to merge after the first, but it was when you peaked right near the end. Your pelvic muscles must have propelled that butt plug out of your arse; it came out of you like it was fired from a cannon. It only just missed me, could have done some damage if it had hit me. As it was, it rattled all around the metal parts of the machine ... that's what made the clunky noises."

"That sounds powerful."

"Oh babe, it was. Anyway, I'm sure I got it all on video so you'll get to see it when I'm done editing. But now you have nothing inside your beautiful arse, and you should. What about you try anal on the machine, I can assure you you'll love it?"

"Oh no ... there's no way!"

"Really? I promise I'll run it on the slowest speed."

"No Uncle Robert, I don't want to, and that's it."

"Ok, then let me get you unhooked."

He moved back around out of sight behind me and I felt him withdraw the shaft from my sheath. No doubt it was coated with my juices, would he notice? I didn't wait long to learn that he did, "I'm just taking a moment to lick your juices off the cock, you sure taste good honey."

"Do you have to talk like that Uncle Robert?"

"Just letting you know babe ... you have the sweetest juices. Let me know if you'd like me to lick you out."

"Uncle Robert, I asked you not to talk that way, that's the last thing I'd want."

"Ok, just offering." My uncle moved up close alongside me, placing a hand on my closest arm, his other moving around my back, "Here, I'll help you down off there."

My uncle, still fully clothed, helped me from my kneeling position to stand upright again. I took a moment to un-knot the muscles from being bent over for so long; he didn't hesitate in taking advantage, pulling my naked body against him. His arms folded around my back, hands resting just above my arse, hugging my naked body tightly against his clothed body, plainly wanting me to feel the shape that bulged in his pants. I could feel the firmness pressing against my bare belly. "You're probably a bit stiff from being so long in that bent position."

"Yes, I am a bit," I confirmed.

"I'm very stiff too, although I wasn't bent over as you were."

I chose to ignore his obvious reference to his engorged erect state. Maybe this was the start of a pitch to have us fuck; it seemed inevitable to me that he'd try, given his level of sexual excitement. He'd already admitted using my previous video to masturbate to, would he try to up the stakes, use my body as a vessel to relieve the tension of his heightened arousal? But before he could utter another word, the constant honking of a car alarm began ... It sounded to be from right outside this warehouse building.

My uncle pulled away from me, "Hope that's not my car being broken into, this is not exactly a safe neighbourhood. That's why I drive you to and from the bus. Look, I best go check my car. Err, go have another big glass of water while I'm gone."

He left me there in the big studio space alone. I passed up drinking any more water ... he wasn't there to check on me and I wasn't in any hurry to pee, considering his desire to watch and shoot me doing that. I looked around, spotted his laptop on the table. On the screen on replay was the first video, the one he used to blackmail me, threatening to show my parents the scene of me unknowingly masturbating for the cameras .

I walked across to watch me being so personally intimate with a dildo, panties down around my ankles, legs lewdly splayed to reveal all of my intimate parts. I would be absolutely humiliated if my parents ever got to see that. It did look as if I was playing to the cameras; I figure I'd never be able to convince them that I didn't know it was recording.

I looked around, my uncle must be still outside checking on his car. In a sudden, rash moment, I made an impromptu decision. I closed the video, then deleted the file from my uncle's laptop, going further to remove it from the Recycle Bin to eliminate it fully.

"What are you up to?" my uncle's booming voice close behind me.

"Oh, err ... umm, nothing Uncle Robert."

"Yes, you were up to something. I can see it on your face." He strode up to where I stood, pushing me aside, and began urgently scanning through the files on his laptop, "Where is it?"

"Where's what?"

"The video of you playing with yourself, what have you done with it, have you moved it?"

"No, I ... I umm ... I wiped it."

"What do you mean wiped it?"

"I deleted it."

"YOU WHAT?" I had never seen my uncle like this in all of my 19 years. He went into a rage, shouting at the top of his voice at me, he was scary, "How dare you do that? Hopefully, I can restore it from the Recycle Bin."

"I deleted it from there too."

"WHAT? How dare you? Why would you do that? I thought we had an understanding."

"I couldn't take the chance that you wouldn't some day show it to my parents."

"I only said I'd do that if you didn't let me shoot some more today, and here you are, and we're having a good time. Until now! There was no need to do what you've done, I wouldn't have shown it to them now."

"I couldn't take that chance Uncle Robert."

"You stupid girl! That's going to have grave consequences Emily. Sit down over there on the lounge while I decide what I'm going to do with you now."

I was still stark naked, "Can I put some clothes on while you decide?"

"No way, sit there naked as you are, and spread your legs too. I want to be able to look at you -- all of you -- while I decide what you're going to have to do to make it up to me."

I became scared, I had never seen or heard him like this. Had I gone too far with my impulsive decision to totally delete the video file? I never thought it through, maybe I was reckless to do it without thinking, but the opportunity was there and I didn't see that I would get another. I was so worried that mom and dad might one day see the vision of me crudely masturbating. I think I assumed my uncle would be angry, but that's all. He's in a rage, his face is all red. I'll bet his blood pressure is sky high.

I attempted to calm him, "Haven't you got enough sexy footage from what you have shot today?"

"NO, I haven't! What I've been shooting today was to add to that wonderful video you made for me last week ... yes, I know, you say you didn't know you were making it for me, but I still think you did." His tone began to soften, "I can't believe you wiped that off my laptop, you were so good in those scenes. I might have to get you to do all that for me again, although it probably won't be the same. Being on your own that day made you more uninhibited."

"I can't keep being in videos like that, and like the one you've been shooting today Uncle Robert, it's not right. I don't like it, it's like I'm becoming a porn actress."

"These are only for you and me to see babe ... just us."

"So what are you going to do now?"

"Well, I think some files remain on computers even after they've been deleted. I might find a good I.T. guy and see if he can dig deep and find that video in there."

"No, please don't have anybody else see it. Oh my God, I'd be so embarrassed."

"You should have thought about that before you messed with my laptop sweetie. You crossed a line today Emily and you'll have to suffer the consequences."

His words sounded ominous and threatening. I watched him walk toward where I sat fearful on the chaise lounge,

"What are you going to do?" I could hear the trembling in my voice.

He stood immediately in front of me, "I have enjoyed helping you to achieve your goal to become a model. I felt rewarded for my efforts when I came across the video of you playing with yourself. I've been so turned on every time I watch it honey ... I look at it EVERY night. Yes, I admit it, I jerk off while I watch you do your stuff. Sweetie, I would have been content with that ... jerking off watching you doing the same. The bonus was going to be this extra stuff we're shooting today. But you've gone and ruined it by deleting the best stuff. Honey, you've let me down badly and I cannot forgive you for that. You are going to have to pay a price for deleting my special video."

One hand dropped to the front of his trousers and he drew the fly zip down. That hand reached inside his trousers. I had seen the bulge in front when he finished shooting video of me being fucked by that machine. I figured he'd still be erect. The last thing I wanted was to see his cock in the flesh, but here it is. Out came his hand, wrapped around his rock-hard cock and the head was purple, angry looking. I can't recall Josh's ever looking like that, not purple-coloured.

"No bullshit honey, I wasn't going to do this, to expect this, but you've just pushed us to the next level. We're going to fuck babe, and not just once. Multiple times, until I can't get it up anymore and until you learn not to mess with me."

"NO!" I bellowed loudly, "No, I won't! You can't make me!"

"Don't be so sure of that sweetie. You might have deleted one video but I've just shot an even sexier video of you doing the kind of stuff you won't want your mom to see."

"No, you can't!"

"Well babe, you told me you were afraid I would with the other video and that was why you deleted it. So, now you can fear the worst. Come across for me now or your mom's after dinner entertainment tonight will be watching her sweet darling daughter getting fucked hard by that machine."

"No, no! Does it have to be now?" I moaned and my tears began to flow. Is he so hardhearted? Can he withstand the sight of his favourite niece so distressed?

It seems he can ... he stood only three feet in front of me, his hand idly stroking his solid erection as clear bubbles of pre-cum oozed from its eye. A ground-breaking decision loomed large, my tears had no effect in softening his demands. I wiped my eyes, my head all a whirl, could I really bring myself to have sex with my uncle? He was more than twice my age and he was my mom's brother?

Could I take this man's cock inside me? I looked at it, bobbing around in front of my face ... stared at it, taking in the size, shape, hardness, assessing it against the only one that I'd ever been really close to ... my ex boyfriend's.

Not the same colour, Josh's had been skin-coloured, often a bit reddish when erect. But this one, new to me, has a distinctly purple head ... it looks as angry as the man it was a part of? And what about dimensions? At first glance and without yet touching it, this one looks broader, or should I call that thicker. I think the length could be the same as Josh's.

"I can see it fascinates you sweetie."

"No, it doesn't!" the tone of my voice strong and defiant.

"You can't take your eyes off it; I've been watching you looking at it and it's definitely got you in. Come on, touch it honey, see how it feels. It's gonna feel even better up inside you."

"Don't be so vulgar Uncle Robert, don't talk like that, I'm not doing it and that's that."

"You can babe ... and you will. Now come on, cut out this nonsense, come grab a hold of it and give it a lick. Don't worry, I'm not gonna make it a regular thing although I'd like to. Just this once with me babe, that's all you have to do. But if you don't intend to, you might as well get out and go home now, because I've got work to do, editing all that I've shot today so I can drop the video off at your house for your parents to watch tonight."

I cringed at the thought of that ... my parents would disown me if they saw what I'd done this afternoon, taking that machine cock the way I did ... and the butt plug in my arse. Oh my god, I'd have to move out tonight, I couldn't face them in the morning. Should I give up and let him do me? He did just say I'd only have to do it once with him ... can I trust that?. I continued to stare at his erection ... maybe I can, once.