Blood Slaves Ch. 04


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I couldn't think about that, not right now...

Mother had given me a task, and I had to obey.

Kimberly and Heather would soon be ours.


Kimberly's POV-

"This is ridiculous," Heather sighed, falling back in my computer chair with frustration.

"All this shit looks like it's straight out of Hollywood, and Ann Rice novels. How do we know, if any of it works against the real thing?"

I didn't know, how to answer that question.

I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact, that Vampires were even real. Everything we had witnessed the other day, while trying to follow Morgan and prove that she was involved in Sara and Courtney's disappearance...watching her be attacked by that guy, revealing she was a Vampire and then tearing his throat out, literally? It was all like, something out of a nightmare.

And it hadn't made me or Heather feel any better, about Sara and Courtney being missing. In fact, if anything, we were more convinced now than ever that Morgan had something to do with, how we were supposed to deal with that?

They were our friends and we had vowed to find a way, no matter what, to save them from Morgan and whoever else was involved in all of this. We went straight home from the woods that day, and buried our noses in the internet, trying to find whatever information we could on Vampires.

The only problem was, exactly what Heather had just said.

Everything we had found so far, was straight out of the books and the movies and somehow, I had a feeling that none of it would stand up against the real thing.

"What about that stuff the guy tried to use on Morgan," I suggested, after a long and nerve-wracking silence.

"What did he call it, uh...Dead Man's Blood?"

Heather perked up for a moment and then nodded her head slowly, as she recalled the moment during the fight in which the man had tried to inject Morgan, with some sort of liquid. He failed of course, but Morgan seemed pretty relieved that he had was the only time during the entire fight, that she had seemed uneasy about her opponent.

"It could work," Heather said finally. "I mean, Morgan definitely seemed pretty upset when she saw he had that stuff, so I imagine it does some kind of damage."

"Okay, so let's go with it!"

"Ugh," Heather groaned, her brief look of optimism vanishing as she spun around in the computer chair. "One problem...where the hell, are we going to get blood from a dead man?"

Good point...

"Fuck," I sighed, becoming increasingly irritated now.

Heather sighed after a few seconds, standing from the chair and stretching some. A quick glance at the clock showed that it was nearly midnight. "Shit," she muttered. "I'm past curfew...I need to get home, or my parents will flip."

"Why don't you crash here for the night," I suggested.

"We can head to school together, in the morning."

Heather thought about it, then shrugged and agreed. With everything that had been going on lately and the knowledge that we had now, I didn't think it was safe for her to walk home alone this late at night. She sent a quick text to her parents and let them know, and once she got their permission, we decided to call it a night.

Since my room was small, and we didn't have a sleeping bag or anything, Heather and I decided to share a bed. We crawled under the blankets, and snuggled close to one another...I remembered doing the same thing, whenever she would stay over when we were younger.

It brought back, a lot of good memories.

I had to admit, I was glad not to be sleeping alone tonight...knowing that Vampires were real and that one of them had my best friend in their custody, left me feeling more than a little uneasy about sleeping by myself.

With Heather by my side, I was able to drift off to sleep quite easily, compared to the last couple of nights since the incident.


I woke, sometime in the middle of the night to a loud crashing sound from somewhere downstairs. My eyes flicked open and I glanced at the clock, to see that it was just past three o'clock in the morning. Turning onto my back, I looked over and noted that Heather was no longer in bed with me.

"Heather," I muttered, as I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes.


I looked around the room, thinking maybe she had decided for some reason to sleep on the floor instead...that didn't seem to be the case. Then, the crashing sound registered in my brain, and I became rather nervous and uneasy, feeling almost as if someone were watching me closely.

Throwing my feet over the side of the bed, I stood up and took a deep breath as I started towards my door. I stepped out into the hallway and noted immediately, how cold it was.

"Mom? Dad?"

Nobody answered.

"Heather," I called out nervously. "Where, did you go?"


Downstairs, I could hear movement in the kitchen area...something felt wrong about all of this, and I knew I probably should have trusted my gut feeling. But I had to find out what was going on.

Down the steps I started, shivering as I entered the living room and my heart nearly stopped, when I saw the front door had been busted in...chunks of wood and pieces of glass lay everywhere on the living room floor, and panic rushed through my mind as I looked around frantically.

I started towards the kitchen, foolishly I suppose, as I heard the sounds of movement continuing. As I drew closer, however, I froze in place when I saw two bright red eyes staring at me from the shadows.

It was one of them...

I stood there for a moment, and as the shadow seemed to step forward, I snapped out of my trance and spun around to run back upstairs again. I yelped in pain, as I stepped on a piece of glass but continued running without stopping. "Mom! Dad! Heather, someone's in the house!"

I ran first, towards my parent's room but before I could reach it, I felt someone grab me by the arm. I screamed and tried to pull away, but they yanked me to the side and straight into the hallway closet, slamming the door behind us.

A finger pressed up to my lips, to silence me.


It was Heather.

My eyes were wide, my heart still pounding away in my chest as I tried to catch my breath. After a few seconds, I pushed her finger away from my lips and grabbed her by the shoulders, pushing her back some to get a good look at her face and confirm it was her.

Once I knew for sure, I threw my arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"What the fuck is going on," I asked, backing away.

"They found us," Heather whispered.


"No," she shook her head. "It's her sister, I think...Amanda."


I had forgotten, about Amanda. If I remembered correctly, she had been at the party in the woods a few weeks ago. The same party, where Sara had last been seen. "Why would she be you think, Morgan, knows we saw her and that guy the other day?"

Heather shook her head, with uncertainty. "I don't know. But she's here now, and we have to figure out how to get away..."

"Right," I nodded in agreement.

"W-Wait...what about my parents?"

Heather hesitated, and before she could respond, a loud thump from outside of the closet startled us was followed by the sound of footsteps, drawing ever closer to the closet door and we both tensed up.

Escape, might not be possible I realized. Heather must have known that as well because she was suddenly wrapping her arms around me and pulling me close to her. We clung to each other like our lives depended upon it, and though they sort of did, holding each other would do nothing to save us.

The footsteps stopped, right outside the closet door, and at this point, we were practically holding our breath and praying that it wouldn't be Amanda or Morgan.

When the door finally swung open, our worse fears were confirmed...Amanda stood, towering over the both of us and smirking, hands on her hips as she chuckled.

"Hello, girls. Found you."

Heather was grabbed first, rather roughly I might add.

Amanda gripped her tight by the arm, prying her away from me and ripping her from the closet. The girl shrieked and fought to pull away, but Amanda wasn't having any of it.

Heather was thrown across the hallway, with such strength that it almost seemed impossible. She hit the wall right next to my bedroom door, caving in the wall, and slumped down to the floor with a heavy sigh and a groan of pain.

Turning her attention to me now, Amanda reached back into the closet and grabbed me by the hair...she pulled hard and I gave a similar shriek to Heather, but actually managed to put up a slightly better fight. As Amanda pulled me to my feet, I gave a knee to her stomach and heard her grunt.

She lost her grip on my hair and stumbled just slightly, allowing me to straighten myself up and shove her backward. It was only because she'd been taken by surprise, that I had managed to push her back and grant myself enough time to run towards my bedroom.

I grabbed Heather along the way, pulling her to her feet and into my room with me, slamming the door shut and locking it tight.

Heather fell back and collapsed onto my bed, her entire body aching from the impact of hitting the wall. I looked around for something to defend ourselves with...this wasn't fair, I thought in frustration.

We weren't ready for this, we still hadn't figured out any useful information on how to kill these things and one of them had shown up looking for us?

The only thing I could think to grab, as the door began violently shaking, was a wooden baseball bat resting in the corner of my room. I picked it up quickly, just as the door exploded into a thousand chunks of wood.

I heard Heather scream in shock, and we both ducked down to take cover from the explosion. When the dust cleared, Amanda stood in the doorway with a look of pure rage. She stepped towards me, obviously infuriated that I had managed to take her by surprise a few minutes ago. I braced myself, swinging the baseball bat just as she closed in on me.

I heard the loud crack, as the bat struck Amanda right in the side of the head. I felt the impact of it, and I also heard the loud splintering crack as the bat snapped in half. Amanda stood there with her head turned in the direction opposite of where I had struck her...she seemed, completely unphased by the strike and now, I was completely unarmed.

All I had managed to do, was anger her even more.

Turning her head slowly back towards me, she growled under her breath. Her eyes flashed that eerie crimson red, and she stepped forward, grabbing me by the throat and lifting me from my feet.

She began choking me, and as I reached up with both hands to try and pry myself from her grip, Heather had managed to get back onto her feet again.

With Amanda distracted by choking me, Heather was able to grab a crucifix that was resting on my wall, right near my window. With no other clue as to what she could do, Heather grabbed the crucifix and steadied herself, her back still aching.

"Hey, bitch!"

Amanda tensed up, loosening her grip around my throat and looking back over her shoulder at Heather and the crucifix.

"Let my fucking friend go, now!"

Amanda dropped me without warning. I hit the floor hard, everything spinning all around me as I rubbed at the handprints around my throat, and tried to catch my breath. Turning to face Heather, Amanda smirked and then started laughing.

"You're kidding me, right?"

Heather gripped the crucifix tighter.

"You think, that'll do anything against me?"

Heather raised the crucifix and held her breath.

"Go ahead then," Amanda relaxed, folding her arms over her chest and rolling her eyes at the girl. "Give it a try."

Heather and I exchanged glances from across the room...I tried to warn her with my eyes, not to try it...deep down, I think we both knew better and that it wouldn't work. Heather wasn't going to go down without a fight though, and she chose to ignore my unspoken warning.

With a fierce battle cry, Heather lunged across the room with the crucifix gripped tightly, planning to drive it straight into Amanda's heart...just before she could bring the religious artifact down on the creature though, Amanda reached up and grabbed the arm holding the item and lifted Heather off her feet.

"H-Hey! Let me go!" Amanda started kicking and thrashing, still

holding the crucifix as Amanda gripped that hand tighter and tighter by the second until she felt her wrist begin to crack.

"Agh! Damn it!"

Heather cried out in pain, and just before her wrist could snap, she dropped the crucifix to the floor and Amanda stomped on it, crushing it into pieces. She let go of Heather, who then fell to the floor right beside the broken item and immediately started rubbing her sore wrist.

"Pathetic," Amanda laughed, leaving Heather feeling completely humiliated as she looked back over at me again.

"C-Can't blame a girl for trying, right?"

Amanda shook her head and then pointed straight at Heather which caused the girl to step back nervously, unsure of what she was about to do. Seconds passed but felt like forever, before Amanda snapped her fingers and Heather suddenly dropped to the floor, completely unconscious.


"Heh, relax," Amanda turned towards me. "She's fine."

And before I could say anything, Amanda snapped her fingers at me in a similar fashion...and I too fell into unconsciousness.


"So...these, are the two girls that have been plotting against us?"

"Yes, Mother...what shall we do with them?"

"Keep them. They'll be quite useful to us, in drawing Sara back home, my darling."


I recognized one of the two voices. It was Amanda, Morgan's sister who had broken into my home and attacked both me and Heather. The other voice, though it sounded...angelic...was completely unfamiliar to me.

Groaning slightly, I shivered as a cool breeze swept over me and my eyes flicked open to reveal equally unfamiliar surroundings. I was staring up at a ceiling, the support beams and wiring exposed. The air around me smelled moldy and I reached up to pinch my nose, as I slowly sat up on an old beat-up mattress and began to look around.

The first thing I noticed, was the two women standing in front of me...well...only Amanda was standing.

The other had long, curly blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes, and wore nothing but a silky white gown that was rather translucent. I could make out her pert breasts through the gown, her nipples hard and swollen and so appealing to the eye.

The two shared the same beautiful blue eyes, but unlike the blonde who wore a bit of a smile on her pretty face, Amanda's face was currently expressionless. As was her voice, as she had been speaking before I opened her mouth.

"W-Where...what happened..."

I rubbed at my forehead, trying to clear the brain fog that I was currently experiencing and that's when the memories came rushing back and then looked to my right, to find Heather a few feet away. She was sitting on another mattress and also in chains, her clothes having been stripped just like and leaving her as naked as the day she'd been born.

Suddenly, I was wide awake.

Heather looked at me fearfully, and I tried to move my legs over the side of the mattress, only to feel my left leg being yanked back and I heard the sound of chains clinking. I looked over and found that my left ankle, was shackled to a rusty, beat-up radiator on the wall. The next thing I realized, was that my clothes had been stripped away, just like Heather's had.

I looked back over at her, noticing that she had her legs pulled up to her chest to cover her tits and suddenly, I was covering my own with both hands.

I looked back over at the two women, obviously recognizing

Amanda but curious to know who the blonde was.

With a deep breath, I tried to force a look of confidence as I glanced over at Amanda and her blonde companion.

"Where, are Sara and Courtney?"

Amanda scoffed and shook her head. "Rude. You think you've got the right, to ask US questions?"

"Don't play games," Heather chimed in.

"We already know, what you are...both of you!"

"Oh, is that right?" the blonde asked.

"It's true," I nodded. "We know everything about you...and we know, that you took Sara and Courtney."


The blonde sounded curious, amused there was something that we had missed and she knew it, and whatever it was made her want to laugh. "Do tell, then...what do you know?"

"You're Vampires," I spat with disgust.

"Monsters. You drink blood and you're're also behind all the girls that have gone missing in this town, and that includes our friends, Sara and Courtney."

"Hmm, that's a start," the woman nodded.

"And, you've been trying to find out how to kill us?"

"Clearly they haven't made much progress on that," Amanda scoffed.

"That one tried to use a crucifix on me," she pointed to Heather.

"How ridiculous, right Mother?"

"Mmm, ridiculous indeed."


So, this blonde lady must have been the one in charge of everything. She must have been Amanda and Morgan's mother and that made her, the main threat in this whole situation as far as I was concerned. "Let me guess," the woman said, folding one leg over the other as she sat.

"You thought, you could find out what you needed to know through the use of the Internet, correct? Well, there's not much truth behind anything you'll find on there, though I have a feeling you've come to understand that on your own."

Heather and I both stayed quiet. We tried not to let on, that we knew or did not know anything that could pose a threat to this woman or her two daughters. She seemed pretty confident, however, that she already knew.

"Crucifixes, and garlic," she laughed.

"A stake to the heart. Burning up in the sunlight, ah those are all such fun stories to tell in the dark. None of them are legit, though. Nothing you read in an Anne Rice novel or watch in those awful movies about pretty boys that sparkle will present any form of reality."

"And to think," Amanda joined in now.

"They probably don't even know the real kicker!"

"Ha! Most humans, don't know about that," Elyse agreed.

"Not even Sara knew...ohh, the look on her face when Morgan and Amanda first showed her, the night of the party."

Amanda gave a rather disturbing moan, at the mention of that night and I looked over at her with an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach. "That's right," Amanda said seductively.

"She was so shocked. But she loved it, there's no doubt."

"What are you even talking about," I asked, becoming annoyed with both of the women now.

"Yes, it seems you DON'T know, do you?" asked Elyse.

When neither me nor Heather said anything in response, the woman grinned over at Amanda and nodded slowly.

"Go ahead Amanda," she muttered. "Show them."

Happy to oblige, Amanda pushed herself away from the wall she had been leaning against and slowly started across the room...right towards Heather. The girl tensed up and pulled back, as the Vampire stopped right in front of her and reached out with one hand, to run her fingers through her hair.

"W-What are you doing," Heather asked, trying to back away but Amanda would not allow it.

"Leave her alone," I yelled as if I thought they would listen.

Taking a handful of Heather's hair, Amanda pulled the girl's face right up against her crotch and Heather gasped with her eyes wide in shock. It wasn't the action that Amanda had taken, however, that left the girl looking so stunned, though I wouldn't have thought otherwise.