Blood Slaves Ch. 06


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"I'm there," I whispered.

"Come and get me."

And, in the blink of an eye...

It was all real.

As if she had snapped her fingers and made it a reality, Elyse had brought me to her home without even having to lift a hand to do so. My eyes opened again, and I shivered as I looked down and realized that I was naked...

I never did get dressed again, after what me and Lisa did last night.

Shivering from the cold, my cock seemed to shrink as a cool breeze swept through the basement and I looked over at Elyse, who stood with her that familiar grin on her face again. "Welcome home, Sara."

From the corner of the room, I heard Kimberly grunting and whimpering softly. I quickly looked over at her, and she was looking right back at me, her face white as snow and her eyes were barely open. Amanda had taken a lot of blood...she would survive, I trusted Elyse on that much but she'd probably sleep for a couple of days to recover.

"S-Sara," the girl whispered, as her eyes slowly fell shut and she finally slipped into unconsciousness. I squeezed my eyes shut, a few tears falling freely as I tried to reassure myself that everything would be fine.

Amanda withdrew her cock from Kimberly, carefully pulling out and leaving her pussy gaping and dripping with thick globs of white cum. She looked over at me and wiped the blood from her chin, laughing hysterically at me.

"I don't believe it," she laughed.

"It actually, you really are pathetic!"


"You went through all that effort to escape with Morgan," the girl said, standing up on the mattress now.

"To get away from us and run away. And all it took, was for Mother to show you your friend getting fucked and sucked, to make you give up your location."

"I told you," Elyse chimed in behind me.

"She's weak-minded. Morgan knew it, too. If anything Sara, you were a liability to Morgan the whole time you were with her...she was constantly on edge, afraid that you'd do exactly this."

I bowed my head, knowing that Elyse was right. I'd known it from the start, even though Morgan wouldn't admit it out loud, I knew she was becoming increasingly frustrated with me over the last few days.

Amanda stepped towards me suddenly. I looked up, but only halfway, fearful that judging by the look on her face she might show some form of aggression. Her smile had faded, the humor obviously not lingering much more with her or so it appeared anyway. She stopped just in front of me and reached out with a hand, gently stroking my cheek for a few brief seconds before...


I yelped in shock, my head nearly spinning as the back of her hand connected with my left cheek, so hard that it nearly threw me off balance. I stared at the wall to my left for a long time in shock, before I finally slowly turned to look back at her and see that she was grinning again. This time, it was more of a sinister expression, and she shook her head at me.

"You took her from me..."

I blinked, confused. "I...w-who?"



Another blow to the face, and I staggered slightly this time as Amanda grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me in close, hissing with anger. "She never would have left like that...not without someone to fuck with her mind and make her betray the Coven.

"You got in her head!"

"That's not true," I shouted back, grabbing her hand and twisting her wrist. Anger burned within me, and my eyes flashed red for a moment as Amanda yelped in pain and let go of me, stepping back and examining her wrist. I knew that I had surrendered and I didn't have much of a right to resist at this point, but I didn't care.

"It wasn't MY idea! Morgan wanted out of the Coven...she came to me and offered to take me with her, it was all on her whether you choose to believe it or not!"

Amanda shook her head in disbelief.

I could tell, my words weren't getting through to her. As pissed off as I was now, she was angrier and I could see it in her eyes as they glowed red along with mine. "Liar," she hissed.

"Just wait," Amanda chuckled. "You think, I'm pissed...Heather's just dying to get her revenge for what you did to her. When Mother gives the okay, a little smack across the face will be the least of your-"

"Nobody said anything, about me giving the 'okay' Amanda, and you know that to be true."

Amanda froze, grumbling under her breath as she stepped back and breathed a heavy sigh. She was trying to force herself, to calm her nerves for her own sake. That little outburst...Elyse had given her a moment or two to let her aggression out, but she wouldn't stand for much more and Amanda knew it.

"When the time comes," Elyse continued, stepping forward.

"Heather will have her revenge, believe me...but I never said anything about that vengeance involving Sara's death."

She hadn't?

What else, would she have in mind?

Maybe it made more sense than I imagined. Elyse didn't want me dead, not really. Sure, she was pissed that I had helped Morgan and that we both betrayed her, but she'd made it pretty clear that she wanted me as her slave...not dead.

"As for now," Elyse smirked. She stepped closer, placing one hand on my hip and pulling me close while using the other hand to brush my hair aside. "Let's get you...situated again, shall we Sara? It's time to pay for your crimes."

I held my breath, trembling slightly. I knew, whatever Elyse had in store for me as far as punishment was concerned, it would be torturous. Would it be enough to make me regret having fled with Morgan though?

Morgan's POV-

I swerved the car, flying off the highway and into the parking lot of the abandoned building we'd taken shelter in, moving way faster than I probably should have.

I had felt it...

The pull from Elyse, to Sara. I felt that bitch reaching out to Sara through their link, putting on whatever trick she had to draw the girl back to her again. I wasn't sure exactly what she had done, but whatever it was, I worried that Sara would fall for it knowing her.

So, as soon as I felt that pull...I raced back home. I never should have left in the first place, I thought as I parked the car and jumped out, darting towards the front of the building.

I had planned to disappear for a little while and give Sara and Lisa some time

I wanted, that Hunter. She would be the first to be turned at my hands and join our new Coven, but that couldn't happen until I got Sara on board with the idea. And so far, that seemed to be the opposite of what Sara wanted for the Hunter. She wanted me to let the woman go, which was ridiculous of course. Sara should have known full well, that we needed people to join our Coven and help us if we were to take on Elyse and Amanda in the future.

Sara was easy to get close with, though. I had learned that from the time she had spent in the basement before I broke her out. I figured, let her have enough time with Lisa so that they grow attached and that would solve the problem. Sara would eventually begin to dread the idea, of letting Lisa go and not having her around anymore.

And that's when I would turn the former Hunter.

As soon as I threw open the door to the room though, I instantly found myself regretting that plan even further...Sara was nowhere to be seen.

The room was silent.

I stepped further inside and looked around, to find that the Hunter was also gone. At first, I thought...maybe it wasn't as bad as I imagined. Maybe, Sara hadn't fallen into the enemy's trap. If Lisa was gone too, maybe the two had just wandered off somewhere together. Sara had taken her out to get some fresh air, to help renew her strength after being fed on by the both of us.


Had they betrayed me?

Sara wanted to let Lisa go. What if my plan had backfired, and she had taken advantage of the time I had given them to help Lisa escape? No, Sara wouldn't do that to me I thought.

Even if she wanted to let Lisa go, she was loyal to me...she would have simply spent more time arguing with me over the matter, trying to convince me that it was the "right thing" to do by letting Lisa getaway. No, there was no doubt in my mind...I knew, where Sara was.

She was back in Seaway.

I could sense Elyse. I could feel traces of her presence, still lingering here in the room and I slowly began to put the pieces together, figuring out what she had done. Used her powers, her mental bond with Sara, to reach out to the girl...she had probably shown her what was happening back in Seaway, to her friends now that she had fled with me.

And if that were the case, I knew that Sara would give Elyse anything she wanted in exchange for the safety of her friends...including her own location, so that Elyse could tap deeper into their link and teleport her straight back to Seaway.

"Fuck," I yelled, punching the wall right to my left and smashing a hole straight through. How could I have let this happen? I should have stayed, I should have found a different method to convince Sara to let me turn Lisa...that way, I could have been here when Elyse reached out. Maybe I could have stopped Sara from falling for that ridiculous trick.

As for Lisa...

I figured, when she woke and found Sara missing, she must have taken the opportunity to slip out of the building and make her escape. She was probably back with her foolish Hunter friends already, scheming and trying to come up with a new plan to come after me again and kill me.

That was something I'd have to worry about later, though.

Right now, the most important thing was getting to Sara. She probably wasn't expecting me to come to save her and to be honest with you, I wasn't sure why I wanted to even try.

I had spent so much time trying to convince her, that if she got herself caught by Elyse I would have no part in saving her ass a second time around...and I had meant that, too. The truth was though, we had gotten even closer since we escaped Elyse together. I had grown to like having Sara around, to like the idea of her becoming my first "Daughter" when I started my new Coven.

Shaking my head in frustration, I made my way back outside to the car, leaning up against the side of the vehicle and staring up at the cloudy sky. Snowflakes were starting to fall. I zipped my leather jacket as if to keep warmer though it didn't matter much...I was a Vampire, we don't get cold.

An old force of habit from the past, I supposed.

With a deep breath, I pushed myself away from the vehicle and started around towards the rear. I would go and save Sara...and her friends too, assuming they survived long enough for me to get there anyway.

And then, they would all owe me a very big favor.

By saving Sara and her friends, I was setting myself up to finally start building my Coven. I already knew that Elyse had Kimberly, though I wasn't sure who the other victim was that didn't matter. Once I had saved the three of them, Sara would return the favor by letting me turn Kimberly and whoever else was with them, to join us both.

I wasn't sure, if I could defeat Elyse or not was a long shot, to say the least. I popped the trunk on the car and shoved my hands in my jacket pockets, looking down into the trunk at the old Japanese-style Katana.

It had been a long time since I'd wielded this beauty. Cutting the head off a Vampire was the only way to kill one, but in my opinion, it always seemed cheesy to use a fucking machete. I picked up the Katana, drawing the perfectly crafted weapon from its sheathe and admiring the blade.

Beating Elyse was a long shot, but...I was gonna try.

"You're one lucky bitch Sara," I muttered, as I slid the Katana back into its sheathe and set it back in the trunk.

"I'm coming for you."

Sara's POV-

As Kimberly slept peacefully, recovering from her last feeding with Amanda, Elyse and the oldest of her two daughters proceeded to lead me upstairs to the living room.

All I wanted, was to stay in the basement...who would have ever thought I'd feel that way. It was to be with Kimberly though, I didn't want to leave her alone, not for any longer than she had already been. I didn't have a choice though.

Once again, I belonged to Elyse until further notice and as long as that was the case, I had to obey.

When we made it upstairs, Elyse moved to sit in that same recliner where she always would, and resting one leg over the other in typical fashion, she leaned back and smiled. Amanda pushed me to the center of the room so that I was standing right in front of her, and I could feel her eyes drinking me in, scanning over my entire body and consuming me.

Already being naked from hooking up with Lisa last night, my bare skin was fully exposed to her eyes and I could see her cock starting to rise under her translucent white gown...for the first time since I had been turned, for some reason that I couldn't explain...I felt uncomfortable.

Uncomfortable standing there, naked and exposed to Elyse, for her to just sit in her stupid chair and stare at me for however long she wanted. I was fidgeting and that must have been enough for her to pick up on my discomfort because Elyse suddenly uncrossed her legs and shifted in her chair.

"What's wrong Sara," she asked, almost sounding genuine.

"I thought you'd be happy, to be back in my arms...I mean...aside from the fact that you are going to be punished, for what you did in the first place. You can't tell me that somewhere deep down inside, you didn't miss me."

I bit my lip, wanting more than anything to look away but I knew it would be a sign of disrespect. I didn't want to anger Elyse anymore than I already had, by running away with Morgan. "I'm sorry," I said softly.

"I don't mean to look so...a-awkward."

"It's alright," the blonde sighed. "I suppose, it's just a bit of

Morgan's influence that rubbed off on you. Still lingering around a little, is time though, you'll remember your place. You will remember, who you belong to."

Was that it?

Maybe, it was...

Maybe, I felt uncomfortable in front of Elyse now because I had actually begun to develop a certain level of respect and even loyalty to Morgan, in the short time that I had spent on the run with her. Being here just felt...wrong.

In so many ways, it felt wrong. Giving away my location and letting Elyse teleport me back here, even if I had done it to save Kimberly, left me feeling like I had betrayed Morgan. I realized then, that I had felt less guilty for betraying Elyse when we first escaped together.

The only reason I had argued to come back to Seaway in the beginning, was out of fear of what might happen to my family or the ones that I cared about. It had nothing to do with loyalty towards Elyse though, or even missing her.

"You said you'd leave Morgan out of this," I mumbled.

"And, I intend to do just that."

"Then please," I said softly. "Can we...not talk about her?"

Elyse chuckled, and behind me, Amanda scoffed and rolled her eyes at my request. I could sense the girl's anger and frustration. I could easily tell, she was still resentful towards Morgan for running away. Elyse might have agreed to let that be in the past, but I had a feeling it would be more difficult for Amanda to accomplish the same thing.

"Why are we wasting our time on her?"

I looked over at Amanda, surprised that she had spoken...more surprised, that she had spoken out of turn. She should have remained silent, that's what Elyse would have preferred it, and usually, in the old days, that's exactly how it would play out. It was always Morgan who felt it justified, to speak on her own turn.

"She's a traitor, just like Morgan...forget about 'punishment' Mother, she deserves to burn. Just like Morgan!"


I flinched, as Elyse slammed her hand down on the arm of her chair and Amanda froze, clearly holding her breath...of course, I wasn't surprised that Elyse had reacted in such a manner to Amanda's boldness. I anticipated, it actually but it always startled me when she would snap since she usually seemed so calm and collected any other time.

"That will be enough out of you daughter," the blonde shifted in her seat, as Amanda exhaled slowly.

"Mother, I didn't mean's j-just that-"

"I already know where your rude behavior comes from," Elyse interrupted. "And I understand, to an extent. Morgan let you down, almost as much as she let me down. But you will speak during meetings such as this, only when I wish."

Amanda bowed her head. I could tell, there was so much more that she wanted to say to Elyse. I could practically feel her rage, burning all around us but she did everything she could to push that inferno down and bury it deep.

"I'm sorry, Mother."

Elyse took a breath, smiled at me briefly, and then shrugged before glancing back over at Amanda. "Leave us," she said.

"Go upstairs and check in on Heather. I will summon you both when I need for you."

Amanda hesitated for a brief second, looking over at me and shooting me a death glare before she reluctantly turned on her heel and started making her way upstairs to Heather.

Now, it was just me and Elyse.

The room was silent for a moment, as I continued trembling in front of the woman despite trying to hide my fear...nothing I did could have helped to do that though. Elyse could sense my fear, she could practically smell it.

"Now then," she said finally, piercing the silence.

"Come here, my love."

Elyse patted her knee as she spoke, motioning with her head for me to step forward. With a slow deep breath, I began approaching her, taking it a bit slower than she probably wanted but I was struggling to move as it was, thanks to my mind racing over what she might have in store for me.

Once I was close enough, Elyse reached out and took my hand in hers, pulling me in to sit on her lap. I took my rightful seat and she wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me in closer. For a minute, I thought...maybe, she'd just been talking when she'd spoken of punishment for my crimes. Perhaps just trying to impress Amanda, and set the girl's mind at ease on the matter.

That wasn't like Elyse though and I definitely, should have known better.

"You may not have missed me," Elyse spoke, now that we were face to face with each other. "But I certainly missed you, Sara. You crushed my heart when you ran away."

I was holding my breath again.

"I hope you will learn from your mistakes. But, the young ones must be taught a lesson and I'm afraid as much as I love you, you'll be no different my dear."

She gave me a quick peck on the cheek, then grabbed me roughly by the hips and quickly flipped me over, so that I was bent over her knees. "W-Wait, wh-"


The sound of her hand crashing against my bare ass echoed through the room, and my eyes widened as the blow knocked the wind right out of my lungs. I was so stunned by that first blow, that I couldn't even bring myself to make a sound.

"You've been a naughty girl Sara," Elyse said, with a sigh.

"It pains me to have to do this.


Another blow and this time, my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Just as it had been the first strike, I was too shocked to give a real reaction. The most I could do was whimper softly, biting my lip hard as tears stung my eyes.

"I'm not sure where I went wrong," Elyse continued speaking, as she lifted her hand and proceeded to bring it down on my ass for a third strike. "I thought, I was giving you a gift!"


This time, I managed to muster up the strength to speak. "Aggh! P-Please, Mistress!"


"I thought, I was giving you a new start at life, Sara. Poor little innocent Sara...from a broken family, Daddy drinks himself to death every night and big brother struggles to provide. Your father doesn't care. And your brother's too busy trying to hold the ship afloat..."