Brother Cucks Brother: Or Does He?


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"The idea sorta came to us at the same time," she said when she'd sat down.

"You and Caitlyn?" She nodded yes.

"It probably won't work," my love added. She took a good sized gulp from her glass. I did the same from mine. Had I already figured it out? I don't think so.

"You'll have to let your brother sleep with me," she said, her eyes never leaving mine as she spoke the words. Whiskey exploded out in a spray from my mouth.

"Are you fucking crazy" I sputtered out when my choking, coughing fit had ended.

We talked and drank for a long time that night. I guess much like Marisa and Caitlyn had on their weekend together.

Of course it was a stupid, idiotic idea that would never work. I knew that instinctively. And I told her. Over and over. The only part that made sense was the alternative. Which she kept pounding into my head. That any other option wasn't going to work.

I could see and accept that, just as she'd predicted, we'd end up a totally fucked up, unhappy, dysfunctional family. And it would be all my fault. "It would be all of your faults," Marisa corrected.

And the thing is, once you've accepted what was inevitable unless you didn't act, you have to look at the options. And after about three hours more of semi sober discussion, I finally conceded that their solution was probably the only one with even the smallest chance of success.

"He'd never fuck you, he loves me," I argued later when we'd finally got around to analyzing the idea.

"Hah, he's as horny as you. You should have heard some of Caitlyn's stories."

"He's never cheated on her."

"He did when you guys were at University."

"They weren't married then," I argued back.

"They were dating. He slept with all sorts of girls when you two guys were living together."

"No he didn't," I lied.

"He told her. Confessed. After they'd married. They don't have any secrets." What an idiot I thought. Telling his wife about things that didn't matter.

"Well she certainly has one secret."

"She's wanted to tell him right from the start. She couldn't. She knew what it would do to all three of you."

We continued to talk. Argue. Rehash. Everything sorta made kind of sense except the part where my brother slept with my wife. That was the sticking point we always got to.

"Caitlyn said he's very good in bed ... even better than you," Marisa teased at one point. Her logic hadn't been working, she'd instead decided to poke me, to prick me so to speak. With my brother's prick.

"Hah, he's old. Can hardly maintain an erection. Caitlyn says he goes through bottles of Viagara every month." I scoffed.

"She says she can hardly get him in her mouth he's so big," my fiancée retorted, then stuck out her tongue and licked her lips in a crude sexual leer.

"He's a pencil dick." Marisa ignored me. Instead she got down on her knees in front of me. I watched as she pulled down my zipper and then pulled out my cock. And then I was in her mouth. A second later she'd released me.

"He's got to be bigger than that little guy," she said scornfully. Then she stuck her tongue out at me. A minute later the two of us were naked on her living room floor. Making love. Something I'd been afraid when I'd walked in that night that we'd never do again.

Then we went to bed. And talked some more. And fucked some more. And cuddled.

Sometime after four in the morning she said what turned out to be the fateful words. I was so drowsy I missed the first few words.

"I missed that. What'd you say?" I asked as I rolled over towards her.

"I went and saw Mama Teresa yesterday. We went and saw the priest." Mama Teresa was her abuela. "Auntie came too."

"The priest?"

"I booked our marriage for the twenty-seventh."

"Our marriage. The twenty-seventh?"

"Of December. I told him I'd confirm the date today. The reception will be held at the big Sanchez house." I knew she meant the house of one of her cousins, all the big family events were held there.

"You still want to marry me?"

"What choice have you left me? A poor girl seduced and impregnated by..."

"But we really haven't agreed on the other thing."

"What other thing?" Marisa playing coy?

"Uh, the Adam thing. The thing we've been talking about all night."

"Adam's thing will come later."

"It will."

"Uh huh, Caitlyn and I discussed all that after we'd decided."

"I thought I was part of the decision."

She ignored me. "I have the wedding to arrange. Moving into the new house. Caitlyn and your parents have to move. Adam will be busy with the company. And of course we're both pregnant so we won't have any time for that other stuff until at least next fall ... maybe not even until Christmas."

"That other stuff?"

"Should I tell my aunt to go ahead?" Our discussion was over. It was decision time.

"I better call mom and dad right away. And Adam. They'll have to arrange tickets and everything. Have you and your family decided what I'm going to have to wear to my wedding?"

A second later Marisa's lips were on mine. Tears were soon sliding down her cheeks. Which probably meant she didn't notice mine.

Later that day, as I sat in my office contemplating my life, I convinced myself that we'd made no ultimate decision about Adam's thing. That in fact, even though the marriage was going forward, it didn't mean that he'd absolutely have to sleep with my wife. That in fact there were other possibilities...

December 2009

We were married on December twenty-seventh. In a small catholic church in Little Havana in Miami. The service was bilingual, a Spanish/English service meant to please both families. Surprisingly dad didn't make a single comment about the language. In fact he hesitantly used a few words of Spanish, clearly just learned, on some of Marisa's relatives.

My beaming brother was my best man. Caitlyn sat in the front row of the groom's side on the church with her daughter Sophie in her arms. Another child, another daughter as it turned out, was growing in her belly.

My bride, radiant in white, her eyes glowing as she said 'I do', her love for me unmistakable, was also pregnant. My son.

It was the happiest day of my life.


My parents moved into their new house in January. Caitlyn and Adam soon followed even though Dad and my brother were still doing a lot of business related commuting back and forth. By early March they'd moved the company offices to North Miami, a short drive from their new homes.

My son was born on the last day of May. Adam Miguel James Montgomery. Named for his two grandfathers and of course his uncle. His uncle who'd promised to be his godfather. Who'd been named in my will as the person to raise him if anything happened to Marisa and I.

There was absolute joy in my brother's eyes as he watched his godson being baptized. And I knew he was going to be as much a father as he was an uncle to his namesake.

My second daughter was born to Caitlyn and Adam two months later. Rose. And she definitely was one. It was one of those perfect summers. Every member of the family was happy.

Halloween Night 2010

"I've arranged the boat," Marisa said from behind her mask. Adam, Caitlyn, my wife and I were celebrating Halloween together. The children were at home and were being babysat by their grandparents. The four of us were costumed. It's the first time we'd gone out together as a group since the birth of the two babies. We were sitting at a table in one of South Beach's trendiest nightclubs. Costumed, dancing bodies were swirling all around us. The girls, back in shape after their pregnancies, had both decided to go sexy that night. They looked great.

"We leave the twenty-sixth. Our bareback luxury yacht. Leaving from the Virgin Islands ..." As she talked I watched as Marisa's hand slid down off the drink laden table. A second later I felt her fingers as they moved across my thigh.

"It's a bareboat cruise, not a bareback cruise," I corrected my wife. "Do you really think we should go? You don't think it's too soon? It's a lot for dad and mom to have to do," I say as I harden under the ministrations of my wife's fingers. I'm still not convinced I want what I know Caitlyn and Marisa have planned.

"Your mom will love having the kids," Caitlyn answered. "Besides they'll have help." A second later I felt her hand join Marisa's on my cock. She gave it a quick squeeze and then turned to her husband and embraced him. He hadn't noticed a thing.

"God, it'll be great. We all need the break, wine women and song," my brother said jollily. From the second our two wives proposed the holiday he'd been sold. And he had no idea what they'd planned.

"Well I'm going to be bareback and barefront the whole time I'm on the boat," my wife answered. She'd already had a great deal to drink.

Her sister-in-law, similarly well oiled, than chimed in with, "you two are going to have titties bouncing everywhere."

"Perfect," my brother enthused. He had no idea the girls were accurately depicting what was to come.

A ten day bareboat cruise in the Caribbean. Just the four of us. Marisa and Caitlyn had informed me of the plan a month earlier. As the months had passed over the previous year I'd thought, hoped even, that Marisa had forgotten her proposal. That the marriage, the pregnancies, the moves, the births had convinced her that it wasn't necessary. And yet I'd thought about it just about every day. Dreamt of it. Of Adam watching me as I made love to his wife. Of me watching Marisa and him. Of both of us sandwiching first one, then the other, between us. It was a dream that always aroused. But it scared me...

"C'mon miss titty, let's dance," I said as I stood up and took Caitlyn's hand. I knew it was time to get the two girls separated before they got really going. Incredibly they'd become almost inseparable since Caitlyn had moved down to Florida.

Invariably over the preceding months I'd found them laughing together, usually giggling like schoolgirls, whenever I'd returned from work. Lounging at either my house or Adam's, discussing who knows what. The two families had become real friends over the months, eating just about every dinner together, usually also with my parents. Pregnant, and not working, the girls had bonded. It had surprised me and delighted Adam.

"You know, it's our anniversary," Caitlyn said as she melted into my arms. "Three years ago tonight."

She was talking about the rape. She could feel my hardness as we moved around the dance floor. "You'd like to fuck me right now, wouldn't you?" She was right. My wife was twenty feet away dancing with my brother and I still would have fucked her.

"Do you think Adam has an erection," my sister-in-law asked as she glanced over at where her husband and my wife were dancing.

I didn't want to know. I hoped not but knew at a glance that he did. That he was pushing his hard cock up against my wife's stomach. Caitlyn sensed my unease. "It's the only way Dave," she whispered softly into my ear.

"Did you really dream of Adam and I ... I mean before ..."

"Before Sophie?" she asks. I nod yes.

"Marisa told you?" I nod again.

"I can remember one night ... just months after Adam and I had married," she remembers. "During the summer, we'd had a bar-b-que at our place, just the three of us. We'd had lots to drink. " Listening to her I could remember fifty nights like that over the years, both before and after their marriage.

"It was late and you two were sitting on the couch. I sat down between you. Adam hugged me. Then kissed me. Then I turned and gave you a quick kiss. You had a hard-on."

"I didn't," I denied.

"You did so, just like the one you have now," Caitlyn answered. "I can remember it so clearly. I can remember saying to myself, 'do it, just lean over and touch it. Take them both to bed, it'll be okay'."

"And I always thought you were such a nice, proper girl."

"Eventually we went up to our room. You stayed over that night because you'd drunk so much. And then Adam and I were making love and do you know what? Your brother's cock was inside me and I was thinking of you just down the hall. I'm in love with my new husband but I almost asked him to go and get you. I almost told him that I wanted both of your cocks in me. And now it's going to happen," Caitlyn said as the song finished. Then she twirled away and rejoined her husband.

We left the club an hour later. Caitlyn and Adam went to their house. Marisa and I went to ours. I made love to my wife. Twice. She fell asleep. Images flashed across my still swirling mind.

It's going to happen I thought to myself. Less than two months from now. On a boat in the Caribbean.

I'll watch my brother push his cock into my wife. I'm not sure exactly how I'll feel.

What I do know is that the three people who'll be on the boat with me are the three most important people in my life.

"What are you thinking?"

"I thought you were asleep," I answer as I look over at my wife. She's beautiful.

She rolls over on top of me. Even though we've already made love two times my cock hardens almost instantly. "You were thinking of the boat trip, weren't you? Of having sex with your sister-in-law."

"I was not," I deny. My wife isn't fooled.

"It'll happen the second day we're on the boat. We'll have sailed into a quiet cove and anchored. We'll be alone. The aqua colored sea will be shimmering and the crescent shaped beach will beckon."

I can't help but picture the scene she's painting.

"You and Adam will be in the cockpit, probably discussing sports or fishing or some other male thing. Caitlyn and I will be on the bow, laughing, giggling, pointing at the beach. I'll undo my top and let it drop. Then she'll undo hers. Then one of you guys will look up and see us."

"You'll both be nervous as you watch us. Wondering what the other's thinking. Then I'll push my panties down my legs. Adam's mouth will open in surprise as he sees my dark pubic hair for the first time. He'll look over to check on what you're reaction is and while he's doing that his wife will step out of her bottom. For a few second we'll let you watch us and then we'll turn and dive over the side."

"Little slut,' I accuse. My cock has hardened as she's spun her tale.

"The two of you will watch us, never taking your eyes from our naked bodies, as we swim towards the beach. Nervous, neither of you will say a word. Then, when we reach the beach we'll turn and wave, call out to you. 'Bring some wine,' I'll yell. 'Hurry up,' Caitlyn will encourage."

"Eventually you'll jump into the water. We'll be waiting. I'll hug you when you finally get to shore. Caitlyn will hug Adam. And then do you know what will happen?" my wife asks.

"I'm afraid to guess," I answer as I cradle Marisa's head in my arm. As I caress her soft curls.

"I'll slowly pull your bathing suit down your legs. Then I'll slip to my knees."

"Jesus," I mumble. My cock is throbbing.

"Caitlyn and Adam will both be watching when I take your penis into my mouth. They'll watch, arm in arm, as I pull you down to the sand next to me. They'll watch as I sit on top of you and impale myself. They'll watch as you roll me over. They'll watch as you start to thrust your big, beautiful cock into me. But do you know what Dave?" she asks as her fingers find my hardness.

"What?" I groan.

"They won't be watching when you finally roll off me. They won't see your cum as it dribbles out from between my legs. Do you know why?" I can guess.

"Because by then they'll be on the beach. Your brother will be fucking Caitlyn."

"Are you really sure this trip is a good idea?' I ask. In answer Marisa climbs on top of me and brings my rearing cock to her sex.

"And when they're finished do you know what will happen? As Adam lays panting, spread-eagled on his back on the hot sand. His still semi-hard penis oozing out one final thick droplet of sperm." In answer I start thrusting my hips up off the bed. Pushing my hard cock deep inside my wife.

"I'll walk over to him. Kneel between his legs. His eyes will be closed so that when I first take his sticky prick into my mouth he'll assume that it's his Caitlyn who's sucking him. But after a few seconds he'll know something's wrong. He'll know that the lips and tongue working on his shaft aren't the ones he's used to. Every woman is different Dave," my wife explains. As if I didn't know.

"He'll be so surprised when he sees who it is. And scared. He'll look over at you even as I take every inch of his big penis into my mouth and throat. But I won't let him ejaculate into my mouth Dave. Instead I'll spit him out. Then climb onto his body and mount him. 'Fuck me,' I'll cry as I lower myself onto his hardness."

"He won't know what to do. His eyes will jump from mine to yours to Caitlyn's. But he won't be able to stop himself. His hips will start to move. And when he looks to check on your's and Caitlyn's reaction he'll see that you've walked up behind her. That your hands are cupping her breasts. Fondling her. But he won't watch you long. His orgasm will be approaching. He won't care about anything except his cock and the cunt that's clutching it."

"But when he's finished and I roll off of him he'll finally look back over and see you lying on his wife. So what do you think of that?" my wife asks.

But I've reached the same point that Adam had in Marisa's story -I am so close to orgasm by this time that I don't care about anything else.

Sometime later, after we've finished, my wife starts to talk again. "We won't do anything else that first day. We'll all probably act shy and embarrassed as we eat dinner. Then we'll retire to our rooms nervously."

"Where do you dream all this stuff up?" I ask my wife.

"What do you think Caitlyn and I have been talking about for the last six months?"

"Not your babies?"

"Not always." Marisa doesn't try to hide a cute little smirk.

"You've really talked about it?"

"Of course. We can't just leave something like this to chance. What I just described to you is how we've planned it."

"You two are nuts."

"Do you want to hear what we have planned for the third day?"

"Shouldn't it be a surprise?"

"We've decided that I'll get to go first."

"First at what?"

"She agreed since she's already slept with you two. It's only fair."

"Agreed to what?"

"That'll be the surprise," my wife answers.

"Give me a hint," I encourage.

"Just remember mi amour, it's only you who can put babies in me." As she says the words her hand slips between our bodies. I've got another hard-on!

"Still," I say.

Marisa rolls over onto her stomach. "Do my bum," she purrs as she lifts her ass up off the bed. "And I want you to put your fingers in my pussy while you're doing it. I want to be full. Like I will be when I'm with you and Adam. When I'm first."

I push inside her. I can almost feel the warm Caribbean sun beating down on my back. I can almost smell the salty ocean. I can almost see my brother. And as I move my fingers urgently inside my wife I can almost feel my brother's cock as it thrusts deep into Marisa's center.

I know exactly what we're going to do on that third day...


This is my official entry in the 2010 LITEROTICA Halloween Contest. I respectfully ask that you take the few extra seconds required to cast your vote. And why not make me one of your FAVORITE authors. I'd appreciate it.

Comments of course are always read and appreciated. It's how I learn what you like (and dislike) about my work and hopefully helps me do better when I start writing my next story. Thanks for reading, Jim Scouries

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SatyrDickSatyrDick5 days ago


Caitlyn, Dave and Marissa are all straight up ASSHOLES - keeping poor Adam in the dark about Dave RAPING Caitlyn and then Marissa concocting some cockamamie scheme to have Adam have sex with her.


MCRider2525MCRider25252 months ago

Wow! That was a great story on many levels! Thank you!

Psychman24Psychman242 months ago

Very entertaining and erotic! I love the hot Cuban character and the contrast with the Anglos. I will say there is a pretty strong chance that this whole arrangement goes sideways in the future and everyone ends up hurt

LechemanLecheman10 months ago

A second story would be interesting.

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