Captives, Slaves, Killers Pt. 01


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"I will try not to hurt you," she panted and reached between her thighs to find his shaft. It took only a moment to get it in position and she lowered herself onto the head. She paused, feeling herself stretch again. The head slipped in, uncomfortable but not painful. She breathed in deeply. The discomfort faded. As she continued it turned to a pleasant feeling of fullness. Sliding down she purred and wriggled until she came to rest. It felt fantastic. Then she ground her pubis down, driving a grunt of surprise from her lover. Grinning she bent and nipped his chin then ground down on him again.

"You said you wouldn't hurt me," he protested, massaging her breasts.

"I lied," she giggled and did it some more.

Van's hands found her ass and spread her cheeks. She backed into his massaging fingers. As she hoped he found her other opening and pressed a finger against it. Rising a bit she let him slide a digit along her wet slit, gathering her natural lubricant. A moment later he was pushing it in and she was squirming with delight.

Up and down his shaft she rode, amazed at the feelings of pleasure. She wondered if all Human lovers were as attentive as Van. He seemed to know exactly where to touch her. Panting, riding harder, Aste`Rey Mherr bit her lip. Having both openings serviced was new. She had only ever had mates attend her diamond and slit. There were romances that detailed lovers taking the forbidden path, but no one believed them. And she wondered why she was suddenly think of taking Van there.

The collar. Her eyes went wide. She resisted but the suggestion redoubled in importance. It quickly became the only thought in her mind and she became afraid. Van was thrusting up into her now, grunting and moaning his lust. An object caught her attention. A clear tube lay on the mattress beside them. Where it had come from she did not know but she did know what was in it. She resisted but realized she must. She reached out and opened the cap. Thick gel oozed from the small opening.

"Wait, Van," she gasped and rose up until his bellend slid free of her. "Something... Something I have to do."

Van made no protest. He watched uncertainly as she smeared gel over his cock, paying special attention to the head. Even when he was fully covered, as slick as he could be made, Aste`Rey Mherr hesitated. A finger was one thing, but this battering ram of meat was another. Males never penetrated females there, in spite of the pleasure gland. The compulsion from the collar increased and she could see Van fighting an urge. His hands on her hips shook as if under strain. Finally she gave in.

Reaching back she grasped his slippery length and positioned the swollen head. Bracing for the pain, whimpering in fearful anticipation, she pressed back on the tip. Van opened his mouth to protest but she ignored him. Back she went and gritted her teeth as he slid past the tight muscles. Pain stopped her briefly. The compulsion drove her on. Her flesh gripped his cock as she continued to slide down. Soon, though, she understood her fear was worse than the reality. Deeper and deeper and then he was in. Aste`Rey Mherr opened her eyes, hurting but not in agony. She bent to kiss him.

"Are you all right?" he asked.

"No," she said, shifting and clinching down around him. "I will be, though."

They kissed for a moment but soon the outside urge pressured her to ride him. She lifted up and settled, feeling herself relaxing with the motion. Up and down. Lift and settle. A little higher and settle and now a little faster. Oh that was starting to feel really good. The head of his shaft was pressing on the pleasure gland, the gland that made birth easier, and sending hormones like bolts of joy through her.

"Forger and Builder!" she gasped and slammed down onto him. "That is so worth it!"

Van gasped something, a sound of protest and pain and she realized she had begun hammering his abused abdomen. She didn't care and kept on riding, harder and harder. With a grunt of complaint Van took her by the hips and forced her off of him. She dropped on the mattress, snarling her displeasure and he forced her to lie face down. She squirmed, fighting to get free and get him back where he belonged. Van held her, spread her thighs, lined up and pushed in.

"Yes!" she screeched. "Right there! Yes! More!"

Van drew almost out of her and thrust back in. Her round ass bounced under the impact and Aste`Rey Mherr laughed, scooting back to meet his next thrust. Again he plunged in and then began a rhythmic pounding, rocking her whole frame. It felt too good to be real and she wondered if the feeling was induced by the collar. Then she did not care. A hot jolt, nearly an electric shock, cramped her sex. She gulped and squirmed under her lover. His shaft drove relentlessly, pistoning inside her. She tried to back into him. She tried to meet his thrusts. She was just shaking too hard, all but vibrating. And then it was upon her.

She screamed wordlessly as her climax detonated. Her muscles contracted around Van and he cried out in surprise or perhaps pain. Aste`Rey Mherr thrashed beneath him, sending a gush of fluid over his thighs and the mattress. Convulsing she dropped bringing him down with her. The next wave of ecstasy blasted through her frame. Van bellowed. Inside her he loosed a torrent, swelling and pumping deep within her bowels. More pleasure, more joy washed through her. Sparks danced at the edge of her vision and then everything went dark.

Several lifetimes later Aste`Rey Mherr came back to herself. She grinned a slack jawed grin. The mattress was sodden. Van was still buried deep inside her. He was kissing the back of her neck and murmuring softly, cupping and fondling her breast. Her tail lashed and she turned her head to find his lips.

"That," she said huskily, almost laughing, "was awesome."

"Yeah," he groaned. "Damned good."

She kissed him again, feeling his member softening.

"Get the feeling we should do it again?" he asked, kissing her.

She thought a moment, concentrating on finding that outside urge and failing.

"No," she finally said. "Sleep?"

Nodding, Van rose on his arms and carefully withdrew. She felt his bellend slide past her pleasure gland and shuddered, wishing they could repeat the performance, knowing it was time to escape if they could. Van eased himself down beside her, an arm resting on the small of her back. She lay her head down and closed her eyes. Together they lay on the wet mattress, waiting.

She was not sure how much time passed but eventually the hatch opened and four slavers entered. It was difficult to remain limp when they laid hands on her, but she recalled the warnings from Marilyn. This would be their only chance and she would not ruin it.

Out and across the corridor they were hauled, into the shower room with its misting heads. Two of the guards removed the collars and left. Cool water washed over Aste`Rey Mherr as before. The chemical scent of soap filled the air. Carefully she opened her eyes to slits, finding that a pair of the slavers were scrubbing down Van. Where was Marilyn? Had she broken her promise?

The slaver with the brush turned and bent close to Aste`Rey Mherr, holding out a hand.

"Use this," it said, pressing a cylinder as big as her thumb into her palm. A stunner? The black figure flickered for half a beat, a glimpse of pale skin and white hair and then back to the featureless mask.

The one with the hose turned, perhaps curious as to what Marilyn had said. Aste`Rey Mherr struck, ramming the end of the stunner into the slaver's belly. With a startled hoot it fell to its knees. She struck at the base of its neck, and again at its shoulder and again and again, finally sending it toppling into Van's waiting hands. She was already going after it, hate in her heart, when the male's fingers closed about the thing's head. A quick twist and a snapping sound followed and the slaver lay still. Van rose, reaching for Marilyn as if he would rip her apart. Aste`Rey Mherr recovered her senses and got between them, urgently pushing him back.

"No!" she hissed. "Stop! We need her!"

Van blinked, looking back and forth between the girl and what he thought was a slaver.

"Whether you like it or not," Marilyn said, transforming to her usual appearance, "you do need me. And I need you."

Van backed a step, scowling.

"Where do we go from here?" Aste`Rey Mherr asked, clutching the stunner.

"Follow me." Marilyn stepped over the slaver's body, making for the back corner of the shower room. She reached up and pulled a panel aside. Beyond was a service tube, large enough even for Van to fit with ease. "This will bring us out in a pressurized store room. I have some things there for you."

The android made to climb in, but Van grabbed her. She glared at him.

"Where to from there?" he demanded.

"I will explain when we get there," she said and tore away from him. "Pull the panel shut after you. Hurry!"

Aste`Rey Mherr was next in and Van brought up the rear. Wet, sore and tired, still shaky from the sex, especially from the violent orgasm, the girl found it difficult to keep up with the android. There was very little light, only readouts shone on small control displays, but as far as she could tell the tube ran in a straight line. Marilyn was nothing but a ghostly grey form ahead of her. Of Van she had only sounds and a subtle masculine scent.

The service tube was not long. Marilyn waited until the jZav`Etch and the Human joined her before working the latch and opening the panel a crack. The compartment beyond was nearly dark, illuminated by dim red lights. Aste`Rey Mherr could see well enough to know there were no crew around. Marilyn slid down to the deck and stepped aside.

"What is this place?" Aste`Rey Mherr whispered, following her.

"A store room for tools," the android said, opening a cupboard. She reached in and pulled out a duffle bag. "Put these on and do so quickly. They will realize something is wrong very soon."

Aste`Rey Mherr opened the duffle. Two suits of black material spilled onto the deck, their rigid masks clunking. Holding one suit up she shook her head, unsure what to do.

"That one is the Human's," Marilyn said, snatching it from her and pressing it into Van's hands. Grabbing one of the hooded mask she thrust it after the suit. "Put them on! We do not have time!"

Fumbling in the dimness, unfamiliar with the clothing, needing help with the odd fasteners, both Human and jZav`Etch struggled into the suits. Van looked menacing, tall and looming in the red light. Aste`Rey Mherr felt silly, her tail shoved down one baggy leg and cramped. Van donned his mask and looked around.

"What the fuck?" he said, pulling the mask off. "Full spectrum?"

"I tinkered with it," Marilyn said. "Might help. I couldn't build a HUD*. The mask isn't large enough."

Aste`Rey Mherr pulled her mask on, not at all liking the feel of it. No jZav`Etch liked having their ears pressed flat and the way the mask touched her whiskers was distracting beyond endurance, but she would endure. She had to if she wanted to get free.

"Now what?" she asked the android.

"Follow me and do not draw attention," Marilyn said. She paused before opening the hatch. "Corporal, you should follow only when I signal. You are far too large to be mistaken for one of the slavers except at a passing glance. We are going to a hangar where there is a raider ready to fly."

"Fly?" Van demanded. "We're not pilots. We can't fly anything."

"Fortunately, I can," Marilyn said and opened the hatch.

"Something isn't right," Van whispered in Aste`Rey Mherr's ear. "If it's so easy, she could have done this on her own. Watch her!"

The girl nodded and followed the android. She hated the feeling of her tail down the leg of her suit. She hated the feeling of the suit pressing her fur down. It was hot and clung to her, pulling at hairs and making every step an irritation. The full spectrum mask was some help, though. She could see all manner of patterns on the deck and bulkheads. And she saw the heat signature of one of the slavers before it even cleared a hatch on her left.

A hoot and an interrogative whistle brought her to a stop. What should she do? She had the stunner. The slaver hooted and warbled, stepping closer. It pushed her shoulder, whistling, warbling, hooting. It pushed her again. More whistles. Aste`Rey Mherr backed away. What to do? What could she do? The slaver reached for a narrow tube on its belt, drawing it like a weapon, and then a massive black form swept it away, yanking the slaver from its feet, twisting an arm, slamming it against the bulkhead, driving a fist into the small of its back. The slaver squeaked and collapsed. Van stomped its neck, bent and twisted its head around with a grunt.

"Well done, Corporal," Marilyn said.

He back handed her, throwing her off her feet.

"Van!" Aste`Rey Mherr grabbed his arm, using all her leverage to hold him back.

"She was going to let that thing kill you," the big Human snarled.

"Corporal!" Marilyn's voice sounded patient but taxed. "I cannot act against them. Now, follow me before another comes along."

Van hesitated but Aste`Rey Mherr shoved him after their guide. A dozen or so paces away Marilyn took a ladder up a deck. They followed and she led them down another corridor and finally to a narrow hatchway. Beyond was some sort of storage bay. She turned to look at the pair.

"What you will see in here is going to disturb you," she said. "We must not stop. If you wish to escape, put it out of your mind and follow me."

Before either could ask questions Marilyn opened the hatch and stepped through. Following, the pair discovered the bay was freezing cold, literally. Frost formed on their suits seconds after they crossed the threshold. Aste`Rey Mherr gasped. Her head felt light and her vision swam. How could they!

The bay was filled with hides stretched on frames. Row upon row, not dozens but hundreds. Hides of russet fur, hides of green with dark stripes and dark manes, hides of brown and grey and white, the colors of winter forests. The girl dropped to her knees, pulling up her mask in case she vomited.

"Jesus Christ on his Cross," Van swore, dumbfounded.

"We do not have time!" insisted Marilyn. "Get her up! We have to go!"

"My people," croaked Aste`Rey Mherr, weeping. "My people."

"And Humans as well," said Marilyn, reaching down to drag the girl to her feet. "And every other race they encounter. Come with me! I cannot do this alone!"

"Come on," Van said softly. "Come on. We can't do them any good."

Numbly, Aste`Rey Mherr rose and stumbled with them, supported by Van's strong arms. Out of the cargo bay, down a narrow passage and to a utility room with a window looking out into the hangar. Beyond the armored glass a ship hung in launch shackles, sleek and swift looking with oversized engines and a powerful shield emitter. Below its nose a ladder extended down to the deck. Three slavers milled about, working on what appeared to be a heavy cargo loader. They were between the fugitives and the ship.

"Damn," swore Marilyn.

"Not part of your plan?" Van asked bitterly.

Before she could answer an off key alarm began sounding. Yellow lights flashed and then white light too bright to look at filled the hangar and the utility room. The techs in the hangar milled about for a second or two and then began running around securing hatches.

"They know we're gone, I take it," Van said bitterly, looking at the android.

"I told you," she said. "Squat down, for God's sake! Don't let them see you."

Van ignored her and looked about. On a bench off to one side were a scattering of tools. Among them was an old CP Navy issue cutter, its half meter long blade nicked and battered. When he picked it up and flicked on the power, though, the blade hummed, high and soft like a distant mosquito.

"What are you doing?" the android demanded.

"How do we launch the ship?" he asked.

"Control cabin on the other side of the bay." She pointed. "You can open the doors from there. Old fashioned controls. Pull the red lever all the way down, then the green lever. If you get a yellow light on the panel you have about thirty seconds to get to the ship before the doors retract and the ship drops. Don't make it and you're dead."

"And if I don't get a yellow light?"

"The doors don't open and I get made into scrap."

"Go out there and distract those guys," he said. "Get Aste`Rey Mherr to the ship. I'll do the rest."

"What rest? Pull the levers?"

"I'll kill the slavers and then pull the fucking levers. Go distract them so I have a chance."

"Come on, kitten," Marilyn said, shifting back into her black clad slaver form. "Let's get you out of here. Let the psycho Human have his fun."

Van stepped out of view as the android led the girl out to the hangar. The slavers immediately looked in her direction. She started warbling and squawking in their language and waving her arm back towards Van. Two of the slavers dashed for the utility room. Van didn't know what she had told them but both drew the slim tubes from their belts as if these were weapons.

When they were two meters from the hatch he stepped out to meet them. They balked, stumbling into each other. His first swing split the leader from crotch to throat. The vibrablade, meant for cutting through armored bulkheads, sliced neatly through fabric, metal, bone and tissue. Sparks flew, liquid sprayed and the slaver fell in a heap.

The second one tripped over the first, but it was fast enough to avoid Van's weapon. It lunged in, extending its tube, blue sparks flashing bright. Van dodged, more graceful than a man his size should be. The slaver continued through its lunge, rolling across the deck and coming up facing the Human. Van swung and it dodged, stepping in close to jab with the sparking tube.

"Fuck you!" snarled Van and slammed his elbow into its temple.

Buzzing complaints or curses screeched from the mask and it spun, swinging the tube like a club. Van whipped his blade in a backhand swing and lopped off its head.

The one that had remained with the android and the girl drew its weapon and took a step. Clawed hands seized it, yanking it backward off its feet. The tube was kicked from its grasp and a howl of savage rage filled the hangar. Aste`Rey Mherr fell upon it, teeth bared, claws rending, tearing pieces from its suit and sending body parts flying. Marilyn simply stood aside, apparently too stunned to move. By the time Van reached them the slaver was a disjointed group of limbs, spreading fluids and tatters of uniform.

"It isn't real," the girl said, holding up an arm. "It's a machine."

Van stared. She was almost right.

"Get on the ship," he said. "We're out of here. Go!"

Marilyn pulled Aste`Rey Mherr to her feet, dragging the stunned girl to the ladder. Van ran to the control room and just as he reached for the hatch release the hatch slid open. A sparking tube was thrust into his face and he hardly had time to react. He twisted, trying to bring the cutter up. The tube connected. His arm went numb and the cutter fell. Van shuffled back, blinking tears from his eyes, trying to get enough room to maneuver, but his attacker pressed him. It kept close, bringing up the tube for another strike. Van caught the arm with his good hand and used a judo move he had never used in actual combat. The slaver slammed into the deck a meter away, its weapon flying. Van pounced even as the black figure began to rise. He caught it full in the chest with his knees, driving it down, his hand on its throat. It snatched at him, clutching at his wrist. Van rolled off, swept his leg out in chopping kick, catching its head between his heel and the deck. Sparks flew and he felt a jolt from ankle to crotch.