Cheating - A Love Story Ch. 02


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But she is very hot and there is always the nagging fear that she might get the locations mixed up. Tonight, she had proven to be totally faithful to me, even if it took the intervention of a mysterious ninja to keep her from being fucked on the floor of her living room.

But she had also been undressed, knocked down and was totally sexually vulnerable at the point where I showed up. That must have scared her and I was wondering how it would affect her.


She was as beautiful as ever as she wheeled her Jag XF up to the curb. Freshly scrubbed, made up and with her hair pulled back off her face she was the absolute opposite of last night's persona.

The farmer's daughter herself couldn't have looked purer and more wholesome.

Before she arrived I had bought the clothes I was wearing and I was carrying a twin of my carry on. But all there was inside was a used ninja suit.

She kissed me with special longing and passion, and with a lot of moaning on the side. I understood. This was the first kiss she had given anybody since Bill last night, and it had the feel of some kind of purging.

We drove the 40 minutes back to the airport with me telling her about the presentation, absent any mentions of gorgeous star fuckers. On the other hand she omitted phrases like, "almost falling down drunk", "hands all over my ass", "dry humping on the dance floor" and "nearly got fucked in the living room" from the recounting of HER night.

I asked her if anything untoward had happened while I was gone. She nonchalantly mentioned that one of our neighbors was mugged after the party. She said that he was in the hospital overnight with a concussion. She said that the rumor was that it was a roving gang, out to cause trouble in the suburbs.

I asked her who it was. She said with studied casualness, "Bill Martin from the next street over, do you know him". I said, "Of course I know him, he's the biggest cockhound in 30 square miles. He probably got caught fucking somebody else's wife and got his ass kicked".

She actually turned pale and quivered. It dawned on me that maybe she was afraid that Bill had been closer to spreading her legs than I thought.

She said, "Well you're home now and I am never going to go to one of those things again without you. I got pretty drunk last night".

I said with studied seriousness, "I hope you didn't do anything you aren't telling me about."

I knew that was a cheap shot, and it got the expected reaction; stark raving anguish.

She said with regret in her voice, "I might have been a little over-familiar with some of the men when we danced but it was nothing you haven't seen before."

She was right about that. She is always being pawed on the dance floor. But I had never seen the plastering herself on people, playing with the back of their neck and occasionally sexually moaning Millie that I had observed last night.

And of course her adventure with Bill and the shadow warrior was off the table for obvious reasons. I put THAT down to her being too embarrassed to tell me.

We had lunch but we were both in too big a hurry. That is always the case when we have been apart for any length of time. I said, "I have to go upstairs and unpack. I mainly wanted to stash my new travel ensemble where she couldn't find it.

She wandered into the bedroom a couple of minutes later looking hungry. ". I said, "I want to take a shower first" and recounted my six hour "tryst" with the drunken fat lady in seat 19 Echo.

When I came out drying my hair she was propped up naked in bed with the curtains slightly drawn and the afternoon light accenting her enormous breasts.

She was eyeing me with a speculative look. Both of her prominent nipples were extended to maximum length and she had her feet placed flat on the bed a couple of feet apart, knees bent.

I did not have to be a mind reader to figure out what she was thinking.

I walked slowly over to the bed shedding my clothes as I came. She turned her body slightly toward me, her heavy breasts swaying with her as she turned.

Boobs like Millie's don't shake or jiggle when they move. They are too heavy for that. Instead they sway gently in graceful arcs with almost hypnotic momentum.

I sat next to her and looked into her eyes. There was huge hunger there. I turned quietly and lay beside her on the bed. She scooted to accommodate me.

She put one of those perfect legs over the back of my thighs, the same legs that I had admired for a couple of hours in their skin tight leather pants. Then she pulled me toward her.

Millie is the most steadfast person I know; a companion who you can always count on in a tough situation. But she needs physical affirmation when we have been apart.

It is like fear of separation drives her sexuality. She cheated on me once and I believe that she has been insecure about me from the moment that we reconciled.

And the more insecure she has been, the more she needs to have me inside her; like the physical connection that we establish reinforces our bond.

Her pulling me to her slid my cock easily into her tight, soaking and white hot pussy, without either of us doing anything to facilitate the connection.

I glided up into her to the top. We both groaned with the sensation. I could feel the little flutters and nips that her passage always gives me when I am deep inside her. And the heat was tremendous.

She had her hand at the back of my neck looking intently into my eyes, like she needed to find something there. My eyes sent her a message of my undying love and trust in her.

What I got back from her was impatience. Then the heat, the smell of arousal and the sensation of being enfolded in that perfectly silky wetness, combined with what I had witnessed last night and I kind of went berserk.

Maybe the fear that I might lose her again had built up something in me too; because, last night's situation let the animal out. I had to fuck her like Bill had WANTED to.

She was no longer my lifelong friend and companion. I needed to breed her and mark her as mine, screw her brains out! It was like I was staking my claim by pounding her like she was a red hot horseshoe and I was the blacksmith.

I heard a voice that must have been mine give a low animalistic growl and then I threw myself on top of her. My last rational observation was the smirk of sheer satisfaction that came over her face as I set about categorically ravaging her.

I put my hands under her thighs, lifted them and spread her wide. She actually moved her legs a little bit further apart and rotated her hips up aggressively to meet me, like she was saying, "Is that your best shot!!??"

I was beating directly down on our pubic bone, with her clit right underneath me, grunting like a wild boar. I was just humping my entire lower body forward, as if I was trying to crawl through her.

I was hammering her at a rate and with a power that was making her gasp for air. She had a faraway look in her eyes and I was smashing into her so hard that we kept moving closer to the headboard. She was taking me to the hilt with total abandon.

Fortunately she had extended her arms over her head and was holding both of us away from the headboard. Otherwise I was driving into her with such force I probably would have broken her neck.

Her huge gorgeous tits, the ones I had last seen naked on our front porch, were quivering like the Atlantic in a force five hurricane. Boobs that weighty don't jiggle, they actually seem to ripple with the impact.

I heard her hissing, "Ahhhh Yesss fuck me! Fuck me harder!!" Then she abruptly changed to a strangled cry of, "What are you doing to me??!!" I could sense an orgasm building in her that was coming from somewhere around the tip of South America, or maybe even Antarctica.

Then her contractions started and there was total chaos inside her lady parts.

Her quivering and shaking wouldn't stop and as soon as the intense contractions of one orgasm washed out of her another more intense one started up. I just kept pounding her through all of that making a low animal growl.

I normally know what she is doing as we fuck but all I could see was a lustful red haze. Every conscious thought had long since left the building. But I could feel things stirring in my balls that indicated that great forces were about to be unleashed. As an earth-shattering eruption started, whose force would have rivaled two large planets colliding, I added stars to the red firmament that surrounded me.

She must have orgasmed spectacularly six, or seven distinct times during the time I am recounting here. I don't really know how many because I was never so out of control in my life and when I fired off inside her the coming actually hurt it was so violent.

I was having a hard time catching my breath so I lunged out of her body to lie gasping next to her on the bed, not knowing what had happened to her; and not really caring at that point.

There was something in her behavior last night that made me more selfish than I have ever been with her. And she seemed to want me to take her as roughly as possible in order to wipe Bill's specter from her memory.

I lay there only slightly removed from a heart attack with my sanity slowly coming back to me.

I finally got enough of my mind gathered back together to roll on my side and look at her.

She was lying there with her huge breasts rising and falling rapidly, nipples extraordinarily extended; with her legs spread as wide as they were when I bailed out of her and my sperm leaking out.

I kissed her cheek. She popped one eye open and looked at me with smug kitty-like satisfaction. I said, with sincerity, "I'm sorry if I hurt you". She looked at me like I was an idiot and said, "Hurt me!!! You just set a new orgasm record for me!!! It's nice to feel YOU lose control once in a while!!"

We showered together. That led to me pounding her luscious ass for another half hour as we ran all the hot water out of the tank. We went downstairs and I had to tell her what I had done.

I got us both a cup of coffee and we sat out on the deck. It was the middle of a beautiful fall day in Suffolk County. The kids were due home soon and I wanted to get the whole thing out as simply and honestly as I could.

Before I could open my mouth however, she said, "Honey, I have done something terrible and I need to tell you about it."

That shot my anxiety level to def-con 5 and the pressures suddenly building in my chest had only previously been experienced at the bottom of the Marianna's Trench. She had cheated again!

I sat there looking at her with total numb horror written on my face. There was no way I could survive this AGAIN.

She said, "You know I love you and that I promised you that there would be no secrets between us." I nodded glumly. She said, "We have a new intern at the office", Millie works for one of my publishers. I said, "Who is he?" without adding "this time".

She laughed and said, "No silly it's a woman." I thought, "Oh my God, she's cheated with another woman!!!" I didn't know what to think about that.

She said, "Her name is Emma and she is working on a doctorate at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas." That began to sound vaguely familiar.

She said, "Emma is a spectacular looking young woman and she was meeting with her advisor in Las Vegas the same time you were there." That was beginning to sound VERY familiar.

Millie took both of my hands in hers and said, "God forgive me but I asked her to try to seduce you at the conference, just to see if you would be faithful to me. I know how much I hurt you with my past failure and I just had to find out whether that had changed our marriage."

She said, "I talked with her yesterday before the party and she said that she got very drunk and propositioned you but and you put her in a limo and sent her home." I laughed out loud with relief. So THAT was it?

She looked shamefaced and said, "I should have trusted you and I am ashamed of myself. I would have forgiven you. But you just mean that much to me" I took her hand, stood her up and kissed her with all of the tenderness and love that I could muster for a wife and best friend.

Then I said, "Well then, I have an embarrassing admission for you." She looked totally shaken. I knew what she was thinking, because I had just had THAT thought myself.

I said, "Wait here" and disappeared upstairs to don my secret identity as Shinobi master of ninjitsu and the shadow warrior.

She was staring morosely off into the distance as I reappeared behind her on the deck, my glittering eyes of death being the only thing peeking out of the front of the costume.

She shrieked in terror, got a look of total astonished puzzlement and then I could see her processing it. I said, "Shinobi master of ninjitsu at your service madam".

For several seconds, Shinobi needed all of his ninja arts to avoid the beating she was trying to administer.

Then she looked horrified. She said, "Did you see EVERYTHING?" I said, "EVERYTHING".

She said, "And you were the person who saved me from that creep?" I said, "Hai Gosujin-sama!!!" Then she began to laugh.

She was still laughing when the kids got back. I think they thought that their mother had lost her mind.

What their mother had actually lost were any lingering doubts that the bond between husband and wife would ever be broken, even if that recognition DID require the deep mysteries of the Land of the Rising Sun to facilitate it.

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Tim413Tim413about 10 years ago
What? Why?

He should have done a better job with his math. If Millie was picking him up at 11AM, what was his departure time from Las Vegas? What if she asked? And why did he need to buy a duplicate carry-on? What happened to the original?

harbormaster1harbormaster1about 10 years ago
Are you two people?

This chapter 2 loosely follows along with chapter 1 but is not the same quality. Chapter 1 had soul, this is like a comedy. Millie gives a ten second French kiss holding the back of Bill's head . I don't think that was right.

What kind of a Publishing House allows the employees so much time they can fuck at work and set up interns to test infidelity?

If this is a triology get back to the quality in Chapter 1.

bruce22bruce22about 10 years ago
You hooked me

I will read the rest of your reworking the old masters, because it is fun!

I have to inform the loving protagonist but Millie is a cock tease and has very little control over her sexual responses.. You are playing with fire!

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioabout 10 years ago
I hate to say this but . . .

Millie's behavior at the party was inappropriate. Giving Bill the pussyhound a hot French kiss at the door is wrong when you are married, and it is an invitation. Bill would have raped Millie if hubby ninja had not stopped it, but her behavior at the party suggests she was asking for it, and her dirty dancing would have been used against her if she had filed rape charges.

This reinforces my feeling that she really wanted to cheat with Jack (chapter 1), and as seems typical in these cases, it's OK for her, but hubby better not cheat (or be equal). She claims alcohol led to her affair the prior year; why then does she attend a party without her husband and drink to excess in that scenario? In real life, she would cheat again, and hubby knows this deep in his psyche (which is why he spied on her at the party). Let's face it, the trust is just not there.

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiabout 10 years ago
The twists of a . . .

. . . moebius strip; well done! Some might say a word choice problem during the sex scene with him fucking hard into Millie and banging against our pubic bone instead of her but if so an interesting choice given the nature of the story.

In all this chapter holds up well in comparison to the first. If this is to be a continuing tale of loosely connected vignettes I think I approve wholeheartedly.

Good job DTIverson.

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