Comeuppance Pt. 04

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Old enemies and new allies.
11.2k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/13/2023
Created 05/26/2023
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Remember this is fantasy, so rich and powerful men and elected officials may act in sexually indiscreet and immoral/amoral manners. For those who suggested such hijinks would cause an American Revolution... American politicians have a long history of 'sexual indiscretion', beginning with several of the founding father, continuing to the turn of the century (Ma! Ma! Where's my Pa? Gone to the White House, Ha! Ha! Ha!), through the men know by their initials in the 40s-60s, and two more recent presidents.

I would provide a list of lesser lights - mere congresspersons, judges, studio executives, billionaires, etcetera, but that would take pages! Don't believe me: search it, and then consider the hypocrisy of segregationist Strom Thurmond, the guest lists of Jeffrey Epstein, and peruse the Wikipedia section devoted to sex scandals involving elected officials. As scandalous and odious as we've already seen, and as jaded as we've become, I strongly doubt another sex scandal would be much more disruptive than, say, Harvey Weinstein and his co-conspirators. Sex, sedition, and treason, yes, but not just sex. We're too jaded.

Be forewarned. This little tale takes a couple of turns you may not appreciate if the previous chapters bothered you.


They slept so long they ordered supper in the room. It was standard room service fare, but it served its purpose, while giving them the opportunity to discuss and consider Jack's revised plan to revive April. Janice was enthusiastic, believing it raised their odds significantly, so they called Donnie. He was helping his wife clean up the kitchen while the children played outside and was happy for the distraction.

Donnie put them on speaker, and it was Donna who took the concept and ran with it. She and Janice were bouncing ideas off each other at a dizzying pace, growing ever more enthusiastic. The social media and social skills of the women were more advanced, relatively, but they only seemed to generate possibilities, not plans.

After maybe eight minutes and a hundred bright ideas, Jack tried to rein them in so they could actually plan instead of brainstorm. Donna quickly told him to talk to Donnie on Janice's phone so they would continue without silly interruptions.

"Reminds me of announcing you're engaged to her girlfriends and never getting another word in until after the wedding," Jack observed when his friend and attorney picked up.

Donnie laughed, admitted their ideas sounded good to him, and then suggested they treat it like wedding planning and leave it to the girls so they could talk business. Their conversation diverged to ranch problems that weren't being addressed while he and Carl were in San Antonio, and to the need of his Segundo at the business for directions ASAP, and on a daily basis.

After they arrived at potential solutions for business and ranch issues, Jack asked, "So what was the immediate aftermath in Cowtown, in Austin, and on the East Coast? And how did the attack get played to the media."

"As you've been told, as soon as the gangsters started singing the feds appeared, read transcripts of the interrogations, and took over the case. They whisked the punks out of here for parts unknown, and tried feeding the media a line of BS about a drug cartel. Unfortunately for them, the local press had photos and video of some of the gangsters, and none looked or sounded like Mexicans or Central Americans.

"Maybe they got a little prompting, maybe not, but the media soon began airing anonymous concerns about another cover up. A cover up at the behest of the same men and women who first tried to make martyrs of the Machiavellian cockroaches who were killed just south of here by someone of character and courage, and stealth.

"That forced the hand of the players in Austin, and the media now have the story the Sheriff and the Rangers want them to have. You'll find that story an interesting mix when you hear it all, but I'll provide highlights.

"You are mentioned, it being an attack on your ranch and all, but the heroes, or, I should say, heroines, of the media story are Janice and April!

"Although no direct accusations are made and no names named, the essence of the revised story is that it wasn't a drug cartel that carried out the attack. Rather, it was another attempt to recapture April and Janice by the remaining members of the sex cartel that enslaved them, or their successors.

"It's a helluva story, alright. The heroines survived capture, abuse, slavery, and torture to protect you from the evil intentions of corrupt and vile men, and then escaped and returned home. When the gangsters came to kill you and recapture them, they took up arms and fought gallantly alongside you and law enforcement. Like I say, it's a helluva story!

"Their pictures are all over TV, newspapers, magazines, and the internet. Yours are too, but you're not a beautiful and heroically brave woman who endured every woman's nightmare, fought your way back home, and had to take up arms to save yourselves and your beloved husband/brother.

"What I'm saying is, they are front and center in the story and you're nothing more than a footnote... which I'm sure is fine with you. Understand, I'm only giving you the highlights, but try turning on your TV for an hour, or, better yet, checking the news sites on the internet, and you'll see what I mean.

"To increase the suspense and hunger for updates, the hospital won't let anyone near April, so the media are searching frantically for you and your sister.

"And, Jack - as your friend and lawyer, I strongly advise you to carefully consider your public response when it comes to questions about your relationship with your heroic sister and wife, unless you want to become the center of a shitstorm about misogynistic and egoistic males that will pale 'Me Too'."


Forewarned and forearmed, Janice and Jack quickly checked out of the hotel and checked into an older, cheaper one on Loop 1604 that catered to truckers and travelers looking for a bed, not a resort. It was stuck back off the road between UTSA and the La Cantera shopping center, with parking for trucks and trailers out back, where their pickup blended in.

They used fictitious credentials from Janice's old life that she had retained "just in case." 'Ann Taylor' had a New York address, and her traveling companion was simply listed as John Taylor.

After they were settled in, Jack called the unit where April was housed and asked if there had been any changes in her condition. The shift nurse, Nancy Jenkins, told them April had become quite agitated after watching a news show that detailed her troubles after she left Texas. When the hospital administrator informed her about the number of news vehicles reporting live from outside the hospital, and the number of requests for interviews she had received, however, she retreated back into her shell.

The nurse also let them know that the hospital had to add security personnel to keep reporters from sneaking into the wing where April was a patient. That spurred Jack to ask how the hospital would feel about transferring her to BAMC's Level 1 Trauma Center for increased security. Nurse Jenkins enthusiastically assured him she would approach her superiors with the idea and call them back.

Less than an hour later, she did call back, with an administrator sharing the line. April's doctors were concerned about the dangers of transport, but confident in the care she would receive at BAMC. The hospital administration would be happy to arrange the transfer, as Fort Sam was far better prepared for the media onslaught than they were. Assuming, of course, proper transport was available.

As it was all happening on Jack's dime and insurance, his approval was the first step, but they still had to convince the patient.

Janice suggested they tell April the move would put her in the same hospital as Carl and provide a better buffer against the press. The nurse asked for a few minutes to make the proposal; ten minutes later, she relayed that April actually showed a spark while consider the choice to move, but settled back into her melancholy almost immediately after.

Nurse Jenkins also warned that her memory of events and people was spotty, and that wasn't unusual after the kinds of trauma she suffered, which included a concussion not immediately treated due to her life-threatening injuries. That was news to Jack and Janice, so they pressed the nurse and administrator for more information, but they could only describe what was on her chart.

The transfer occurred in the dead of night, around 2 am, using an ambulance designed specifically to transport patients with cervical and spinal injuries. Janice got the news after breakfast via a phone call from their new favorite Nurse. She wished them luck, and then asked that they forget her name; her job was on the line if others learned of her beyond-the-call-of-duty assistance... and privacy violations.

Reassured no one would hear it from them, she recanted and asked that updates be provided from time to time, to which Janice agreed.


They wrote their loving notes, went flower shopping, and then to BAMC. They were told Carl was being allowed to awaken on his own timeline, and they expected that to happen sometime today. They agreed to call Jack if it happened, and he and Janice agree to return immediately when it did. They left a bouquet and made their way to the Spine Center.

They identified themselves to the staff and were required to provide documentation of their identity, and of Jack's relationship with the patient. When queried, they found nothing to show that April had denied visitation, but, as she was currently engaged in testing and evaluation, she would not be available for several hours - most likely until early- to mid-afternoon.

"So, do we stay, or go through the long, drawn-out processes of checking out and back into the base?" his sister asked.

"Let's go look for a place to stay that's closer but offers at least a degree of privacy. We can get our things from the room, check out, and maybe do a little shopping for Carl and April, since neither has any clothes to change into."

They were at the Shops at La Cantera at eleven. With his limited mobility, Jack found a shady place to sit, gave Janice a credit card, and waited. Normally, she would have taken hours to buy outfits for her friend and cousin, but they were across the interstate buying athletic shoes at Academy Sports and Outdoors at 12:30.

Still nothing from the hospital at 1:20, so they headed south on 10, caught 410 east, and made their way to the Estancia del Norte Hotel. It was near North Star Mall and the Airport, had several good restaurants nearby, and offered shortcuts for getting to BAMC. Most importantly, celebrities frequently stayed there, and they had a reputation for respecting the privacy of guests.

Although they had not been called, at three they headed over to the hospital, as much to avoid the 4-7 traffic madness as anything. By the time they made it past the guards, parked, and Jack limped through the vast hospital with his cane, it was nearing four. Carl was closer, so they stopped by his section first.

The normally taciturn head nurse saw them, smiled, and held up a notepad with their names and Janice's number. "Perfect timing - I was about to call you! He awoke on his own about an hour ago, so we've been running the tests and evaluations. I shouldn't tell you this, at least not yet, but, other than lost memories of the time period around the explosion, which is normal with this kind of TBI, he seems fine!"

An hour later, they were certain he was getting better by the minute, but still frighteningly weak. "Thanks for sitting around my bed and telling stories while I was out of it. Believe it or not, I heard everything you said, but I just couldn't respond. Still, in my head I was laughing and joining in."

"We kept telling them because we thought we detected movement!" Janice assured him. "They doubted us, but the second time the machines agreed, so they let us keep going. Glad you were enjoying yourself!"

Carl suddenly grew thoughtful, then serious. "No one will tell me what happened to April - is she okay?"

Janice glanced at her brother, and then replied, "She's injured, but alive and in recovery. They haven't let us see her because she won't allow visitors. We've been leaving her notes and cards with notes inside, and Donnie and Donna just started an email and mail campaign down home, so we're hopeful she'll relent. Speaking of, have you gotten any mail yet?"

"Probably. They said they had something for me, but it would have to wait until tomorrow because 'you need to eat, talk to your friends, and rest.'

"Hearing Donnie mentioned reminded me - tell me about the fight. I assume we won, but did we have any other casualties?"

"Not that we're aware of," Jack answered, "but the bad guys did. The wall in front of you and April was hit by a RPG they aimed at the window above you, so you two got the worst of it. You were thrown to the side by the impact, and were unconscious when I came in. April though - well, part of the wall fell on top of her, and she has some back and neck injuries they had to stabilize before moving her.

"We're told she's conscious but uncooperative. Honestly, we don't know much about her condition because she want approve us as visitors, or as persons her doctors can talk to. She was at University until we had her moved here last night, and we're hoping to see her and learn more."

Carl looked skeptical. "You don't seem as pissed off at her, Jack. In fact, you seem concerned. And you're with your sister..."

Jack sighed, glanced at Janice, and answered his best friend/cousin. "I've made a few concessions since she and sister over there broke into my house and took up arms against the bad guys. I don't see a future for our marriage, but that doesn't mean I don't care about her, and Sis. They fought courageously, just as you did, our sheriff and deputy did, and our trooper did; Alfred too, for that matter.

"We hear," Janice interjected, "that news media has gone gaga over the story, and that everyone involved is being stalked. We got April moved here from University so she could have privacy, and we've changed hotels twice since we found out, just hoping to keep them at bay."

"Yeah, Cuz, it seems the two selfless and courageous warrior women not only saved my life through their heroic and selfless actions in Washington, but also saved all of us in the gunfight! You're mentioned as another casualty, and I'm mentioned as the cuckhold husband and ranch owner who was wounded, but the rest of the story is about Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel saving us - mostly me - from death and destruction."

Carl was now grinning. "Sooo, Cuz, that makes YOU the villain in this story when it gets out you're divorcing the heroic Captain Marvel?"

Janice burst out laughing. Jack made a face and said, "Pretty much. But I've always been the asshole in that relationship, since April can do no wrong. Besides, it will all pass over soon enough, and we can get back to living in reality."

Carl's smile faded, he looked thoughtful, and then said, "Brother, I'm starting to wonder about 'reality'. It seemed so clear-cut when we watched the films, but I know the character of these two, and seeing them back on the ranch... I'll be honest: I'm starting to lean their way a little."

Jack could feel Janice's eyes sending rays his way, but he simply replied, "I'm far from convinced, but I'll admit my mind is not as closed as it once was. Don't know how that will play out, but right now we need to get you and April well!"

"Since you're using two walking sticks, Cuz, it seems you might need to include yourself in that plan," Jack replied with a raised eyebrow.

"Minor flesh wounds - nothing like you and April have endured."

Janice sarcastically demurred. "Well, other than basically dying on the way to San Antonio and having a few gallons of blood poured into him to replace that he left all over the ranch and house, he's fine! His doctors did want him to stay in the hospital until tomorrow, but Superman couldn't stay still that long, so here we are!"

Carl had just asked for a replay of the battle when his nurse came in to check and medicate him, and ran them off. "Check the visiting hours on your way out; I'm holding you to them for the next few days. He needs rest and therapy too."

Carl was whining as they left and made their way to the Spine Center, where they were again rebuffed. "She asleep now and she doesn't sleep enough. Check back tomorrow."

They ate supper at Salt Grass Steakhouse, across the highway from their motel. Back at the room, Jack talked to Donnie and Janice talked to Donna. Jack was told a retired ranch manager, Bud Allee, and a young cowhand named Jose were taking care of cattle and crops. The construction crew had been cleared by law enforcement to begin the demo and reconstruction of the bedroom, patching of the bullet holes around the house, and sundry other repairs needed after the battle and the subsequent investigation, which involved scores of military and law enforcement officers trooping about the house and grounds.

Jack learned it had even rained four inches over the past five days, so the crops and graze were green, the cattle and wildlife were fattening up, and the river was full to overflowing.

The women were still chatting, so Jack called the sheriff to get an update. No answer, so he called Elias. Their call was cordial, but nothing had changed; the feds had the gangsters, they weren't sharing information, and the media was interviewing everyone that would stand still.

With Janice still distracted, Jack did a little more research on the 'honorable gentleman' Louie said was behind the attack, and began developing the framework of a plan. As powerful and connected as The King of K Street appeared to be, he would not evade his comeuppance.


"I'm Captain Allen, April Armstrong's attending physician. I have been instructed to inform you that she is not receiving visitors at this time; however, she designated both of you as 'personal representatives' for the purpose of viewing her medical records. If you will accompany me the conference room, I'll provide them to you and answer any questions you may have."

"Thank you, Captain Allen. Let us skim over these first, so you can return to your duties and we'll call when we're through."

"Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, but my current duty is to answer questions."

Jack nodded and buried himself in the documents Janice was already reviewing. Halfway down the page he stopped. "Captain, what does this diagnosis mean: 'ASIA D: motor incomplete injury with more than half of the muscle groups anti-gravity'?"

"E is the best score after evaluation; basically, you have no impairment. D is next; you have some impairment, but most of your muscles work. This is her evaluation score. Her organs are functioning normally, and, if Mrs. Armstrong will apply herself, she can return to a normal life with possibly some rather minor motor control issues. The idea of limping, along with the relatively minor scaring on her face, neck, and shoulders, seems to have stymied her; she just won't put in the effort necessary to work and heal the muscles and nerves, and she doesn't want to see anyone.

"Has she always been this vain and self-centered?"

Jack's initial reaction was to defend his wife, but Janice answered, "As her best friend, I say with confidence: yes. Jack won't agree because she adores him so she controls it better around him, but, yes, she's vain, self-centered, and spoiled. Daddy's little princess grew up to be Jack's princess, and, while I love her to death, knowing she will have scars on that beautiful face and body, that she may not walk with the grace of an angel, and her husband intends to divorce her... yeah, she's not gonna try."