Computer Geek Ch. 04

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Mutual pleasure.
4.9k words

Part 4 of the 13 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 03/20/2010
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"I brought my laptop as well," Kate said as they sat in Scott's car and drove off.

Scott manoeuvred easily out of the parking lot and through the city. It seemed he knew the way quite intimately and Kate relaxed as they discussed the on-going project and what they needed to do.

"Already, the project plan seems to be almost complete. So what do you need me for?"

"Oh well, the plan is mostly cut and paste from other project plans so we need to polish it and include a test procedure. As well as the screenshots, of course."

"Wouldn't that be done by a designer?"

"At a later stage, yes. But we need to provide them with the basic outline so they have something to start with."

"You seem to know a lot about these things. How long have you been working with these kind of projects?"

"7 years, I think."

"What did you do before?"

The silence lasted as Kate waited for his response. She started wondering if perhaps he hadn't heard her question when he finally responded.

"I was a programmer."

"I knew it!" Kate exclaimed loudly. "You could have solved that try-catch statement yourself."

"Yes, I could," he reluctantly admitted.

"So why didn't you?"

"I wanted to get to know you better."

"By dumping a major task on me on a Friday afternoon and offering to strip?"

"Do you disapprove of my method?"

"It only proves that you need to get out more and meet more women."

"No, thanks. I'm fine."

"Says he that works in a company with 19 men and only 1 woman."

"That's the world of IT."

"No, it isn't. There are plenty of capable women out there that can do just the same job as the men do."

"I agree that we should hire a female secretary."

"Oh for god's sake. Let Stuart keep his job. What better way to promote equality between the sexes than to have a male secretary. No, I was thinking about the programmers and the designers. There are plenty of clever women out there. And the company should try to balance the inequality."

"All right. I agree. We need more women around."

"I'm sure it would work wonders for the work environment."

"I doubt that. Just see how little I've manage to do since you started."

"Flatterer! What I meant was that more women mean fewer strip clubs and more dinner conversations. Suddenly even the most reserved computer geeks will open their mouths and start washing their clothes."

"Sounds painful."

"It will be good for them."

"All right. I'll put it on our wish list for the next programmer: preferably female and clean."

"And sexy."

"Are you kidding? I want them to work, not drool. I'm not paying a bunch of pimpled youngsters to drool all over their female colleagues."

"I'm beginning to wonder how come I was employed," Kate said ironically.

"It was my decision."


"Besides, you dressed more sombre then." He gave her a quick look and let his eyes rest on her cleavage.

"Are you planning on having me fired for showing off too much cleavage?"

"Not at all. I hired you, didn't I?"

Kate pondered his answer for a little while. There was something wrong here. How come he had the power to hire anyone? As far as she knew, he was only working as a project manager and that didn't include personnel administration.

"Before you started, I even warned the others to keep their hands to themselves," Scott revealed.

"No way!" Kate laughed heartily. "You're kidding me."

"Not at all. I warned them I would fire the first one that forgot my warning."

"You would fire? I thought you were a project manager, not the boss?"

"I had Carl bring them the message. But it's my decision since I own the firm."

"You own it? I thought Carl was the owner?"

"No, he has a few shares, but I'm the majority owner. Carl's just taking care of the day-to-day business while I keep working on what I enjoy best."

"But why didn't anyone tell me?"

"No one knows, except me, Carl and now you."

"So why tell me now?"

"It seemed like a good time to be honest," he said matter-of-factly as he gave her a quick glance before focusing on the road again.

Kate was bewildered and looked out to see if she could find something familiar to rest her eyes on. But the city was gone and been replaced by a part of the countryside she had never seen before.

"Where are we?"

"We're nearly there."

All she could see were large houses surrounded by extensive gardens. Most of them had tall hedges preventing anyone from viewing the garden inside. The entire area spoke of money and lots of spare time spent gardening, Kate thought. It was quite a difference from her small apartment in the city.

"Are we heading for a conference hotel or something?"

"Not quite, but you can stay overnight if you like. Here we are," Scott said as he pulled up in front of a large gate that opened automatically as they drove closer. They continued into a vast garden area that looked well-kept and followed the road up to a large house.

Kate just gawked as she took in the house. It looked more like a palace than a place where people actually lived. As they came nearer, she realised that it was smaller than she had originally thought, but it still seemed way too big for a family home.

"Where are we?" she asked as he parked in front of the house and they got out of the car.

"Ashton Manor. Welcome to my house."

"Your house? Are you rich or something?" she wondered suspiciously.

"No, but my grandfather was. I inherited his house when he died, and I promised to populate it with lots of children," he smiled teasingly.

"And have you?"

"Not yet. I have to find the right woman first, don't I?"

"Not necessarily. You can adopt or just marry someone. I'm sure there are plenty of women that will have this house," she joked as he led her into the house.

"You bet," his expression seemed to indicate he had eaten something sour.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"My mother introduces me to new gold diggers every week."


"I'm fed up with that. I don't want a woman that likes my house better than me."

"But it's a beautiful house," Kate teased him as they walked into a large office with French windows that seemed to lead into the garden. He still seemed too tense for words, Kate thought. "Oh, come on. No one can be that stupid. To marry just to get a house. Really. You have to live together as well."

"You bet those women exists. I've met them. Gold diggers, the lot of them," Scott said as he stood beside a large desk situated in front of the French windows.

"I'm sure you're wrong about them."

"It's in a woman's nature to seek a mate that has the resources to give her many children."

"Ha ha. Since when did you become the expert of female psychology? Of course we value a man's strength and faithfulness, while you men are just looking for one thing."

"And what's wrong with that? Large breasts and narrow waist will provide us with healthy offspring, at least according to science."

"How about brain? I'm sure that would help as well."

Kate walked over to the French doors and looked out into the garden.

"Naw, who would want that?" Scott asked teasingly.

"That's why women have more common sense than men."

"Says who?"

"The evidence speaks for itself. Just look how mankind have developed from hairy monkeys to the well-combed businessmen in the city."

"Oh, I think we still have quite a bit of animal instinct."

"Not much." Kate turned to him again.

"You don't believe me? Well, just come closer and I'll prove it to you," Scott tempted. His eyes fired with lust as he leaned casually toward the desk behind him.

"Why must every discussion between us have to end with something sexual?"

Scott seemed to ponder her question as he slowly came closer to her.

"I don't know, but it's probably because we're so well matched that I keep wondering if we fit sexually as well."

"I doubt it."

He stopped and looked at her.

"Why so?"

"You're a lot taller and bigger than me. I don't think we'll match at all."

"That depends on how big I am, is that what you mean? Well, maybe I'm small for my size, have you considered that?"

"I doubt it. Considering the size of your ego, your manhood must be huge. Besides, the bigger the body, the bigger the penis, I suppose."

"God, woman. You're making me come in my pants just talking about it." Scott just stood still, taking a few deep breaths as if struggling to control himself. "Would you like to find out?" he finally tempted.

"No, not yet. I can grasp the prospect quite well from here, thank you," Kate murmured as she stared at his crotch and noticed him growing larger and larger. She just raised her eyebrow and met his eyes. He smiled triumphantly.

"My offer still stands about doing that strip tease for you," Scott smiled.

"No, thanks. "

"Why not? Are you afraid I will jump you?"

"No, I'm more worried that I will jump you, not the other way around," she blurted out with more truth than she intended.

"And what's wrong with that? It sounds like a great idea if you ask me."

"Nope. After seeing your house you'll probably mistake me for a gold digger."

"I can always set up a tent in the garden and let you seduce me there."

"A tent? Hmm, sounds tempting. But really, Scott. Aren't we supposed to be working now?"

"Why do something boring when we could have wild sex in the garden?"

"I hope you don't have a gardener."

"Well, actually, I do, but he's old and his hearing is bad."

"So, as long as we find a large bush, we will be safe, you mean?" she laughed heartily, enjoying their bantering as she had never done before.

It was somewhat refreshing to voice your thoughts without thinking too much about the consequences, Kate realised.

"Something like that."

"Really. We have to get to work. Besides, I don't want to give the poor man a heart attack or something."

"He'll cope. He has 10 children."

"Blimey. Sounds like a man your grandfather must have approved of."

"Yes, he did. I inherited the staff as well."

"The staff?"

"Well, it's just a gardener and a cleaning lady."

"What? You have someone to clean your clothes? Do you know how to feed or dress yourself or have you someone helping you with that as well?"

"I'm not an invalid and I can prove it to you if you like", he smiled as he started to unbutton his shirt, displaying bronze skin that Kate was aching to touch. "You see?" he said after unbuttoning the last button.

Kate could not answer. She was standing there practically drooling over his well-muscled chest and following the small patch of hair from his chest and down to the top of his trousers, wondering what was hidden underneath the fabric.

"I can continue if you're still in doubt about my skills," Scott tempted.

"Continue," Kate heard her voice utter before she could think about it.

The temptation to see him naked was far greater than the voice in her mind, warning her not to get too closely involved with a man that was actually her employer.

He quickly removed his shirt and shoes. Slowly, he unbuttoned his trousers and his boxers seemed to be strained to their limits by his hardened manhood. He breathed deeply and a sound of relief came forth at the same time. It occurred to her that he must have been in a painful state of erection for quite some time.

He gave her a quick glance before shedding his trousers, and it seems that he liked what he saw, with her staring at him and biting her lip at the same time. Then he moved his hands toward his waist and grabbed a hold of his boxers before pushing them slowly down while he bent forward.

She longed to ask him to straighten and show his body in its full strength. At the same time, he did exactly what she had thought about as he stood in front of her in all his naked glory.

Stunned, she took in his broad shoulders and his flat stomach. But as her eyes ventured downwards, she could not hold back a loud gasp as she took in the size of his male member. He had lied to her.

He was not average. He was huge - and still increasing. His cock was gradually raising itself proudly upwards. Suddenly she felt her body respond to his. A strong heat had gathered between her legs as if her body prepared itself for the enormous task of taking him inside of her.

"You lied to me," she finally managed to croak.

He looked perplex as if he hadn't expected that response from her after undressing.

"In what way?"

She just nodded her head toward his member.

"You're definitely not small."

"Are you afraid?"

"No," she lied hastily.

"I can see that you are." And she realised that he could see her fear more easily than she had ever wanted him to. "I promise I won't enter you unless you ask me to."

She just gulped and kept staring at him in awe, taking in the well-built man in front of her. He was a tempting sight, she thought, unless you had to take all that penis of his inside of your body. When it could hurt taking an average sized man, how would it feel with a man about twice the size? She almost shuddered at the thought. This was not going to work.

"Why don't you touch me?" he offered.

The temptation proved too much and she moved slowly forward, her eyes transfixed at his erect cock. Standing close to him, she lifted her hand and moved it slowly toward the object of her desire before touching his smooth skin. She heard a gasp above her head and slowly she moved her hand across the velvet skin, trying to get to know him in the most fundamental way.

She quickly looked up and met his heated eyes. In a flash she realised that he meant what he said and that he would do his utmost to control his needs. She longed to give him something in return for seeing and respecting her fear. Not many of the men she had come to know had ever taken the time to let her examine them the way Scott was willing to.

She closed her hand around his member and moved slightly upwards as she squeezed a little tighter around him.

He groaned.

"If you keep that up, I'm gone in 10 seconds," he warned her.

"And what is wrong with that?"

"It wouldn't be much fun for you."

"I can wait," she smiled at him. "This is for you," she said and circled his cock head with her fingers, catching the drops of liquid that had gathered there to lubricate him. She smeared it all over his cockhead and felt the head harden even more. At the same time she felt several small tugs going through his cock and it suddenly stood a little straighter than before.

"Where are you most sensitive?" she asked curiously.

"You're right there," he groaned. "On the ridge under the head."

She moved her finger and found a textured area. Rubbing her finger across the ridge, she could feel his body shake in response. The warmth was practically streaming from his body and she wondered how long he would be able to hold back.

At the same time she realised she didn't want him to hold back. She wanted him to throw back his head and scream out his enjoyment as she pumped his seed from his body. She smiled as she longed to see this strong man lose control just by what she was doing to his body. The way he responded to her every touch made her feel more proud and ten feet taller than she was.

She moved her hand slowly down his shaft and tightened around the root of his member. Squeezing slightly, she moved gradually upwards, squeezing again before letting go and repeated the process as she tried to find out what was giving him the most enjoyment. As she moved upwards, she had to use her other hand as well, in order to massage the ridge as she squeezed his cock between her hands. She massaged him slightly with her thumbs as she started to pump his cock in earnest. He groaned loudly, and she stopped abruptly, wondering if she had hurt him with her unskilled hands.

"Did I hurt you?"

"Don't stop," he said hoarsely.

"Okay." In relief she squeezed her hands around his cock again and tried her best to follow his lead as he started to pump his cock in between her hands.

"Harder," he groaned.

She did as he asked, wondering whether she was squeezing so hard that she would hurt him. Judging by the sounds he was making, he was definitely in some sort of pain, but it seemed to be of the right kind.

She squeezed as hard as she could around him and suddenly she felt his entire body shake as her hands were filled with thick, white liquid. At the same time, he moaned deeply, a sound of the utmost satisfaction.

At the same time, he reached out for her and held her close as his body shook with aftershocks. Another spurt of semen seeped down on her hand and she caressed him slowly as she felt the last waves of pleasure going through his body. The seconds passed by as she gradually heard his breathing slow down.

"That was incredible," he finally said hoarsely.

"How so?"

"That you're making me come like that and I'm not even inside you."

"And what's wrong with that?"

"I'm not complaining," he laughed suddenly. "It was just... incredible."

"Thanks for the compliment."


"You were speechless. That must mean that you're bowing to my superior masturbation technique."

"Hm." He tensed up a little, as if he suspected her of masturbating men all the time. "How about you?"

"What about me?"

"How good are you at masturbating yourself?"

She wondered whether to tell him to back off -- to tell him that was private. Instead she felt tempted to just trust him and let destiny take care of the rest - or more likely, let go of her self-control and just start living in the moment. And right now her body wanted this man. No matter the fear she still felt, she longed to just throw herself into deep water and experience the pleasure together with him.

"I'm really good," she finally admitted. "I get an orgasm every time -- unless I fall asleep first."

"Fall asleep?"

"Well, it's the perfect sleeping pill. Free, available at all times and totally without side effects."

He just laughed. "I would rather have you giving me some treatment than doing it myself."

"Ah, then you should know my prizes for masturbating unknown men. And I charge by the minute," she teased lightly.

"Sounds expensive."

"It is. But since most men come too early it's no use charging per hour, is it?"

"What if I pay you in sexual services instead, will that do?"

"Well, that depends on the skills, doesn't it? You have the tool, but can you use it?" she winked at him.

"God, Kate, you're making me completely mad with lust again. Just look what you've done," he said and pointed down to his shaft. She could see he was erect again. "Come with me," he smiled as he turned and walked toward a door on the left side of the room.

She followed after the naked man, admiring his posture and his tight buttocks. She had always fancied a man's chest before his rear, but now she wasn't certain any more. He must have understood what she was doing as he suddenly turned around and caught her red-handed. She felt her cheeks getting warm and it didn't help that he gave her a wink as if to say: I thought so.

The man was way too cocky for his own good. Maybe it was time to cut him down a peg or two, she smiled at the thought. Or maybe making him lose control once more would make him seem more human and down to earth? No matter what, she felt a strong need to give it a try.

He opened the door, leading into a large bathroom. Almost in a trance, she walked inside and heard him lock the door behind her.

"Would you like to join me for a bath?" he tempted.

"What sort of bath?" she wondered as she looked at the locked door, wondering if she was having the best experience of her life or just making a mistake tumbling head first into a relationship with her boss.

"Here is the key," he said and handed her the key. "I promise to behave."