Confessions of a Porn Star Ch. 01


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"Whore," said the good people of Salem before burning the suspected witch just because they had red hair, because they were too outspoken, or because they were deemed more sexual in their puritanical society of intolerance for anyone different.

A time when women were quicker than the men to point out suspecting witches, less forgiving, and less intolerant, women have always been their own worst enemies. Just as it's still not easy being a woman today, it was never easy being a woman throughout history. A time, not that long ago, where women who lost their reputation and/or lost their way would walk out in the ocean and drown themselves, not much has changed today. Just because women have won the right to vote, woman still suffer the inflictions of being forced to live how men think they should live their lives. Other than their mothers when they're younger, men don't have women holding them down in the way that men have always hogtied women, shamed, and physically and emotionally controlled women.

Now, whether males have satyromaniac or females have nymphomaniac, the politically correct term to describe those who enjoy sex with a multitude of partners is having a sexual addiction. The term sexual addiction is more loosely used as a seemingly justifiable excuse when the man or the woman, mostly the man, thanks to Dr. Phil, is caught having an extramarital affair. When the man has no explanation and no defense for his sexually unfaithfulness, when lying just won't work anymore about having to work late at the office, he'll play the sexual addiction card in hopes to win his wife, girlfriend, or significant other's sympathy.

* * * * *

"Honey. I'm so sorry but I can't help it. I have no control," said Bob when caught with his pants down and his cock in another woman. Thinking that playing his trump card was reason enough for her to forgive him, he confessed while lying to his wife. "I'm a sex addict. I'm addicted to sex. It's official. I heard the definition of someone who's a sex addict and addicted to sex on Dr. Phil."

Christine looked at her husband, sighed loudly, and rolled her eyes. Now after all of his stories and lies, she's heard everything.

"A sexual addiction? You're a sex addict? Dr. Phil?" She looked at him as if he had two heads before asking her next question. "Answer me this question then. Is that why you had sex with my mother, because you're a sex addict and addicted to sex? I can't believe you convinced my mother to suck your cock by telling her that it would save our marriage."

Bob scratched his head. Thinking that it was a secret just between the two of them, he and her mother, how did she know her mother gave him a blowjob? Maybe her mother felt the shame, the guilt, and the remorse that he never felt and confessed. Her mother has been watching Joel Osteen a lot lately, maybe she found religion. Maybe she's given her soul to God, her blank check to the Devil, and through Joel Osteen has asked for his forgiveness of her sins, including the biggest sin of sucking on her son-in-law's cock. He imagined his mother-in-law interacting with Joel Osteen.

'Get down on your knees and pray with me, Sister.'

Helen gave Joel Osteen a dirty look.

'That's okay,' said Christine's mother, Helen, getting down on my knees is how I got in this mess. If you don't mind, I'll just stand and pray.'

Returning his attention from imagining his mother-in-law praying, he focused on confessing to his wife.

"Yes," said Bob with nervousness. "Your mother blew me. She was on her knees taking my temperature when—"

She looked at him as if he was nuts.

"Pardon? I'm sorry but did you just say that my mother was taking your temperature with your cock in her mouth? You must think me an idiot. Stop. Just stop. Enough with the lies and the stories," said Christine throwing up both hands as if they were two mini-stop signs.

He looked at her while waiting for the next shoe to drop.

"I'm sorry," he said looking up to the ceiling as if God was there and as if he was Jimmy Swaggart asking for forgiveness again and before looking at her. "I need help."

As if he was the burning bush, she shot him a look that would have set him on fire if he was holding a can of gasoline.

"Tell me this then, is that why you had sex with my sisters, because you're addicted to sex? I still can't believe you fucked all three of my sisters. More unbelievably than that, I still can't believe my sisters all fucked you," she said giving him a dirty look as if he smelled of body odor.

'Damn!' How did she know he had sex with her three sisters? Perhaps, along with their mother, born again, maybe her three sisters found religion and confessed too. 'Fuck!' He's in trouble now.

"Yes," said Bob with trepidation. "Sorry but this sexual addiction has gotten the better of me. I'm a tortured soul Christine," he said hanging his head while wringing his hands. "Really I am. Instead of being angry at me, I hope you'll feel pity for me," he said with feigned sincerity. "In the way that obviously your mother and three sisters have found religion and have forgiven me for my sexual transgressions, I hope you will too."

Now, totally flabbergasted that she knew he had sex with not only her MILF of a mother but also her three sexy sisters, he wondered what else she knew about his extramarital affairs. Now he wondered who else confessed his sexual infidelities to her. Damn, is the whole female population watching Joel Osteen?

"Is it because of your sexual addiction the reason why you had sex with my four best friends, my seven cousins, and our two sisters-in-law?"

Damn, holy shit. She knows everything. Good God in Heaven and damn the Devil in Hell. So focused on her and on the realization that she knows that he had sex with her mother and her three sisters, he forgot that he had sex with her four best friends, her seven cousins, and their two sisters-in-law. Yet, that was years ago. Isn't there a statute of limitations when a wife can dredge up sexual indiscretions from the past? He's a changed man now that he's been attending sexual addiction meetings while lusty over sexy Jennifer, the nymphomaniac.

Now with the cat out of the bag, the jig is up, now what? Not knowing what else to do, he did the only thing that he could do. He confessed while blaming his sexual indiscretions on his sexual affliction on his sexual condition. Obviously, he's addicted to sex. Obviously, he is a sex addict.

"Yes," said Bob thinking, now that everything was out in the open, he was scot free.

As if she was a priest who could grant him absolution for all of his sexual sins, he looked at his loving wife with feigned shame, guilt, and remorse. With him succumbing to his sexual addiction, he looked at her for pity. Hoping for her forgiveness for having sex with her MILF of a mother, her three sexy sisters, her four slutty, best friends, her seven salacious cousins, and their two whores of sisters-in-law, he looked as sorry as he could be under the sexually revealing circumstances.

Even he couldn't believe that he had sex with nineteen women while married to his wife, and that was just her relatives and the women in her inner circle. Now he wondered if she knew about his co-workers and all of the women he picked up at the bar when she was away visiting her friend, her mother, and her sisters. He wondered if she knew about the women he had sex with while she was in the hospital delivering their three babies.

"Why Bob? Why? Why would you have sex with all of them and not have sex with me?"

'Oh, oh, a woman scorned is an angry women,' he thought.

Now there's the twenty million dollar question. Did he dare tell her that the reason why he's not having sex with her is because she's fat, she has no tits, and is a lousy lover in bed? She seldom sucks his cock and when she does suck his cock, she doesn't allow him to cum in her mouth. The few times that he managed to cum in her mouth by holding her head in place, she doesn't even swallow? She'll just spit all that he ejaculated in her mouth in a tissue.

Nah, why tell her the truth? Why open that Pandora's Box? He'll just lie. He'll just play his ace in the hole, his trump card that would no doubt get him out of jail free. By begging her for her sympathy and asking for her forgiveness, no doubt, he'll get away with having sex with her mother, her three sisters, her four best friends, her seven cousins, and their two sisters-in-law.

"I'm a tortured soul," he said looking down in feigned shame before looking up at her. Don't worry about me. I'll be okay, I think," he said wiping a feigned tear from his eye. "I think I may have satyromania," he said nodding his head while giving her a pitiful look as if he had just confessed he had a terminal illness.

She stared at him as if he had just told her that he had post-traumatic stress and/or a sexually transmitted disease.

"Pardon? Satyromania?"

Obviously knowing that he was trying to play her, she looked at him as if he was nuts.

"Yes. Women are called nymphomaniacs and men are called satyromaniacs," he said.

He nodded his head again as if the extra bit of head nodding was necessary for her to not only pity him but also for her to believe him.

"I see," she looked at him with insightfulness. "Well, I'm glad you told me that you have satyromania. We can discuss that more in-depth after you get out of the hospital with all of your head injuries," she said.

She gave him a self-satisfied smile.

"Hospital? Head injuries? What head injuries? I don't have any head injuries," he said with a nervous, little laugh while looking at her with confusion. "And I surely don't need to go to the hospital."

Now he looked at her as if she was nuts.

"You will when I'm done with you," she said grabbing a heavy cast iron, frying pan and chasing him through the kitchen and out the backdoor. "Addicted to sex, are you? A sex addict? Satyromania my ass. Come here so that I can bang some sense in your head, you cheating, lying asshole."

* * * * *

Yet, no matter what anyone called Liz, a slut, a whore, a nymphomaniac, or addicted to sex, she didn't care. Comfortable in her own skin as a sexual, sensuous, and loving woman, quick to judge labels and cruel names didn't bother her. With sex her private affair, her personal, sexual appetite was none of anyone's business. No doubt, some of her worst critics, just as in the days of the Salem witch hunt, were women who were jealous that she was living the life that they wished they could live.

Instead of hiding her penchant for sex, instead of suppressing her sexual urges, and/or instead of not acting out on her physical attractions and sexual impulses, she was doing what she loved to do, and what she loved to do was to have sex. No matter how anyone viewed her or labeled her, she was determined to have sex, lots of sex with many different men. Whether men deemed her a slut, a whore, addicted to sex, or a nymphomaniac, no matter what others thought of her, and especially not caring what other women thought of her, she was having fun. If she was anything, she was true to herself. Instead of lying to herself in the way that too many women do by closing their bedroom doors or hiding themselves in a warm bath while masturbating, jealous of her, if they could have dozens of lovers, they surely would too.

Only even better than having sex, finally, she was not only doing what she loved to do for pleasure and for fun but also she was doing what she loved to do for profit and for financial security. Every man's sexual fantasy, she was earning a living having sex. In the way that a stripper earns money dancing around a pole while removing her clothes, Liz was now being paid to have sex. How hot is that? Sex, sex, sex, swinging and making porn movies was now not just about having sex for fun but also about having sex while earning money.

In one fell swoop, Liz upgraded her description from slut, whore, nymphomaniac, and/or someone addicted to sex to a descriptive phrase that is more respectable by today's standards. Going beyond slut, much higher on the sexual meter than a whore, and much better in the puritanical moral society's eyes than a nymphomaniac, with her no longer having a reason to be embarrassed because she may be addicted to sex, Liz is a porn star. In her eyes the only thing better than or equal to a porn star would be a high priced call girl, a woman who earned $10,000 for an hour of two of sex with a rich multi-millionaire or billionaire. There's no better life that she could imagine than traveling on some rich man's private jet, living in his mansion, swimming in his pool, eating his food, and drinking his booze, while giving him fantasy sex. Yet, proud of her new descriptive designation, Liz was proud to be a porn star.

How many men, after watching a porn movie, have wondered what it would be like to be a porn star and to have sex with some of the beautiful, buxom women that they see on the big screen? Many men truly believe that they'd have the perfect life if only they could star in a porn movie while having hot sex with beautiful, shapely women. Not thinking that being a porn star is a job, most men think that being a porn star is the best thing they could ever do. Yet, with the good, there's always the bad. What about the down side of being a porn star?

For a man to have success as a porn star, are they able and ready to perform on command? What about the money shot, the cum shot? Can they cum nearly at will? When the cameraman misses the shot or the director wants another take, how many times can they cum on command?

"Fluffer? We need the fluffer here," yelled the director to a busty, older woman to take out her tits, get on her knees, and suck his star an erection.

What if they're not sexually attracted to the woman on the set, can they still be a professional and get the job done and the shot filmed? With some of these men who star in these porn films that are gay, it's not easy for them to make love to woman when they'd much rather be making love to a man. What if they're not in the mood to have sex? Not all men can be ready to have sex 24/7. What about sexually transmitted diseases? What about AIDs?

On the flip side of the coin, how many men, after watching a porn movie, have wondered what it would be like to date a porn star? For sure, forget about a good night's kiss, they'd be no doubt that they'll be getting lucky tonight.

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Way better than dating a supermodel, way better than dating a famous actress, and way better than dating a pop singer, how hot is that to date a beautiful, sexy, shapely, porn star?"

Taking that a step further, how many men, after watching a porn movie, have wondered what it would be like to be married to a porn star? Well, Mitch doesn't have to wonder what it would be like to date a porn star. Being that Liz is a porn star, he's married to one.

"Lucky bastard. God, he's such a lucky bastard being married to Liz, a sexy, salacious swinger turned porn star."

To be continued...

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