Daddy's New Girlfriend

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Sneaky daughter gets more than she bargained for--in her ass.
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The Usual Disclaimer: This is a work of fantasy. All characters featured in sexual situations are over 18. The characters in these stories are fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons living, dead or undead is purely coincidental. Do not try this at home.

This story started as an alternate scenario I considered when writing 'Save Me.' I saved the idea and leapt right into it when I finished writing that story. If you've read 'Save Me', then this premise no doubt sounds familiar—the divorced, good-looking dad and his blossoming daughter sharing an apartment.

This story contains a LOT of anal sex. If that doesn't appeal to you, then you probably won't enjoy this.

Once again, I would be remiss if I did not recognize the contributions of others. Pat is an absolute marvel at finding mistakes I have missed, often repeatedly. I have been extremely fortunate to have found patient readers like Joseph, Gobred, Bob and fellow author Geek_Writer who have helped me shape my smut into a halfway respectable story.

* * * * *

Tanya had always considered herself a "daddy's girl." It was easy to do. Her father was attractive, charming, and kept his body in really good shape, while her mother...well, she wasn't physically repulsive. She just had a way of aggravating everyone around her, and then getting defensive when she invariably offended everyone. Tanya practically worshiped her father, but felt like she was obligated to put up with her mother.

It wasn't that her mother was merely strict, or that her father let her get away with anything. Many of Melinda's rules regarding her daughter's upbringing simply made no sense. She was often mean and capricious. By the time she was twelve, Tanya understood that something was wrong there. Still, she was never openly disrespectful to her mother.

Her father was always there for her, and would frequently intervene on his daughter's behalf when her mother was being particularly unreasonable. Unlike her mom, who would often snap, "Because I said so!" Tanya's father would patiently explain why she needed to do the things he asked of her.

Mark, Tanya's father, tried hard to make his marriage work. Most of the time he felt like his wife was working against him. He and Melinda had met in college. For the first four or five years they were together, their sex life had been amazing. At some point, she just lost interest. Mark didn't. It became a source of conflict in their marriage, but by that time it wasn't the only one. They were in constant disagreement about how the house should be kept, how to raise their daughter, and how their money should be spent.

Melinda loved to complain and would do so constantly. She complained about her job daily, usually through the entirety of their family dinners. It grated on Mark's nerves. He did all the cooking, since his wife considered herself a "modern liberated woman" and considered cooking somehow beneath her. Likewise, she refused to wash dishes, mop floors, or vacuum. Ever.

Three years into their marriage, she added giving her husband a blowjob to that list.

When Mark would take on the household chores, she would complain about the way he had done them. Mark's friends and the family members who occasionally visited—mostly Melinda's mother and sisters—could not believe how unreasonable Melinda was. They also asked why he put up with it. Melinda was caustically abusive and didn't seem to care who heard her.

The truth was that Mark put up with her because he loved his daughter. He was certain that if he divorced his wife, she would cut him out of his daughter's life out of spite. He also worried that Tanya would not receive proper care without him there to look out for her. He stuck around years longer than he should have but finally filed for divorce shortly after his daughter's sixteenth birthday.

Before he moved out, he sat down with his daughter to explain why he was doing it. He didn't have to explain anything. Tanya slid into his lap and hugged him fiercely. She murmured into his chest, and those words left Mark speechless.

"I'm proud of you, Papa," she said. "I know you thought you needed to stay for me, but I am so happy you are finally moving on. You deserve better."

He hugged her tightly to his chest and tried not to cry.

* * *

Life was just full of surprises for him once he finally freed himself of Melinda's oppressive clutches.

Mark let his boss know that he would be looking for work elsewhere in the wake of his divorce. "I don't want to leave you in the lurch, Clarissa," he said with a sad shake of his head. "I have really enjoyed working for you, but I think I need a fresh start in a new town after this."

Clarissa nodded slowly as she regarded him. It was typical of his thoughtfulness—he was only obligated to give two weeks' notice, and did not have to explain himself like this. She was his boss, but she also really liked him. His obnoxious wife had made appearances at their office often enough that everyone loathed her. Like most everyone else who knew Mark, she was happy for him but couldn't understand why he had waited so long.

The surprise she had for him was that there was a promotion available within the company two states away. Mark was blown away when he read the glowing letter of recommendation she had written for him. He had met the regional manager years before, and she immediately offered him the job. The new job did require him to move before his divorce would actually go to court. Mark had planned to move into an apartment of his own while he searched for a new job, but he suddenly needed to move out of state.

Fortunately, he was able to find an apartment complex he liked through an online apartment finder that evening. He applied for a lease online and it was approved the next day after a pleasant phone conversation with the apartment manager.

Two days after that meeting with Clarissa, he started packing his things. His divorce attorney and his wife's attorney both showed up to oversee the process. Melinda had called her lawyer to keep an eye on him, accusing him of trying to steal some of her things. Mark thought it was a good idea to have his own lawyer present just to be safe. He was concerned that his soon-to-be-ex-wife might be setting him up.

The lawyers provided the next surprise. They were standing in the living room talking with each other as Mark filled boxes and moved them out to the rented van. Tanya watched unhappily but occasionally pitched in to help. Melinda fumed and glared, getting on everyone's nerves as she muttered nasty little accusations under her breath. It was Melinda's attorney who actually asked the question that would change everything.

"So, is Tanya moving with you or is she staying here?" she asked conversationally. Melinda had never really answered the question, so the attorney had incorrectly assumed they were discussing it and working out the details.

Mark and Tanya both looked at the woman, dumbfounded. It was not something either of them had considered. They had just assumed that Tanya would have no choice but to stay with her mother. The lawyers exchanged a surprised look and Mark's attorney cleared his throat.

"I thought you knew, Mark. Tanya is sixteen. Until your divorce is final and custody is decided, she gets to choose which of you she stays with. We really never discussed this?" He was clearly chagrined.

"No, we didn't," Mark replied absently with a shake of his head.

His mind was working to process it. He had been under the impression he had no chance at anything other than visitation rights, but now he wondered why he had thought that. He and his lawyer stood in the living room thinking furiously, both trying to figure out why they had not discussed this earlier or even thought to bring it up.

For the attorney, it was because he had several other divorce clients and he had discussed custody ad nauseum with each of them. In Mark's case, it was Melinda's arrogant assumption that she would be keeping their daughter—it made him think she knew something he didn't. Silence reigned for two full minutes in the house until it was broken by a ragged little whisper.

"Can I go with you Papa? Please?"

All four adults looked at Tanya. Her expression was pitiful, and it tore at Mark's heart.

"Of course!" he replied, giving her a big, reassuring hug. Tears streamed down both their faces.

Melinda looked like she had been sucker-punched right in the gut. She glared at Mark, and then at her own divorce lawyer.

"You fucking bitch!" she screamed. "You are so fired! Get the fuck out of my house!"

Mark's lawyer quickly called the police to supervise the rest of the packing, just in case Melinda turned violent. She glared balefully at everyone but managed to keep her temper in check until Mark and Tanya had packed their belongings and left. Then she trashed the place.

Eventually she would find another attorney—a vindictive bitch like herself who would drag out the divorce proceedings for over a year. It wouldn't help Melinda one bit, though. Her daughter was gone and she wouldn't even get the chance to visit. Legally she could have remained a part of her daughter's life, but she was paying outrageous legal fees and was also paying all of her bills without having access to Mark's paycheck. She simply couldn't afford to go anywhere.

* * *

Once they were out of town, Mark and Tanya had a marvelous road trip. It felt to both of them as though a huge burden had been lifted from their shoulders—one they had not consciously recognized until it was gone. The stress of putting up with Melinda had taken a psychological toll on her husband and daughter for years. They could not seem to stop laughing and smiling every time they shared a dumb joke or heard something vaguely amusing on the radio.

They hugged each other more than they normally would have. It was as if that mutual touching helped them accept their new reality—as if they had both awoken from a nightmare and they had to convince themselves it had all been a bad dream.

Because they had gotten a late start, they stopped at a hotel overnight. Their room had two queen-sized beds, but Tanya snuggled up next to her dad and slept with her head on his chest. They both slept soundly and felt impossibly refreshed in the morning.

Tanya was delighted when they arrived at their new apartment complex. Mark had told her a little about it on the way, but actually seeing the sparkling water of the swimming pool right in front of their new home was like a dream come true for her.

"Thank you, Papa!" she cried again and again as she hugged him fiercely.

Mark could not get the happy grin off of his face.

* * *

Mark had to get a lot done in a very short amount of time. He had applied for the apartment expecting to live there alone, so he had to amend his lease. It was a two-bedroom apartment, and he had expected to use the second bedroom as a home office. He was overjoyed to have his daughter living with him, and he was not about to complain as he made the necessary arrangements for her.

She would be starting at a new school, and that meant more applications and paperwork. They had to buy new furniture, and had to sleep on the floor that first night—it took more than a day until their new beds were delivered. They didn't care. It was like camping out together on their new living room floor, and they had fun doing it. There was a lot of shopping to do, and Mark still had to set up his new office at work.

They had arrived on a Thursday and were so busy running around that they felt like they barely had time to take a breath. The weekend was over before they knew it. When Monday morning came—far too early for either of them—they headed in to work and school and started their new lives.

* * *

Mark was now the supervisor at his office. His realized his first day on the job that it was not going to be as much fun as he had hoped. Ironically, it made him grow closer to his former boss, Clarissa, now that he was working and living two states away. He called to let her know he had arrived safely, and called again when he had a question later that day.

That turned into a conversation that lasted twenty minutes. They both had to get back to work, but she called him back an hour later. She was able to open up to him and share some of her problems from work since he no longer worked for her. Over the next several weeks they discussed office politics and some of the pitfalls of working in the capacity they now shared. Clarissa was an invaluable resource for him, and they grew closer as friends the more they talked.

In his workplace, however, Mark felt a sense of isolation. He couldn't make friends with his co-workers the way he had in the past. Those people now worked for him. He would be writing their evaluations and might someday have to lay them off or fire them. It wasn't like he disliked the people who worked for him, but they were definitely not his friends.

Meanwhile, Tanya was quickly adjusting to her new school.

Unlike her previous high school, this one did not require her to wear a school uniform. Her father had bought her a whole new wardrobe, and for the first time she was able to pick most of her new clothes out herself. Her mother had always insisted on selecting her clothes before, and it was almost intoxicating to hear her papa say, "Sure thing, Sweetheart," when she picked out a shirt that her mother would never have allowed. It wasn't that the shirt was inappropriate or risqué; it just featured a character from a show her mother didn't like.

Over the previous year and a half, she had grown more than a foot taller. Her clothes had felt either too large or too small, and she had not been comfortable with her developing body. Now, she was wearing new outfits that she knew fit her and were exactly what she wanted to wear. As a result, she didn't feel self-conscious about her appearance when she met her new classmates for the first time.

Right away, she made a new best friend.

Sylvia was in four of her seven classes that semester, and they shared a lot of interests. Sylvia introduced her to two more girls at lunch—she had been friends with Petra and Dianne for years. Sylvia's parents had divorced two years earlier and it wasn't something she was comfortable discussing with her long-time friends. Tanya was going through it herself, and it was something they could share. It wasn't something they wanted to talk about with anyone else, though.

Tanya wound up hanging out at Sylvia's house after school and the two of them would talk about their parents and what they were going through. Sylvia lived with her mom and two younger brothers. Her dad had remarried and lived across town.

"It's so weird," Sylvia said with a haunted expression. "It's like he is a completely different person. He doesn't want anything to do with us anymore. He just goes through the motions like he has to. He's got his new wife and her kids, and now they're having a baby."

Tanya couldn't imagine that. Her dad was closer to her now than ever. But it did give her pause. If he remarried, would he change like that?

"At least your mom is nice," she countered. "My mom was just terrible."

That brought a smile to Sylvia's face. "Yeah, Mom is awesome," she replied.

* * *

Sylvia's mother, Debra, was an attractive woman in her late thirties. She had an easy smile and had adjusted to her new life as a single mom by the time Tanya met her. Sylvia had mentioned how tough the divorce had been for her. Debra had felt blindsided and betrayed when her husband had filed for divorce. He had been screwing around for years and she hadn't been aware of it. She knew there were problems in her marriage, but hadn't realized it was that bad.

At first, she blamed herself unfairly and sank into depression. It took her months to get out of that funk. She finally dragged herself out of her despair and got a job. Once she was working and adjusting to being a single mom, she started to get better.

Now she was far more active and outgoing than she had been. Part of it was definitely because her job kept her on her feet for much of the day, and it was physically demanding. The exercise did her good. It kept her in great shape and improved the level of energy she had for her job and her kids. It also increased her libido. That was unfortunate, because she really didn't have the opportunity to date or even meet a lot of guys.

She jokingly referred to the yoga center where she worked as an "estrogen fest." Of the eight or so guys who were regular customers, five were gay and the rest were much older married men. All the rest of her customers were women. There had been a few times that some of those women tried to set her up on dates with guys they knew, but those dates had not gone well.

It wasn't something she dwelled on. Debra was happy with her kids and enjoyed her job. She was busy, but managed her time well so that it was never a problem for her to be there when her kids needed her. She was happy to give Tanya a ride home after her visits. Tanya had her own apartment key, and always got home before her father did those first three months.

After that, her father surprised her by getting Tanya her own car. It was a two-year-old jeep, but it had barely been driven before she got it. From then on, it was Tanya who gave her friends a ride whenever they wanted to go somewhere. Debra was impressed with how responsible Tanya was, and she was happy to allow her daughter the freedom to go out with her friends.

The rest of the school year seemed to fly by for all of the girls. The four of them spent a lot of the summer hanging out at Mark and Tanya's apartment, taking advantage of the pool. Mark was busy at work and usually got home hours after the other girls had gone home. Quite often, his daughter was over at one of her friends' houses, but she would hurry home to share dinner with her father as soon as he called or texted.

* * *

One of the perks of his job was that Mark had a gym membership that was paid for by the company. It was a fairly small place but it had all the equipment he felt he needed. Unlike a lot of the bigger gyms around town, it had a casual, friendly atmosphere. Most of the other members were executives like he was, and they weren't trying to turn into bodybuilders or anything like that. It was just important to keep in shape and the gym also provided a place to network with peers.

There were rarely more than three or four other members in the place when Mark was there. He would simply go to the gym after work, get his workout, shower and head home. He was pleased to see his improved physique after his workouts, but he didn't ever dress to show off his body.

Mark was aware that his daughter had close friends at school. He knew that they often hung out at the apartment and used the pool. Occasionally, he would get a glimpse of them as they drove away when he pulled into the parking lot. It wasn't something he gave much thought. He enjoyed the time he spent with Tanya and she loved her Papa.

Toward the end of the summer, he finally got some time off and they took a three-day vacation to an amusement park, where they stayed in one of the resort hotels. They enjoyed the rides, talked for hours while they waited in the lines, shared all their meals and snacks, and even snuggled up to sleep together each night after they arrived exhausted in their hotel room. There was nothing sexual in that loving embrace.

They did get a lot of sun over their vacation, but were careful to use lots of sunscreen to keep from getting burned. It was a great vacation and a tremendous bonding experience for them. When they got home, they slept most of the next day. It was the following day that would change their relationship forever.
