Dead and Horny Ch. 04


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"Yeah, okay, I'm never going to get you off like this," she muttered. This fever dream was the kind of thing that prevented her from doing what she did best, and it was time to get rid of it. When Mike's mother moved to give chase, Lily grabbed the dream figure by its throat and pinned it against the wall.

The dream being howled and slashed at her with its claws, and Lily yawned. Typical nightmare, all bark and no bite. She grabbed the woman's head with both hands and made a ripping motion.

Mike's mother collapsed into a two-dimensional figure that tore like paper. Lily folded the remnants in half and tore them again. It struggled to free itself, but had no more strength than a stiff cobweb. Once the nightmare had been properly torn and shredded, she opened the nearest window and let the breeze take it.

"It's okay, you can come out," she announced, then walked out of the kitchen in time to see Mike run out the front door. Letting out a grunt of discontent, she followed him outside the house and saw that he stood by the front gate, his dark eyes locked on her movement.

"Who are you?" he asked her. She closed the gap between them, and was surprised when he didn't run. She knelt down in front of him and smirked.

"I'm kind of like Santa Claus, but only for grown-ups. If you could age up a few years, I'll show you something..." her voice trailed off when she saw his eyes flashing. Curious, she watched them for a second and saw them briefly change color. "What are you doing?"

"You got rid of her, didn't you?" The scared child from earlier was gone, and his eyes flickered and turned blue for a few moments.

Of course. Part of Mike's soul was also Naia's. It was how he had beaten her last time she was here, by channeling the nymph's magic. Somewhere inside his head, Naia existed as a separate entity. Was that why he was no longer afraid? Was she talking to the part of Mike that was Naia now?

"It's temporary," she explained. "Every dream is different. Now, if you could, could you be a big boy and...well, become a big boy again? I'm on a tight schedule, and you're making this weird for me."

The child smirked at her and then vanished in a cloud of smoke. The Dreamscape fogged over, and for a few seconds, she couldn't see anything. Mike was waking up now, and she preferred that he stay asleep for just a few more minutes. She debated stinging him, but it was likely he would know she had been there if he slept for another couple of hours.

"You're a pain in my ass, Romeo." She still had one trick left in her arsenal, but she hated to utilize it. However, Mike was about to wake up, and she really didn't feel like dealing with him in person.

Back in the real world, her hand moved from over his crotch up to his chest. Her other hand stroked his hair, and she leaned in, her lips almost touching his ear.

She sang to him.

It was a lullaby from a long time ago, one that she remembered from her youth. The words were in a language he wouldn't understand, but the sentiment behind them flooded the Dreamscape and soothed his mind. The fog slowly lifted, revealing the house once more. Mike stood on the front steps of the house, and Lily approached him, her body shifting into a more suitable shape. He wasn't going to be asleep much longer, and she would have to rely on confusion to get what she wanted.

She searched through his conscience for the most ideal form and was surprised at some of his recent memories. Her features rippled like water and she became someone that he knew.

"Beth?" he asked. "What's going on?" Beth was his attorney, who had moved in with him for her own protection. Based off of a recent memory of the two of them, Beth had seen his dick and he was struggling with how embarrassed he had been.

Okay, she would have to ask someone about that when she got back.

"Nothing important," Lily told him in Beth's voice. "It's just I saw something I liked, and I wanted to get a closer look." She knelt down in front of him and pulled his cock out of his pants. The Dreamscape fogged over again, and she slowed down a bit. Her real voice echoed across the Dreamscape as her lullaby helped lull him back to sleep once more and the fog dispersed.

"Beth, I..." his eyes glazed over when Lily took his huge glans in her mouth. In dreams, men always seemed to add length and girth, but not Mike. If not for his stunted upbringing, he could have easily made a living in the porn industry with a dick like his. Now that his natural charm was amplified by the nymph magic running through his veins, he would be a shoe in for anybody watching.

She blew him hard, stroking his shaft with both hands while she struggled to inhale him. In the real world, she worked his cock through his pants, being careful not to wake him up. All she wanted was to swallow his load and go, but apparently this was going to take some finesse.

When she pulled her mouth off his cock, it made a popping sound. Thick white lines of spit connected them, and her shirt shrank down two sizes, the buttons bursting apart to reveal ample cleavage underneath.

"I think about this all the time," she told him. "Ever since I saw you...with her." Lily finally pulled the memory from his head and almost laughed. He had been fucking a ghost that disappeared when he came, which was how Beth had seen him with his dick out. It was always something with this guy.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I—"

"Shh." She pressed her finger to his lips. "You apologize too much. I want you to treat me like the others right now. Forget that I'm human, pull my hair a bit. Be rough. I'm totally into it. I promise."

His eyes glazed over again, then focused on her. She could feel the Dreamscape shifting again, and she backed down on stroking him in the real world. His conscious mind was trying to emerge and dissect the dream, but it was also making him wake up. She needed him to just relax and go with it.

It's just an ordinary sex dream, she thought at him. "C'mon, Mike, I've been dreaming about what you taste like."

His eyes snapped onto hers and he frowned. "Lily, is that you?"

She froze, unable to answer. Somehow he had identified her again, and the dream was lifting as he fought to surface. Her mouth opened and closed as she debated what her next move should be, and she got ready to answer when she felt the Dreamscape stabilize around them.

"I'm over here, Romeo." It was her own voice, and when she looked over her shoulder, she saw herself standing on the edge of the fog. "Looks like your little sex fantasy could use an upgrade."

"Oh. I see. So what brings you here?" he asked, his cock still hanging at Lily's eye level.

"Oh, I'm always here." She moved toward them from out of the fog. "Always watching, always waiting. I'm that little piece of Lily you keep close to your heart. This isn't my doing, by the way."

"It isn't?' He looked down at Lily. "It's just an ordinary dream?"

"No dream is ordinary once I've arrived." Dream Lily knelt down next to Lily. "Just because I'm stuck in here doesn't mean I don't want to join in."

When their eyes met, Lily felt an instantaneous connection with her doppelgänger. This wasn't some imposter or dream entity that had manifested, but an actual piece of herself residing inside of Mike. How was such a thing possible?

"I long as you aren't going to suck out my soul or anything..." he muttered.

"Oh, Romeo, you're so rude. I promise you, this is just for fun." Lily placed one hand on the shaft of his cock. "Now let's see what this version of Beth can do."

Together, they ran their mouths over his long shaft, teasing him as he stood there. The Dreamscape shifted a few times as they both took turns blowing him, and whenever Lily took a break, she watched herself in fascination. Whereas she took a carefully measured approach while playing her role as Beth, Dream Lily sucked cock as if her world depended on it. The few times they tongue wrestled over the length of his shaft, she could feel their minds touch.

This was really her. It was similar to when she had encountered Naia in this space, a tiny part of the nymph's soul lying in wait and emerging under special circumstances. She couldn't figure it out, couldn't determine what sort of magic it had taken to break a piece of herself off and store it in here. It wasn't a piece of her soul—she had long ago lost her own. What was it, then?

The Dreamscape was fluctuating wildly now as Lily sucked on Mike's cock while Dream Lily swallowed his balls. Both of them slurped loudly now, the sound magnified by Lily's magic. Dream Lily used her own magic to summon the other members of the house, all of them wearing different cheerleader uniforms and standing at attention.

"C'mon, let's see you nut all over Beth's face," Dream Lily told him. The monster girls around them were now cheering wildly, calling his name and dancing seductively. "Ooh, even better, nut all over these."

She pulled a pair of glasses out of thin air and put them on Lily's face. This seemed to have an effect on Mike and he let out a low groan. In the real world, his cock was buried in Lily's mouth and she could feel the first reflexive jerks of his impending orgasm, so she sealed her mouth tight around him and inhaled.

When he came, she could hear the ocean through the fog roar as waves pounded the beach and the water level rose. Enormous ropes of cum covered her and Dream Lily, then sprayed fire hose style across all of the others who cheered and held each other. Mike fell backward onto the ground with a stupid grin plastered across his face.

In the real world, Lily swallowed every drop greedily and buried it within her body where it would stay fresh and viable. Inside the Dreamscape, she wiped the cum off her glasses to see that Dream Lily now stood over Mike.

"Time for you to wake up," Dream Lily told him, then pushed him into the sand with the heel of her boot. He didn't even struggle as his body turned to smoke and the Dreamscape shuddered. He was waking up soon, and his mind could no longer hold him here. She turned to look at Lily with a smirk. "Looked like you could use a hand."

"Not that it was necessary, but yes. That was much easier with your help. But I want to know what you are, and I want to know now." The ground rumbled beneath them as the island fell apart, crumbling like sand over an abyss. She could feel the world imploding around them. "And how are you in here without him knowing?"

"Oh, don't worry. He never remembers me," Dream Lily told her. "I do this all the time. I've gotten really good at hiding myself. It's probably my keen sense of self preservation. Besides, this was just a run of the mill dream for him, it will likely fade in seconds."

"But what are you?" Lily asked as the ground vanished beneath the fog. She was stretching her own time to the limit to continue this conversation, but it wouldn't last.

"That's a great question," Dream Lily answered, then stepped close. She placed a hand on Lily's cheek. "But the thing you should be wondering right now is this; if I'm a part of you that's in here, then what part of him is out there with you?"

Lily started to answer, but didn't know what to say. Dream Lily winked as the fog wrapped around her and she vanished inside it. The dream had ended and it was time to go.

With seconds to spare, Lily hopped off the bed, opened the window and then jumped out backward. Her wings pumped frantically to lift her onto the roof, and she landed and scurried up the sloped surface, her eyes on the sky for Abella the gargoyle. Abella was on the other side of the roof, her full attention on a tablet in her hands. The house had a turret on the roof, so Lily moved to the other side of it, her hands on her chest.

Her heart pounded in her chest, and she shifted the color of her skin to match the roof of the house, just like a chameleon. What the fuck had just happened? The implications were staggering, and she struggled to wrap her head around them. Why had she seen a version of herself inside of Mike's head? Such a thing should be impossible.

Below, she could sense him moving. If she closed her eyes, she could almost see his movements. He had woken up, and was apparently on a mission, because once he was dressed, he went straight out the front door. She crawled to the edge of the roof to watch him. Had he realized she had been there? Was he looking for her?

Down below, Mike crossed the front yard and gave the magical sundial in the middle of it a twist. It was the home's defense mechanism, a device that targeted anyone who tried to attack the home or its occupants. Movement near the front entry caught her attention, and she froze in terror.

It was Amir, her former master. He opened his mouth and said something to Mike, but she was already moving away from the edge of the roof, afraid that Amir might see her. If her former master saw her, there was a good chance he would stake out the area and wait to track her once she left. He would be unable to enslave her again, but he was easily more powerful than Cyrus and her only recourse would be to flee back to Mike's side. She would be trapped, and Dana would be stuck in Montana without her.

Abella was now watching the conversation with interest, but still hadn't noticed Lily. That meant that Amir was occupied, and Lily took a chance and moved to the back of the roof and jumped. Her wings caught the air and she moved across the yard and landed along the top of the stone wall surrounding the property. The boundary of the geas, a magical spell that protected the house, ended here, and she was now in a forested park with several other people. She shape-shifted into a young woman in leggings that carried a cup of coffee in one hand and a cellphone in the other and moved through the park at a slow pace. It was likely that Amir's followers might be watching the house, so she found a couple different spots to hide and change shape. When she exited the woods, she was surrounded by a group of women who were on an organized power walk.

Convinced she hadn't been followed, she went to the nearest bus stop and handed the driver some money that would disappear once she was at the back of the bus. Her thoughts kept going back to seeing herself in the Dreamscape, but she was too preoccupied with thoughts of being followed to give it much attention.

Getting across town was easy. She hopped a few more busses and was soon in the city proper. After pickpocketing someone's cell phone, all she needed was a tall building with roof access, and it was early afternoon before she found it. She was high enough now that she wasn't likely to be seen, so she circled upward, then flew northeast, in the direction of the airport.

After all, she had a plane to catch.

It was a simple matter to descend over the top of the barbed wire fence that protected the area, and she watched as the planes landed and took off, her features shifting as she moved across the tarmac. She waited until she spotted the plane she thought was hers, and then launched herself at it as it waited its turn to take to the skies.

It was something she had only done a couple of times. Her flight speed was fast, but not fast enough to cross long distances quickly, and it was very hard to sneak onto a plane these days. However, riding on top of it was doable, and even kind of fun.

She wedged herself against the tail of the plane and covered herself in clothing that matched the plane itself, then grabbed onto a seam in the plane with long fingers. It was a few painfully long minutes before the plane accelerated, and as it rocketed down the runway, she summoned her wings around her body like a protective shield, making herself more aerodynamic. As the plane climbed into the sky, she wondered if her presence was felt somehow. Maybe an instrument noted a strange vibration, or perhaps the tail was slightly less responsive.

Once the plane was in the sky, she let go of the plane with one hand. Between the roar of the engines and the wind, there wasn't anything to hear, so she pulled the cellphone out of her pocket and unlocked it with its owner's fingerprint. When she was over Montana, she would toss herself off and fly around until she spotted their hotel.

She thought back to what her doppelganger had said. If some part of her was with Mike, then that meant that some part of him was with her now. But what did that mean? He seemed like a good guy, but she was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. In truth, he was only her second master, so maybe she was unfairly biased against the guy.

Her mind was becoming a blur of activity, so she found a game about some angry birds on her stolen cellphone. As she loaded the tiny birds into their giant slingshot, her thoughts went to Amir, her former master. Seeing him in the flesh had greatly affected her mood, and now it was like his presence floated all around, threatening to suffocate her. She could almost feel his eyes on her, hear the condescending tone in his voice as he mocked her. Centuries of mistreatment and abuse played through her head in fast-forward, and all of their old conversations burned into her ears, his words sharp and poisonous. Much like she had explained to Dana, the words bit into her now, each one leaving a mark as she was chewed up by the past.

The roar of the plane vanished, and she now stood in a regal palace bedroom overlooking the countryside.

"Husband, please," the princess begged. "I can tell that you're angry with me, but I don't know why."

Aladdin gazed out the window of his palace, his dark eyes on the city below. He hadn't spoken to her in days, not since the incident with the lamp. When he turned to face her, his features were harsh, as if carved into stone.

"You know why." He glared at her for a few seconds, but then looked away in disgust. "Tsk. I can't even look at you."

"But I'm your wife," she told him, tears in her eyes. "I would do anything for you, and have."

"That is true," he said, rubbing his chin. "You have always been obedient. I still like that about you."

"Then what is it?" she asked.

"It's the thief," he told her. "That bastard who stole my lamp, then took away my palace. This has everything to do with him."

"Please, husband, I have already apologized." Aladdin had hidden the truth about the genie from her, and she had given away the magic lamp to a servant who thought it looked dirty. The servant had been a man who had tricked Aladdin into retrieving the lamp from its resting place, and then left him for dead when it failed. Once he had the lamp, the thief had used a wish to steal Aladdin's palace away, which prompted a journey across the mountains to retrieve it.

Aladdin's face darkened. "Yes, I know. You are sorry. You've said it a hundred times. I am no longer angry about that."

"Then what is it?"

He took several deep breaths and then turned to face her, his eyes wild. "I'll tell you what it is. I saw you with the thief on the night I stole the lamp back."

The princess flinched. "My husband, told me to seduce him. So that you could steal the lamp back."

"It isn't about that!" He took a step toward her and raised his fist. "It's about you when you were with him! I saw the faces that you made, heard the sounds of pleasure! You may have been with him at my command, but you clearly enjoyed it like the whore that you are!"

She held a hand to her mouth in shock, and tears streamed down her face. "No, it isn't like that! I had to keep him distracted so that you could—"

"LIAR!" He shouted loud enough that the guards and servants around the room looked at each other in unease. "I saw! I heard! I watched as you sucked his cock, as you took him inside of you! He spilled his seed in your womb and—"

"I drank the special tea, and I am not with child," she protested.