Dead and Horny Ch. 11


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Dana lurched over to Lily with a drunken smile. "You look so pretty," she told her, then knelt down to pull the dagger free. The handle of the dagger sizzled on contact with her skin, so she yanked it out quickly and tossed it to the side. The spotlight vanished, and Lily let out a groan as she rolled onto her side, curling into the fetal position.

"Don't be like that," Dana told her with a grin, then leaned over the succubus. Lily winced, then gasped when Dana licked her neck.

"What are you doing?" asked Lily.

"I think you know." Despite the smell of the flames, now that Tristan was down, all Dana could think about was how horny she was. A small part of her noted that it may be the effect of the Dragon Seed, but she no longer cared. She gave Lily's breast a squeeze, then sniffed her neck.

"Seriously? Here?" Lily pushed her away and stood. "We need to get out of here before this whole place goes up."

"There's plenty of time." Dana grabbed Lily again and kissed her. The succubus melted into her arms for a moment, then grabbed her by the hand and pulled her toward the middle of the room.

"C'mon, let's take this party upstairs." Lily grabbed Cyrus by the wrist and tossed him over her shoulder. "Find somewhere for sleeping beauty here to relax."

Dana groaned, her thighs burning with desire. "Ugh, fine."

Tristan's body was clearly out of gas, but now the room was on fire. The air had become thick with smoke, but all Dana could think about were the curves of Lily's ass, the softness of her breasts. How she wanted to feel her lips all along her body, to pin the succubus down and see how many fingers would fit inside of her.

She groaned on the stairs and sank to the floor.

"Get your ass up here!" Lily shouted, then tossed Cyrus on the upper landing and came back. "Shit, you're a mess."

Dana giggled, then grabbed at Lily's legs. "I want you to do that thing with your tail. It's all I can think about."

Lily sighed, then picked Dana up and slung her over her shoulder. "I assume the bag is Tick Tock?"

"Yep, yep." From where she hung, Dana could easily grab the top of Lily's butt. She ran her hands along Lily's spine. The fire was now along the walls, the flames roaring below them.

"Then the gang's all here." Lily knelt down, which allowed Dana to squeeze her ass with both hands. An unconscious Cyrus flopped over Lily's other shoulder, his mouth hanging open. She frowned at the mage. Why did he have to cock-block her right now?

Lily took them up to the master bedroom and then out to the patio. She tossed Cyrus onto a deck chair as the house ignited, sending smoke into the black sky above. Fire alarms in the house were now blaring, and Dana wondered how long they had been going.

Lily shifted, and Dana was now back on her feet. She smiled and put her hands on Lily's face.

The world came to a standstill, and all she could see was the vision before her. It wouldn't be enough to kiss Lily, or even to fuck her. She wanted to possess her, to make her come uncontrollably, to ride her face until Dana's voice was hoarse from crying out in rapture, to—

"Cold shower time." Lily shoved Dana, and she fell backward over the railing, now tumbling through the air. She pinwheeled her limbs about for several moments before slamming into the water below, letting out a gasp as her body snapped and then reset itself in seconds. In her belly, the Dragon Seed burned, and she groaned beneath the water, her fingers running along her bare thighs and pulling aside the crotch of her bathing suit.

It was a burning need, now, and without Lily to see her through it, the hundred-yard distance from shore didn't matter. Maybe if she could get herself off, she could concentrate on something other than the lust that was overriding her brain.

The first orgasm only took her a few minutes, but she was left unsatisfied. The second took a bit longer, but accomplished little more than to fuel her desire, and she was strongly considering swimming to shore and finding somebody, anybody, who would be willing to fuck her.

From above, a shape descended and snatched her up from the waves. It was Lily, who wore a determined look on her face. Dana frantically rubbed at her clit with one hand while grasping for the succubus with the other. They were headed out into the darkness of the waves, but after a few minutes, she realized that they were actually flying toward a distant light on the horizon.

The cargo ship loomed up at them like a tiny metal island, and Lily dropped Dana roughly in between a couple of large shipping containers. Her legs were broken, and she floundered about as her bones realigned. There was a brief moment where her mind was normal, while her bones were fusing, and then the lust returned.

Up above, she could see the top of the bridge. Was there someone up there who could help her? She was almost to her feet, but her sea legs were garbage, and she tipped over just as Lily disappeared.

"Please," she begged. "Please, help me. I need to get off."

"No amount of getting you off is going to help you. We need to fill your belly with something better than jewelry." Lily pressed her lips to Dana's and pushed her backward. The soft fabric of Tick Tock pressed against the metal door of a nearby container, making a rustling sound.

YES! Dana's knees went weak as the succubus pressed her back against one of the shipping containers. All she wanted was to have her body explored, to discover new realms of pleasure, to experience—

There was the rasping sound of metal, and Dana was kicked hard, her body tumbling into darkness. She bounced off the hood of a car that had been strapped down for transport, then fell to the ground.

"Go to horny jail," Lily told her, then slammed the door of the shipping container. Dana let out a cry of rage that was lost on the sea as the darkness closed in around her. Through the thick steel, she thought she heard Lily shout something, but it didn't matter. She was already breaking into the car, praying desperately that it had a stick shift.


When Cyrus opened his eyes, he was sitting on a bench overlooking the ocean from a cliff. The smell of salt in the air reminded him of Italy, and he turned to see that he wasn't alone.

It was Lily, the succubus. The unrepentant heathen was dressed as a nun, and she had her hands together as if in prayer. She opened one eye and winked at him, then opened her hands to reveal that she wasn't praying. In fact, she was eating a hot dog, and she made a point to shove the whole thing in her mouth in one bite, squirting mayonnaise and mustard all over her habit.

"Disgusting trollop," he said, then put a hand against his head. He felt pressure just behind his eyes, and he thought he might be sick.

"That would be the concussion," she told him, then held up a plate with another hot dog on it. "Hungry?"

"What are you doing here? Where are we?"

"Oh, I think you know." She smirked and gave the hot dog a poke. It wiggled like a snake, and then a pair of feet burst through the side of the bun. She set it on the ground where it did a little dance in front of them.

Cyrus kicked the hot dog, sending it over the side of the cliff.

"Now that's fucking rude, he was mid-routine!" Lily scowled at him. "Though, to be fair, half of it is just the Worm."

"You're in my head," he told her, then went to open his coat. "You realize that this is a violation of our oath."

"It would be, if the timer hadn't expired." Lily waggled her hand back and forth, and the sun set over the ocean and then rose again. "You've been out about sixteen hours, with a few more for good measure."

"How?" Cyrus put a hand to his head and winced. "Ow, fuck!"

"Ooh, such language. You got knocked out. The Black Palace burned to the ground, but I managed to get you to safety before the whole place went up. Stung you to keep you relaxed for the flight, 'cause it would have caused problems if you had woken up suddenly. Technically not a violation of our pact. You should know better than to make a deal with a demon." Lily stood from the bench and put her hands on her hips. "As for your little trick to boot me out of here, you're in pretty bad shape. Requires more concentration than you can muster."

"So this is it, then. You have me at your mercy?" He sat back and let out a sigh. "And the seed? What happened to it?"

"In our possession." Lily fashioned up a mock version of the Dragon Seed. "We held a vote, but you were taking a nap. Worked out for us in the end." She tossed him the necklace, but he ignored it, letting it bounce off his chest.

"How long am I going to be in here?" he asked. "I know you can't eat me until you seduce me. You've already played your hand in letting me know where I am. So how long do you intend to drive me mad?"

"Oh, I plan on being on your mind for the rest of your life." She sat down in his lap, her legs spreading wide to reveal that she was naked beneath the habit, save for her leather boots. "I would be happy to come to an agreement with you. We could explore so many things together."

"If I have to feign celibacy for the next thirty years, I will do it. I will foil you at every turn, foul temptress." He refused to spend an eternity in her belly, undergoing God knew what torment. "You will find that I am not easy prey."

"Oh, I do love a challenge." She leaned in close, her breath hot on his ears. Smoke was curling up around her face, her clothing starting to smolder. "I could just kill you instead. Strangle you in your sleep, and be done with it. Would be way faster. What do you think?"

Cyrus felt his blood chill at the offer, but not because it frightened him, but because he wanted to accept. The idea that he would give up so quickly was terrifying.

"What choice do I have?" he offered in response. "It's the illusion of choice. If I'm being truthful, I don't want either option. I choose to live."

"Interesting. And you think you're deserving of such a choice?" She slid off his lap and looked out to the sea. "Is that the same choice you would have offered me? Offered us? Would you let us go, regardless of who had the necklace?" Her habit was smoking now, and pieces of it fell away to reveal a large pair of wings that extended ominously behind her.

"I..." He dropped his eyes in shame. Lying to the succubus was a stupid idea, and she had him dead to rights. If their positions were switched, he would have killed her already.

"That's what I thought. Don't think I wasn't aware that our pact didn't extend to little miss psychopath, either. My vision is far better than yours at night, and I took my sweet ass time getting back until Dana drowned her ass."

"Tasia. Is she..." He didn't even bother asking the question, because he knew the answer. Cyrus crossed his arms in front of his chest and took a deep breath. Maybe, if he could hold off her advances long enough, his head would clear and he could utilize the Enochian chant to burn her out of his mind. Maybe then she would simply snap his neck and be done with it. "Never mind. I'll have you know that I won't go down without a fight."

"I would expect no less of you." She put her hands on his knees and pushed his legs apart. "And I suppose you should expect no less from me."

He took a deep breath and tried to clear his mind, but that sharp pain continued to haunt him. Being unable to focus meant that he was essentially powerless, and he knew that she would toy with him until his inevitable end. She sat on his lap and pressed her hand to his chest, and there was a surge of pressure in his groin as his cock stirred in his pants.

"If you're wondering about that, it's because I have dosed you with a different kind of venom. I want it to be crystal clear that you have no chance of resisting, that there is no exit strategy, no possibility of winning. Everything that happens from this moment forward is completely out of your control, Master Cyrus." Her hands were on his chest now, and his heart was pounding. She felt good up against him, and he hated it.

"No," he whispered, his voice cracking. "Please, don't."

She grabbed the hair on the back of his head and yanked it back. "Begging? Are you really that pathetic?"


"And if I had begged, would you have granted mercy?"

His shoulders slumped, and he shook his head no. Decades of hunting the most vile creatures on Earth had taught him that mercy wasn't a gift to be given. There was always a balance, and a creature like her did not have a proper place in it. Neither did Dana, or the mimic for that matter.

Oh god, the mimic. All he could remember was seeing glimpses of it around the gunfire, and hearing screams, the memory sending chills down his spine.

Lily leaned in and placed her lips against his ear. When she breathed, he could feel the heat of it, and her tongue caressed his earlobe.

"I'm a creature of Hell, Cyrus. By every right, I should suck your soul out through your eyes and allow it to fester with the others for all eternity. It's all anyone expects of me, but there's something else that you should know, something even more important."

She went still, her breath hot on his cheek. He waited for her to finish, but she clearly was waiting for him to ask.

"What is that?" he inquired, more than a little afraid of what the answer could be.

"Nature may have a hand in it, but our choices make far more monsters than anything else." She moved off of him and took a step back. The habit was gone now, and she wore a blood red corset and a black miniskirt. "So the next time you come across a boogie man in the dark, I want you to stop and consider that maybe, just maybe, the next decision you choose is what makes you the true monster."

With that, she was gone. He looked around, puzzled by her sudden exit. Wondering what kind of game she was playing, he stood and walked around, only to discover that he had been placed on a small island in the middle of nowhere. Hours passed as he wandered aimlessly, and he was in the middle of contemplating a swim when he woke up.

He was in a hotel room, and his head was pounding like crazy. He sat up and caught a beam of sunlight out of the corner of his eyes, which nearly made him puke. He covered his eyes with his hands to gradually let the light in by spreading his fingers. From what little he could make out, he was in a bedroom, and once his eyes adjusted, he saw that several bottles of water and a bottle of aspirin had been put on the nightstand.

He took the pills and swallowed some water, his mouth feeling unusually dry. He couldn't tell if he was still asleep or not, but he did notice a note left by the aspirin, so he picked it up.

You're in an empty house, the note said. No idea when the owners will get back, so get your shit and bail.

He sighed and stood, his head immediately throbbing. He dug around in his pockets and discovered that his phone was still there, so pulled it out to make the call. He squinted at the screen to try and make out the keypad when he caught his reflection in the mirror.

The word DICK had been written across his forehead in permanent ink. Groaning, he went to rub it off when he heard someone moan in agony. Following the sound, he found himself in a bedroom down the hall, and lying on the bed was Tasia. She looked to be in rough shape, and when he rolled her over, he discovered that a pair of intricately drawn devils with huge dicks had been drawn on her cheeks in such a manner that it looked like they were fucking her nose.

There was a note next to her bed, and Cyrus picked it up.

Some choices are harder than others. Don't make me regret mine. It was signed with a kiss, and he could only shake his head in amazement as he dialed the number for the local Order chapter to come extract them. Once he had activated his phone's GPS, he held up the note Lily had written him and just shook his head again. He wasn't sure what he was going to tell his superiors, or even what Tasia herself may remember, but it was clear to him that the succubus was giving him a choice. Her words still rang in his ears, because he knew that he wouldn't have shown her the same amount of mercy.

And now that the choice was his, he had no idea what to do with it.


I really hoped you enjoyed that chapter, I absolutely adored writing that Tick Tock scene.

Folks, the story is almost over. One more chapter to wrap this tale up, I can't wait for you to see it!

Thanks to all of you who've been reading, I really appreciate the emotional support. I get a chance to write every day because of you lovely human beings, and I hope that you are doing well. Be kind to yourselves and I will see you next time for the stunning conclusion to Dead and Horny!

~Annabelle Hawthorne

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I never saw a mimics perspective as a time traveling being. The fight was very good. The question is if Talsia was wearing a bikini or a shirt? The clothing is a surprising thought. Did Dana have a bikini too?

YourNeighbourYourNeighbour4 months ago

Tick Tock is the real MVP as always.

Something good needs to happen to him.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great writing! I usually have trouble following along when reading fight/battle scenes, but this made sense and was exciting. I especially enjoyed your description of Tristan meeting his end - very vivid.

I have been really enjoying both this & HFHM (haven’t started the prequel yet). I can’t stop reading! Really entertaining and incredibly imaginative story with excellent plot and character development. A couple of notes, though, because such errors pull me out of a story:

1. You often use then when it should be than.

2. You use illegible when you mean unintelligible.

Thank you, and please keep the stories coming!

Anghellic_RageAnghellic_Rage6 months ago

Omg! I knew that Tick Tock had star quality in him! Please give us more of him and give us more of these stories!! Love your writing!!

BlueLoverXXXBlueLoverXXX9 months ago

The way I cheered when we got to Tik-Tok’s perspective. I loved that little tidbit. Keep up the good work.

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